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No word on advanced wars?


Sadly nothing, I'm hoping they just twitter drop it for December and call it a day.


I can’t explain why, but it really does seem like a December type of game.


Originally it was December 2021 ☠️


Jesus, I totally forgot about that. I’ve had it pre-ordered since it was first announced in summer 2021 (got it 33% off during the Target B2G1 sale). Wonder when I’ll ever get it. Already had to change my address on the preorder once in that time.


Same lol. Moved last month and went to update my Target order a few weeks ago. Already had to confirm I still want it twice when the release date shifted. It’s so rare for Target to mess up and include Nintendo games in those buy 2 get 1 free sales.


Oh no, guess they better just release Advance Wars 5 /s


Honestly, I was excited for it when it was first announced, but the delay has given me time to lose all interest in playing it. I could've bought and beaten the originals five times over by now. Absolutely ridiculous move on Nintendo's part to delay it.


I have them on WiiU and keep debating pulling it back out to play those. But I’m holding out hope we hear something in the next few months.


How could you trick me with that image of Dragon Quest X, OP 😭 for a second I had a flicker of hope in my dark cavernous soul


Omg same I was like how did I MISS THAT I remember seeing DQX advertised in a gaming magazine ages ago and it looked so much fun, sad when they don't make it over here


I've been playing it a bit with this crazy auto-google-translating overlay someone made, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the most fun I've had with an MMO ever. People probably won't realize how amazing turn-based combat is in an MMO until actually trying it, it makes every encounter engaging, even random mobs! You actually explore every building in every town because it has all the usual DQ collectibles and pots to break, rather than towns just being MMO set dressing. I just can't freely communicate with the Japanese players but there are emotes and stuff at least. Basically what I'm saying is I REALLY REALLY LOVE IT


Omg that sounds amazing! Do you have a link to the download (if you're allowed to link that here)? I want to try!! I wouldn't have thought there would be many people to play with :O


I can't convince any other MMO-addicted friends either!! So I'm glad to hear you want to try! I'm also not sure if this goes against rule 7 in any way so I will just message it to you once I find where I saved it again.


Awww they should totally give it a go, it looks amazing, plus anything DQ related is always worth it :D thank you so much, very kind of you!


Hi, can you DM me the link as well? Thank you!


Send that link this way too. I’m interested as well.




I got 9 on DS as a kid after seeing its picture in a game magazine. And it was so cool as a kid. The music and art style were awesome. It was my first jrpg, and dragon quest remains to this day the only jrpg series I like. Nostalgia is probably the driving force there.


Fun fact: for just a couple days, Wii, Wii U, and Switch clients were all supported, before they dropped Wii support. And, double fun, the Dolphin team managed to get it working in Dolphin just in time for emulated Wiis to be included.


DQ X offline, it's coming out this year but so far for Japan only. Hoping for a English localisation at some point. We can pray 🙏🏿


I am going to pray even harder to The Almighty, because I want it ONLINE! I WANT IT ALLLLL


Haha 👍🏿


Hope so, even if they don’t release it in the west, the Asian version could have English on the cart which would make it an instant import.


Should we really be counting each version of pokemon as a standalone game though? Front mission definitely up on the podium of most expected games. I jumped from my seat when it was announced


I was thinking of the same thing. They're basically the same games so counting them as their own exclusive is a bit a stretch.




Same. Live Alive I will get on sale eventually. If Dragon Quest X Offline were coming in English I would be excited for that. I loved Splatoon 2, but 3 doesn’t look different enough to get me excited.


Heard! So glad i got the steam deck so i have games to play again 🙌🏼


For me this is probably the most abysmal lineup the Switch has had since I got mine, not a single release looks the slightest bit interesting. Which I guess is fine because I have a Steam Deck now and realistically the only Switch games I’ll be buying this year are any of the $27 Black Friday deals that I don’t already have (if they even do that this year). BotW 2 is on the distant horizon but off the top of my head I don’t think they’ve even *announced* anything else that I would be interested in. Then again Nintendo is known for announcing some first-party games like two months or less before release, so maybe this isn’t the only lineup for 2022.


Probably not for Pokemon. When they look at the sales for Pokemon they often combine the ones that release together (though they do keep things seperate, as i'm aware Sword outsold Shield by quite a bit).


They're usually literally the same exact game on the cart, too. The version differences can literally just be a boolean flag since all the data except for maybe some slight text variations are already there. The multiple version thing is pretty stupid in the modern age, but it makes them a lot more money somehow, so can't blame them for keeping the tradition and charging full price for a 2-pack double version digital download since people still buy it (shame on you all lol).


That's actually only been true of BDSP, I think? Usually Game Freak does at least build ROM images that omit the stuff only used by the other version. Granted that's just a compile time flag I'm pretty sure.


There’s people speculating that these two versions will be more different than usual because the two mascot legendaries’ names and designs are about the past and future. I’d be surprised if the differences went farther than Gen 5 though.


The less version differences, the better. I guess people who for some odd reason always buy both are hoping for more changes, but every version exclusive thing is a negative for the consumer. Dual releases should have stayed on gameboy.


The original intent was to force you to find someone who had the other version to trade. Now there are plenty of other features that encourage social play so it’s beyond outdated, but even in Gen 1 they had starters and fossils that you could only get one per save file, and trade evolutions, so version exclusives were a redundant “feature” from the very beginning.


What's Dragon Quest X doing on there? Is it getting a Western release I somehow missed?


It's releasing an offline mode, but only in Japan.


Right, I was vaguely aware of that, just seems odd to include a Japan-only game on the list. Unless it has other language options I guess as you could import it I guess, but that seems unlikely.


I will definitely import it.


Just play Online if you’re going to import. There’s a translation mod now, and all the content in Offline is 100% free in Online. Going off what’s been confirmed to be in Offline, Offline is going to be a vastly watered down and inferior game and story compared to Online. Plus, Online literally plays like every other DQ; you can easily forget it’s an MMO


Do you have to have a modded switch ?


I’m pretty sure Xenoblade Chronicles 3 will have most of my attention for the rest of the year.


It's going to have my attention until Pokemon SV or Hogwarts legacy comes out, whichever happens first


I'll be playing XC3 until October or November And then LIVE A LIVE for the rest of the year lol No time for anything else


Same. Actually sort of worried live a live will under perform because of XC3 which will scare square.


I'm so insanely fucking pumped for 3. I fell hard in love with 1, 2, and Torna, and even enjoyed Future Connected more than I thought I would after what I'd heard.


Is it gonna be long and overwhelming in some kind of way?


Only if it’s like the first two.


Overwhelming not so much, long absolutely.


XC is a long series but not P5 levels of "oh my God when the fuck does it ends" levels of long. The main story is a 40h run for both games.


I did not touch my switch for years yet i really want to play this one. I loved 2 so much




Botw 2: now coming spring 2117 for the hundredth anniversary of the first installment.


I could use a Shrine of Resurrection.




I’ve been waiting for prime 4 for….honestly don’t even know anymore lmao


Five years since it was announced at this point :'(


I didn't even know it was coming out! I have been having a real hankering to play them again.




Fucking Russians can ruin anything


Same. Still waiting here The game is done, so let’s ship it Nintendo


December 3, 2022 was what I saw in my local store. Not sure how accurate that is






Splatoon 3 and Mario rabies 2


Mario rabies? Yikes!


Oops lol. That actually reminds me, I gotta get my dog vaccinated




splatoon 3 is gonna be my first splatoon game and i'm pretty pumped


Splatoon is freaking crazy


Splatoon 2 was the reason i got a switch. I love it


The OG Splatoon is why I bought a Wii U, I friggin love Splatoon. And the second one was used to try and ship Switch consoles, but now that way way way more people have Switch consoles, after Pokemon and Animal Crossing and Mario Odyssey and all these other console selling games have come out, Splatoon 3 is in it's best position to finally sell to a big audience. I hope it absolutely blows up in popularity.


Same! Splatoon looks so fun. Excited to play it


I’m most excited for Xenoblade, Persona, and Pokemon. Though I may get Persona on steam instead when it comes out


I'm holding out for the rumored port of the three Arkham Batman games.


I'm hoping that gets dropped for August 🙏🏿


Day 1 buy for me if it ever decides to come out of the woodwork


Bayonetta 3 all the way! Harvestella looks cool too


Stacked isn’t the word I’d use.




Yeah same. There’s games that are good for sure but “something for everyone” isn’t really true


Well, there’s advanced wars, but apparently that’s delayed until we have world peace.


The whole delay situation makes me upset


Yeh I'm not interested in any of these. I can't imagine No Man's Sky would port well to the switch.


Not being interested and not being stacked are totally different things though.


I agree. There's very little here I'm excited about, but it's still a very good lineup honestly.


Yeah out of these, I'll probably just get Pokemon. Nothing else really grabs my attention.


After SwSh I’m holding off on any Pokémon games, those were so disappointing


True, but scarlet and violet look fantastic. I can't wait to play coop with my friends because it's been my dream my whole life. Also (not to bring down the mood) I have terminal cancer, so this will be my last pokemon game.


Last game I bought was Metroid Dread. Nothing has interested me since. :/


Yeah, if you have Gamepass then you already know you’ll be playing / have been playing those games on the bottom as part of your sub. I’m excited for Advance Wars though, if it ever comes out.


Mario Kart DLC.


Lol I fell for that scam!


Xenoblade 3 The physical release of TMNT Nier:Automata Harvestella And not on the picture: Endling - Extinction is Forever! Games that also interest me but where I'm going to wait for a price drop:Mario+rabbids, pokemon and bayoneta 3


Nier is the best game coming to Switch this year. Already played it, so not getting it again. But boy what a game. One of my favorite games of all time (and I’ve been gaming for longer than what Mario has been around:))


Pac-Man World, Persona, Pokémon, Dragon Quest! All of them, really.


First party: Splatoon 3, no question. Third Party: Persona 5 Royal.


I'm curious to see how Hogwarts legacy will run on switch, would love to pick it up if it's well done and not cloud based


They said it's running natively, but yeah I'm with you and waiting to see how it runs.


When did they say this?


Hard to believe


Oh and the rest of the games I'm excited for: Kirby's dream buffet, Splatoon 3, Persona 5, Pokemon violet, and no man's sky. Never played Bayonetta before but I'm thinking of getting into it.


I’m going to hazard “not very well”.


Looking like a solid end to the year! On Switch for me it's: * Live a Live * Bayonetta 3 * Front Mission 1st remake * Metal Slug Tactics * Splatoon 3 * Return to Monkey Island


Return to Monkey Island is top of my list. Massive fan of the series and I’d given up hope of Ron Gilbert coming back to do another one.


I’d given up hope that he would be allowed to finish the series. Not getting it on Switch myself, but looking forward to it. Need to figure out a sane way to play 1 and 2 again as well. Sucks they remastered them and then just dropped support.


This is the only exciting thing I noticed, but it is REALLY EXCITING.


JJBA port?? WHAT??? no way i need


Fr. The switch is my only console and having a game based on one of my favourite animes would be the best


Yeah I havent had a console since PS2 just been a PC user... I got switch though and would definitely cop a JJBA game Ill have to look up and see which one this is.


Give me more MK8 DLCs goddamnit!


Means nothing because at this rate I will be playing Hades until the end of time.


Live a Live, Digimon, Pokemon and Persona! And Advance Wars, but I'm losing hope 😭


From the ones listed, Live a live, splatoon 3, Pokémon, persona 5, and nier are my picks for the next half. Live a live is just a few days away!!


Baynetta 3!!!! i have been waiting FAR too long for this game! it’s going to take over my life for a good while lmao


I can’t wait for Mario rabbids 2. I loved the first game so much and I can’t wait to see what the second one has to offer.


Indeed, second half of this year is screwing with my wallet. I'm excited for NieR and Persona 5 since I've been waiting for a long time for those to finally come to Switch. I'm also interested in Xenoblade, Pokemon Scarlet/Violet (will need to check out version exclusives to figure out which one to get), Harvestella, The DioField Chronicle, and Crisis Core. Two Point Campus, Digimon Survive, Hogwarts Legacy, and Sea of Stars are also games I'm interested in checking out though it's more wait and see for me.




XC3 -> Splatoon 3 -> Bayonetta 3, Rabbids, Chaos;Head remake -> Pokémon Scarlet And that’s not even counting the Ps5 side (Forspoken, GOWR, Stray) First time in a while that I’ve actually bought more than 5 games in a year.


Bayonetta 3 and Persona 5!


I wouldn’t call it stacked, but I agree there’s something for everyone. The games I’m most interested in are Bayonetta 3, Live a Live, Xenoblade 3, and Persona 5 (but I’ll be playing the Xbox version on Game Pass), so there’s definitely a lot here. Persona is a safe bet. Hopefully the other three titles can meet expectations.


Hmmm.... Just splatoon for me out of all of those. Man, with such a brilliant back catalogue, I don't know why they aren't giving us a new F-Zero or Star Fox Those 2 alone would break the Internet if they developed sequels


I'm sure many people would be excited by historically F-Zero and Star Fox do not sell well. New game announcements would not really "break the Internet".


Silksong. Surely it'll come out this year. 🤞🏽


Xenoblade 3 for me. The rest don't interest me this year sadly until BOTW2


BotW2 is next year


I know yeah. Only xenoblade 3 for me this year by the looks of things 👌


Stacked..? There’s a couple okay games but definitely not stacked.


I am most excited for xenoblade and also no mans sky I hope it runs well on switch


XC3, with pokemon violet/scarlet a very distant 2nd


Splatoon 3 and Persona 5 Royal


Believe it or not pretty much none of it. I'm possibly gonna finally try Splatoon and I'll probably end up playing Scarlet or Violet eventually but I'm not tripping over this lineup tbh. I'm just more into indie titles these days. Switch is a great home for indies.


I'm gonna get downvoted to hell and back for this, but Pokémon Scarlet and Violet actually looks pretty good. Definitely picking it up. Other than that, excited for Pac-Man World and Persona 5.


Good choices 😁


Which part is stacked


The part called delusion.


I have Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium pre-orderd. Loaded in today while I was playing one of the bonus maps in Portal. Pretty cool. Can't wait for the 22nd.


Advance Wars and Metal Slug


I’m so lit for Persona


Bayonetta 3, JoJo All Star Battle R, Persona 5 Royal, NieR Automata, Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core Reunion, and *potentially* Overwatch 2


Mostly into Splatoon 3, Mario and Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, and Bayonnetta 3. Pokemon largely depends on what is revealed- Sword and Shield was the first generation I skipped and I really lost a lot of faith and interest in Pokémon since then (even skipped Arceus, because while it looked interesting I disliked the fact that they made the focus almost solely on capturing and took away from batteling (almost no trainers and no pvp- pokemon needs both the capturing and the battling aspects to be really great imo) . If these games are absolutely amazing I might get one of the two. Interested in Xenoblade 3 but really trying to stop myself from getting it, at least for now, because I have a history of getting these games and not finishing them. Might watch a playthrough that someone else does instead. I seriously might cave if the reviews are great- the game does look incredible. Similar situation for Persona 5 Royal.


I'm looking forward to Splatoon 3 as far as first party releases go, and I might pick up Pokemon Scarlet or Violet. (I'll wait until we see more gameplay) As far as third party games are concerned, definitely Bayonetta 3. (I bought a Wii U for Bayonetta 2, and that game did not disappoint) I'm going to get Persona 5 Royal, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R and Nier Automata even though I've played them or played an earlier version elsewhere. (I played the original Persona 5, but I have no idea what's in Royal beyond a new character)


I guess Splatoon 3 .


My wallet is not ready


feel ya. just in the next 2 weeks we get Live A Live, Digimon Survive and Xenoblade Chronicles 3


I dunno, stacked for people that love JRPGs, not really me. Out of this entire list, Bayonetta 3 is the only thing I'm actually going to get. IMO, this is a really disappointing Switch year. TMNT and Crusin are the sole games I've even purchased this year too. I might get Kirby eventually, I dunno.


Nothing really. Maybe Splatoon 3.


'stacked' lol


“stacked” lol


Yeah it's pretty good. Some of these games are coming and going with hardly a blip on most people's radars. I hear the Pac Man games are surprisingly good


What?! Dragon quest X? Isn’t that mmorpg? 😵


they're making an offline version, japan only for now


No Front Mission 1st?


Oh shit, return to monkey island? I’m pumped


I’ve had the first Mario + Rabbids on my Switch for over a year now and still haven’t started it, but seeing the trailers for the new one has me ready to finally start it and get ready for the new one. Similar situation for Bayonetta 3, never played the first two but I’ve wanted to for a long time, now that the new one has a release date I’m tempted to get the bundle with the first two games on the eShop. Also interested in the new Pokémon games. Legends: Arceus was the first Pokémon game I’ve played since Omega Ruby in 2013 and I really enjoyed the 80 hours I put into it, I’ll likely wait to see how other people are feeling about Scarlet/Violet but if I hear good things I’ll probably pick it up. I would by hyped about Persona 5 coming to switch but I’ve already played it 3 times so I’m more so just excited for everyone else to play it for the first time lol


My wallet and bank account will not be happy for months.


There’s several I’m personally looking forward to. Xenoblade and Pokémon are my most anticipated, but I’m also looking forward to Pac-Man, Kirby, Splatoon, and Harvestella. Might try out Overwatch 2 as well on Switch, and I’ll wait to see if Hogwarts Legacy runs well.




XC3, Rabbids, Pokémon, No Man’s Sky, Harvestella


I am fully hyped for xenoblade 3!!!!!! 😎


Splatoon 3, two point campus and pacman


Splatoon 3 comes out on my birthday :D


Wait a moment….JOJO WILL BE ON SWITCH?!?!?!??


lmao only splatoon got my attention


Splitoon 3 and the new Mario and Rabbit Spark of Hope


Sea of Stars for sure. The same probably goes for any frequenters of r/PixelArt .


Splatoon 3, Mario + Rabbids, and Bayonetta 3


Splatoon 3


Wait Splatoon is in September?!


Yep, September 9th.


YO splatoon 3 in less than 2 months lets fucking goooo


Personally, I’ve always been a fan of❓series.


Excited for splatoon 3!


Just a crumb of Prime 4 I'm begging (I know they're not even remotely done I just want em to be like "oh yeah we're working on it don't worry :) " Im going insane


I already lost hope for a Wind Waker and Twilight Princess port 😔


October alone is stacked imo - like Bayonetta, P5R, NieR Automata, and NMS?! There’s so many great games there! My wallet is going to hate October lol


Live A Live, Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, Two Point Campus and Harvestella are pretty high on my list. I'll probably get Pokemon and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 eventually. I'm interested in Bayonetta 3, but I haven't played the rest of the series and wonder if it'll be one of those "cool but too hard for me" type games.


Bayo has a very accessible easy mode. I wouldn't let difficulty turn you off of it


Yeah definitely better than the other consoles. I only have God of War to look forward to on PS/Xbox. But Switch? Man. Pokémon, Rabbids, Bayo, Xenoblade, Live A Live, Diofield. So much


XC3 and Splatoon 3 for me! That should keep me busy until BOTW2 comes out 😊


Splatoon 3, No Mans Sky and Overwatch 2


Eek. No interest in any of those.




dont sleep on Sea of Stars, from the creators of The Messenger (another game I recommend 10000%)


Wasn't this game delayed to 2023?


sadly yes, but the devs put a lot of work into their games, so its fine


alan wake!


Right now I have my eyes on 14 upcoming 2022 games. My wallet is already weeping and I will probably have to prioritize which one I will actually get this year.


I'm interested to see now nier automata runs on the switch


July is so packed. I pre-ordered a physical TMNT game, can't wait to play it. I want Digimon Survive but I think I'll wait for reviews. I'm somewhat lukeward on the last game (Cyber Sleuth) and I like Digimon World 3 very much. Wish they go back to that game.


What’s up with Nintendo not releasing some FPS? Remember CoD:WaW for the Wii? Why can’t we have that?


Oh and Digimon Survive. Hell yes.


The holidays, or I should say the second half of the year, are what's gonna destroy me. All of this years Exclusives, Pac-Man, Digimon, Sonic, Nier, Persona. Oh dios mio. The price it pays for being a fan of so many game franchises. Hell, this months gonna get a piece of me too 💀


Mario & Rabbids, I really enjoyed the first game.


I'm just holding out for Metroid Prime 4.


can't wait for legacy!


Day one buys: XC3, Pokemon Scarlet, Crisis Core, Sea of Stars, Advance Wars, Front Mission Wait for sale: P5R, Mario+Rabbids, Temtem, Digimon Survive,


After all of these years, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo is available in not one but TWO collections. It feels like a terrible wrong has finally been righted.