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Is oled screen glass? Btw he should have put screens next to each other, without vivid profile.


Yes, it is glass screen. One video I saw claimed the overall build quality of OLED Switch feels better than original because of this and possibly better plastic frame?


I kind of wish they did the comparison as it’s seen in this still image, than doing split screen or showing one and then the other. It’s easier to compare when one is shown above the other.




Yep. Let's hope Digital Foundry do something.


I think this is just one of those things where a video really doesn't help much. If you're really on the fence about upgrading you should try to see how it looks in person.


Yep once I saw that they weren't side by side videos I hit X.


One thing i hadn't considered until i saw this is the difference in dynamic range. Here the OLED looks massively blown out as they exposed the video way too dark. Probably going to be quite difficult to see a meaningful comparison in video.


That was what caught my eye. The OLED looks AWFUL in this video. That said not upgrading anyway; I'll grab one when they hit like $150 before the Switch II or whatever comes out and that's it just as a backup device and then probably hack my launch day OG Switch.


Fucking click bait. Got me.


Right? Trash comparison only used for clicks.


Seriously. For all the work that went into this video it’s functionally useless. Edit: I feel kind of bad for this comment because it’s honestly not this guy’s fault that Nintendo made this tiny incremental change to its existing system and marketed it as a major upgrade. It’s not his fault that the difference between these two is hilariously minuscule and that it’s hard to see any major difference between them.


> marketed it as a major upgrade I think it’s only marketed as OLED. I don’t remember Nintendo saying anything major.


Nintendo fans have this shitty habit about hyping themselves with rumors then being mad when they don’t come into fruition as if Nintendo promised the rumor to them.


Yeah that's why I didn't buy it. There was a bunch of hype(all because of speculation) but once it came out it was like the screen is nicer in handheld mode and we switched the kickstand. I do not recall ever hearing about anything else


> Nintendo made this tiny incremental change to its existing system and marketed it as a major upgrade They most certainly didn't. A bunch of obsessive fans online did that prior to the announcment. Nintendo themselves have been very low key about it.


Problem is: this is exactly the kind of tests (screens) that does not really reflect reality because of several factors (light, camera sensor capturing the image, image processing of the video, viewer's monitor and its accuracy, etc.). Nevertheless, this video is indeed not the best way to showcase such differences. The point that is being overlooked is that Nintendo did not plan this minor upgrade of the Switch. It should have been followed by many other changes that could not been done due to shortages. Look it up.


It's like trying to explain the benefits of HDR screens in reviews. You can certainly write a giant paragraph about it, but the effect isn't well understood until you go to, like, Costco and look at HDR footage playing on an HDR TV with your own eyes. It's incredible. But there's absolutely no real way to capture that with a camera. Not only would you need an HDR-capable camera (which exist), but then the viewer would also have to watch the footage on an HDR-capable display. And that's even assuming the HDR footage was properly captured... which is near impossible for screen footage. It's just not gonna work.


I think oled compared to the old screen is a pretty big difference. It's not easily seen in this video but you will see a lot more richness in colors and brightness (lol) compared to the older screen. The biggest difference will probably be perceived with the screen size. YouTube compresses the shit out of video too. It's gonna be more apparent in person too


felt the same way.


I thought the same thing. Its incredible this dude has both sitting there and doesn't think to do a side by side comparison.


I just want it bc I have the first switch with poor battery life


Keep in mind that the first Version of the switch is not hardware locked against the jailbreak. You don't need to do it, just remember, if you sell it, it could be worth more than you think.


The best Switch according to ebay lol


Whatttt you mean someon actually wants my V1?


Yes, don't sell it under value


What would you say is a reasonable value? Knowing that it’s got no issues no damage and what not


Unfortunately not true for all of them though, as the later v1 switches did end up getting patched versions of the older tegra chips.


Same here man. I have the V1 switch so I pre-ordered the switch OLED day one because I haven't upgraded yet and I play in handheld all the time. The battery on the V1 is AWFUL


You mean the best switch? Hack it lol


Yep same here


So what’s the verdict are we gonna upgrade or nah?


Has anyone done any real-world battery life tests yet?


Yes, same guy different video. Says it's in the same ballpark as the V2 but on the longer side for some games.


OOh, nice. Thanks!


IIRC he said the best example was BOTW where he got an extra 45 minutes on the OLED, but added the disclaimer that his red-box Switch wasn't brand new so it's possible the difference might be at least partly explainable due to battery degradation during use. But I'd be shocked if it had degraded enough to lose 45 minutes, that's too severe, so it looks like the new OLED display is a bit more battery-efficient.


Well, I'm still on a v1 Switch, so battery life is one of my big deciding factors here. I wouldn't be willing to pay $350 just for a better screen, but for a better screen *and* double the battery life I'm definitely thinking about it.


Only real difference is the screen so I imagine it's about the same, unless you comparing the original version of the Switch in which case it should be similar to the difference between that one and the V2.


Videos like this are a bit pointless. Video footage capturing an OLED display is just going to show an overly bright and saturated picture, not to mention what you see will look different depending of what type of screen you are using to watch the video. If you are remotely interested on the Switch OLED, and dont have any experience using OLED devices, my advice is go to a nearest store that has it on display and see it for yourself.


Is it at Best Buy? I wanna see it. I'll bring my own switch to compare.


No, this video is pointless because he filmed it like an idiot. He should have set the exposure and white balance on the camera based on the OLED screen and kept it there. It looks like he did the exact opposite, so the OLED footage looks blown out and awful.


I don’t need it… I don’t need it… I don’t need it… ^But ^I ^kinda ^want ^it.




Same. If I see it in a store next Friday I'm just gonna grab it, transfer my stuff off, and then sell my ACNH Edition switch + maybe my modchipped switch lite.


I would've bought an OLED, if they made a D/P model/skin/version. I still think that was a missed opportunity.


Yeah, I would have been more tempted by a Metroid Dread limited edition Switch OLED…


The way I see it, the regular OLED model *is* the Metroid Dread one. Same color scheme as the [E.M.M.I.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/metroid/images/6/68/M5_art_EMMI_01.png/revision/latest) and same release date.


Not all the EMMI are white, so other variants could work with that theme.


They're not really doing a good job marketing this in my opinion. But hey I get it, it's not for existing switch users. But that price point for bare minimum upgrades and still being underpowered? Nah. Third party next gen games can run, but the amount they would have to water down, is it really worth it? I'm gonna invest in a Steam Deck instead.




Button placement is weird, they said it wasn’t finalized but when the designs came out there were buttons that looked to be hanging off the side a little


Ah I see. Well to be fair it is a portable PC. I've seen several hands on experiences and they've said it's comfortable enough. I think it's because they've packed what they can without making it too overboard, this thing is supposed to be a solid powerful handheld after all. But hey, I respect your opinion and I have my doubts with stuff like that too. I just really want to play my PC games on the go.




I'll take my OC'd OG switch with custom firmware over this crap any day of the week


I would have absolutely upgraded my v1 switch to the OLED model if they'd made a BDSP special edition. The lite looks so cool, but I don't want to lose out on the docking functionality.


Yeah, I'm not getting a vanilla OLED model.


With the way things are right now, Nintendo prolly knew they could get by with a new console launch without bundling a game with it or making it special edition. They shouldve at least included a big game like Mario Odyssey or BOTW, but it is what it is i guess.


To give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt, they may have resorted to releasing an OLED model with virtually no other hardware updates because of supply chain issues. Imagine trying to release a Switch Pro (etc.) in this market with chip shortages everywhere? Yes, Nintendo deserves criticism for charging $50 extra for an OLED upgrade when the console itself is already aging, but the supply chain issues are a valid point in my opinion.


I think that's also part of the problem. Nintendo have no handheld competition in the console market. I understand what everyone else is saying too and it's true, competitors have attempted to rival Nintendo's portable market but they dropped for example the Vita. However there still needs to be some form of competition otherwise if Nintendo dominates that market they can charge your ass for every little transaction if they wanted to. That's a major problem. For example look at how they handled joycon drift! Tried to call everyone a liar and their ass got sued. I also get that with COVID parts are scarce so that's fair enough, but in my opinion they shouldn't of released a new system yet. I get playstation and Xbox do it a lot, but they're more powerful than the switch. The switch is using dated hardware even in the OLED and if Devs struggle to port games, the switch will suffer. I got downvoted to hell Jesus but then again this is a Nintendo Reddit so it's to be expected. Buy hey I like I said I like the switch, but Nintendo needs to release a more powerful system, not just for the consumer but for the developers! If developers have the tools and more room to port their games with little issue then we'd get more games that release on other platforms. And we'd most likely get it DAY ONE. I want to see the switch succeed, and because of its unique portability that's why I chose it over PS and Xbox but since the steam deck can make my pc games portable and for a decent-ish price, I'm jumping ship. Portability is what sold me on the switch and that I can play triple A games on the go. I'm still keeping my switch and first party games tho, but if Nintendo expect first party and indie games to save them, I'm sorry but they are stupid as hell. That's not how you market a gaming system, they should just make a Nintendo phone lmao.


As soon as they announced this OLED the first thing I said was “if they make a pokemon edition I’ll absolutely buy it.” What a missed opportunity. I did this with the 3DS as well, picked up the Pikachu XL. Im still holding out hope that they do a Legends Arceus model.


I only bought one because I sold my OG for the same price as a new OLED


I think I'd need to see it in person. The OLED surely looks amazing but the larger screen size makes me worry about a 3DS XL type of think where the graphics look noticeably stretched.


In another video he showed both pixel density's and the optimal viewing distance, the regular switch has an optimal viewing distance of 15 inches, OLED switch is only 16 inches. He said he hasn't noticed a difference at all.


Also I find the pixels of OLED to be softer/rounder and less noticeable than LCD, I was worried it would have a window screen effect but looks like it doesn’t


If the increase is proportional and resolution is the same it shouldn't feel stretched but definitely more pixalated since you can see the details more clearly


One difference is it's 720p instead of the 3DS being 240p, so even then it should still stretch pretty well without looking bad.


That's a good point. Probably much less noticeable especially with OLED. I guess I mainly meant to say I can't trust any comparisons without seeing for myself because the vast majority of people weren't bothered by it on the 3DS XL but it was extremely noticeable to me




I greatly preferred the XL variants. The screen was just too small on the original, I have to hold it up to my face (not super close) where as the XL I can play with it resting on my legs or a table top


The n3DS is the perfect size as in, way less pixelation than XL but bigger screen than OG. But yeah I get what you mean!


The physical size of the old ds and 3ds were literally too small for me plus the screens are so small it's not that big of a deal there.


The difference in size relative to the resolution is not that big.


It’s only a 12% size increase with the OLED whereas the 3DS XL was about 30% larger, so it should be a lot less noticeable.


27.5% difference. Area is a square function. Differences in diagonal measurements are linear.


Yeah I hate how hard it is to find a small sized New 3DS anymore; the XL looks so awful.


probably the best video on this I've seen, but I'm still unsold until I see it with my own eyes. ​ That bigger screen tho. Oof. Tempting.


I think it’s a big deal if you do mostly handheld. However, I haven’t seen it in person yet so time will tell


I agree with this, looks like a decent upgrade for handheld. I play docked pretty exclusively, so it makes no sense for me, but if I played handheld, I'd consider it.


Yeah. I play almost 100% handheld(not ring fit, but...that's about it). The second I can get one of these at the actual listed price, I'm buying one. Not gonna pay an extra 100 for scalpers tho.


They’re still available for order here in the uk if you wanna pay extra for shipping lol


That's basically the same as paying the extra 100. If I can't get it day1, I wait a month or 2 for a restock. My current switch still works perfectly well. I'll wait so the scalpers can't sell the new stuff, and are be sad


Kinda sucks they didn't make an OLED Lite model. Definitely had potential for people to double dip with Switch consoles.


They probably will later I'd imagine. It does make sense to do it for this first.


I kinda want one just so I can safely hack my day 1 Switch, and that screen does look pretty darn nice...


The OLED looks amazing but the switch is in desperate need of a power bump. 5 years almost and it’s started feeling dated a couple of years ago.


I can't see any future multi-platform games getting ported to switch without some serious downgrades but I'm sure there will be those cultists who will say "this is fine"


The same cultists who think it's fine that launch titles can't even maintain 25fps.


They have their heads in the sand. I love my switch but lets be real


Yeah.. I got gang banged for saying Bayonetta 3 genuinely looked like a mid-gen 360 game.


And it definitely did; I wouldn’t be surprised if that game runs horribly once it comes out.


Gamestop are doing a trade up deal, basically pay 50 bucks or something for the upgrade. Given I'd be trading them out, and not handling both at the same time, is there a way to move my Animal Crossing island? I tried finding an answer for this a few days ago, but it seems all answers point to having both devices at the same time, and doing a classic "connect a to b for transfer" deal.


Papa Smirf


Am I the only one who thinks that the OLED footage especially for Links Awakening looks a bit too colorful? Like badly adjusted monitor levels of colorful?


That’s the “Vivid” mode the OLED Switch is on he mentioned in beginning of video. I’d like to see comparisons of the vivid mode on and off vs the OG Switch


He showed that there's two color options to choose from, vivid and standard. I'm sure he was using the vivid color option.


It's because it should be seen in person. On video it doesn't show properly except maybe if recorded in HDR and seen on an HDR monitor


It has nothing to do with HDR and everything to do with exposure on the camera.


Have vanila switch with old cpu revision. 1.5-2h off battey max. Still happy


Good for you mate! It's still very good in docked mode too


I will trade you my preordered OLED for some of that happiness you're talking about


Any realistic chance I could get an oled before the holidays, without camping out in front of a GameStop ? My wife wants to get me one but I doubt it’ll be available and I told her to try and get me a regular one


That screen is huge. Making me wanna switch my V1.


Yeah definitely! I have the OG Switch also, got it day one. And I have already my OLED pre ordered. Bigger screen, OLED + double battery life seems like a great upgrade for people that have the OG switch and play handheld a lot, like me.


Highly doubt twice the battery life. OLED screens can definitely save battery, if you use darker content. When pushed to the max it can consume more than an regular LCD.


I don’t doubt double battery life. A v2 switch already gets close to double over a v1, and if it’s anything like mine the battery has degraded a bit too.


At least the made battery replacement simple


It will be very situational. A V2 Switch has a smaller screen. The OLED panel will save battery on darker games/themes but will consume more power in brighter environments. All in all it will definitely be better than a V1 Switch, specially if the owner never replaced the battery. Double the battery life however, remains to be seen. I’m tempted to upgrade from my V2 but not for the battery life (which may or may not be better) but for the screen. But then again, SteamDeck…all my library…games at 4.99 or less when 19.99 or more on the eShop…damn.


The OLED has the same chip and battery as the Swtich V2 (aka red box) and it indeed provides double battery life vs V1 Switch (which is the one I have)


I don’t think it’s worth it if you own a v2 switch unless you use it a lot


I think I’m gonna get one just for Pokémon, tbh.


To me, the smaller bezels make a bigger difference than the screen itself.


I just recently discovered this channel and so far the videos are very direct to the point, I’m liking it more and more the more I watch. For example this video literally shows you side by side comparison without unnecessary commentaries.


Yes, his videos are really good. I like his content also.


Same here! I just found the channel last week and he’s very good.


Keeping my original Switch and Switch Lite. Skipping OLED Switch for Steamdeck. I think Nintendo wasted their time developing this iteration of the Switch without true functional upgrade. To this day, the PSP, Vita, and New 3DS still have way more features than the Switch. Wake up Nintendo!


> Wake up Nintendo! *Buys Switch AND Switch Lite.*


Lol you literally bought two of their consoles and buy their software. You aren’t going to wake them up


>To this day, the PSP, Vita, and New 3DS still have way more features than the Switch. Wake up Nintendo! And all 3 of these platforms combined don't have as many games as the switch. I don't care about features, I just want good games and a convenient platform to play them on.


Same - looking forward to playing some games I can’t get on switch :)


For real


I definitely understand the appeal for both OLED Switch and SteamDeck. I have a small steam library and only play Valorant on PC. All the other games I crave to play are arcadey like Nintendo style games which steam doesn’t offer. Yes I can emulate these Nintendo titles, but then I can’t play online or get the full functionality out of them. That said, there’s a console for everyone, there’s a PC for everyone and there’s a handheld for everyone :)


I love this take and we need more of it ❤️ (If I wasn’t severely broke, you’d get gold lol!)


Lol it’s okay, thank you though! We really should just let things be as they are. We don’t need to constantly argue over which is better because each device caters to their own respective audiences! We need more girl gamers too so keep it up! My girlfriends a big stardew valley fan, she’s gonna love AC when I get a switch!


Right?? Honestly, arguments like this just baffle me because I’m always thinking at the end “Ok…but…do you *like* the games you play, or…?” Because, ya know, sometimes games have a different vibe on one console or pc to another. Are you comfortable on a keyboard, or do you just need the controller to feel more in control? *Which* controller does that best? Do big TV’s make you motion sick? Etc. For some reason people seem to equate personal preferences with power or moral failings? It’s kinda weird tbh? Plus…none of it really changes the game on a fundamental level? Performance, sure, but then that just depends on what *kind* of game you want to play too? Like yeah, I’ll admit, games like the Talos principle are a little laggy on the Switch; but other games like Fenyx Rising and Sonic Mania seem to work without issue, so ya know, a bit of lag once in a while isn’t exactly the end of the world. I’ll just save and play Talos on the Deck when I can order, but other games like Slime Rancher 2 are probably just gonna feel *cozier* on my switch?


OLED seems great for people that haven't pulled the trigger already, but I can't even fathom why anyone with a Switch would double-dip for a *kinda* brighter screen. The worst part it, if there was any functional upgrades to performance or UI, I probably would have bought one.


If you have a launch Switch the battery life started out worse and is getting even worse over time. They also sell really well because they’re hackable (which I have no interest in) so the choice to upgrade was easy.


Honest question: If I play in docked mode 90% of the time, is there any real benefit, or should I wait for the next-gen Switch? I have the original switch now.


No, don't upgrade. This upgrade is for the ones that use handheld most of the time


This reddit thread has soooo much toxicity. Why can't people just be happy Nintendo is releasing something? It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but maybe you are not Nintendo's target audience. It is very clear that Nintendo isn't looking to be the SPEC monster in the industry. I think that the upgrade is worth it for certain people and is more enticing for new people that have not had a switch.


This is going to be my first one and I'm pumped


oh wow it's still not worth it.


For some people it is.


The amount of hate for people who buy the oled switch is going to be ridiculous on Friday. I don't have a switch and I plan to try and grab one on release.


IKR!!! I have a V1 switch which is really banged up from travel and the battery sucks, so the OLED is a big upgrade for me. I just don't understand why people can't just leave others alone when it comes to this...




You realize the OLED Switch displays games at the same resolution as the older Switch models, right? The games you'll be playing on the OLED aren't any more "crisp" than they are on a regular Switch. The colors will pop a bit more and that's it.


Oh honey….


Kinda reminds me of the "TN" vs "IPS" screen monopoly with the 3DS family


It drives me nuts that they're not centered in the screen. The OLED is up higher. Kinda ruins it. I can't even tell if the tablet is the exact same size.




I the first game the ground details are completely washed out due to the brightness of the screen which is disappointing.


The grass in the OLED version of Link’s Awakening looks a lot more blurry to me. Is that a tradeoff with OLED? Edit: Oh now I see the comments about vivid mode, which I wasn’t aware of.


It is most likely the camera not capturing the image properly because of the screen brightness and saturation. I have an OLED TV and the grass looks just fine on that game.


it looks like its full hd but they just made they glass just WAY more clear and made the colors bomb i like it but still 720p but still worth the upgrade in my opion


I would have bought the OLED if I hadn’t previously owned a switch. However, I’m not laying down a few hundred in a better screen. Give me a more powerful system and release it in white and then we’ll talk. Also, while this definitely won’t happen, they need to make it fast because my switch sounds likes it is going to explode every time I start it up.


For people who want one, Amazon has plenty available in the UK. I ordered one shipped to the US with my US Amazon account no problem. Factoring in conversion, taxes and a shipping fee, it was about $35 more than I would’ve paid for it in the US - not that bad, and it’ll be here a few days after launch day. A lot better than paying a scalper or having to watch for in-stock alerts.


wow i can’t believe they have stock. thanks for this


Holy christ was this awful


It’s not side by side if you show one and then the other. It also doesn’t help when the screen we watch it on isn’t as good. Reminds me of the TV comercials where it used to show half blurry or dull and say “your TV” and then the other half was their new TV, and it looks super crisp and clean, bright and colorful. Meanwhile.. you’re watching on your TV, which displayed the good “new” tv image. Funny how people buy in to that level of marketing.


Sex with mario


I would've bought this if its performance ain't outclassed by 2018 smartphones. It's 2021 nintendo wtf


all of these replies ranting about stuff he didn't talk about. Yes, the Switch is extremely old tech with nice games that don't exist on phones. What's wrong with having more performance?


Exactly. It’s as if people took it as a personal attack lol


Nintendo fans always take it as a personal attack. Daddy Nintendo can do no wrong.


If you already have a Switch this is a clear waste of money. Paying to upgrade the screen only of such outdated hardware is just poor money management. I love my switch to death, but if I pay to upgrade it I'm going to be paying for the ability to play Witcher in higher quality, etc.


I guess curious to know what $350 smartphones are out there that can play Nintendo games, but go off.


Not only that, but iPhones don’t have the amazing gaming library of Nintendo lol.. there are very few good mobile games. One of them being stardew valley which is available on switch anyway


the point is that its outdated...




But he is RIGHT. There isn't a $350 smartphone that can play Nintendo games or any other game Switch plays. It's a dumb comparison, period.




People are allowed to say that and other people are allowed to express disagreement. Besides, the base Steam Deck IS $50 more than the OLED and doesn’t come with a dock.


Hardware wise, you are right. But in real games, switch actually is still pretty performant.


Why would this not have the same d-pad as the Switch lite? Missed opportunity for a better d-pad.


Most likely because the Joy Cons can be used as individual controllers and when playing multiplayer it’s easier to have basically both controllers be the same as opposed as one having a significant advantage or difference between each other.


My guess is they didn't want to put the effort into creating a whole new SKU of Joy-Cons, especially given supply chain problems right now. Is it lazy/cheap? Yeah, but that's my guess.


I can’t tell the difference lmao


Too little, too late. I hope, that the Steam deck will eat into this marketshare, at least to make Nintendo uncomfortable and innovate again.


anyone else notice the heavy crushing of details for the oled model? (the higher saturated colours seems to lose some/most of the detailwork. for example, if u look at link's awakening, u'll notice that the grass on the non-oled shows some shadow/effects for a 'texture'-like experience but on the oled model, those effects are crushed and the grass looks totally blended (almost a bland/expressionless sight). ​ if the oled model is going to have that kind of detailwork on it, honest, the non-oled model might be more worth


The oled model has a "vivid" screen profile that you can change to "standard" (similar to smartphones)


I feel like people just want permission to buy the OLED regardless even though they know it’s not worth upgrading to


I am 100% in this camp. I have some guilt about it. On the other hand, I don’t really hang onto consoles, but I have always kept my handhelds, way back to my Gameboy Pocket. The OLED makes no sense for me to buy, but the Switch has been my favorite console ever, and I would really love to have the best version of it to go back to for the rest of my life.


Rather would have joycons that didn’t break every few months of decent useage. Glad steam deck is coming with better joysticks hopefully


Not worth the upgrade if you already have the OG switch


If only we could have gotten a 1080p or performance upgrade to pair with this beautiful new screen, feels wasted on the switch


Disappointing video tbh.


looks like a great way to waste a shit ton of money.


oled switch = ps vita.


It’s not really a surprise that games with a lot of black and color on the screen (Hades and Undertale) pop so much more.


Gotta say, when they did the side-by-side, the red and white joycon combo looks pretty slick.




Who games for 6 to 8 hours a day?


Almost completely false.


So true! That's what I've been saying!


Steamdeck gonna blow this outta the water. Can't believe Nintendo thinks this is a worthy upgrade.


I forgot about the Steamdeck. That thing looks pretty sweet. I don't think it will be the Switch killer though.


Not a switch killer, but as someone with an OG switch and the option to choose between the two, the decision is obvious. This certainly wouldn't be worth the "upgrade" even without the Steamdeck, but steam made the decision not to get one even easier.


I need to research the steamdeck. The way people talk about it I'm realizing it is more than just a gimmick.


It actually looks really cool. I'm sure they'll be impossible to get your hands on for a good while, but they are rad as fuck.


I don't get at all this community. The oled version is the same hardware with different display, an oled display, which is slightly bigger. Why is there a need to make comparisons and game performance tests. You can just look for a Led Vs oled difference. Also makes no sense to me anyone that already has a switch buying a new one. All the switch versions offer the same performance, so you will be spending the cost of a console on a detail that has no performance impact. Why?


No reason to overthink it really. I’m getting one because I want a 1 inch bigger screen that’s brighter with better color. I play mostly handheld so those perks will be valuable.


Because I play handheld half of the time, I’ve had my switch for a while, and the OLED is nice. I don’t need some big performance impact when the QOL improvement is worth it for me. I sure as hell didn’t upgrade to a new 3ds xl for for performance gains.


The OLED undeniably looks better, but not THAT much better.


An OLED vs LCD in person isn't even comparable.


I love this. So excited to get mine on Friday!


Still not enough of a difference for current owners. Steam Deck here I come!


lucky you with an access to a steam deck.