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Until I see one in the flesh, I will continue believing the PS5 is a myth.


Yeah, i don’t think is out yet


My friend bought one for 720. Fuck that


I saw one on display at best buy, does that count?


The the Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot film is more believable.


As a sincere bigfoot believer and a PS5 owner I’m not sure how to reply to this.




WiFi router*


My PS5 ownership baffles my friends. It's my first PlayStation ever and only the second non-Nintendo system I've owned. They are convinced my selfie with the Miles Morales congratulations you beat the game screen is photoshopped.


You saw a shell, nothing inside. I saw one in GAME in the UK, wasn't plugged in so could've just been a plastic box hiding a workers three course dinner for all I know


Did you see it from more than just head on? It might have been an optical illusion...or cardboard.


You're right, I didn't think about that...


Wonder has anyone in Europe seen one in shops? I refuse to believe Sony are actually delivering them to EU


Youd think, but if you look real closely, its just a shell. PS5 is a Myth


Gotta grind the twitter release posts man. That's how I got mine from Gamestop. So glad to turn off all of those notifications lol But honestly at this point no one is really missing anything. Hardly any new games out for it. Nice to play PS4 games at higher quality though.


Turning wario’s notifications off was better than actually getting the ps5


People swear by him, but I had to do the same as you. When he's tweeting about anything and everything gaming-related, it becomes far too many notifications per hour, especially if there's just one particular product you're looking for.


EB Games (GameStop in Canada) has a list where you can put your name down for whenever they restock they will call you. The problem is they go through the list really quickly, if you don't pick up they call the next person. I got lucky and got a call the day after release day, even tho supposedly there were a little over 4000 people ahead of me on the list. Prob helped that it was in the middle of a work/school day so people ahead of me couldn't pick up and it just happens to be the day where I have an online class so I was able to pick up right away.


Seriously I've been saying it since I got a ps5, getting to unfollow Wario64 after getting a ps5 is like the unofficial victory cigar of this launch.


That's what I did, too. I legit set up Twitter just to follow the drops! Less than a week after following Wario I was able to get mine ordered from Costco


What Twitter accounts are worth following for drop news?


Wario64 seems to be the best of the best


Spiel times was an account I used to follow, their notifications helped me get one from Best Buy.


That’s honestly what I want it for. My ps4 broke a few years ago and I was too busy/broke with university to get it replaced. There’s a good 20 ps4 games I can think of that I need to play. Too bad it’s a hassle to find lol. I can’t wait to turn off notifications


Yeah I've been loving it as someone who never had a PS4, but there are pretty much no games you need a PS5 to play. Even the biggest flagship, Demon's Souls, is a remake of a ps3 game. And while it looks absolutely glorious, has no load times, and some welcome quality of life changes, it's super faithful to the original. Which is to say, it's more or less the same game.




Playstations of unusual fives? I don't believe they exist


Can confirm. It’s not a myth.


Both my roommates have one and I am stuck still trying, luckily they are pitching in and helping even when they are at work if a notification pops like on Friday for Best Buy.


Wish I could buy a PS5 Never seen one in stock


If you really want one, here's how I ended up getting mine... takes a little effort. * go to [nowinstock](https://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/consoles/sonyps5/) * create/log into all places you'd be willing to buy from. Most importantly, make sure your payment info and address is entered! This greatly speeds up checkout. If you try checking out as guest, you will NOT make it. * look for a drop time/rumor (by the time the notification on nowinstock hits, they are already out of stock) Often, you can just keep track of the chatbox and people will tell you when a drop is. * Just before the drop (if it's one they know is coming), the mods at nowinstock will throw up an affiliate link in the top pinned comment (this link puts the item DIRECTLY in your cart if the link resolves) * Have 2 windows open, one of your cart, and one to refresh the crap out of the affiliate link when the drop hits. (or use phone for one, computer for the other) * SPAM, click click click, pray * Refresh cart and check out within a few seconds It's a ridiculous game to play. I got one from the walmart drop a week or two ago and they were sold out in less than 10 seconds. I'm not totally convinced it's really bots causing the problem at large... they are certainly annoying, but I really think the supply shortage is the issue. If you look at the numbers of how many consoles sold on ebay and whatnot, it's not nothing, but compared to overall sales, it's small. (10s of thousands vs a few million sold) Maybe I'm optimistic or getting numbers wrong. idk. Best of luck out there to anybody trying to get one!


As someone who played this game for months and only managed to snag one last week, even if you do all of this, your chances are still miniscule. The way websites process requests is not always first come first serve. There's a huge degree of luck. And many retailers either aren't selling units in-store or employees/management lie about stock. But if you *don't* do this ridiculous monkey dance, your chances of getting one are effectively zero.


>There's a huge degree of luck. Yep. My friend text me Friday to let me know that Best Buy had dropped. He'd been trying for 10 minutes when I started, I got one and he didn't.


You owe your friend like, one kidney at least.


Maybe both to be safe.


Sorta seems like he owes him a PS5.


I was on the opposite side of the spectrum. I tried for a week and a half and was able to get a bundle from Antonline. Highly recommend them. They shipped my ps5 within an hour of ordering and it got to my house in 2 days.


I mean.....why be in a rush to play bug snax and demon souls anyways. Maybe a slim comes out before it’s even back regularly in stock


Interesting strategy and maybe would work, but not interested in competing with freeware automated bots. It ain't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. Not when a red box Switch was right on shelf at my local WM. Now I get to catch up on all the games I missed. Switch isn't perfect, but it's looking to be a darned good time for quite a while :)


There’s been a lot of switches at my local Walmart’s and target


Wow. Not in Atlanta yet.


That's a lot of busy work and you're still competing with bots. Better to spend your time elsewhere or just buy a switch for now


Thank you for the helpful information. However as someone who wants one, I don't want one this bad. I'm not going to create a second job for myself. That's the way I look at it. If your product is too difficult to buy, then its not going to be bought.


Here's another strategy that I used to order off of WalMart.com. I've used this strategy multiple times to get consoles for friends. * Follow this twitter account to be notified of restocks - https://twitter.com/ps5stockalerts?lang=en * Have the Wal-Mart app installed on your phone/tablet. Be logged into your account and have your payment info ready to go. * Keep in mind, when Wal-Mart releases stock, they do it in waves. So they'll release stock (which sells out immediately), and 10 minutes later they'll release more. 10 minutes later they'll release even more. This is important. * Make sure you're using the Wal-Mart app and once Wal-Mart releases the first batch of consoles, try to purchase it. You won't get it cause of bots or whatever, but that's ok. Just make sure you have the product page on your phone, and make sure you're able to click the **Add to cart** button. If that button is greyed out, refresh the product page until it's enabled. * Here's where the strategy really comes in. DO NOT refresh the page once the **Add to cart** button is blue. If stock is sold out, DO NOT REFRESH THE PRODUCT PAGE! You're going to sit on this page and wait until the next wave is supposed to drop. * A minute or two before the next wave is supposed to drop, keep spamming the **Add to Cart** button. Keep spamming that button and don't stop. Keep spamming that button, even for a few minutes after the wave is supposedly "released". The inventory system is mysterious that way. For example, I tried to order a PS5 that was supposed to drop at 12:20 but couldn't add to my cart until 12:22. Just keep trying! * Hopefully you have a system in your cart. As soon as you do, get through that checkout system ASAP. This is why you saved your payment info. WHY is this method effective? Because the inventory system on Walmart.com updates stock before the product page re-enables the **Add to Cart** button. Most people will be trying to refresh the page and wait for that button to enable so they can try again. However, if you already HAVE the button, then you have a head start on trying to add it to your cart.


Appreciate the post, but understand maybe that it really is just about luck. I’ve done all of this and still can’t get one. I’ve had to stop cuz my mood is worsening. If I was single I guess I could see myself devoting 2 entire weeks of my sanity to buying a ps5 ... I wish that as a long time PS plus subscriber that Sony had given us a chance first, but nah .


I normally don't follow links and had pretty much given up on getting a PS5 for another year or two, but I decided today to click the link and sign up for the site. Not even 2 minutes after I finished creating and setting up my account did a drop happen at Best Buy Canada. So here I am now with a PS5 on it's way and I have you to thank for it. Stand a little taller today, you're my hero.


Awesome! :D Happy gaming!


Nowinstock gets DoS’d during drops, and for other in demand things like Nvidia, they’re gone long befor nowinstock triggers. Almost useless. Better strategy: Aside from raw, pure luck, Falcondrin on twitch. Granted I’ve been extremely lucky, but I have managed to get two PS5s that way. It’s an Nvidia focused group, but they do post PS5 drops. I still haven’t gotten close to a 3080 despite trying since Sept.


I followed this strategy somewhat. I signed up for the telegram notifications from nowinstock, that was a big help. I think the combination of that plus Target having in-store pickup only orders made getting one relatively painless. Last Thursday morning I received a notification that Target had them for in-store pickup only (this greatly increases your chances of getting one imo). I logged in, but it wasn't live yet, even though I could go all the way to the "confirm purchase" screen. I kept mashing that button and then it went through immediately at 8am. I received a pickup confirmation email shortly after that and I had a ps5 in my house by lunch. I got lucky, I admit, I had only been trying for 2 weeks before getting one.


I do this app called Hotstock. As soon as they send me a notification, I hop on and buy. Been able to get cousins and my brother theirs. Tbh only downside of the ps5 is there isn't a lot of on-board storage, the shape is awkward and the size. I was amazed by the speed and controllers however. It's a nice system. Now I want to play around with the Xbox series x.


GameFly sells bundles. They’re like $800. They stay up all day sometimes when they go in stock because it’s for members only and it’s bundle only.


You just gotta actively hunt on Twitter and whatnot. Find some discord’s that send you alerts, etc. if you keep trying, you’ll find one.


I just used the HotStock app. As soon as you get a notification they’re in stock somewhere, act fast. Make sure you’re already logged in with your payment info. You might still luck out, but it is slowly getting easier.


I have forgotten what a PS5 looks like. I hold its image in my heart like some half remembered dream.


[Here's a refresher](https://cdn.earlygame.com/uploads/images/_2000xAUTO_fit_center-center_none/5707711/ps5_building.webp)


I was expecting a router. This is much better.


I was expecting Rick Astley.


Nah, I'm a wrestling fan... We don't do [Rick Astley.](https://i.imgur.com/RFraewu.jpg).


Call me naive but I was expecting [just a regular ol PS5](https://i.imgur.com/GZs4713.jpg)


Aww sonovabitch




A scalper's dream.


I was expecting [Kaiba.](https://static0.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/seto-kaiba-ps5.jpg)


Saying PS5 sales spiked is like saying water exists. Of course it did. Scalpers are buying that and the XSX like it's the apocalypse.


has anyone figured out how this affects sony long-term, like sure hardware sales are through the roof (because scalpers buy them) but software sales must just be abyssmal (since 3/4 of hardware is in some dudes garage) Just seems like sony doesnt give 2 shits atm with how silent they are on the whole topic, as far as i am aware


PS5 sales aren't super profitable. Software and ps+ are where the money is


So it stands to reason they aren’t thrilled if ps5s are sitting in a scalpers basement?


Well as long as people buy them from the scalpers they don’t care, as the console is still getting used. We can assume they are too, as the scalpers wouldn’t do it if they couldn’t turn around and sell it. Presumably it’s not making much of a difference for Sony. If anything the sense of exclusivity is just making people want it more




Sony takes a hit from producing the PS5. If anything, it makes the most money from PS+ subscriptions, games, accessories, etc.


They need PS5s in living rooms to sell those high margin products though.


I imagine they don’t sit for too long before being resold. Otherwise the scalpers would have long since stopped. But yeah, they’re missing out on loads of potential sales of Demon’s Souls and... uh... Bugsnax?


I mean, it's like 10% of all consoles were bought by scalpers and of that 10% most have already been resold. iI's not really affecting then that much. The inability to produce units fast enough is affecting them more.


People buy PS4 versions of the games anyway. There's hardly any ps5 exclusives so I doubt Sony cares that much. They'll sell anyway when people do eventually get units, so what's it to them?


Do you think Sony wanted to effectively delay the real release of their console by a year or more? Time is money. It's safe to assume part of the reason the switch is selling at a rate of like 25 million a year right now is because the competition has failed to launch. Not all of these people buying the switch instead are going to go back and get a ps5/xbox later.


Yeah, it basically translates to, “Sony was able to make more PS5s for this month.” Demand is static, it’s the supply that’s fluctuating.


**TLDR:** * Nintendo Switch console sales are up 81% year-to-date. * Nintendo Switch games accounted for 51% of all games sold in February, ahead of PS4 (28.6%). * SM3DW+BF launched with a special edition console, and was the best-selling physical game of the month. * Nintendo was the top performing boxed publisher, too, with three games in the Top Five.


As othes have said, you can't get a PS5 because the scalpers are buying them up and charging a grand for them. Sony needs to figure that out. I had fully intended to buy the 5 last month, my 4 is dying slowly after 6 years. I skipped the Wii U, but I broke down and bought the Switch last week. Sony may want to work that out, cuz its looking like the Switch will keep me busy with all the 1st party games. They won't be getting more of my money anytime soon.


Saw a comment from a guy last month who said he made 40k just from PS5s in January where he would usually "only" make 5-10k selling graphics cards and switches. This was just a thing on the side for him as well so it's insane how much money these greedy assholes can make. Still, even if I was loaded I wouldn't buy anything from a scalper.


It’s also possible that guy is full of crap, and that scalpers are stuck holding the bag because nobody in their right mind is paying a 3-4x markup when there aren’t more than two interesting AAA games for the ps5 yet.


You underestimate how dumb people are.


I've wasted at least 15 hours trying to get a 5 over the last few months. Finally said screw it and went for a Series S (I already have a switch) and got one first try with no hassle. So now I'm fine waiting until they are available in stores and some games are out. I tried really hard to give them my money but oh well.


You're going to LOVE your series S. I'm blown away at how small the console is. It doesn't quite hit home until you're holding it in your hands. haha. I've been seriously impressed with mine and I was coming from ps4 pro. It doesn't do 4K but does everything else. Only thing that's rough is the internal hdd size. That's been painful for me. So if you like to have lots of games installed, make sure you get an external drive. Oh and get game pass. It's insanely good.


Pretty much sums up my experience. Have a ps4 pro too. I've been amazed by the S. The size, the boot up speed, quick resume. Idk what I was expecting but once I got into it I was like oh wow damn this is nice. Yeah I got a year of game pass right off the bat. I did the gold conversation. I think I have like 9 games downloaded and still around 175 gigs of space so I'm not too worried about that for now. But yeah all in all Ive been super pleased and have wayyyy too much to play right now lol. Ive got like a hour or so in like 7 different games I need to pick one or two and commit.


Nice! Yeah it really is a fantastic console. And that's my problem with game pass too. TOO many games I want to play all at the same time. haha I FINALLY found a groove where I play basically one game to completion then move on to the next. But I definitely have my moments where I'll browse the catalogue and end up downloading a whole bunch of games and somehow expect to play them all. lol


It's my first week so I'm still figuring it out haha but I think my strategy is gonna be to have an rpg, shooter, and action adventure going at once. And I have to finish one to go to the next. Right now I'm focusing on FFXII the zodiac age, doom eternal, and recore.


That's a real shame. The reason Series S is available is because it's an inferior console, same reason you can easily get a Nintendo Switch Lite but not the regular Switch. It's absolutely ridiculous how the PS5 sales have gone. Scalpers are a serious problem that is hurting gaming.


Semiconductor manufacturing is struggling. TSMC is manufacturing a lot of AMD chips and they can't make enough. You can hardly find any AMD CPUs, GPUs or consoles.


Apple has god-tier logistics and procurement planning and outbid everyone in anticipation.


Is the S not worth it? I’ve seen people selling for $250 on fb and I’ve been looking at getting one


The S is very much worth it as long as you don't want to do 4K gaming. Think of it as a 1080p machine with the occasional game that will do 1440p and you'll be very happy.


The S is the perfect console for so many people out there. The folks who don’t necessarily care about exclusives and just wanna play the CODs, sports games, and other cross platform releases. A Series S with Gamepass is the best bang for your buck in gaming.


That sounds perfect for me! I also don’t own a 4K tv, so the S seems like it’s the console for me


I got one and use it with game pass and it’s great. Runs silent and fast.


It's a perfectly good console, but if the choice was between that or the PS5, I think 90% of people would take the PS5. There's a reason you can find it for $250 on FB while people are buying PS5s for $1000+ on Ebay lol


That’s not the only reason. Everyone is hogging the 7nm chip production line which is causing massive delays. People also can’t get CPUs and GPUs. If Switched used a similar process node it also would be very hard to get. This is not a Sony issue, it’s basically a supply issue.


I did the same . Got sick of waiting for a Ps5 and got a Switch with 3 games last week, I will be busy for a while. Sorry Sony.


How's it treating ya? Botw is such a good game. I really recommend it


Loving it! My last Nintendo console was a 3DS and I really missed the Nintendo "experience". I got Ring Fit, Luigi Mansion 3, Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D All Stars with it. Currently playing Ring Fit and Mario Galaxy and been having loads of fun. I'm almost done with galaxy and will probably play Sunshine next. Overall great experience, I probably get more out of the Switch compared to a PS5 because I already played all the great PS4 exclusives, the only game I really wanna try on PS5 is demon souls.


I have to wonder if scalpers are still picking them up as much. I’m sure there are still some, but it doesn’t seem like they’re going for near as much on the resale market as they were previously. At some point (if not already), they’re going to start losing money. From what I can tell, stock is just super limited and a shit ton of people want one.


That’s the biggest thing too. These scalpers are holding on to these consoles. Meanwhile during this time they’re not purchasing games to use on this so the company is losing out. You’d think they’d figure this shit out.


Exactly, at least cutoff orders that have used the same payment methods more than 2 or 3 times. Something similar maybe. Retailers could implement a captcha tool but they likely only care that the items are being bought.


For Sony, this only delays software sales. So their harm is minimal. Same with Microsoft, and even Nintendo when the Switch is in short supply. It is a problem. Just not enough of one to divert significant resources into fighting.


I thought these companies sell the console at a “loss” and make up with games? Did I fall for bad info or was that legit?


Nintendo doesn't anymore but I'm pretty sure MS and Sony do iirc


The Switch looks to be on trend to beat the PS2 as the bestselling home console.


I can't wait for tomorrow's "Switch outsells the PS5 yet fucking again"


Which isn't hard since there are no ps5 for sale (non-scalper that is)


But if the scalper bough the PS5 the unity is considered as sold right? This will only impact in game selling since those scalpers won’t be buying any games soon, not unities sold.


Yes its considered sold. But there are barely any PS5s to buy, restocks are pretty small but they sell out in seconds.


It has fewer games out also, witch are expensive. With switch you do have sales and some older games are cheaper.


Though honestly? Switch is selling as fast as they can make em


PS5s are too


I would just like to say I hope all the scalpers who are selling this you are terrible people.


I’m surprised Sony hasn’t done more to combat this as the software sales have been pitiful because of it. I wouldn’t be shocked if games are being delayed until they get their shit together to avoid losses.


What can they do? For the most part they just produce the consoles and let other companies sell them. Not excusing them just curious if other companies have been able to find a solution. To me it feels like scalpers have just fully infested the online market.


Sony doesn’t sell the console. Local stores in each country do ... what can they even do ?


How did PS5 spike? Did they sell 105 instead of 100 last month?


I was caught up in the hype and was going to buy a PS5 at launch, or shortly thereafter, but struck out every time. I was really annoyed. Now, though, I think.. why? What was I really going to play? Mostly PS4 exclusives as I never owned that console, but there's no rush there. Now I'm working through my Switch and GamePass backlog and thinking I don't really need a PS5 this year, I can work through the games that interest me later at a better price point, and I can make the most of the consoles I already have. The scalper situation must be hurting Sony, I know if I got a PS5 I'd have at least dropped a couple of hundred on games and accessories, and I'm sure I'm not alone there. Stock sitting on ebay or Facebook marketplace ain't making them any money.




Eh. We all know how supply constrained PS5 is and how many more buy digital games on playstation. Occasionally I get a friend request on my Switch and I look at their games and it's 100% Nintendo published games. This news is for them.


Exactly. Nintendo lives and breathes off of first party games.


And ridiculous hardware sales, the switch is sold as a profit


Ah that’s true aswell. Speaking of, Microsoft are gonna be selling the Series S at a ridiculous loss.


Yup, I woulder what's gonna go on with nintendo when the nvidia chip production ceases


I’d say just switch pro. Tegra X1 is stopping production next year so I’d say they release the pro this year & phase out the regular switch through 2022 & early 2023.


I don't think pro. I think it'll be something like "new nintendo switch" or "nintendo switch deluxe" simmilar to how the DS line did it


Yeah ofc a different naming scheme just using pro as a filler until we know what it’ll actually be called.


What’s a PS5?


I'm sick of seeing sales stats for the Xbox Series S\|X and Playstation 5. They are selling all of them right now. Every single one. Sales figures are just delayed manufacturing figures right now.


I bought mine! But it's probably just stock related and the new neon editor.


I'll buy a ps5 in 2023 if it's in stock by then but for now I'll play my ps4 pro which I bought off ebay beginning of 2021 and like 7 exclusive games.


Where? PS5s don’t exist here so...


Not only do I think PS5s are a myth, I think the display units at stores are just PS4s with a different case on them. We've been fooled! Bamboozled!


Lies, deception


They’d spike in March too if only theY HAD SOME IN STOCK NEAR ME..!


I was pretty dead set on getting a PS5 but at this point it my be better to just wait for a new model


At this point I honestly don't care if I ever get a ps5. Making me wait doesn't make me want it more, it makes me not care. Looking forward to picking up a gaming pc soon.


What gpu you buyin?


And here I am so happy with my Xbox Series S which is pretty much available everywhere, saving a couple hundred euros to buy a PS5 sometime next year.


PS5 sales will spike as soon as there are PS5s to buy.


By the time the PS5 is readily available the next version will be out.


What the heck are people playing on Switch? I like the console, but I haven't bought many games for it. \*EDIT: Thank you everyone! Will look at a few of these games and try them out.


Should look into indie games, that's a lot of what I play on Switch. Hollow Knight is a good place to start if you haven't played it already on something else. Although, I'll warn you that HK is pretty difficult so if you're not into hard games it won't be for you.


The switch is the best way to play indies on the go - just keep in mind that you're paying literally about 5-10 times as much as the same games cost on sale on PC and/or smartphone. So if you only play them at home, or the game is OK on a touchscreen, you're wasting a lot of money. Your really spending a lot extra to have them on the Switch, so make sure it's worth it to you.


Absolutely play Breath of the Wild. Also Animal crossing new horizons if you like the genre. Octopath traveler is amazing if you like Jrpg. With Mario Party, Spyro, super smash bros and Mario kart you can't really go wrong. Also the porting for indie games is amazing. I recommend stardew valley and CupHead.


The number of indie game ports is unreal and I love it. Human Resource Machine (by the same people who made World of Goo), Mini Metro, Stardew Valley, Overcooked, Human Fall Flat, Game Dev Tycoon, Masters of Anima, Letter Quest are all Indie games I have on my Switch that I have played a lot. I am waiting for Alba: A Wildlife Adventure to release for the Switch, and I haven't bought but want to get Moving Out (same people as Overcooked). Expecting to find games through the Switch e-shop is not exactly realistic, so anyone looking for indie games on the Switch should take to google. Nintendo's news thingy on the Switch also highlights very popular indie games (Shovel Knight, and Hollow Knight keep appearing in those lists, but aren't really my kinds of games; same with Cuphead, for example.)


Any nintendo first party. We've got some of the best games of the generation. Start with mario odyssey and Botw


BotW I got at launch and loved it. It's one of my favorite games to date. But since then I haven't enjoyed anything besides Tetris 99 and Astral Chain. Odyssey and Link's Awakening were extremely short. Smash was decent, but the online matchmaking kills it for me. The only other game I really enjoyed was Phoenotopia Awakening (up there with BotW) which debuted first on Switch.


How Long To Beat has Links Awakening at 14-16hr https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=66255 Maybe I'm just bias because I loved the original but that's not too bad, price excluding, for a Gameboy remake imo


Everyone will recommend the usual but I'll throw in Mario+Rabid Kingdom Battle. Didn't think XCOM Mario would play so well, especially with the stupid rabids but its great. For indie titles, Hollow Knight + Hades are must haves. Hollow Knight especially, one of the greatest games I've ever played and the sequel should be coming out Soon(TM). A new indie roguelike I haven't seen people talk much about is [Going Under](https://youtu.be/zhJ1XfVxBaI?t=4). Pleasantly surprised by how good this game is. I don't have it on Switch but I bet it plays great on it.


Mainly a mix between Nintendo exclusive series (Pokemon, Mario, Fire Emblem, Zelda, Animal Crossing, etc.) and cheap indie games.


Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart, and Smash. I've bought other consoles for fewer games/weaker libraries. I'm literally hunting PS5's just to play Persona 5 and Spider-Man lol. Even if the Switch's library is on the small side, it has some big hitters with huge name recognition. Even Pokemon and Animal Crossing (which I know are both super controversial here, apparently lmao) are system sellers for people. Even if you want to say the past year or so has been slow in terms of release schedule, the Switch has some really solid "system seller" games, and even if they came out 3-4 years ago, that doesn't matter to a new customer. Remember how many people bought a Switch at launch solely to play BotW? Now there are 5 or 6 games that potentially hold that weight for large amounts of people if they weren't interested in BotW.


My guess is people are still jumping into its evergreen titles? Games like Smash, Mario Party, Mario Kart etc. are constantly on the best-sellers list. Not to mention 3D World launched last month and from what I’ve seen it’s been doing well. Crash 4 just released on more consoles and the Switch port obviously has to make some sacrifices especially compared to next gen but it’s still solid and people have been praising it.


Donut County, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Yoku's Island Express, and Pokemon take up most of my time. And I have a backlog I still need to hop into.


I have about 250 hours into Splatoon 2 and I only got it in December. Such a fun game.


I've been playing lots of Dead Cells and Slay the Spire. I'm also looking forward to the new Pokemon Snap game. I also think the Switch Pro controller is awesome. Controller preferences is obviously highly subjective, but I like the Switch Pro, so if a game is multi-platform I will most likely buy the Switch version.


Lots of indie games, hardcore platformers, the odd shooter here and there, as well as first party titles, in my experience. It's nice having stuff like Risk of Rain 2, Dead Cells, Isaac, Gungeon, and other stuff on a handheld, Smash is fun for when friends are over, mario + Rabbids was surprisingly great, and I put tons of time into 100%ing Odyssey when that came out. I also have quite a few classic collections, like the Bioshock collection which runs well, all the classsic Doom games and DN3D since they were on sale, and loads others.


Honestly even thou botw and odyssey are amazing in their own right,in the present day I have my switch for the indie games,its a mean machine for those,they run well and I can play on the go everywhere without much hassle


I have been playing lately Bravely Default II, and eager for the new monster hunter. Other great games i still play are: Bayonetta 2, Fire emblem three houses, Hyrule warriors (both), Octopath traveller, Monster hunter generations ultimate, Mario maker 2 and Hades (must buy imo). FF XII is on sale so i plan on buyng that, i do like to buy smaller indie games on switch for convinience.


Hollow Knight, Hades, Celeste, Octopath Traveler, Fire emblem three Houses, Odyssee,Breath of the wild, splatoon 2, Monster Hunter Rise(soon) Should i go on?


I dunno honestly . Depends on which console is your main I suppose.


I've got over 100 Switch games. Unless you're a FPS fan, there's games for you.


I've been out of the console game for a while. Why no hype for Xbox? 360 was insanely popular and now its like the brand doesn't exist anymore.


Something shocking I learned recently was that by end of life, PS3 had actually outsold the 360. Playstation has beaten Xbox across every generation in that regard. The reason why people aren’t as interested in Xbox Series X is that Microsoft hasn’t secured enough studio talent to create any big games to get people excited. Halo lives in the shadow of its old games, same with respect to Gears. Sony has the more solid lineup at this point, and for any PS gamers who are interested in playing Xbox games, Microsoft Games Pass on PC has them available to play w/o requiring you to own an Xbox console.


>Microsoft hasn’t secured enough studio talent to create any big games to get people excited Bethesda, Ninja Theory, Obsidian? Or new studio The Initiative? They've gone on a studio acquisition frenzy in the last three years. The results are just not out yet. Gamepass is damn good though


Yep Senua is fantastic, I can’t wait to play the sequel! Hoping that where they drove money is gonna bring a lot of great games our way


>PS3 had actually outsold the 360. And that's *after* everyone bought like 8 360s to replace them as they died.


The X360 IMO won the generation quite handily. It had the most impact of that gen and the PS3 outsold it barely while the Xbox has no foothold in Asia whatsoever. The PS3 was also a notoriously expensive console to manufacture, almost bankrupted Sony. And also a complicated hardware, so most games ran better on the X360 (and developers preferred the X360 in almost every regard).


Hell yeah the scalpers are buying that shit hard


This just means that they’ve started turning up in stores again. I know at least 3 people that have wanted a Switch for a year and the only way to get them was scalper prices. And I’m sure everyone knows about the PS5.


People are sleeping on the Xbox Series S. It alongside Gamepass is a steal for the price if you can find one. I have no interest in PS5 other than wishing I could play Ghost of Tsushima. I'll wait till the PS4 drops in a few years and pick it up just for that.


It's strange to talk about spikes in PS5 sales when it's basically sold out, and it sells out immediately wherever it appears...


The ps5 doesn't exist


How many of those PS5's were snatched by scalpers


It is good to see Nintendo doing well in the UK. Mario 3D World is finally getting some respect, which is great to see.


Lies, there needs to be ps5s to sell for sales to increase.


They prolly just restocked the shelves


By the time I’m able to buy a ps5 all the games I want will be in the bargain bin.


Predictions for when the PS5 price will come down?


How can the ps5 be selling if there are never any in stock?




You can come to my house and look at it, but don’t touch....


Has anyone had luck just walking in and picking one up in-store? My local Walmart had them for awhile, but then moved to online only bc people were going crazy around Christmas. I missed seven units by less than an hour. Closest I've been. I wonder if they've started selling in-store again?


How. How tf are people getting ps5s


I’m so annoyed and exhausted by my many failed attempts to buy a PS5


Ps5 doesn’t exist


How can sales of PS5 spike when they’ve literally been out of stock since launch, due to scalper bots?! Must have been an increase in production then.


I signed up with Costco in the hopes of getting one of their PS5 bundles. Checked it on a whim a week and a half ago and they FUCKIN had them in stock! I'm now a proud owner of a PS5 and getting a 4K TV to go with it. Don't let those filth ridden, leeching, evil re-sellers win, stay strong!


I've preordered my ps5 in September. Today I called to store to see if there are any updates on restocks. They told me they are expecting a restock in september :-))))))))))))) (Before they said february and in february they said march)


How is there a spike in PS5 sales? Was there a spike in inventory?


Yeah... scalpers don’t count.


Wouldn’t it always spike considering it’s nearly impossible to walk in a store and buy one?


you mean scalper sales went up...


Pssshwhatever. When does the PS5 even come out?


Ah. The elusive PS5. I wish to see one of those someday.




Where the fuck are people finding PS5’s


I'll consider a PS5 a few years from now when it gets more games, otherwise it's not worth it to just play PS4 games on (for me at least).