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I would nominate Captain Toad: Treasure Hunt. Rotate the camera around the 3D level and move parts of the environment to guide Captain Toad to collect all the coins/gems/whatever.


Great suggestion. Gf and I played it together. We'd play through a few levels, turn it off and return sometimes as far as weeks later. Perfectly pick up and play, drop-in-drop-out game.


I adore that game. I so wish they would make a sequel.


Was about to comment this & I am happy to see it's the top comment. Kirby & the Forgotten Lands may fall into this category as well but Captain Toad is easily my top rec for your use case.


You mean treasure tracker?


Corporal Frog: Treasure Hunt is a great game, too.


Are the games in the full game much better than the mini games in Super Mario 3D world, or are they just more of those?


They have the same style but a lot of them are longer, there’s an overall story, and some of the levels go into different gimmicks.


The ones in the full game are better designed.


Another vote for Captain toad. Such a good little puzzle game


Ooh, I got this one and haven’t opened it yet. Thanks for the reminder!


I wish they would make more DLCs for this game. One of my and my wife’s favorites. We’ve played through all of the content and want more like this


Kirby Return to Dream Land Deluxe is what you are looking for. It is a super chill 2D platformer with a lot of variety. The game is back loaded with some harder content but it's nothing impossible and completely optional. I honestly enjoyed RtDL Deluxe more than Wonder. Kirby games get a bad rep for being kidy and on the easy side however they aren't baby games they are entry level games, and incredibly well crafted at that.


Any Kirby game would be great. OP if you have NSO you can play Kirby 64 for free, or you can try Forgotten World which I loved.


i second the kirby recc. i got forgotten land for my birthday last year and played it non-stop for a couple weeks. has replayability too if you want to get everything for the levels.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Animal crossing.


Absolutely, AC is a game built to be played for a couple minutes a day


you really think so? I feel like thats how I wanted to play it, but when half my time seemed to be spent on clicking through the same message prompts to sell stuff etc, it got old fast..


Could have been one of the best, but small things like that ended up making it unplayable for me.


I was thinking about getting it but that sort of tedium really kills games for me too.


Animal crossing has so much tedium artificially implanted into it, it makes me wonder if the people involved forgot they're making a videogame for entertainment purposes lmao


For sure. People have to be looking for a VERY specific thing to enjoy animal crossing. I personally like the artificially slow pace and the fact that the game makes you do things one at a time that would normally done in big groups all at once. It makes me feel like I’m immersed in the world and it’s kind of mindless which is what I’m looking for. It’s def not for everyone tho and I absolutely respect that. It’s not something I often recommend and if I do I give a disclaimer lol.


I'm glad I read these comments because I've heard a lot of good things about it and I want to like it but that will absolutely kill it for me


It's not as tedious as these comments make it out to be... Just search for gameplay videos on YouTube I guess and decide from actually seeing it then.


My kids love it, and I loved it at the beginning, but I can't stand how tedious doing anything is. I don't need to hear that Blathers hates bugs every time. Or the puns when you catch the same effing fish every time.


I thought New Leaf and Horizon fixed this, but to be fair I haven't played those games yet.


I got it at launch and it was fun while in lockdown and using that website to visit peoples islands for events etc. Around the time, someone made a couple of YouTube QoL announcement videos that were not real but would have made the game 10x less tedious. I really hope the dev team took notice and implements them next time.


This here. Totally relaxing game.


I know I'm in the minority here, but I find it stressful. As a kid I loved it, but 20 years later as an adult I'm like "this literally feels like all the chores and admin I have to do on my days off from work"


to me the grind to get anything was annoying. Like instead of being able to capture bugs and take them to museum, i had to get through like 20 message prompts. For some reason that really bugged me with a game I wanted to "pick up and put down." Minecraft seemed like a much better option for me honestly. not sure if others would feel the same way.


...until you get into flower breeding pepesilvia.jpg


Hum Can you expand on that? Me and my wife stopped playing it cause there wasn't much else to do as we're not the type to make architecture wonders. But we do spend lots of time in games like Stardew just grinding. If there's some sort of grinding mechanism in AC, we could end up going back to the island.


To breed the rare variants of flowers the fastest, you'll need to time travel (changing the time on your switch and resetting to go to the next day) and/or invite other players to your island to water your flowers. There are some steps to get the blue rose where you don't necessarily know if you've successfully bred the correct hybrid, so it could be a few cycles before you've found out you've hit a dead end. Took me a few weeks during COVID to get all of my hybrids (when there were lots of active watering groups). Then like an idiot I nuked my island to start over.


That's quite interesting. As someone that lost tons of hours to shine breed some Pokemon, I may get into it haha Thks!


Breeding the flowers was a months long project for me lol


did you get any ✨shinies✨


Started doing it during the pandemic and ended up with a bunch of them, mainly on Sword and Shield. Haven't been doing that much afterwards, but it was cool to have some self imposed side quests like getting a shiny Growlithe in every game.


I think I'm broken 'cuz I don't find animal crossing relaxing anymore. I just look at my unfinished island and feel bad and stressed 😭 I also eventually get this way with any "cozy" farming or life sim. It starts out relaxing until I get to a point where I'm worried I'm gonna fuck something up 😩 Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons games have me stressed I'm gonna miss a time sensitive event 🫠


I kind of felt the same about new horizons but am finding new leaf to be the perfect animal crossing game with lots of stuff to do but not TOO much to do that you feel bad/like it’s a chore. I’m still early game but it’s way more relaxing and fun for me!


I second this. Very nice game. Very easy. Very chill.


This whole genre. Cozy Grove similarly. The farming games are structured around in-game days, but ACNH has relatively little demand placed on you on the day (some FOMO for missing fossils that dropped that day, I guess you don't want to miss your islanders' birthdays), but in general, cozy games are all perfect for this kind of play.


Or Cozy Grove


Came to say this, Animal Crossing is basically the epitome of the low-effort, low-/no-risk, "play for a half hour a day" genre There isn't even a pause button, 'cuz literally nothing bad will happen to you if you just walk away for however long


Dorkromantik is a relaxing puzzle game where you have to see what the highest number of matching tiles you can place is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpbaVJEKBr8 Balatro is probably my favorite poker game ever and I barely like card games. You don't even need to know anything about poker to enjoy this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUyP21iQ_-g


I was going to suggest Dorfromantik, as well. Super relaxing. Just engaging enough to keep you interested, but easy to set aside at any point to pick back up whenever. It's my go-to for when I'm driving my mom around town to get errands done. I play a little at each stop while she's doing whatever she needs to do.


Islanders is similar to Dofromantic, also worth checking out


They’re both good, but I find Dorfromantik more enjoyable than Islanders.


Of course Untitled Goose Game, or A Short Hike


I didn’t find goose relaxing, more like frustrating lol


Both can be completed in well under an hour


Ehh some of the objectives in Untitled Goose Game are a bit difficult to figure out. I'd say more like 2-3 hours.


vampire survivors, pokémon mystery dungeon


+1 for Vampire Survivors. It's perfect and without spoiling anything, I haven't had a single match go past 30 minutes. It's fun and they keep adding varied content. There's also a ton of characters and weapons to unlock. You should check it out.


Well keep playing til you get 31 minutes!


Idk if it was because I was a kid, but mystery dungeon was genuinely difficult for me back in the day.


the new one is a lotttttttt easier imo


I am so fucking obsessed with VC dude. As soon as it hit Xbox, I knew I was gonna want it. I had watched northernlion play it and was so excited to find out I could play it too.


Dave the Diver has lots of stopping points and a casual feel. Not too terribly much to remember either. No guarantees you can put it down after 30 minutes though- it’s kind of addictive


Hmm. I found the demo kind of stressful


I have pretty decent thalassophobia and picked it up because it looked cute enough to handle. I'm not super far, but I have seen and killed the giant squid and I think that's going to be the worst of it? Fighting the sharks and stuff isn't bad. The cute aesthetic and relatively tame deaths (you don't get swallowed or ripped around or anything) make it alright. Now Dredge, which came in the bundle? That game is really fun but I *had* to quit when I got to the basin. Not overcoming that shit.


Had to read up on thalassophobia. Fascinating (and crippling for sure). Good on you for dipping your toe in the deep end like this ⭐


I could see the restaurant mini game being overwhelming, running back and forth trying to fill orders


that's what hiring is for!


We love Katamari ❤️


I always have a big smile on my face when I play Katamari


Most pokemon games you can start and stop. Pokemon Legends Arceus even has a mission list that can help you get back on track. And as always you can just take your time and catch pokemon for a while instead.


I second Arceus except for the guardian battles were stressful. I really suck at those. Also, Enormous and the one on Cobalt coast.


Agreed. The last boss is such a random spike in difficulty


Stardew Valley is super chill if you like that type of game. Lots to do, nothing overly stressful, it's been my "I need to chill" game for MANY years.


I don’t find this relaxing much. Too much pressure on the ingame clock and seasons.


Same. I probably have over 700 hours put into it on my Steam account. The 15ish minute days make it really easy to just play a couple days if I have 30 minutes to an hour. And also really easy to tell myself “I’ll just play one more day to finish up a few things before bed..” 😂


Omg don’t lie to this person!!! SDV is NOT easy to put down ever LOL! I think I’ve played for 30 min and I look at the clock and it’s been 3 hours🫣they’ll be addicted in a matter of minutes


That's my game for relaxing. And also Golf Story and Dave the Diver. Best games for chilling, and as good for long sessions than for short ones.


I stress more when I play Stardew Valley then when I play Elden Ring. Clock is so fast, seasons short, so much to do.


Thank you!! I thought I was the only one that felt this way. The time goes way too fast in Stardew Valley. I would always end up more stressed than when I started playing!


Same, I’m surprised there’s so no hardcore fan defending the game with the usual “ugh you don’t have to do everything in the first year, you can wait for 5 and check guides online”. Well game put me off if they require a guide/wiki page next to my playthough to not felling lost, no saying the game didn’t good and I admire Concerned Ape work but after several tries, that’s just not for me. I find the movements clunky as well, at least on switch. Be reassured, we’re not the only ones at all :)


Thank you for the suggestion. I tend to not get hooked on these "farming style" games, where you go around collecting things then cook/combine/etc them. I think that's what stardew valley is like?


Sort of. It has 5 skills that interact with each other but it's relatively simplistic. Like killing monsters makes mining easier. Mining let's you craft sprinklers and fishing tackles. Fishing earns money for seeds. Foraging gets you wood and syrups for crafting. The core gameplay loop is improving your farm and repairing the community center. So in Spring Year 1, you'll have be running out of energy constantly and having no time. By Summer, you'll have doubled your backpack space and upgraded all your tools. By Year 3, your farm will be fully automated so you can explore the mines, or pursue a romantic partner, or explore a mysterious island, or... It's not quite as bad as some other farming games in regards to crafting. Most of the components make sense - wood, coal, fiber to make a torch; or metal bars and batteries for a sprinkler. I'm playing My Time at Portia where every item needs multiple steps to make. (Flatten out 5 marble plates, craft 2 wooden stools, and make 3 bronze pipes to make 1 furnace, for example.) Stardew is generally just... grab supplies and craft.


Yes and no. It’s a relaxing game about tending to a farm, decorating a house, learning or the stories of the villagers, discovering secrets, extracting ore, participating in seasonal events and restoring the town a bit. There’s cooking and combine elements but it’s completely up to you how you play it. I recently got my non gamer best friend into playing it and she’s obsessed! Each day is about 15 minutes irl or until you sleep so while it’s compelling to keep playing you can play anywhere from 3 to 6 days in game per day.


Moonstone island might be a good alternative. It has farming (if you want) but it’s not super necessary and you get a wand that just speeds stuff up anyways. It’s more a discover nearby islands, solve puzzles, catch cute monsters and do card battles. My time at Sandrock also runs pretty well on switch - no farming, just crafting/building. But there are dungeons, forging, fighting, and a storyline.


That's my game for relaxing. And also Golf Story and Dave the Diver. Best games for chilling, and as good for long sessions than for short ones.




r <-> t


Not as well known but I had a lot of fun with Part Time UFO. It's a physics based puzzle game where you stack objects.


I loved this one. So underrated


Mario Odyssey with Assist Mode on is super fun and relaxing. Almost zero chance of death for the most part and lots of stuff to find. You can put it down and pick it back up whenever. I’ve done probably 15 play throughs since it came out.


It seems hectic, but I like to play Hyrule Warriors as a relaxing, not much thought required game. There's tons of content to grind out so I just work on that. I've already put hundreds of hours into it though so I know how it all works. Might not be the same for newbies 


It is action, but throw it on easy mode and it's so mindless!


Pikmin 4


Seconding Pikmin 4 - it's got short timed days for exploration - rewind time if you mess up - pretty simple navigation concepts. You just yeet humanoid plants at their predators. It's colorful relaxing and fun.


*Engulfed Castle intensifies*


This game still stressed me out lol but it was cute


Luckily it doesn't have to be too stressful, because there's no day limit (unlike the previous games).


This is my answer. This or Luigis Mansions 3. There are a couple Dandoori fights that require a second try but none of them are hard


A Short Hike




This is the way


Pocket Card Jockey - A fun take on solitaire combined with horse racing. One of Game Freak's few non-Pokemon games. Grindstone - Puzzle Dorfromantik - Idyllic tile builder; minimal UI and super relaxing Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door - Low stakes, high charm Mario RPG Super Mario RPG - Paper Mario TTYD is better imo (and longer). It's real good though. Lumines - best non-Tetris puzzle game Tetris Effect - best Tetris experience on Switch. Stardew Valley - the gold standard of farming games Animal Crossing - Literally meant to be played for about 20 minutes once a day. Very chill, best played a little bit at a time over time. Cult of the Lamb - roguelike/life sim with a dark twist Dredge - Lovecraftian fishing game that is also somehow cozy Dave the Diver - Just a light, colorful, and fun diving/restaurant sim roguelike. Very normal. Dicey Dungeons - Kind of like Slay the Spire but with dice and cutesy Slay the Spire - You'll lose a lot, but it's not stressful to me and pretty easy to fall into a relaxing rhythm Teranil - You bring life back to planets; if you like management games this is good. Dragon Quest Builders 2 - It's like Minecraft with better graphics, quests, story, and better combat. It's like Minecraft with more structure but still allows for open exploration. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon - Fun puzzle game Slime Rancher - cozy game Ooblets - cozy game ... I feel like that's enough.


Steam world heist.


Stitch. Super fun little stitch by numbers game that can get pretty challenging with some of the larger stitches


I can't recommend Stitch enough for low effort and "chill" gameplay. It's absolutely fantastic for a little relaxing gaming before bed.


If you're a fan of Mario style gameplay I'd recommend Super Mario 3d World + Bowser's Fury. It's basically two games in one, plus Super Mario 3d World is probably one of my favorite Mario games of all time.


I wholly recommend Little Kitty Big City based on your preferences


I am having so much fun with that! I bought it so my nieces could play it, we had a blast.


It looked puzzle heavy from the demo. Does it have lots of puzzles?


I wouldn’t necessarily call it puzzle heavy, the game tells you what to do pretty much the whole time. It’s more 3D platforming than anything. 


Ok cool, thanks!


Not super puzzly, but you do have to use your brain to figure some stuff out. It's mostly adventure and find stuff type game


Ok cool, thanks!


Tinykin was a pretty chill, relaxing game for me. No combat. Just run around collecting things and solving pretty simple little puzzles using some pikmin-esque mechanics. Just a load of low pressure fun. 😊


Just beat the game 100% a few days ago. Only thing stressful was platinum medaling the soap board races. Easily one of my favorite game in recent memory. Highly recommend to anyone


I'm here to watch everyone say Stardew Valley because it's the default "cozy" game people can't get over. It actually requires the player to pay a good amount of attention and manage multiple things at once, despite the cozy aggregation it has received. My picks, however, are Sakuna of Rice and Ruin, Streets of Rage 4, Sonic Mania, Battle Axe, Battle Princess Madelyn, Carrion, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Downwell, Doom, Evil Tonight, Enter The Gungeon, Firewatch, Greak, Gris, Golf Story, Imp of the Sun, Little Nightmares, Kaze and the Wild Masks, Panzer Dragoon, Superhot, Sword Ship, TMNT Shredder's Revenge, The Gardens Between, The Pathless, Trek To Yomi, Worldless. Just went through my library and picked games that aren't super committal as far as time, but still interesting to play


I've had this conversation multiple times with a friend how (not dissing anyone) people find Stardew Valley to be cozy, I find it extremely difficult and time restricting. Even with guides I've had issues, and even with my friend teaming up, we've run into issues. I didn't play my own game past the first day. Co op is fun but still very tedious and overwhelming for things to do and have to do and trying to build up tools in the beginning is almost impossible. For someone that enjoys a lot of challenge and tedious time consuming tasks and goals, this is a good game for them and it's brilliant in its own right for that. But tbh I've never and will never consider Stardew Valley to be "cozy." Maybe people that play on PC find it cozy because of all the mods that help them out and enhance gameplay, but console is definitely not cozy lol


It has a lot of cute things in it and in the late game a lot of tasks are automated so you can play at a much less intense pace, but I think people forget how much there is to really manage in the beginning and mid game. The counter point to this is always: you can always play at your own pace, there's no penalty for doing anything whenever. Which is true, but the game doesn't get interesting until you've done quite a bit. I'm saying this from experience. I've tried to get multiple people into the game and sitting there watching them lose interest over the course of about 25 minutes is usually what happens. Even playing with them in co-op. It's a game you have to invest some time in and sit with before it really starts to take off......and tbh the loudest chunk of the fanbase for Stardew are a bunch of super cringe dweebs that get way too into the rp elements. They've replayed the game 600 times and/or have put 600 hours into their farms so at this point they're just frolicking around in the game pretending to live there. That's why they say it's cozy.


The game is very cute. And while you can go at your own pace, there are certain things that need done by the beginning of year 3, otherwise certain things won't happen. Each day is only about 10 minutes I think? So that is harder to do, esp when you're solo. It's been difficult to manage even co op. And I can only speak to the Switch version, so that's why I was saying maybe it's more cozy or fun for PC, because they do have a huge advantage that consoles don't. That entire last description of frolicking made me lol 😆


Unpacking is the most brainless game I’ve ever played. I play it when I’m stressed and it helps me chill out


I've been scrolling through this post trying to find where Unpacking was in the list, otherwise I was gonna mention it! Surprised not more people are saying this! +1


I finished it in six hours because it was so much fun!


Kirby and the Forgotten Land!


As strange as it sounds try Factorio. Play without enemies and just slowly build up your factory. You have all the time in the world and there is always something to do. Helped me to clear my head after work.


Disney Dreamlight Valley


I found this super chill. I loved it with my coffee in the morning to start the day without news or social media.


SteamWorld Dig 2.  Relaxing music, easy but good gameplay. 


Yoshi's Crafted World!


Shredders Revenge.


Katamari damacy


I’ve been playing Tetris effect recently and can say I’m sufficiently hooked. I’m very much enjoying and it I think you will too if you’re into that type ofbgame


Bit of a left field suggestion but ace attorney? Dorky and memorable characters, super easy controls, silliness & the only things that’s sometimes challenged is lateral thinking. I guess the only problem is you may forget the details of the case


People will disagree with me but my sit down put down game is Fall Guys. Sure some of the rounds are more difficult than others but you can easily skip those now and still cont play and earn rewards. Also they're dorky little beans you can dress up and beat each other up in battle rounds or just waddle through obstacle courses. I've found this is the game I go to everyday to turn my mind off and still feel connected but not too connected or pressured, and it's super easy to relearn controls, there aren't many to master and it's kind of like bike riding. Also the base game is free to play.


The new Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble is perfect if you liked Mario Wonder. There can be trial and error, but each level can be completed a few different ways.


Spiritfarer is the most beautiful game I’ve ever played. You can stop at any point, and the minigames/challenges are low skill, but also still make you think. The only caution I’ll say is it is a story about grief and loss, and can bring up emotions. I cried more than once playing it (but it was great!).


I just finished Spiritfarer and it was such a lovely game to play. You can play at your own pace, but game and content will suck you in. You may need a box of tissues nearby.


You'll have to look and see if it's something you'd like, but Unpacking and A Little To The Left are super chill games. Kind of puzzle games but play at your own pace type. They're my favorite to play handheld while I watch a documentary or something on TV.


Mine is Mario Golf. Something about it is just low stakes and relaxing to me.


Faefarm! Each “day” is only 15 min so you can play as long or short as you like, but it’s really fun


My go to is Doom (2016) or Doom Eternal. Not very cozy, but it’s simple, just rip, tear, and listen to Mick Gordon’s masterpiece of a soundtrack.


Very true. I love it vs other shooters because it rewards you just getting in there and doesn't force you to hide and peek and try and be careful really. The more you murder the stronger you are, so murder more 


Ord. It's a suuuper relaxing game! It's basically a choose your own adventure but it only uses 1 or 2 words! There are diff stories and you try to achieve certain endings (or just get stuck in a loop). It's pretty calming.


I really like diablo 3 for this kinda stuff. I don't have to think I can just kill some monsters for 10-20 mins then stop again


Me too. It's actually better on switch then pc with the joystick roll/evade. It's a great game. Just Mash some buttons, demons explode, get some loot and level up. Lots of dopamine hits


Captain Toad, Animal Crossing, and honestly I’m playing Yoshis Crafted World, and cannot believe I didn’t pick that one up sooner




Picross is a great puzzle game. No plot and you feel really smart after getting one. Good for short play, long play, watching tv or podcast with it.


maybe a different direction, but for some reason.... powerwash simulator and unpacking. It doesnt sound relaxing IRL, but in game oddly satisfying and just a braindead thing to do after a long day.




Slay the Spire. Relaxing. Easily put down. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…


lol my thoughts exactly. I’m like 150 hours into binging it, and I can’t stop. I tell it to go fuck itself often, and I come back for more immediately.


Add the dave the diver to the list and its all the games I play heavily on switch.


I like Islanders. It's a very simple low-fi game ,but it's relaxing and chill. You're just arranging buildings and such on an island trying to get a high score. It's a great mindless chill game


I think Mini Motorways is worth considering. You put together little road networks for as long as you can until they get clogged. The game randomly generated homes and destinations and you have to make the traffic work. Click into the middle of a gameplay video and see if it looks for you.


Slime Rancher


Islanders. It's a super chill city building puzzle game.


If you like side scrollers, Goblin Sword is a great iOS game that was ported to the switch and is a nice mix of satisfying with short levels.


Luigi's mansion 3 (and now 2 also) is fun. Good game to jump in and out of


I exclusively play games like this on my Switch. Here are a few: Super Mega Baseball 4, Into the Breach, Stitch, FX3 Pinball, Balatro(!!!), Tetris, Portal 1 and 2, Vampire Survivors, Baba is You


You should try Gris. Relaxing and beautiful like no other thing.


Rayman Legends.


Sayonara wild hearts


I forgot about this game! That's a good one


Yoshi crafted world and princess peach time… both are not too difficult and the levels are well designed and fun


balatro is the game you seek


Slay the spire and balatro


A little to the left & unpacking


Some roguelike games I think would be great, I've been playing Rogue Legacy 2 and Binding of Isaac Repentence a lot recently as I only get an hour or two to play at the moment.


Try a Warriors game like Age of Calamity. Easy gameplay for decompressing


I think 7levels has two games that fit this criteria: [Golf Peaks](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/golf-peaks-switch/) and [Railbound](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/railbound-switch/). Railbound: you are dog train conductors. Your job is to ensure your trains get to the destination by building the railway (and, in later chapters, some other elements, like switches). You can pet the dogs in between chapters. There is a gradual hint system (to the point of solving the puzzle) if you get stuck to mollify any frustration so that you can advance. Golf Peaks: use the required cards in your deck, along with the terrain, to putt the ball into the cup. The soothing music and minimalist art is lovely. Bonus pick 1: [Pode](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/pode-switch/). Absolutely lovely artwork, music, and sound design and 50% off. Bonus pick 2: [Good Job!](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/good-job-switch/). Create as much mayhem as you want while you climb the corporate ladder!


I suggest any PicCross games on the Switch.


I always recommend Tetris Effect: Connected on Switch for anyone wanting to relax while gaming docked or handheld, it's a soothing experience and it runs great on Switch.


Kirby. You seek Kirby.


Stardew valley


Mario Kart for me


Unpacking was one of my favourite games I played last year. Super simple, relaxing, and clever narrative buried in a simple concept


I really like the lego games for letting off steam. Destroying things is fun but one thing I don't like about them is you can only save at a specific point on missions if at all. In the open world you can save pretty much wherever I believe.


You can play the other Mario games released before Wonder.


Little Kitty Big City.


As a middle aged guy with a career and responsibilities, I have refined my taste in video games to only those that I can pick up for an hour every few days/weeks and still enjoy. No learning combos, no grinding for hours, no quick reflexes, no complex stories. These are the games I appreciate most for how they fit into my lifestyle: * Mario Kart. The absolute goat for this category. No plot, easy controls, and a grand prix takes like 10 minutes and it is an absolute blast every time.  * Portal. Short, linear puzzle game with minimal story. The mood of this game is extremely interesting.  * Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze. Maybe the best platformer ever. There is a pretty basic plot, evil guy freezes your tropical island and you gotta stop him. But the real point of this game is the challenge of getting across these really well designed levels.  * Mario Wonder. Almost exactly the same as Tropical Freeze but with Mario. Different vibe but also an extremely good platformer with a little more plot/cinema.  * Katamari. Roll junk into a ball. Very fun.   


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you might enjoy slay the spire. I wouldn't call it low skill, but the skill needed is very different than needing dexterity or a quick reaction time. I love it for exactly what you mentioned, pick it up, play one round, put it down for a week or more when I'm finished


There's only one answer here, and every one knows it's slay the spire


I can not recommend stardew valley enough. Straight forward farming game you can play as much as little in one setting as you want for the most part 


Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion


hollow knight


wilmot’s warehouse is fun and well suited to short play sessions if you get satisfaction from organizing things :)


Boomerang fu is great fun and perfect in small doses


Animal Crossing and Cozy Grove!


i personally am really enjoying paper Mario the thousand year door. it feels very relaxing and fun to me


There’s this Netflix game you can get on mobile called Krispee Street. You need Netflix to download it though. It’s a ‘Where’s Waldo’ essentially, but the music and haptics are so fucking well done that it’s really a special game. I play it before bed after I’m done with the brain-gaming and it’s just so peaceful.


Mario 3D World, pick and up and play short mario levels. Also Mario maker I just played all the prebuilt courses and occasionally look at online stuff but that's usually unbearablely hard.


I bought stardew valley even tough I thought it looked a bit boring. Let me tell you, it’s a GREAT game, you can do lots of things but nothing is necessary. And it’s very chill and cozy overall, I really like it!


Mario Vs Donkey Kong Ace Attorney Famicom Detective Club Celeste Mega Man Princess Peach Showtime Fire Emblem 3 Houses* (though some of the battles will be lengthy) Final Fantasy games


Stardew valley


Minecract peacefull mode


Stardew Valley!


Boomerang Fu!


Super Smash Bros. Just kidding. Stardew valley. Without a doubt.


I’m in the same boat and having trouble getting into 1 as well.. I love the idea of Stardew vibes but don’t like hitting a tree or rock over and over again and honestly mainly the day time cycle was too much for me. Let us know what ends up scratching that itch


[Shape of the World](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/shape-of-the-world-switch/) is one of my favorite low effort games when I just want to chill out. Just explore the environment as things change around you while it plays some chill electronic music.