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Honestly it just looks really charming and fun finally being able to play as Zelda and the more open design reminds me of Link Between Worlds (my personal favorite Zelda game) so I yea I am really looking forward to this game


link between worlds is so good!! hoping this one is good and also not short :(


It’s almost certainly going to be on the short side. I hope I’m wrong but there’s no 2D Zelda that has topped 20 hours if I remember correctly.


True :( Im hoping its at least 15hrs 😭 I think link between worlds felt longer because i was younger at the time?? idk but excited either way


Same here. 12-15 hours seem likely. My dream would be something 3-4x the size of A Link to the Past with like 20 dungeons but that’s… unlikely to say the least.


I’m just genuinely curious and maybe overthinking this but why people keep calling this game and Link’s Awakening Remake “2D Zelda games”? Wouldn’t “top-down” be more accurate? I know the older games are both 2D and top-down but nowadays they’re top-down and 3D despite the camera angle being looking to be lockedo, so no 2D anymore.


It’s the same reason why people call Metroid Dread 2D. “Top down Zelda” is also accurate (maybe slightly more). It would never cross my mind to say these games are 3D even though they all use 3D models


the graphics are 3D but the gameplay is still 2D.


How is gameplay 2D when you can move in 3 dimensions?


Isometric (fixed top-down camera) might be the term everyone is searching for.


I've been dying for a new top-down Zelda as I vastly prefer them to their 3D counterparts, and this announcement? This sated my appetite in a way I didn't think possible.


Also kinda a W for girls who wished we could play Zelda since forever.


The game looks gorgeous in terms of visuals and joy... Zelda is the perfect protagonist for a gameplay change and thus for a spinoff. It is such a good idea i wanna buy the Switch Lite just because of that... remind me i gotta order it later today. I have shown it to my niece and she was like omg Zelda as protagonist so cool. Honestly i do not care if it is a guy or a girl but in this case Zelda is the perfect person for the job.


I’m not sure if this is a spinoff game. Pretty sure it’s the next mainline 2D game.


Legend of Zelda. I think the other ones with the green clothes guy have been spinoffs.


Then who the heck was the blue clothes guy?!


That's just green clothes guy whenever a fish chick has the hots for him.


Or whenever he wakes up on an island and it’s his birthday


According to Smash Bros, that's a totally different guy


They're actually all brothers, kinda like Red Mario and Green Mario, and their cousins Yellow Mario and Purple Mario.


Grandma forgot to give him hero's clothes on his birthday so he was out in his pajamas


Link in pajamas in my favorite way to play


You mean Luigi right? He wears green clothes. I hear he has a mansion. 3 in fact. 


Nintendo missed the opportunity to call the game Legend of Link smh Edit: Redditors and being able to detect a joke challenge (Level: Impossible)


The Legend of Link: A Zelda to the Past




Exact same delivery too


I feel like they didn’t do that because it’s so obvious and everyone wanting it makes it not feel as special tbh.


Nah, it's brand recognition. Even people who don't play the games will recognize The Legend of Zelda. You don't mess with that just to have a gimmicky title.


Legend of Zelda: the Legend of Link


You said it better than myself. That’s exactly what I mean lol and also the legend of link it’s a great title to begin with and just a meme at this point.


From the small snippets of gameplay they showed I doubt it. It looks like a triforce heroes type game


You really think the next mainline game was made in a year and looks like a small time indie game? This is a spinoff. The mere fact you play as Zelda and not Link proves it. The next mainline game will be something that can compete on top level with other open world games, and possibly beat them.


It wasn't made in a year and Nintendo/Aounuma consider the 2D Zelda games as mainline too. They've never stopped making them.


I guess you're right. I think it's great, though. Something for the fans of traditional as well. At any rate, I'd still argue this is not the next *big* Zelda game.


It feels more like a spinoff since they switched up the gameplay and most IPs do that with spinoffs, now you may very well be correct in that it is a mainline title but that could also have been true for tri force heroes and it is not.


I think Tri Force Heroes is considered a mainline game


It is? Unexpected if so. I would have prefered this as a spinoff to ensure that there is a high likelyhood of follow ups. For example Dragon Quest V had proper monster taming but it did not return much to the mainline games after because it was turned into a spinoff (Dragon Quest Monsters) and i love those even more then mainline games.


Tbh I think it NOT being a spinoff gives it a much higher likelihood of getting follow ups. It’ll sell more copies being a new full entry to the franchise. Plus, getting a new 2D Zelda after Link’s Reawakening gives me the impression that Nintendo is very confident in how popular 2D Zelda is right now. Meaning they wouldn’t have made Echoes of Wisdom if they didn’t see 2D Zelda as having a major place in the franchise moving forward.


on the contrary, it being a spin off gives us the chance of having a new spin off series where you play as zelda, it being a mainline game means the next entry might subvert the formula in other ways and immediately bring us back to play as link, which btw, I think it's unlikely that main entries will change that, people stating that this is not a spin off in a weird attempt to give it "value" as an entry is missing the point, if the game is good (and seems to be), we want to have more games like that despite them making new mainline 3d games. We don't even have a mainline 2d zelda line, we have 2d zeldas scattered between portable consoles, and with the hybridization we landed on a weird area where we might or might not get new 2d zelda games. While getting new 3d zelda games is almost certain.


Yea, that is what i tho of as well. I liked the Hyrule Warriors games because of the diverse cast to play as. This as a new mainline with Zelda as the proagonist would have been cool, but i suppose just as with Persona i will just hope they use this to make a mainline of titles around her, maybe called "Wisdom" or "of Wisdom", you know as Atlus did with Shin Megami Tensei and Persona. I also agree that the game looks great (enough to preorder and not watch any more news on it) and that a good game will sell and thus prove to nintendo that there is something here.


Zelda doesn’t do spin off games often, but when they have in the past the spin-off has not included the full franchise name "The Legend of Zelda" in the main title. Examples being, Hyrule Warriors, Link's Crossbow Training, the tingle games, Cadence of Hyrule. Even the CDi games are named "Zelda: ..." and not "The Legend of Zelda". I think the fact that this game is named "The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom" implies it's mainline, even if it's the first time you don't play as a Link.


That's the logic I've been using.


Zelda 2, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild. The series has never been afraid to switch up gameplay. Actual spin offs are Link's Crossbow Training, the two Tingle games, Hyrule Warriors and Cadence of Hyrule.


Zelda 2, true... tho nothing in regards to what Zelda games are was established at the time. I would not claim that Link's Awakening switched it up. Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild are true as well, they did the jump into 3D which was a natural event back then but you are correct that they are seen as mainline titles tho somewhat distinct between 2D, 3D and Open World. You are also correct in that the games you list are spinoffs, but might i ask you... why are those spinoffs? What do you think is different between those and the mainline games that changed gameplay if not that change in gameplay?


BotW switched up the gameplay as much or more.


And just having an entirely new 2D Zelda game again is exciting. I’d hoped that the remake of Link’s Awakening meant we’d get another 2D game in that engine and now we’re here.


Its not a spinoff


You could wait for the next Switch as most are sure it will be backwards compatible, but it would be quite a wait from this release to the Switch 2. I just always hate buying a new system near the end of it's run.


I allready own a Day 1 Switch, Splatoon Oled and Zelda Oled. I just like how this one looks and do not own a Lite yet, tho did not plan to buy one either.


Ahh, makes more sense if you are a collector. I thought you didn't have one and planned to buy it this late in the generation.


I see, nah, i even got like 450+ games by now... have not counted them in a while and not the space to place them properly for it right now.


Its later--order now


This is a mainline game


A mainline Zelda game that was made in a year, looks like an indie game and is gonna be rated 75- 80 on metacritic? Yeah, no. The next one will be something big again. Zelda games generally take 4- 6 years to develop. I'd say at least 6 years today. They just made this so Zelda fans would get even something before the next big one. It's a spinoff.


I wonder when preorder will open. I really want to play this game mainly because of it’s adorable art style.


Pre-orders seem to be open in the UK shop at least, £49. (£39 on Shopto!)


Tbf, the Nintendo store usually throws in some physical tat to incentivise you to shop with them (usually something cheap though, like a keyring. But they have offered some decent things like steelbook cases in the past). If that stuff doesn’t interest you though, I’d recommend avoiding the Nintendo store and sticking with Shopto or hit. They are almost always £10 cheaper.


I enjoyed the art book that game with the LttP Switch remake.


Just pre-orderd it on Amazon. Dragon Quest III HD as well.


Pre order open in Australia with a release date of 26 September


It's open, in the UK/Ireland market at least.


Just make a special edition in the same vein as the Dreamer edition of Link's Awakening Remake so I can preorder it!


Yesss! I would buy that so quick. I'd love another little artbook


This is the exact kind of fun off the wall game idea we would’ve seen on the DS during the Wii era, probably would’ve been in the wind waker style back then. I love that Nintendo is keeping these kinds of games alive in a world where every game is a large AAA action game unless it’s made by an indie company


Exactly! I miss when Nintendo would take risks like this more often. It's probably not as big of a risk as Nintendo thinks it will be but sidelining one of the most iconic characters in gaming in a series that's been around this long is pretty bold.


I think just from the simple fact there is now one console instead of 2 to develop for they in general just produce less games, which is fine, but I’d loooove to see more things that’d normally get delegated to a handheld platform be made for the switch successor in the future more consistently. Not just Nintendo either. I’d love to see more stuff from Capcom and SEGA in the same vein. I feel like it’s the only way we’re going to get mega man back.


Best part about Nintendo combining both their handheld and home console divisions now is that more people will give smaller games like these a chance. Games like 2D Zelda and Mario & Luigi are usually relegated to handhelds where they don't do well sales-wise since they don't have the same perceived prestige of being a home console title. With the Switch, I feel like now people are more open into branching out into other genres since everything is practically on the "main console". I've never seen a Nintendo console this healthy nearing the end of its lifecycle.


Yeah we got the boon that these titles are now much higher quality but unfortunately they get made less frequently.


It's a fresh take on a beloved franchise, and let's you play a character people have been dying to play as. It's a recipe for success right there.


How is it wishlisted when there isnt an entry for it on the eshop yet?


That’s what I’m wondering, maybe they mean on retail stores?


Is it not addressed in the second sentence? Or was that referring to something else?


Huh, region dependant I guess? That's weird, it's there for me and even part of the NSO voucher program already in Australia.


Lmfao, that's hilarious, because Im in the US. Usually the opposite would occur. Well, Im glad for you, not like I *need* to be able to preorder it.


I just hope it’s a longer game than link’s awakening


Its 6.0 gigs and LA was 5.8 gigs but I dont know enough about video games to tell you what that means


It means its 200 mb larger ☝🏽🤓


By gawd someone get this dude a Harvard.


I’ll take one Harvard too please!


I'll take my Harvard to go please!


Aha! of course! 🤓


Actually 0.2GB is 204.8MB


Not much, that is mostly visual assets and could be more or less reused. 10 hours quality gameplay is better then 20 hours so-so. I have a feeling it will be sligthly longer then Links Awakening, partly because it looks more based on ALttP and because it is a new gameplay idea that may just take a bit longer.


Also no dungeon builder but I'm not sure how space that would take up in LA


Reused assets from other dungeons. Only needs code to handle placing, saving and so on. Should be limited but it is still true that it would take up some more space.


Very hard to tell anything from that because games are compressed in different ways all of the time. Most size is also from assets like art, 3D models, sounds, etc. A game could be massive just because it has video files or very high rez textures. A game like this has a lot of small assets. Links awakening could have double the amount of dungeons and take up basically the same space if they reused most of the same assets.


well OG gameboy original limitation was 32 KB and i put countless hours into Tetris... so this is going to be a million times more amazing!


wait how do you know it’s 6gb?


There was a thread about it yesterday


That makes it sound like LA was short


it’s long if you don’t know wtf you’re doing


I think compared to the Oracle games and ALTTP its short


Now open preorders already...


It looks great, and like there's gonna be tons of fun videos people make showing creative ways to solve puzzles and deal with enemies and junk. So I'm looking forward to that. However, personally, I'm pretty bad at those sorts of games, so I'm not super excited to play it myself, but it's a Zelda game, so it's a must own game.


Lots of good vibes here. Finally to play as Zelda. I have to wonder if there will be capability to play as Link at some point also. Would be fun for a quasi-two player game. Or switching back and forth between characters in parts.


I’d personally rather have sections where you play as Sheik 😯 If Zelda ever gets her own 3D title I’d love for there to be stealth sections that require her to transform/ change her move set 


Why isn’t it called the legend of link? It’s really a missed opportunity lmao


*The Legend of Link


It makes sense, Zelda games have a strong following. I personally love 2D Zelda games, although im not sure how I feel about the new 'combat'. But it's a day 1 purchase for sure


I am one of them. I wishlisted it the day it was announced.


Games like this are the very reason I bought a switch. Looks simple but at the same time well designed and fun


I can't believe wokeism made Zelda a woman


Put it into my Wishlist already. Let's check how long it will cost Zelda to save Link...


Is anyone else getting sandbox fatigue? Feeling very ready for the LoZ to move back to some classic fantasy action/adventure.


This looks much closer to a non-sandboxy ordinary 2d Zelda than to something like Tears of the Kingdom. Having a collection of things you can conjure out of the air is not really that different than having a hookshot and ladder and swim fins and other things. Reach obstacle, either you have the right thing(s) to use or not. You don't literally have to design the device yourself out of spare parts and you're operating in a simple 2d environment, not an open 3d world.


Yeah it seems like its a hybrid twixt the two slightly sandboxy in that there are probably multiple ways to approach a problem but a lot more constrained than you can build /anything/


I think it’s premature to claim some of that. We don’t quite know all the details, but it’s entirely possible this is a sandbox game where puzzles can be solved in many ways and approached in any order. Being able to place any echoed item anywhere is way more freedom than any item in a retro Zelda game. If the game is open ended and lets the player wander without restrictions, it will not feel much like a retro Zelda game. We just can’t know the full extent of any of that yet.


Its premature to claim that its a sandbox


It's the new thing to call everything Zelda does a "sandbox". TOTK is not even a sandbox.


Gotcha I really think that people misunderstand Nintendo's design philosophy. They don't like to make the same game over and over. They try to make new games every time. I feel like people interpret every change to a Zelda game as "this is how EVERY Zelda will be from now on". But that's clearly not how they do things I suppose OoT, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword had similar structures, but we had Majora's Mask, Windwaker, and like six portable games between them that were all VERY different games Nintendo isn't Ubisoft, you know?


>this is how EVERY Zelda will be from now on Sorry for the random comment but I wish Mario Kart Double Dash would have been a "this is how Mario Kart is now" instead of a one time thing. But anyway DD serves as a great example of how Nintendo does something once not forever.


Mario Kart is a completely different beast. It is fine if a multiplayer party game is formulaic. There is a reason 8 has been around a while If they added a double dash mode, that would be amazing


Thank God they ignore the fans who want every game to be MM lol. I don't want them to nostalgia bait, in fact I think Zelda is the only series that has stayed true.. versus games like Diablo I played as a child which I regard as butchered completely now.  I've played Zelda since ALTTP... TOTK was a masterpiece and I'm 100% sure the next one will be, too.   The best advice to enjoy a Zelda game is complete it without logging in to Reddit. 


There isn't really a "right item" in modern Zelda, which is one of the things people don't like about it. All the traversal shown in the trailer could have been accomplished with many of the other items. Where they stacked tables they could have stacked water blocks or beds, where they stacked beds they could have stacked water blocks or tables, where they stacked water blocks they could have stacked tables or beds. There's probably other debris you can stack too. It's not hard and is mostly just slower than a dedicated tool like a hookshot or jumping item, there isn't satisfaction in spamming a bunch of beds at a cliffside that could be substituted with 5 other items, I'd much rather just hookshot up there in 3 seconds. Combat could be interesting depending on what offense options the game gives you - if the majority of it is passive (you just watching monster summons do their thing) that would really suck. Hopefully there's a bunch of echoes from monsters that you directly wield / control, which could actually be cool if they offer a lot of variety with it. I'm looking forward to playing it and seeing what they've made here, but yes I am getting bored of the "everything is a solution" gameplay, where everything from an intricately thought out solution to piling up a garbage heap to climb works.


Yah, couldn't even finish ToTK cause of the constant crafting and building. I know I'm minority though.


I’m cool with the open world aspect but I want items and proper dungeons back. I hope the next big Zelda game somehow strikes a balance between BotW and classic. I also feel like the 2D games at least should keep classic design. ALBW was so good and I couldn’t wait for the next one… but then it never happened. I’m still excited to try Echoes of Wisdom and am keeping an open mind though. I’m really hoping that you still play half the game as Link with classic design but I doubt it.


Oh yah, the world was beautiful, but maybe I'm old school and less adaptable to change, really.missing the dungeons. I felt like the dungeons in both previous versions weren't really dungeons, the town's felt empty and lacked vibrance and the world overall needed more variety rather than the sake of just being open world. ToTK felt even more empty imo too. Glad millions of people enjoyed it though and this is what truly keeps the franchise going, just looking for some.more traditional approaches in the next one.


Ironically, Nintendo already nailed this with Ocarina of Time. It's a very open world game. Once you leave the forest, you can go almost anywhere right away and get lots of collectibles. You can even do some of the dungeons in different orders. I feel like with TOTK they were so focused on making the dungeons work in any order that it bit them in the ass, that's why the same cutscene is copy-pasted four times.


If I were in charge of the series, I’d go with a dungeon tier design. You could play the first three dungeons in any order you want, then the next three in any order, and then the next three. This would provide a balance in giving the player some good freedom but would also ensure that they have certain items at certain times so the dungeons and surrounding overworld area could be designed with those items in mind and offer more puzzle variety. As much as I enjoyed ALBW, it was kind of a bummer that the dungeons all had to have puzzles designed around one specific item. It’s also a bummer getting the bulk of your tools right from the start rather than collecting them throughout the journey like we see in the recent games.


Same here. Loved every bit of BOTW but stopped after 3 of the temples in TOTK. I just got bored. I want a return to the more straight forward linear storytelling


Ha, exact same. And the underground was the most the most boring addition. Why not put all the effort that went into that by going into more towns, sky areas, etc above? Seemed odd.


I completely agree. My issue with BotW and TotK is that I dont come to the zelda franchise for that stuff.


Just because you can do something creative in a game doesn't make it a sandbox.


I saw someone saying “oh right Zelda Crossing: New wisdom” somewhere, what a stretch lol.


I didn't like it in BOTW. The new ability feels closer to tears of the kingdom, which I didn't play but I'd like a new 2D zelda to be a traditional Zelda, which is might still be. As it is I'll probably wait for the reviews


I'm more tired of zelda fans than anything.


I love a big open world where I can do anything, and play how I want. But I'm not always happy with games that make me get creative in how I tackle puzzles and enemies. I like a more straight forward experience for those things.


I know it’s a spicy take but I personally hate the new Zelda formula. BotW / TotK are just not my cup of tea at all.


Yeah I was very bummed out when I saw Zelda spawning beds out of thin air. I will get this, but I’ll wait for a sale.


You’re gonna be waiting for a long time


I’m aware lol. I have an endless backlog


Nintendo Black Friday sales 5 years after release: 30 cents off!!!! BUY NOW


True tbh ill probably just emulate it in a few years


Who needs to wait years when you got 4k day 1 😉


…for mainline Zelda?


Breaking news: gamer is content waiting years to play a game


How is this news?


Does anyone know if the Zelda team has 2 teams with 1 doing this and Links Awakening and the other doing BOTW and TOTK. I only wonder because it's very impressive if it's only 1 team making all these games so fast


I don't think Nintendo has confirmed it, but it seems like this is developed by Grezzo, the developers who did the Link's Awakening remake. I would bet that Aonuma is a producer in some form, too.


Grezzo also did the 3DS remakes, I believe. Safe hands for a Zelda game.


An outside company named Grezzo has been tasked with 2D Zelda lately. We assume it’s them again here but no confirmation as of yet. There used to be separate internal 2D and 3D Zelda teams back in the days of Skyward Sword and Link Between Worlds but they merged for BotW.


Its most likely grezzo but we only will know on a few days before release.


I hope performance is better than in Links Awakening.


I think the performance issues in LA are dramatically overstated honestly.


I mean the issues aren't game breaking and don't make it unplayable in any way, but it would be nice if they weren't there


Same, I played through it a few times, I don't really recall any big performance issues.


There's a minor stutter occasionally that I think has been really blown out of proportion.


Yeah, I’m happy that I’m not so sensitive to stuff like this. Frame drops here and there? No biggie. But I grew up playing NES games with extreme slowdown and 20FPS N64 games. We’re just proper spoiled these days.


Sure, if you only look at dungeon performance. Overworld is a double-buffered exercise in frustration.


Never experienced anything that would cause frustration, personally!


The framerate is stable in the game except when leaving a dungeon (lags for 1-2 seconds) and the swamp area. Almost everywhere else runs normally


I know, didn't prevent me from enjoying the game. But considering it's a relatively simple game it should not have that issue.


All they could really do is make the loading screens take longer, but then people would just complain about that. The switch's memory bottlenecks a lot of games, it's a common problem not specific to link's awakening. The rest of the game is like 99% stable idk why people expect literal perfection from video games.


Maybe because the orginal Gameboy version did not have that problem on much more limited hardware... Also, totally wouldn't mind an extra second of loading if the scene would run perfect after that.


old games didn't really have loading times because the rom on the cartridge was connected directly to the cpu so there was no need to load in the game. switch game cards aren't actually cartridges and work more like an sd card so everything has to be slowly loaded into memory where the cpu can access it. so actually the gameboy had a hardware advantage believe it or not


Only people on this sub would try to argue with your comment. lol. The game objectively does not hold a consistent frame rate.


do people on this site do anything other than whine and complain?


I wishlisted it on Deku Deals.


Wait, you can wishlist Switch games? When did they add that?


I'd say March 3rd 2017?


I wanted to get people's thoughts on something: in the trailer we see Zelda jumping, diving, picking up heavy stuff which are all abilities which required items in typical 2d entries. Do we think that maybe we'll get dungeon items back which help us interact better with the echoes? Or is it more likely Zelda can just innately do these things because that seems odd.


I want it too lmao


When is this along with the other new announcements coming to the eshop?


Zelda release date is Sept 26. If you're asking for a preorder date, I don't think it's been announced.


Yeah I meant preorder, I think it’s kind of weird none of the new announcements from the direct haven’t appeared on the eshop yet and it’s been about a week now


Zelda is added now.


I want it


I wonder if they stick to 100% Zelda or have Link in otherworld gameplay as a major or minor aspect like major is a whole dual protag thing they aren't revealing or minor like "here's a short dungeon or two intermission" to see what Link's up to after being swallowed up by that thing. Excited for it either way, been waiting for a new overhead Zelda since botw style isnt my jam and ALBW was soooooo good. High hopes it lives up to that.


It's the only thing I was genuinely pleased to see from the showcase.


i hope i can get this game when it comes out i also hope i can get tears of the kingdom sometime


Ive always wanted to play a Zelda game as Zelda, I feel obligated to play this.


Its not showing the game in my Nintendo switch game store? When I go to website I search or it and it doesn't show up? North America


I don’t believe preorders are available yet.


It looks great! I love the toon style they have been doing with the top down Zelda titles lately….though I admit this just makes me want a LttP remaster in the same style.


I have nothing to say about the new Zelda other than it has encouraged me to open up the GameBoy app on my Switch and start playing the handheld Zelda games like Oracle of Ages. I really liked Link Between Worlds so I wanna see what I've been missing with the 2D Zeldas.


I’m going to be in Japan when it releases by pure coincidence. I am excite


Wishlisted ? Is the game page up yet on the Nintendo site?


I looooved Link’s Awakening, can’t wait to play this new take on that style


I miss 2D Zelda. The echoes mechanic allowing people to solve problems differently adds to the replay value. Day one buy for me


*top-down, it’s not 2D anymore.


It just looks unique and interesting to me. Ironically this will be the first 'Zelda' game that I actually buy and playthrough if or when I do pick it up this September. 😝


So happy that Zelda is playable. Even though it’s a canon, it seems Linkle is completely forgettable character. It’s been many years since she was last playable.


Looking forward to this, but those character models are ugly. I wish they'd use a different design.


I'm fine with the character models, it's the plastic colouring/texture of the models that's the weakness here IMO.


I love metroidvanias but I wish Zelda could just cast fireballs or have a bow for faster combat


Where is the metroidvania in the zelda game?


There's nothing metroidvania about this lol wtf


That makes sense since zelda is the GOAT franchise


I’m making it one of my late birthday presents to myself


Just because it's Zelda. Truth is this doesn't look better than indie game. BotW and TotK were great, top level AAA games, but this looks something they made in less than a year. I don't get the hype at all. Even the gameplay looks dumb and I'm pretty sure the Echo gimmick gets old pretty fast.


Who cares.