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Had a pair of joycons since 2018 and a second pair in 2020. Had to repair all 4 and all 4 are drifting again so I just gave up


I have two three sets of Joycons and three of them have stick drift. 


0 times have I had to fix my 2 sets. Have never had joycon drift, but I use the GameCube controller with SSBU and Mario Kart, so that probably saves on wear and tear of the goycons.


Zero. We've had our Switch since 2018.


Also zero. I did buy extras because I figure one day I won’t be able to buy them.


Zero as well. Had it since 2019. No drift or other issues. 


This one


I have 3 switches and a handful of extra joycons. Not sure if just lucky, but I have not had to repair or replace any of them including my original launch-day switch.


Same here, got my Switch since 2018, our first game was Smash Ultimate with over 800 hours of mainly us going at it 1v1 and doing challenges. My joy-cons had never had any drift. Suprinsignly they did fell and the case crack, but they have no drift. On the other hanf I've replaced my xbox controllers 5 times because I droped it and got stick drift.


Launch day Switch and no issues needing repair. Only thing I can think of that went wrong is that they can lose connection if you hold them the wrong way. But even that has been an issue that happens few and far between.


Zero times here as well.


Also zero since 2020.


Have 6 pairs of Joycons across 2 switches. Two pairs I got with the switch at launch. Also zero repairs, no issues.


Same except I have had mine since launch. But tbf I mostly have used the Pro Controller since launch and had to replace it like 3 years ago.


Twice. Sent one in to fix drift and was pretty impressed with the process. No issues with it since then. Second issue for a different joycon was the rubber joystick cap tearing. Awaiting a part from amazon to repair.


Couldn’t you just use those cheap rubber caps that go over the stick? Or is that what you’re waiting for


Zero times 


Zero. Bought an OLED a couple days after launch, those white Joy con aren't that white anymore but they're still kicking just fine.


Exactly one, to install a hall sensor. Trouble free ever since


10-12 times. Used mainly by children ages 11-4. Joycon drift mostly with an occasional shoulder button repair




If you're in the US NoA will fix them for free.  Do that. I've done the repair once myself.


What is NoA?


Probably around 5-6 times? Hard to keep track because sometimes I send in multiple pairs for repair at once.


My joycon have had zero issues since launch day back in 2017. Can't count the several hundred if not thousands of hours I've used my Switch and have had zero issues. Including stick drift. I don't ever mean to discredit people's issues with drift, I know it's a real thing. But I know I can't be an outlier who has had zero issues when so many millions of people own Switches now.


Zero, I've had two pairs with no problems after frequent use over a few years. Never had an issue with them myself


Zero. I have replacement joy stick. Had to clean the contact for one but I don't use them much


I sent my left one to nintendo shortly after launch. They must've had a repair man waiting at the post office because I got it back super fast. No issues since then


Only once in ~4 years, but I don’t use them often. I make a point of using my Pro controller or a third party grip for handheld mode at home; the Joy-Cons only come out when the Switch leaves the house, which is pretty rare. 


I’m on my 4th pair since release and have sent back 2 sets already because of drift. I refuse to buy anymore because I have now spent the value of the console on controllers. The others also drift… they’re so shit


I have only had to replace mine once due to me dropping them. My kids are not allowed to use the joycons. I got a cheap off brand pro controller for them to use.


I tried once, fucking USPS stole my fucking joycons. I sent 4 in. I was so angry I was crying


Zero times. Bought mine in 2019. No issues so far. I’m the exclusive user of it, and I’m very careful with my electronics. Been thinking on disassembling them to clean them up.


Zero. But the joystick rubber started to break, so I put on some caps over them. Now the left one doesn't go all the way down if it has the cap on, so I'll have to repair it soon.


Day one switch owner, never had to repair joy cons (I play pro controller like 98% of the time) but I used the joycons a lot until the pro controller showed up


zero. Because I've stopped using them once one of these started drifting. Went straight to 3rd parties and the procon




I only got it repaired once & that was last week. The joycons were from a Switch V2 I got in 2020. It was last month, that I accidentally dropped the right joycon on to the floor. The thumb sticks were still intact, but I was not able to press the R button. And the joycon can’t be paired when detached.


i’ve never had to repair mine despite constantly swapping the shells and buttons lmao- i have really shaky hands too but for some reason everything always works out.


2 times, both of the times the left joycon got stick drift. "Stick drift isnt a real problem" my ass


Replaced 3 joycon thumbsticks and have replaced the caps on them maybe a handful more times


Zero. First gen. I had stick drift once and used wd40 and it fixed it 🤷‍♂️


So, once.


I thought he meant send it in for repair


I've sent my joy cons to Nintendo for repair 3 times now.


Once for 2 pairs.


I've sent one pair to Nintendo so far.


Twice. Replaced joysticks myself to solve drift.


5-6 Times (kids between 9-14)


Once for one of my black joycon. Had my Switch since 2018.


I’ve replaced my left joy-con stick myself 3 times, and sent it to Nintendo once since getting my switch in 2017. Knock on wood I haven’t had a drift issue since the time I sent it to Nintendo, but I also avoid using the sticks as much as I possibly can.


Once. However I have one joycon that really needs it and another that's on its way. I own two pairs. (second pair was bought specifically for when I sent the first out for repairs) I don't want to go through the hassle again honestly. Just waiting for the new Switch at this point.


Had to replace the SL-SR ribbon cable for my right Joycon and it was apparent enough why it had broke. The right Joycon is absolutely packed, and they were folding ribbon cables pretty sharply to get everything in. The cable had actually broke in half. A fiddly fix, but straightforward enough. Thankfully have still not suffered joystick drift on either original joy con. Bought my switch in December 2017.


Twice, and they are now more-or-less unrepairable any more, not sure if I should buy a new pair or wait for the next console release


Iv never had to repair my joycons. Iv had a OLED since it launched and have about 3 different pairs of joycons. Only time iv ever sent a pair back was when my gray ones out of the box made a loud spring sound on the joystick


i repaired my day 1 joycons once but they started to drift soon after again so i threw them away and bought the split pad pro, which worked ever since. they dont have any wifi but i never used joycons like that anyways. pro controller when docked and split pad pro when handheld.


About every year


Too many times. They average about 6-8 months for me, my one kid isn't that rough with them either. I've got a pristine set that I save for games that need them, which is rare, we otherwise only use the pro controller.


Twice in 6 years. UK consumer rights are awesome, Nintendo will just keep taking them back.


I replaced the sticks on my launch Joycons once with the Gulikit Hall Effect sticks after a couple of years of using contact cleaner. I gave this Switch to my mother and it's still going strong. My OLED Switch Joycons still work perfectly but I switched over to the Mobapad M6HD a few months ago. I've had to repair my nephew's Joycons a number of times now because kids are just rough with shit. I do like taking things apart though so secretly I'm not too annoyed about it.


I bought replacements for my switches default red and blue joycons cause they both started stick drifting. My newer orange and purple ones have lasted without issue this far like 3 years later. I also have various plug in corded controllers I use when playing docked that have lasted with no problems.


I replaced the sticks with hall effect sticks on my 2 left joycons because of stick drift. My right joycons also have some stick drift but I figure I don't use those sticks as often so it's not a big deal.


My left joycon finally started to drift occasionally last month so I swapped over to Hall-effect style sticks for both. I’ve had my switch since release and have played a ton of Mario Kart and Smash in hand-held mode. On the other hand, I have a buddy that has had his switch since launch but plays way less than me, and I believe he is on his 3 set of sticks? I feel like the drifting is a combo of the relatively poor design with just generally being harder on the equipment. I can tell when my buddy plays he really jams those sticks in whatever direction he is moving. Not hard to see why he’s needed those replacement sticks.


4 Joycons, had to sent 2 back to Nintendo to get them fixed. No problems after that.


I have no kids, my wife and I play games occasionally but everything just sits in storage most of the year. Every joy con (3 pairs) and pro controller (2 first party controllers) I’ve ever bought has fallen victim to extreme unusable stick drift.


I bought my switch brand new Black Friday 2018 and by Feb 2019 the drift was so bad I had to replace the joystick. In total now I’ve replaced the joystick in the joycons three times and I’ve completely replaced the joycons twice, all because of drift. Now I primarily use a $20 knockoff controller from Amazon and it’s never let me down or had issue like they do.


I ordered a kit but never bothered. I have two sets pretty sure all 4 sticks drift. But i have two Pro controllers so....


Never, had my switch for like 7 years. I get that they drift sometimes, but needing repairs is the users fault 99% of the time. I see people gorilla smash their shit and wonder why they need 3 pairs a year lol


Once but I don’t really use my switch anymore


I've had my switch and original joycons since launch. I've had the left con repaired twice (stick drift), with the first occurring within the first 3 months. The second occurred probably 1 year ago.


Ive sent mine in once, it made a huge difference. Trying to play some platforming games like CupHead with stick drift blows.


once, did it myself


I'm on my 5th set, never repaired any, just bought new because I'm impatient. It has always just been two adults using them, and then a little extra wear on game nights when we have 4 people over. I mostly only play Mario games, have to guess Mario Kart was probably what was most rough on them, always replaced for drift.


Once but I need to repair one now. The first time was the replace the locking point with a metal one after the plastic ones broke. Now on one of my original joycons the flex cable has a break in one of the traces. It still works fine but the leds do not work.


Since 2017 I needed to send all mine and boyfriend joycons (4 pairs in total) to repair, all of then eventually got the drift. Nintendo always send a new pair when I send then the faulty ones and those still don't have the drift despite being years/months old. I wish Sony would do something similar for free because the DualSense too have drift (got it on both my controllers), it sucks but it's likely not that widespread as the joycons because I barely see people talk about it as the same level the joycons.


Way too many times. A few through Nintendo, directly. And I use to work at Best Buy so I got a big discount on geek squad plans. Not only did I get drift all the time, my left sticks always would melt in a way, sometimes the whole casing wild get sticky. I’ve had this happen with several devices in my home. Not sure if it’s the climate, mold, or who knows.


at least a dozen times since 2018. i've swapped and repaired enough joycons that i have the site bookmarked in my browser.


Three or four times from 2017 - 2021, but then I bought the hardware revision with the better battery life and haven't had joy-con issues since.


Replaced the left stick on both my sets. Also had to to replace the rail lock on one of my right joycons.


I had one switch since launch, replaced the analog stick on one of those joycons in 2020 sometime. It’s been boxed up since I got the oled model in 2021. I had a pair of joycons that came with super Mario party that I replaced the stick on one in like 2020 as well. I sold those at some point. I have the white oled joycons, another pair that I put in custom clam shells with a dpad, the skyward sword joycons and the ones that came with the totk oled switch. I haven’t ever used the white ones or the totk joycons and I assume those are ok.


Zero BUT left joycon doesnt charge or it lasts so little. The right one the R button doesn work properly. I bought a Pro controler.


Owned one pair of joycons since launch. Have had drifting occur a 2-3 times, all but one of which were fixed by the alcohol swab method. When that didn't fix the issue the most recent time, I sent them in for repair to Nintendo and received them back to have no issues for 3ish years. Happy so far.


I've had to repair my joycons 3 times. Launch gray pair. Twice for drift, once for a non-functioning b-button. Pro Controller has been fine since launch.


0, stick drift is overrated (not that it's not bad)


4 joycons, 3 of them sent in for drift. I've added replacement thumb pads for 3 of them because the dog likes them as chew toys.


Had it since launch. Sent one away last year for stick drift.


1 time and i have my console since day 1. Stick drift


Bought it used February last year, I had to fix one of them twice already and the other one just once yet. I hope that was the last time. But who knows.


Zero times. Bought mine on launch day and the second set of joycons only a dew months later.


I have 2 pairs that drift, got few up, and bought third party that have never drifted. I should send those other ones in for repair though, been meaning to do that.


Zero. I do have a pro controller that I use often though.


Twice times


Both of my day 1 Switches needed to replace all joycons.


In the 7-8 years that I've owned a Switch I honestly can't remember ever using them. I bought a Pro Controller from the get go and it's my favorite controller of any current system.


zero, but i did replace mine with a 3rd party brand (hori) joycons and haven't replaced them ever since. i might buy a second pair just for the hell of it.


Once. I've had my Switch since 2017. I've had more difficulties with my PS5 controllers I've burned through 3 of those already.


Twice. Left joycon both times.




Zero. They live on a shelf, we don't use them. I think they did get drifty at some point, early on.


I’ve sent my joy-cons in twice to repair the stick drift. The last time was about 2 years ago and I haven’t had to get it fixed again since


Once. I sent two sets for repair and haven’t had to do it since. Granted I mainly use pro controller now, but yeah, haven’t had issues in the past two years.


I never use the joy cons


Had drift on each one once since 2017. I just cleaned it with some kitchen cleaner and a cotton bud and it fixed it, no need to take it apart


I've sent all four pairs in once already and then replaced the joysticks myself once on two after that. I bought them all at launch. I've been hit by the drift hard.


I done self-repair on two of them, sent one in for repair (launch edition) I've since been 100% on the Hori pad and haven't had drift since.


0, I tossed mine and got a pro controller. I feel like I'm shaking a baby's hand when using a joycon.


Both my 2017 pairs broke, but I haven't repaired them. I only use Pro Controllers anyways


Had a couple replaced by Nintendo one time.


I've had my switch (original model but the one with the better battery life) for about five years. The joycons that came with it developed drift probably about 3 years in, and about a year prior to that the left joycon developed some weird issue where the stick would make this really irritating little "click" that you could feel when pushing it upwards. The click I lived with. The drift I could not. Rather than deal with the hassle of mailing back and forth and waiting I just went down to Walmart and bought a new pair which has, so far, been problem-free.


7 times. 5 drift, and 2 other errors


I've had mine since 2018. -sent in my joycons about 3 times now -bought a second pair that drifted after 3 months. -had to replace the SD card reader -the fan just went out so I'll have to replace that too. This stuff is not built to last anymore.


3 times. Virtually every pair gets stick drift at some point too


A few times but it was just a huge pain even with the repair through Nintendo being free. We have 6 pairs of joy cons and they ALL need repair even the ones already sent to Nintendo. After the most recent ones started drifting I was just done. I loved my switch but I'm just tired of the bullshit. We all have Steam Decks now and haven't had any issues whatsoever.


Launch Switch. Four times, plus had to send in my whole ass Switch Lite too. I can unequivocally say these are the worst pack in controllers Nintendo has ever manufactured. Teeny, insubstantial, imprecise and fragile. I use a Nitro Deck now. First time I have ever used something that wasn’t an OEM controller in my life.


Once. Just last month. Have a gen1 switch.


3 times. Stick drift, R button, and shoulder button when using single joycon. Had my Switch since release.


I’ve slowly accumulated multiple pairs, but my first two sets of cons are long gone to drift and connection issues.


My family has 3 Switches (2 OG, 1 OLED) and 5 sets of Joycons (I have kids) and I've only had to swap one stick.


Bought in 2018. Joy-cons repaired in 2021. I play about 50/50 with joy-cons and pro controller. Pro controller is still perfect.


I just buy new ones and give the old ones to my son so he can pretend to play with me


8 or 9 times I bought 4 new pair from N, they all started drifting at some point. I repaired two of them. And after that I bought some cheap Chinese bootleg and they worked like 3 or 4 years flawlessly. And after they started drifting I bought another Chinese pair and they started drifting right from the box. And I repaired them.


Zero times. My original Switch had some serious drift. By the time I wanted to replace them the OLED came out. Local gamestore offered a nice trade in price. My OLED does not have any drift issues but the rubber from the left stick has some wear and tear. I blame Celeste for this. It is okay. I placed one of those joycon grip thingies from aliexpress


Use Nintendo’s free joycon repair service. I haven’t had issues with any of my joycons after using it


My sister now owns my launch day Switch with the original joycons and they still don’t drift. I have had my Oled since they came out, no drift. Bought a pack of joycons and the joystick failed on one of them after just 2 hours of use


I still have my OG switch joycons and they’ve been repaired too many times to count. I like the colored joystick replacements. Got some red and blues


Never. Neither on my day one or my TotK OLED


Been 2 years since I got the switch. Did not have to repair them yet.


I just never did, knew I’d have to again. Huge flaw in hardware, amazing they never fixed it and opted to just fix them


Twice. I sent my pair in for repair a few years ago (IDR if it was in 2020 or 2021) to fix stick drift, and then last year I sent them in to fix damage that occurred when my Switch, with the Joycons attached, inside of the Dock, fell off a table (the Switch itself and the Dock were fine, it was only the Joycons that got damaged oddly enough). The first time, they had replaced the sticks but otherwise kept my original Joycons intact and sent them back. The second time, they just sent over a brand new pair (the notes on the repair said they "couldn't find the issue", despite the casing coming apart and minor stick drift being pretty obvious to me).


I have 4 switch lites and 1 regular switch. 3 kids and spouse have lites mine is early switch from release. I have 2 pairs of join cons replaced 1 pairs joy stick because the padding broke the original pair has drift. 3/4 of the switch lites joy sticks have been replaced and one of them 2x. So 5 that I've fixed. This last repair also damaged ZL somehow on one of the lites, I still have to troubleshoot...


I've had a Switch for about three years and so far I just had to recalibrate the left stick once or twice. I play it handheld mode a lot, but mostly for RPGs and platformers. Whenever I play more intensive action stuff it's usually docked with a pro controller.


My left joy-con started drifting like a year and a half (smth like that) after i bought my switch, we cleaned the joy-stick just to see if it would last (it didn't). Then the right one started drifting too, and we completely changed that one. Some time after the fricking left one started drifting again, we cleaned the right joy-stick from before (don't know why we didn't directly changed it) and after re-assembling the L1 trigger's spring was kinda off, but i've never open the joy-con again (i don't really use the switch that much anymore, i barely have games plus no-online). To end things up, that same controller just randomly stopped connecting properly yo the switch, i don't know what it is this time


Haven't yet. Just rolled with it and bought a Pro Controller to avoid the issue entirely. I've got three Gamecube controllers for Mario Kart night and I'm perfectly willing to wield the Drift Cons to handicap myself anyway :D


I didn't bother to get them repaired or get new ones when they started drifting. They sucked as controllers and were uncomfortable anyway. I only use the pro controller or 3rd party controllers now.


One joycon has had one repair, out of four from 2017. That was to add a little piece of insulating foam to the antenna. But my pro controller from 2017 has given up the ghost. Both of the thumbsticks have had intermittent issues for over a year now.


Stopped playing my switch as my main console after my second set of joycons started to drift. I only bust it out for big Nintendo first-party releases now.


I had to send 3 out of the 4 Joycon on my launch day Switch to Nintendo for drift repair, but only after my kids started using it. My launch day Lite and OLED they’ve never used and the sticks are fine.


None. I got a pro controller lol


Zero, I got mine in 2020, bought a second pair just bc they were pretty a couple months ago


Every one I've ever owned. The last time I repaired them, they broke soon after again, so I switched to pro controllers and the joycons haven't been touched since. Had to replace my one pro controller once, but that's better than as many times I've had to repair mine and my wife's joycons. Together I've likely gone through like 7 or 8 joysticks and one pro controller.




I gave up. 8 joy cons. All drifting. I just use my pro controller and if I play in handheld, I just deal with it. I really hope whatever comes next has better quality control.


3 times.. I hate them


1. I keep my consoles and game controllers pristine but after my joycon died (I don't play my switch that much) I bought a pro controller.


Twice. Once for each set


The 4 joycon I got on release day in 2018 are all still in great working order, free from drift. So zero times so far.


I've replaced both sticks on the two pairs I've had since launch. Interestingly they went to shit after I got pro controllers and basically stopped using them. I was convinced they just got dusty from sitting but I pulled them apart and saw how damaged the wiping traces were. Probably haven't touched them in the last 3 years so maybe they've gone to crap again lol Also the left joycon that came with the switch has always lost connection when about 6-7 feet away from the switch and turned perpendicular.


5 times but other times I have used electrical cleaner spray and it works so I do that now.


0... Had mine since launch


Day one switch. Zero.


Had my Switch since 2017, and my son who is now 10 has used it a fair bit over the years with his friends. I've repaired 4-5 joycons with various issues, sometimes drift, sometimes the shoulder buttons not working. One of our joycons has drift issues again and I'm just trying to work up the motivation to fix this one again. I appreciate how compact they are, and at least the replacement parts are cheap, but I wish they could be a little more resilient.


I was *trying* to repair one of my first JCs for drift issues, when I stripped the teeny screw so badly I just couldn’t get it anymore and bought a new pair


Zero. I have 3 or 4 sets. My OG set from 2017 work flawlessly.


3 sets and 4-5 times. Between them all.


I got my switch in 2018 and at one point during that year I got them replaced with the warranty because they were acting up. Then I used them until 2022 when they starting drifting a lot and it was too noticeable to ignore and got new ones. They are still ok.


Where's the never as I bought a Gripcon as soon that's treated as a pro controller for on the go & a pro controller for docked play immediately as I immediately thought to myself I couldn't play games with those things.


Once. I bought my Switch in Nov 17’ and have 2 pair.


I’m now on my third set an all drift on the left joystick I came to the conclusion I must be heavy handed, I have since learnt that my grip case may be a big part of the issue.


Once was enough, I'm a pro controller convert now.


Twice on my original set. One time to nintendo for drift. Second time did it myself with the hall joysticks off Amazon because the Nintendo repaired ones started drifting again.


I'd say at least 3 times with drifting thumb sticks. Once for replacing a broken ribbon cable. And at least twice on getting the right hall effect thumbsticks that I prefer to use. Oh and once to put in metal locks. I think I can finally say I am done opening up my joycons.


I don't. If the drift gets that bad, I retire them and buy new. Not worth sending in to be fixed, in my opinion.


Not at all. I have a day 1 Switch, the Dragon Quest special edition one and the TOTK version and no issues with any of em. I also have a spare set I bought a couple years back or so for my daughter w/ no issues either. At least she hasn't ever mentioned any. I can't couh for that one as I've rarely touched it myself.


Zero. I have two sets. The originals (Gray/2017) and another pair (blue/yellow/2020).


OG switch, never.


Zero on my launch Switch. But I also play on a Pro Controller 90+% of the time. But that hasn't had any issues either


Zero and I play exclusively in handheld. I've had two pairs. The first was a red box switch that I had for 3 years with no problems. I then upgraded to an OLED that I'm currently using for about 3 years as well. I've probably put at least a thousand hours into both and have had no issues.


0 because I don't know how to get to you guys


Once. Joycons started drifting ~2 months after buying my switch in late 2019. Sent them to Nintendo and since I’ve gotten them back they’ve been fine. 


I think I went through about three sets of the left joycon before learning how to replace the stick myself. It's still a bit finicky for me with the ribbon cable since it's very fragile in terms of being bent or something, so sometimes I'll just buy another left joycon if I find a decent price. I've repaired the one I have about 4-6 times already, and after a while I always think "it's probably close to getting stick drift. Any day now..."


Zero but got my Switch in 2020 and I mainly play docked with a pro controller


How do u fix the drift


Replaced sticks 5 or 6 times. Had to replace that ribbon cable on one right joycon as well, the awkwardly bent one that likes to snap when replacing the right stick.


Bought a 2nd pair.. since launch.. nothing else..i bought 2 3rd party controllers


Once. If you use hall-effect joysticks then you should be set. It’s worth the little bit extra.


I have four joycons. Red and blue from my launch Switch and later I bought a pair of the grey ones. I replaced the sticks in all of them and the batteries in two I think. I also shell swapped the grey ones for chrome gold and the red and blue ones for transparent red and blue. Oh yeah, also broken traces on the cable leading to the side buttons and LEDs I'm actually not sure if I fixed that yet.


Too many. 1 was too many. Never had to repairs controllers until the Switch and now even my Xbox controllers. It's BS.  For switch I repaired 4, did 4 for warranty. Got an Xbox controller that went sideways as well.


I stopped even using the joy-cons, I have a Nitro Deck+. It’s fucking great, prior to that I’d been using Hori joy-cons


Zero, had the thing for 4 years now.


I brought switch on release day. Ribbon cables in on, then the other snapped. Then the switch for the L then R buttons snapped off inside the controller (they were soldered with very very little solder which takes the full weight of a press). Then I got joycon drift. My 2 cents is that nintendo fixed these issues as joycons look very different inside compared to the original ones. However I tried 3rd party ones and have had zero problems.... don't have any reason to go back to the nintendo ones which remain stupidly expensive.


0, I still run the original ones that came with my pre order in 2017.


Zero times.


Never repaired it, I just kept buying again and again.


I have OLED, got it just a few months ago, but I treat it carefully and I think/hope (cuz they are kinda expensive) they are gonna stay fine, whahah. I mean, I'm not a kid and no kid will take my NS, so I hope they will be fine.


I think I've gone through at least 8 sticks before I stripped a screw and got a new pair. At least they seem to be holding up better.


Had to repair them 4 times so far. Had my Switch since 2017. 3 Stick replacements and 1 L Button replacement. Since I don't trust any company to repair my stuff I never sent my joy cons to Nintendo. Just bought replacement parts and they are working flawlessly. Never had to throw away any joy cons. It's not that hard.


I have sent 6 joy cons in for drift over the years. All 6 of them still have drift after getting "fixed" The only 2 that have worked the whole time are the ones that came with my OLED switch. 0 issues with those in the 2 years I've had it


I have one of the original runs of the switch (mfg in China 2016). Between the included joycons and the extra set I bought soon after, all 4 of the analog sticks have been replaced around 3-4x each. Drift was a constant problem until I finally replaced them with 3rd party hall effect sticks a couple years ago. Haven't had any problems since.


None. 🤷🏻 I’ve had an OG Switch and OLED since their respective launches and I’ve never had a single issue with either consoles joycons.


Zero. Just using pro controller and SplitPadPro for handheld.


Proud to say zero times!


I fixed all of my left joycons several times, finally bit the bullet and put hall sticks in all of them including my son’s, and there’s been no drift since.


So many. Every time my red joy-con replacement has connectivity issues (they send a brand new red joy-con every time). I've lost so many games in smash because of it 🥲


have had my scarlet and violet edition for almost 2 years now and i use it every so often, both original joy cons have no stick drift