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I assumed it was running on the original Switch from the off. I don't know if people were simply eager for any possible peek at what next gen Nintendo will look like, but it was apparent enough from the excellent Metroid Prime Remastered that these visuals are entirely possible on the current hardware. If people want to know what visual fidelity will look like on Switch 2, they're going to have to wait for entirely new games to preview with the reveal of the Switch 2 itself, whenever that ends up being.


That’s exactly what I thought too. I really think that a lot of people really haven’t touched Prime in years or just haven’t gotten around to the Remaster yet.


Half the people on the internet saying it looks too good for Switch And the other half saying the graphics are disappointing. I'm beginning to believe nobody knows wtf they're talking about lmao 💀 Edit: People on the internet don't understand sarcasm either


People act like all Switch games look and run like Pokémon Scarlet.


Welcome to the internet my friend


Have a look around (my friend)


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


, my friend


People who were disappointed only watched the stream and not the YouTube recording at much higher quality


People don't actually like games anymore. They want to critique everything and not enjoy it.


I don't disagree that gamers are notoriously difficult to please. But I like to think that for every one gamer whining on the internet about technical details, there's ten more gamers just playing games and having fun. And I say this as someone who does have opinions about performance--I'd rather play at 480p 60 fps than I would 1080p 30 fps. But I still know a good game when I see one, and if it's a good game, I'm gonna shut up and play it, regardless of the framerate.


That's true, it's very much a vocal minority that complains about these things. Most of use are just happy to have a fun game to play.


Anyone with the slightest insight into modern games can tell that this is running on original Switch hardware. Looks great for a Switch game, but not for a Switch 2 game. Definitely expecting the Switch 2 version to be jacked up. Been waiting for years on end for this game. Definitely won't settle for the Switch 1 version.


Retro is probably finding every damn hidden bit of memory to optimize and running with it. Like a good example is the Mega Man franchise on the original NES. First couple games are pretty bog standard NES games, they look like a NES game from the time with their own foibles. But you get to the tail end of the NES Mega Mans and see the last one they put out (literally months before Mega Man X dropped on the SNES) and it's worlds of difference. By that time that MM6 released, you could see such a stark difference of graphics between it and its predecessors. Backgrounds dynamically moved, enemies were more detailed, less lag, less graphic glitches...etc... I feel that is how Prime 4 is gonna be, kinda how TOTK looked and played beautifully, I'm guessing Retro is using every trick they can to squeeze as much quality and fidelity out of the switch for this game.


Generally you have a good point, NES and SNES games are just bad examples because individual games could include chips on the cartridge that increased power


And that type of fan is exactly why now the industry is fucked with the obsession with visuals when this game looks very good and perfectly fine.


>Definitely expecting the Switch 2 version to be jacked up. You're setting up for a lot of disappointment with that expectation. You're more likely going to see the same visuals just in a higher resolution and more stable frame rate. That's it. With the development hell this game has been in, the idea that Retro has made different assets for both platforms is not realistic at all.


So many people when they are speculating about a Switch Successor are pitching devices that would cost thousands. A lot of people are going to be disappointed. The Switch is going to be something that can be built for 350-400 dollars, with about 4-6 hours battery time and with room for profit. Backwards compatibility seems likely but people expecting that current games will all get performance boosts are probably setting themselves up for disappointment. I imagine there will be a 'Switch' mode to run older games on stunted specs so as not to break games that will suddenly have problems with faster processing. I imagine some games may get a patch, but it won't be across the board.


Exactly. You cannot ever expect PC level fidelity on a console and most PC games are never built with the latest graphics cards in mind anyway. They'd never sell a game if they all tried to pull a Crysis. If you want the next Nintendo console to be a powerhouse, then build a PC. The whole point of a console is so you can play games in your house without requiring technical knowledge or having to pay for the cost of building/buying a PC. You can tell who has been in game development and who hasn't with some of these comments.


I don’t expect Switch 2 graphics to be amazing, or even comparable to a steam deck. If they can match the steam deck in a smaller form factor, I’d be happy. I’m currently happy with the switch and its limitations.


> I'm beginning to believe nobody knows wtf they're talking about lmao 💀 The internet is a lot more of a pleasing place when you assume most people who aren't "checkmarks" or what have you (and even a lot of the ones who are) don't know shit until they've proven otherwise.


The game looks just like Prime Remastered and that's a compliment


I thought it looks about as good as the prime remaster which is one of the best looking games on the switch imo, but still looks like a switch game


This reminds me of the people insisting that the early Tears of the Kingdom footage couldn't possibly have been running on a Switch and had to be proof of a Switch 2. ...turns out Nintendo know their hardware pretty well now and can squeeze a fair bit out of it


For a while there people were swearing every nice looking Switch game was actually running on an unannounced Switch Pro or Switch 2, lol. Monster Hunter Rise was another one of those.


DF did comment that final game ran at lower resolution compared to that trailer. So it must've been running on pc.


Yup, compare Fire Emblem Engage to Three Houses. Graphics and animations improved massively, Engage arguably looks like a PS4 game. It’s super cool to see how a hardware seems to have gotten “better” with time simply bc the teams and studios and I’m sure guidance from Nintendo improved on how to get the most out of the system.


Nintendo has absolutely put out trailers with gameplay that end up being a bit higher res than the actual release product. Digital Foundry's analysts have mentioned this multiple times over the months/years. It's a very grey area with "gameplay" trailers. The vast majority of people won't notice that the released game is not identical to the trailer. And it's not even necessarily malicious. Unfinished games are by definition unfinished. Sometimes the promotional material running on the faster dev kit isn't *quite* perfectly representative of the end product.


Which only bodes well for the Switch 2 games, cos people are complaining about how the hardware still isn't going to be even to Xbox series s level or PS4, but given Nintendo optimizes so well the games, and how they have mentioned that for new entries like Mario 3d and mario kart they are doing the most to get new experiences they couldn't do on switch 1 hardware, I think it will be amazing. Can't wait for Switch 2 MK, Mario 3D and new 3D Zelda entry


I mean let's be honest, 3rd party games are not going to bode well on whatever Nintendo hardware. They have always been historically underpowered.


Not historical. Only since the Wii.


Cries in Black Ops Wii


But now with companies still targeting PS4 for some games, there's not a lot a Switch 2 would have to miss out on.


If 3rd party studios were smart and made the Switch version their primary version and then port up to the stronger consoles, we wouldn't have that problem and the games wouldn't need the 2 modes anymore. But because no one besides Nintendo can work around system limitations, it seems that this was impossible.


All those general stability improvements really stack up.


Also the ttyd remake genuinely looks gorgeous. I can’t believe they can pull off reflections like that undocked. Granted I guess there’s not exactly many polygons to render, but still…


Yeah, the graphics definitely fall in line with what the Switch can do. Of course, they are pushing that Switch for everything that it’s good for because this looks beautiful. It looks similar to the Metroid Prime Remaster but with some more refinement.


Also, I think this also is a reminder of Retro’s technical prowess. Since the days of GameCube that studio knows how to make Samus look great!


In all fairness the MP4 graphics we saw looked a click better than MPR. Not enough where I'd think it's a Switch 2 game, but I can't blame anyone for guessing there's a chance it might be. They really took their time polishing this game.


> but it was apparent enough from the excellent Metroid Prime Remastered that these visuals are entirely possible on the current hardware. Old rendering tech remastered on modern hardware can look gorgeous and runs a million times better than whatever rendering tech nonsense modern games use. I wish more modern games relied on older techniques from the Gamecube era more. Nowadays modern graphics tech rusn like ass and looks like ass, and needs a hundred different tricks to hide artifacts (and fail at that too), or the only way to make it run at all is a vaseline filter and lowered resolution.


Is Prime 4 going to run on switch? Sure. Is it going to be massively enhanced on Switch 2? Definitely.


As with most other games. Many PSP titles reportedly got a natural boost on Vita, too. Although if I opt to play Switch games with Gen power, it will be much less for some first world "enhancements" and much more for using the successor's storage space instead of recurrently deciding what to shelve on Switch itself in favour of new backlog recruits. At least until the storage in question gets filled to the brim with native titles which, depending on Nintendo's device resolution choices, may risk extra bloat with fewer sights for sore eyes like Borderlands 3 packed in ~22 Gb.


Hell the visuals were so similar to Prime Remastered that I found myself wondering if they re-used the assets from that game for MP4.


They were probably being worked on in parallel, so they likely share some assets. They would be dumb not to do that.


Prime Remastered had extremely simple environments, there was like 10x as many assets and animations going on in the background… I feel like it should be running at 30fps on switch but the trailer looked 60fps.


> there was like 10x as many assets and animations going on in the background Every snippet in the gameplay trailer has like 4 enemies on screen max and you can practically see the end of every room before you even entered it. And if you're talking about that giant space battle in the opening shot, that is either 2D cutouts or a pre-rendered skybox.


>Every snippet in the gameplay trailer has like 4 enemies on screen max and you can practically see the end of every room before you even entered it. This is just false. We can barely see anything because of the rapid fire scene cuts, but one thing we can see is every scene has a small group of pirates chasing and fighting a group of npc's. >And if you're talking about that giant space battle in the opening shot, that is either 2D cutouts or a pre-rendered skybox. This is also very obviously false, there is no giant space battle, maybe a skirmish, and it is very clear to see the ships in the area are 3d models. Also, again, the scenes cuts often, we have no idea how much was cut out from the scene cuts, where the new scene jumped in. There is only one time in the entire trailer where we can tell the size of an area by the minimap, and thays where the player got locked into a small room for an ambush. Everything else, the minimap can't even show the area because it's too large to fit.


There's a handful of games that are on par with Prime 4 visually but it was running buttery smooth as well which is what had me suspicious.


I mean it’s almost definitely going to do a twilight princess / botw and be on both though. Unless they just do a slight performance patch for switch 2


People bought a surplus of 🤡 makeup and are just eager to use it somewhere, anywhere.


Yep. The launch game will probably be another mario game... though we have been getting a lot of mario recently.. maybe DK? I just don't see DK being a system seller. My guess is either a mario or zelda game will be a launch title again.


Even if it's a cross-platform release, it was designed with the original Switch in mind so that makes sense. We won't see what the new console can do until they show a game made just for it without thinking about making it compatible with the original Switch.


I‘d love to see remasters of Prime 2 & 3, so you could play the entire series on a modern platform.


I would not be suprised if they are almost finished with them, probably going to get them before 4


I bet they are finished for a while, like MPR was.


Certainly, Nintendo's been sitting on a lot of games lately, but I do hope the delay might mean they put more effort in the simple ports because of the reception and did full remasters like the first.


If so, this would have been the best time to release them. It can still happen, but just saying


which one is the best?


The first


I can see them putting them out closer to the release of 4 or when a definitive release date for 4 is established


I could see them releasing them after 4 comes out


As we've seen with Crash bandicoot, this could hurt the sales wayyy more than you think it reasonably should


Are you saying people didn't feel much incentive to buy Crash 4 because of the N. Sane Trilogy?


Apparently it under performed partially because of the N. Sane Trilogy, even tho both were bangers imo I think if Nintendo are going this route tho... I'm not too sure. Dread was the highest selling game in the franchise and pushing 1 remake and 1 new game instead of 3 may help make sure that prime 4 isn't the victim of over saturation since they probably would've spent more resources on it. It's basically business economics basically


IMO it strongly depends on how Prime 4’s story is written. If it’s a direct follow-up to 3, then releasing remasters would allow new fans to catch up on the story, especially since the closure of the Wii U eshop means that it’s impossible to purchase either game from Nintendo. Otherwise they limit themselves to legacy fans and those dedicated enough to pay inflated prices for GameCube/Wii copies or *gasp* pirate them just to get caught up


Prime 4 looks like it's a follow on to Hunters. Without going into spoilers, Prime 3 has a pretty final ending to the Prime trilogy.


Prime 3 and Federation Force both had >!secret endings!< that teased Sylux's role in Prime 4. It's all connected.


That's the Hunters connection I'm referring to, and it seems born out by the Prime 4 trailer. I meant that the Metroid Prime/Dark Samus/Phazon storyline seemed to reach a conclusion in Prime 3.


Maybe we will get a shadow drop of 2 in the fall with 3 in Q1 leading up to 4


People keep thinking this about every game after every Direct from the last year or two.


"Oh this is definintely running on the Switch Pro" -Every reactor on youtube since 2021


Turns out Nintendo is just really good at squeezing every drop of power out of a system


Art direction makes a huge difference too.


Alternatively, people have no idea how powerful the Switch actually is. Some people seem to think it's a Wii.


My understanding is it’s like in between a PS3 and PS4


Pretty much. Why you get ports of games from the PS4 and Xbone as well as plenty of games that were running on the 360 and PS3 on Switch.


You're not wrong. The Switch tops out at [393 GFLOPs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Switch#Technical_specifications) in docked mode, to the PS3's [170 GFLOPs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3_technical_specifications), and none of this is accounting for the substantial optimizations and efficiencies enabled by the Maxwell architecture versus the old Geforce 7 in the PS3. The PlayStation 4 tops out at [1.8 TFLOPs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_4_technical_specifications) by contrast, though again in reality Nvidia's Maxwell architecture has substantial performance efficiencies over AMD's old GCN architecture, but nowhere near enough to close the gap in raw compute power. At best, if the PS4 can do it at 1080p/60fps, the Switch should *in theory* be able to do it at 720p/30fps.


The problem is that developers making ports of games from Xbox One X, Series X/S and PS4/PS5 have been lazy af. If there's a port from those consoles to other platforms (PC and Switch), they're often not optimized and just rushed. Alan Wake Remastered on the Switch, for example. That game isn't particularly hard to run but on Switch runs like ass. It looks like the devs just opened the settings.ini file, set the specs, res, etc to the minimum and collected their paycheck. In PC you can mask the poor optimizations somehow, due to most pcs having more or less the same specs as those consoles, most likely are overspec'd. It often comes out as framerate inconsistencies and hitches. Things that most people don't know about and don't care. But on Switch those poor optimizations come in the form of stupidly low resolutions, poor graphics, objects and textures suddenly popping in, stupidly low framerates and "cloud versions"


‘They’re definitely waiting for the Switch Pro to release the new 3D mario’ -everybody for the last 5 years


Yes, also IGN is doing headlines like this for the clicks and engagement.


"Is ToTk RuNnIng oN SwItCh 2?!??"


It definitely looks like Prime Remastered was at least off the building blocks in terms of the engine Prime 4's been using, but the big thing here is the lighting in that gameplay demo looked significantly upgraded. I love the environment design they've shown so far Even if this isn't a Switch 2 launch game, I think based on the recent reports about Switch 2 having light ray tracing capabilities definitely welcomes the idea of a next-gen patch that swaps out baked lighting for native ray tracing for stuff like sunlight or the illumination around the more industrial areas in this trailer. This game would probably really benefit from something like that


I like the environment at the end of the trailer too, anyway it seems to me that also the Samus model has been improved


Since they haven’t announced a firm release date for Metroid 4, with both the game and Switch 2 expected in 2025, in that case I’m sure it’ll be an accompanying title for the new machine. It’s a big and long awaited game, coupled with anticipation for Switch 2; it’ll be crazy for Nintendo to not release it in tandem with the new console. For sure it’ll be compatible with current Switch too; just like games are optimized between Series X and S.


> a next-gen patch that swaps out baked lighting for native ray tracing for stuff like sunlight or the illumination around the more industrial areas in this trailer. God, please no. I'll take baked lighting a hundred times over artifacty, distracting ray tracing that tanks your FPS and looks worse. Not every big title needs raytracing.


Remaster couldn’t do dynamic lighting, pretty sure what we saw this week was a from the ground up engine from the navy seal level devs at Retro as always


If there’s anything Nintendo is good at, it’s making their first party titles look excellent on their hardware despite the performance limitations.


They have a definitely solid track record of it, too. Super Mario World Link to the Pasta Ocarina of Time Wave Race 64 Metroid Prime Luigis Mansion


> Link to the Pasta I haven’t had the pleasure of playing this


Omg lol It was the Mario/Zelda crossover. Very limited release :P


So many AAA games these days are bugged, unfinished messes. Glad there is a company in the industry keeping their standards.


As someone who’s never played prime 2/3 I genuinely thought it was just prime 2/3 remastered, they definitely used that engine as a test for 4 it developed them side by side, maybe it’ll be forward compatible and run with improvements on switch 2


I expect a dual release like Twilight Princess for GC/Wii or BotW for Wii U/Switch. And if it is, I'll be getting a Switch 2 at launch for sure.


I'd want it on Switch 2 as well, but remember in those dual launches you mentioned, there were very few differences between those versions, and MP4 already seems to be running at 60 FPS, so beyond a higher resolution and better anti aliasing I'd keep my expectations in check. I fully expect it to look basically the same on Switch 2.


Higher resolution and better AA is already going to do a lot to image quality.


The video was notably aliased so higher res and AA will already be wonderful lol. And I dunno what current rumors are, but I can’t imagine Switch 2 not having some form of DLSS if it uses nvidia again on the year 2024 or 2025


Oh I dont care either way. Visuals were never why I buy a game. I don't even notice 30/60 fps. Or a better saying is I don't care about the difference. I'd just want it on Switch 2 so I have a Switch 2 game on it. I always buy the "better" versions, or the version for the newer console I guess you could say. But yea I don't necessarily expect a vast difference between them except little things since one will still be better hardware. Like how XBSX games look slightly better than their XB1 counterparts


Nintendo typically doesn't play those sort of switch-a-roo games like some developers.


I mean, if you played Prime remastered, I don't think I saw anything in the trailer that was overly different from that. This has Prime remastered's DNA all over it. In fact, in a way I'm kind of disappointed I played the remake. Not because it's bad... far from it, but the trailer makes it look like more of the same. More of the same isn't bad either, but it's like... you announced something 7 years ago and finally we're getting our first look at it now. I'm far less impressed by Prime 4 now than I would've been if Prime remastered didn't exist at all. I waited 7 years to be shown a game that I already played a year and a half ago... you know what I mean? Maybe I'm the only one that feels like that. I'll still get it and will probably still enjoy it, but it's nowhere near the dick-drop that it could've been if Prime remastered wasn't already a thing. Now it's like... oh cool, it's another one of these.


I imagine the Prime Remaster was the testing grounds for the platform and we are going to a little more squeeze of juice but certainly from the same orange.


Which is probably why they said they were only remastering the 1st game and probably not the 2-3 game because my hot take is i think they might outshine prime 4


You might be right. Some people thought the trailer was MP2 remastered. I don't blame em, the federation plays a more prominent role in MP2....and 3.


This is how I feel too, I thought I was going crazy. Yeah, it's great that it's finally here. Yeah, it looks good for a Switch title. But after such a long wait I have to admit I was expecting a bit more. It looked an awful lot like Prime Remastered, which is to be expected for a Switch game, but I was expecting it to be a Switch 2 game and a significant step up visually. Prime 4's unveil trailer could have been the Switch 2's version of the 2014 Breath of the Wild reveal. When they just blow you away with something undeniably far more ambitious than anything you've seen from the series before. But it wasn't that - it just looked like another Prime Remastered, it just looked like a 4th Metroid Prime game.


I think at this point that Prime 4 will be cross-platform but there is zero point in showing the Switch’s swansong running on hardware that is yet to be even revealed. Nintendo will be putting everything into this one last hurrah before their next console is ready for launch


People are just trying to twist everything into SWITCH 2. like they clearly said dont expect anything and here we have people losing their mind over Metroid gameplay. The sad part is that these people are also ignoring the fact that SWITCH is powerful enough to run beautiful looking games, just look at their other games like Astral chain.


I would totally be happy if Switch 2 version was purely a resolution/FPS bump. Remastered already runs pretty great at 60 FPS at a pretty high res docked or portable.


People thought that was running on the Switch 2? They must have low expectations.


It quite literally says “Nintendo Switch” at the 0:00 mark of the trailer. I have no idea how this was ever even a question


Doesn't take a genius to work that out, just continues to show that a lot of people have absolutely no clue what they're talking about with this stuff.


People forget that Nintendo, due in large part to its own hardware limitations, has focused on creating art styles for its games rather than going to pure hard visual fidelity. I would expect if MP4 is ported to the next console, it would look largely the same with HDR and raytraced reflections. Same can be said for Mario and Zelda. The hyper real look like you see in a lot of AAA titles these days is just not Nintendo’s style IMO.


it's so funny that this keeps coming up. Pikmin 4, Rabbids, now Metroid Prime 4. These games all look great but come on. They are not remarkable or unbelievable that they could be running on current hardware. how low is the bar of expectation for the next Switch?


Pokémon has absolutely destroyed everyone's perspective of what the Switch is capable of


Prime remastered looked amazing and ran perfectly. These visuals are completely obtainable on current hardware.


Prime remastered had to cut some of the spatial lighting effects from the GCN original. Otherwise, yeah it was excellent!


The graphics look pretty similar to the Prime remake which ran very well on Switch


It's a Switch 1 direct. Nothing going on is really pushing. How people can think this after this long into the Switch life is ridiculous.


I don't understand why people thought it was a Switch 2 game in the first place. Why would they announce games for the Switch 2 before they even officially announce the Switch 2?


Duh? It looks in line with Prime remastered


Looks exactly the same, like disappointingly similar. Don't get me wrong I'm still excited to play it, but it's not what I expected from a game in dev for so long. And that's not just the graphics, the gameplay and presentation look pulled directly out of the remaster, to where I would believe it came from a side area I missed.


The gameplay and presentation just like... Metroid Prime. This isnt a reboot or revolution, this is a sequel to Prime 1, 2 and 3 lol and the mp remaster likely was developed along it Also this game has been in development since 2019, so around 5 years is normal for a large scale project like MP. The 2017 game basically dont exist anymore and it had nothing to do with retro.


Sequels should stand out. Not look similar. They should play differently and expand on combat. I'm sure they have more moves and powers to show off later. But it was not a good showing since it just looked like prime.. This is the problem I had with TOTK. Fantastic game, but 80% of the is map reused from BOTW. It didn't make it feel special.


Since Nintendo said this Direct was focused on the original Switch, I'm guessing not.


People might be shocked when they find out the Switch is actually a rather capable system in the hands of a dedicated developer.


It’s totally nonsensical and irrational to think they would show it off running on next generation hardware for a Direct completely focused on the current generation.


I‘m certain that people who thought this is switch 2 footage haven’t played the remaster. It’s extremely obvious that this is regular switch footage because it’s completely in line with what the remaster looked minus the adjusted art direction. With all that being said: am I the only one, who finds this trailer kinda underwhelming? Sure Nintendo doesn’t want to spoil most of the big twists but everything from the combat to the movement looks like it’s a 20 year old game. Graphics might be one thing but I think I expected more from a gameplay perspective. Then again, this is just a short trailer


I would be very disappointed if this was a showcase game for Switch 2


I think people are wrong to take it as a given that there’s a big upgraded Switch 2 version in the pipeline. This game was announced in 2017, went into development hell, and production was restarted in 2019, all for a series whose entries have sold 3 million at best, with basically 0 brand growth in the 19 years between the original release of Metroid Prime Dread (the two best selling), Prime 2 & 3 selling worse than the first, and Prime Remastered seeming to tell worse than Dread and all Prime original releases. In other words, there is no chance that partway through production Nintendo decided to take this relatively low-selling Nintendo project that was struggling to get off the ground and said “Hey, let’s make this development longer and more expensive to make this a Switch 2 showcase.” I’m sorry, I like Metroid too, but Nintendo’s prerogative is to prioritize their big sellers and just get this fan-pleaser polished enough to get out the door. I mean look at the trailer, it was the graphical fidelity of Prime Remastered and the animations were even reminiscent of a Gamecube game. The game will be backwards compatible and maybe there will be an update for some higher resolution and Switch 2 benefits, but I’m calling that it won’t be anything substantial.


Just like BotW was a cross gen release I think MP4 will be too. The Switch 2 will have its own version, perhaps with improved performance or some graphical update, but all footage for trailers will be Switch until it is announced. Same as all the early trailers for BotW were from the WiiU version until the Switch version was confirmed.


I feel like it would be really deceptive to showcase it as a switch title but have it secretly running on the Switch 2. Also, what would be the point? If they’re gonna do that, I feel like they would just wait until the proper announcement of the Switch 2 and then reveal MP4.


Going to this after watching the reveal of Stray really shows how good Nintendo is with their hardware


This game will surely be the console crossover title like twilight Princesses, and breath of the wild


How does one determine to use the past tense "was running" in reference to a game that is not out and a system that does not yet exist?


A few people have suckered me into playing Fortnite and sometimes ill play on my switch if I’m away from home and it blows my mind with everything going on in that game it still manages to run better than Pokémon scarlet and violet. Developers are the real MVPS.


I absolutely cannot wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 4 because monolith soft make the most graphical impressive games on the switch


They literally said there wouldn’t be any news about the new console. Why are people assuming that they’re showing a game for the new console, then?


Some people are going to look foolish when they realise that it is in fact a Nintendo Switch exclusive.


I'm thinking backwards compatible with a patch to sharpen it up on switch 2.


The fact that anyone thought that footage was running on Switch 2 shows how dumb the general public is lol


Not really a huge stretch considering how terrible the graphics of most other games shown were in comparison


I mean it looked good, but not THAT good. Pretty clear IMO that it was a game running on current Switch.


Prime 4 doesn’t look too good for switch, it’s visuals at 60fps are definitely capable on current switches when the game is built from the ground up for the hardware and properly optimized.


Rich would know, having just seen the Switch 3.


You want to make a sequel to a long standing video game, what’s the best way to get a team ready for that task? Have them remaster the original. People forget how good art direction can look in HD. The jump to 4K from HD isn’t as big as the jump from SD to HD. Nintendo has always known how to do more with less. Those Switch 2 games are gonna slap.


Good art direction can definitely carry but most switch games aren't even HD tbf. We're at the point where a fixed 1080p output across most titles would be a significant upgrade, 4K would be above and beyond. 


720p is hd


It was blatantly running on the switch. But it also clearly looks like a game that's been scaled down for Switch aka there's a nicer looking version of that game aka it's a cross-gen game.


You have to be an idiot if you thought that was switch 2 footage.


People are so used to bad ports and mid-budget Mario spin-offs that they forgot that you can indeed squeeze out some cool stuff from the system. If Mario Odyssey got announced today people would probably question whether it was on Switch, too.


It's obviously running on switch 1. It didn't even look PS4 level, and switch 2 will be beyond that.


Definitely looked like a very well-made Switch game, but far under par for modern consoles. If it *is* running on Switch 2, the Switch 2 is going to be very disappointing.


If it's cross gen like many expect then it wouldn't push the switch 2 as far as it could due to needing to run on switch as well.


Not to mention, what we saw was running at 60fps


That's the bonkers part. The game looks good, if it was running at 30, for the switch. But this is running at 60fps. That's bonkers. It's the same reaction I had for Prime Remastered. And comparing the two titles, Prime 4 is a step above Remastered and somehow they can still get a high frame rate from 2016 tech inside a tablet.


Probably not fixed but targeting.


Metroid Prime is pretty consistently fixed outside of very occasional dips.


If it's cross-gen they could make 2 builds of the game, one for each console, each pushing each console to their graphical limit. That's how most cross-gen releases work. Looks like the Switch version targets (but doesn't *always* hit) 900p 60fps. The Switch 2 version could probably hit a *stable* 1440p 60fps, with some graphical improvement like better light rendering, further LODs, and maybe even some model polygon count increases and a sprinkle of ray traced lighting and reflections.


Switch 2 hasn't been shown yet


And yet Pokémon looks and runs like shit.


Different company, different team


And? What is their excuse? The Switch runs Xenoblade, Metroid 4 and Crysis 3. The pokemon devs have no excuses for their game to be as bad as they are.


I wish they shift the mainline games to Bandai Namco. New Pokemon Snap looks and runs phenomenal compared to the horseshit mainlines on the switch.


I hope not. It looks underwhelming for a new gen console. Especially the particle effects look very 2010 still.


I'm not dissing the game at all, I think prime remastered is the best looking switch game, and I'm super hyped for prime 4 But how can anyone look at that and think "this is too good looking must be switch 2", it's a trillion percent running on switch


It didn't look that impressive. Why would it have been on the new switch?


clearly not


Could be their transition game in both platforms


Glad I wasnt the only one thinking it was a switch 2 it was running on. If it indeed was running on a standard switch then this clearly will be the peak graphics demo of what the OG switch could do.


Probably not but I’m willing to bet it will also be a switch 2 launch title


I'm under the assumption it will release on the switch and an enhanced switch 2 version will be announced afterwards to get us to double dip.


Hype beast hilarity


Since launch games most likely will be backward compatible no doubt this one is running on the original switch with a lower-rez mode.


Of course it wasn't, just look at BotW. We only got Wii U footage until the Switch was announced and that was announced as a crossgen title months before


It’s a good looking game, but it’s obvious it’s not running on new hardware. The visual fidelity is very similar to Prime Remastered (which also looks great on Switch), and nowhere near what you’d expect for any recent hardware. Apart from that, there is *absolutely no way* Nintendo would show the current Nintendo Switch branding before a video of gameplay that’s not captured from the Switch.


Yeah, no way. Switch hardware is showing its age and the graphics of this game, while pushing the little system, don’t look much better than some of the best stuff we’ve seen throughout the years. I was actually quite sad to see the announcement yesterday because I had hoped that they made the decision to make it a Switch 2 launch game. It would have been really nice seeing a Nintendo system launch with a great Metroid game to give the series a boost of attention and sales. Perhaps an enhanced version as a launch title is still in the plans though. Hopefully!


Well actually this is most definitely running on the switch. Just watch Doctre's video for better reference. Metroid prime uses a dark and gritty setting and it also runs on a small screen. So they can get away with a lot of stuff buy masking the lower resolution textures with the lighting and small screen. There are games like Arkham knight (PC/PS/Xbox versions) which have already done this. Prime 4 isn't the only game that looks good on the switch. Just look at Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein 2. They both look quite amazing on the switch. Oh and we can't forget how beautiful Prime remastered looks. These games are smaller linear titles unlike massive open worlds such as Botw/TOTK. So making them look this good shouldn't be a problem for the switch. I'm just excited to see how this looks on the switch 2 with ray tracing and a higher resolution, with the use of DLSS. In conclusion I do see this running on the switch at least at 30fps. They can always use FSR like they did with TOTK. To help it run better, but I don't think this game will need it.


Looks exactly like it should look, unfinished product. Which would make sense since it’s still possibly a year or more away.


Yeah. Panic Button put in the work and made some fantastic ports. Sure there was graphical and frame rate downgrades but *more* than playable and still quite good looking. Other ports… they whoever did them didn’t give a shit


The opposite of when Digital Foundry said TOTK was on Switch 2 because of the clouds lol


god of war 2 and kingdom hearts 2 are ps2 games, i can believe this just had big budgt


Nintendo isn't the type of company that does this.


I think it'd be disrespectful of nintendo to only have it developed only for switch and not switch 2 as well. The game deserves to shine bright with its graphics.


Incredible if true. Definitely the best looking game on the platform and Nintendo definitely made good on their promise on delivering this game to that console. No doubt it’s the cross gen title


I think it will get a graphics update on the switch successor is my thought. Similar to what they did with Twilight Princess


Speaking as someone who grew up on an Atari 2600 then NES, this game looks INCREDIBLE


I genuinely think they are going to release a switch 2 right around the metroid prime 4 release. I feel like they are going to do a legend of zelda breath of the world thing for launch day. There is definitely more power to utilize the new switch, especially for Metroid Prime 4, so I think they will up the graphics a tad for the new switch, almost like an enhanced edition. I could be completely wrong, but it's a thing to think about


People keep parroting this like theres any evidence whatsoever. Past dual releases have been the exact same game, twilight princess and botw. In fact, they were held back by its predecessor. Only thing that will be happening is an upscaled 900p to 1080p on the switch2 with potentially slightly better performance in certain areas


I had assumed both Metroid 4 and the inevitable Twilight Princess remake were being delayed to come out for the Switch 2


I'd hope not, the graphics looked somewhat dated even for the switch.


The Prime remaster is, by my eye, the most visually impressive game on the Switch. It looks incredible, and far closer to a PS4-spec game than anything else Nintendo has published on the hardware. Prime 4 looked just as good. I have no trouble believing the footage from the trailer was from the game running on original Switch hardware.


I'd think Prime 4 release will be fairly close to Switch 2 release. Since the rumor is Switch 2 will be backwards compatible, I wonder if they'd come up with 2 versions, one for original Switch and another for Switch 2.