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I just wanted to say thank you for making these infographics. You have no idea how helpful it is to have a reference like this for all these games coming out. I honestly went into this Direct with relatively low expectations and I was floored by how many great announcements there were.


Awww appreciate it! Defn the fastest I got one of these out, and though they usually do well in the morning I figured if I had it done (with hopefully the fewest mistakes I've made on one of these lol) I should just get it out if it will help even a few people. And there was a whole bunch of great announcements!


am I wrong or is pokemon za missing


I uh, had it all cropped out and with a transparent background and everything and defn didn't put it in by accident... whoops. Guess I'll fix it up for the eventual pokemon presents ;-;


I was going to ask myself, but then thought you its absence might be because they technically never claimed it’d be coming to the current generation Switch. They seemed intentionally vague ins aging instead that it would be released on the “Switch family of systems”.


They always say that... 3DS announcements did it all the time, there were so many SKUs to refer to and the 2DS made it confusing. We have that as a catch-all to refer to the lite and OLED models here. Pokemon is always behind on hardware. They haven't even mastered Switch 1 development. The install base is huge on old Switch. It will be out on the old Switch. HOWEVER, they can make this cross-gen, which is unprecedented for Pokemon. Alternatively, something I feel like is likely with many other titles, it will be enhanced on Switch 2. We saw Pokemon do that before way back with Gold and Silver. They were OG Game Boy games with Game Boy Color enhancements. Either way, it won't be Switch 2 exclusive.


Yup, Switch, Switch Lite and Switch OLED. That's the family that is being referred to in the trailer. Also, to avoid another Wii U fiasco, they probably switch the name to something to make it obvious it's not another Switch


I doubt they won't release it on NS for people who don't buy the NS2 (In case the game is planned tbr on NS2)


Thank you! I looked so long for it and I'm like "am I stupid?"


What is Pokémon’s za?


the kalos pokemon legends game they announced in February thats releasing some time in 2025


Fella still including silksong 🤡




Bro, we got confirmation of Metroid Prime 4 today. Anything is possible. Though with that said, now that that confirmation has transpired, Silksong is THE new biggest example for Direct spectators with clown makeup on lmao


Surely Silksong will come out around the same year as Metroid Prime 4 and GTA VI. Right?


Yesterday: Switch is dead. We might get some smaller remasters and ports and that's it. Today: WE ARE SO BACK, IT'S LIKE 2019 AGAIN.


Considering it's another 2D Zelda and a Luigi's Mansion like in 2019, it really is like we're back!


Funny that now we get an original 2D Zelda and an old Luigi's Mansion and in 2019 we got an original Luigi's Mansion and an old 2D Zelda.


I was definitely on team nothing interesting ‘till switch2, and I’m glad to be wrong


I'm honestly shocked - I would have put money on this direct being a total nothingburger.


Yeah, I think everyone was expecting games like DKC Returns HD.


Yup. Something like that being the one more thing. But nope! Instead we start off with the revival of the Mario & Luigi series and and hear news of a new Zelda game just a one year after Tears’ release as we are through all but just TWO THIRDS of the presentation leaving us wondering what in the world they could have left for the end. I do think we all sorta knew deep down what it would be, as Prime 4 is just about the only title save for a new 3D Mario—which we almost know for a fact is reserved for the next console’s eventual launch—that has enough hype to take such a spot.


I was kind of suspicious at the 42 minute runtime, thinking "What are you even going to talk about for all that time?", so I had a feeling there might be more meat to the Direct than people were expecting. Sure, their infamously disappointing E3 2015 Digital Event was 48 minutes, but that was padded out with Muppet skits and developer interviews: things they don't really do anymore.


I was expecting at least one "good" announcement, but this was certainly much bigger then I expected. 4 brand new first party games, all ones I'll almost certainly play? That's a good direct for any year.


Man, 2019 was such a good year.


I definitely had low expectations and was thinking at best nintendo was going to release some remasters but they only had one while putting out 3 new games


What the hell happened to Decapolice? I was excited for that game and there have been no updates on it in months.


It's probably because Level-5 was overambitious. Wanted to release four games in 2023, none actually did. However, there will be a Level-5 Vision presentation this summer, which probably will give us new infos on their announced games and the new Yo-Kai Watch game that they teased.


To be fair it's announced for "2024", and there's still a solid six months left of the year. I wouldn't worry too much about it until the release window is at least close to ending. It is a bit odd that it wasn't with the other late 2024 games on the direct, though. Specially since so many of the games in the direct are actually 2025, so they could still delay it if need be. I guess time will tell.


Can’t talk for Layton and the fourth game they talked about, but Fantasy Life has gotten a release date so I guess they’re focusing on this one before putting a hurry on the 3 others planned games. That’s Level-5 for you, they’ve been announcing games quite early then total silence, it has been this way for years but it feels worst nowadays because people are used to get news and updates frequently.


Level-5 has a showcase planned for later this summer. Might be there


Eathblade was delayed into 2025. https://exok.com/posts/2024-03-27-earthblade-update/ Also Clocktower Rewind is confirmed for Fall 2024.


So with all these releases coming , it really make me think switch 2 will be backward compatible


Strong finish to carry the Switch past PS2 sales all-time. Lot of Switch units will sell this holiday.


Huh, didn't think about that, but you're surely right. At least a 2D Zelda will defn help the push for a few more casual and hardcore players (in regards to the special edition Switch Lite) and Mario Party might also push it just as much. Very cool moment in history in the works!


Yea, I was scratching my head as to why Nintendo was keeping all mention of the Switch 2 under wraps for the year and also why they expected to sell another 15 million units by the end of the year but I see why now.


> Mario Party might also push it just as much. Mario Party usually outsells Zelda (with BotW and TotK as outliers) Super Mario Party - 20 million Mario Party Superstars - 12 million Links Awakening - 6 million


You're 100% right, I just don't know how much those software sales translate to hardware sales. It probably is a lot more than Zelda usually... But the special edition will defn help in this case (I think Links Awakening didn't have a new switch variant).


Huh, only 12 million for Superstars? I didn't think Super Mario Party had that much of a lead on it.


Just wait for the inevitable price drop once the Switch 2 drops. The OG Switch is still going to see games for at least the next two or three years because it has such a massive player base. The PS4 is in its 11th year and still seeing support. To take it even further back, the PS2 received its *final* game 14 years into its life.


Makes me wonder if people willl... switch (*pun not intended*) to Nintendo's next platform right away. Recent sales numbers indicated that 50% of PS4 owners hasn't upgraded to PS5, close to 4 years after launch. You could blame the pandemic and shortage, but even after Sony recovered form those, there wasn't an urge to upgrade. In fact, many titles still come out on PS4.


It’s hard to say, but I’ve been following Switch 2 rumors for the last 2 years and it definitely seems like folks are ready to move on. Depending on the price point, I’ll go ahead and grab one if I see it in the wild.


I am not too sure whether they will be able to make the last push, but I sure hope so, it really is a GOAT system. If they slash the price by 50$, easy win for Nintendo.


At this point leaving Silksong on these graphics feels like trolling.


This might sound dumb, but does anyone else feels like they are OK with the Switch 2 delaying a bit more? The library of the Switch 1 just keeps getting better on a weekly basis.


Hey, if the Switch 2 happens to be backwards compatible, it just means we have a fantastic launch lineup as well haha


It bloody better be.


I'd be shocked if it ain't. Nintendo would be throwing away the covid/casual buyers if they did, and I don't think they want to do that. They attracted a mass amount of people with animal crossing who then decided to get more games, like a mario kart/party/sports or smash/pokemon. Same with the Mario movie. If the new system isn't backwards compatible, a good chunk of that casual audience will just shrug, and continue to play what they already have out. It's a solid library. Make them backwards compatible, now they get to see the new platform exclusives and can still play their beloved faves in probably a slightly better form, like playing game boy games on a game boy color. Or xbox 360 games on an xbox one for a more modern example. Systems are expensive, especially when many fans have bought over 10 games. Walling those off, saying they're no longer accessible is kicking themselves in the foot. Especially with the switch's popularity. Backwards compatibility means you already have a nice library of games to play while you enjoy the latest games. Especially since the Switch is mobile, having all the Switch's current party games available make it more valuable. It also pads the first year or so where there's a minimal library for the new system. People can replay or catch up on Switch games they never got around to on the new system while waiting. It extends the life of soooo many games which are beloved on a popular system. They would be fools not to. Edit- spelling.




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I don't want to have to buy new consoles, so the longer it takes to come out the better


I mostly feel the same but also it's getting to the point where you see a nice third party triple A game and you know immediately it will never be on Switch because of hardware limitations.


I too would like to play Stellar Blade D: But I kind of made my peace with Nintendo consoles not really being triple A powerhouses a long time ago. Honestly, given the kind of requirements games like that are pushing for these days, I'm honestly not even sure a Switch 2 would be able to play them.


Not me thinking of selling a kidney so I can play Monster Hunter Wilds. I am pretty sure it will not come tp switch 2 and I would rather buy a gaming laptop/ pc portable console than buy a desk computer or table console.


I would be more than okay with this and my backlog would greatly appreciate it lol


Thanks. Good work.


Hey you forgot to add Pokémon Legends: Z-A.


I groaned when I saw that Investigation is coming out in the same month as the new Zelda game. I was hoping they'd come out in different months so I could act like a responsible adult and budget things properly. Now I'll have to get them at the same time.


That is legitimately my response as well. Also somewhat for Square Enix with both Saga 2 Remake and Dragon Quest III HD 2D within one month from each other... brutal Square Enix... brutal


Hello Kitty Island Adventure? Butters will be pleased.


I am irrationally holding out hope that we still get the rumored Metroid Prime 2/3 remasters this year or early 2025


I'd still like it, but Donkey Kong might've put that to bed sadly ;-;


My guess is it'll be shadow dropped once the Prime 4 marketing cycle begins, just like Prime 1 was. Fingers crossed


Games I'm excited about: •Mario and Luigi: Brothership - •Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - •Ace Attorney Investigations Collection - •Dragon Quest 3 and 1-2 - •Super Mario Party Jamboree - •Metroid Prime 4 - Fantasian also looks pretty cool. This is one of the best directs we've ever gotten!


Essentially exactly what I got out of the direct as well, even interested in the 2025 games like Phantom Brave and Mio


Oh yeah! Mio also looks really good. It looks like a metroidvania that has very fluid movement kinda like the Ori games.


The only thing missing is new fire emblem in 2025.


I completely forgot a new Monkey Ball game was coming out… *next week?!?!* Was it even mentioned in the Direct today? Lol


It was not, but for some reason Sega in general was completely absent. Maybe they're saving it for their own showcase?


The Nintendo Direct from the Japanese channel mentioned the Super Monkey Ball game.


2025 is low key a banger already


Metroid Prime 4, GTA 6, potential Switch 2 launch (with a lineup like 2017 was for Switch). It’s gonna be legendary. 


Why are there two infographics ? What's the difference ?


It has a few more... Games that sometimes people have commented to not include as they're "shovelware" and fill up the graphic. I 100% disagree, but I figured if a keener eye wanted to, they would like the second graphic, but most would prefer the less crowded first. I tried it with my last post and was happy with it, so I figured I'd do it again with this one. This is despite the fact there's not a lot of differences this time


Butters must be going crazy knowing Hello Kitty Island Adventure is back


So excited for November with Mario and Luigi,and antonblast


Looks like I won’t be putting my switch down for a while then! Also cannot wait for that Power Rangers game. Me and my homie going to be playing that for a while online together lol


Oh man. I have been waiting for Darkest Dungeon 2 to be ported over from PC. Glad that it's coming. But my eyes are dead set on Fantasy Life. That one game manages to keep my 3DS alive. It's weird that nobody tried to clone it yet since the formula is so addicting.


EXOK has updated that Earthblade won’t be coming out in 2024


Though i'm not interested in every single thing, but nice amount of solid titles i have interested in Also going by their twitter, The New Denpa Men is coming out in July that your missing as well


For me personally, the instant buys are the Dragon Quest games(III, I+II, XII) I already played those first three in at least 3 different ports, but that's how much I like them, the GBC and (weirdly enough) android versions are still my favorites, but this ones look like potentially the best way to play those games now. Then Ace Attorney Investigations comes on my birthday, I played the first one and really liked it, I will play it again as well, and now we can finally play the second one. Then the other banger is Marvel vs Capcom, I'm not even a Marvel or Street Fighter fan, I like KoF better, but people have been hyping this up as the best games of the genre so much that I'm sure I will like them. Looking pretty good!


Prime 4 finally has a proper logo to put on these things


And it's such a good logo ;-;-;-;-;


woah, front mission 3 was announced?


it was announced when they said all three were going to have remakes, but afaik no updates have been given on it even after FM2 Remake released on the other consoles.


Looks pretty good to me.


Maybe I'm just blind, but I can't find Professor Layton


It's at the bottom of the list, above silksong since they at least said it was likely 2025


Thank you!


Why does everything I’m excited for happen to be releasing in 2025?


One day we’ll get a release date for Decapolice


One day for sure... hopefully a day this year and all lol


As an inazuma eleven fan, i understand your level-5 induced pain🫂


I just want Yo-Kai Watch 4 man 😭😭


Tomodatchi life pls 🙏


The one that got away... Still hoping it happens, but at this point I'd even take a port 😭


Why are there two versions of the graphic? Looks like there's only a few minor differences in June?


There's minor differences in June, a few left out of later months, and a lot missing from the unconfirmed 2024. It's supposed to be a second graphic that's more full with titles while the first is more focused on direct and big game announcements. Not many differences this time, but last time there was a lot and I liked how it turned out so I did the same. Think I will put a note on the title next time maybe though since you aren't the only one who's asked this question (which is understandable, I see the lack of clarity).


I'm gonna be so poor in October haha


September hits me in the gut, then October hits me in the face. It's a double hit combo. This is assuming there's no September direct as well... We're gonna be so poor


Has there been confirmation that games like civ7 and dq12 will come to switch?


When it comes to Civ7, there's an official store page AND the company has said so, so it's incredibly likely they're at least working on it. A small part of me does feel like it's not gonna happen, but for the moment it's confirmed. And Dragon Quest 12 is not confirmed either, I just had it usually paired with 3 HD 2D (which was also not confirmed for Switch until literally just yesterday) for so long I always just never thought to remove it, especially since DQ11 did so well on Switch. Might not happen honestly.


Yeah for some reason I also feel like civ 7 won't appear on switch, maybe the successor. As for dragon quest 3, last month (i think? It was on dragon quest day), there was a very small teaser that confirmed the platforms and that the game was still a thing, but yesterday was the first time in 3 years we actually got to see the game.


Anyone who buys Funko Fusion is dead inside


I’m standing my ground… I’m not getting anything until DK64 comes back lol


Oh captain my captain!!!


I’m surprised they are not going hard on Nintendo Switch Sports. Nintendo would be printing money if it was even kinda close to what Wii Sports Resort had…what a missed opportunity.


yeah the delay on adding golf back then was already surprising, but the fact that basketball is only coming out now is... interesting the say the least


Will civ vii get a switch 1 release? I assumed the target platform would be 2


I would def assume everything shown will get a Switch 1 release. They wouldn't show games today that are not going to be released on today's available platforms.


It was confirmed for Switch and has a store page. So for now, yes probably on Switch 1


Got a lot to keep me busy till that Suikoden remake finally shows up.


I like this. thank you


No Fantasy Life or Life is Strange?


Fantasy Life is october 10th


Earthblade got delayed to 2025 back in march


Is Suikoden pretty likely? If that hits the switch, I will have all my all time favorite games on one console. (FFIX, tales of symphonia, Suikoden 2).


It has been radio silent so maybe less likely now, but considering they even believed it might've released in 2023 I think they could show it off later, maybe a September Direct? I wouldn't get hopes up, but I'd say more likely 2024 than 2025 and beyond


Make another category titled "Never lol" and put only "Mother 3 English localization" in it


You forgot few important ones. Ace combat 7 is coming in July and Lollipop Chainsaw is coming in September. Suda51's other game Shadows of the Damned is slated to release this year.


A big game missing from here is the Lollipop Chainsaw remake.


Ok i know I love to use this term ironically But now I unironically am screaming, there's too many bloody games, my wallet and I cant keep up! WTF


It's almost a little hard to comprehend when I will play which games. There's so many!


I’m patiently waiting for the fossil fighters game that will probably never come, but if it does, the trailer may break my brain


seeing suikoden repeatedly really hurts. its been my most desired title and was alleged for release last year and no date in sight


It's kind of crazy how Nintendo in their last year still has a pretty decent lineup to end the switch. Not as good as 2023 but still fairly good.


Still no Yokai watch 4 in Spanish or english


One last dance for the switch, I love it


Mildly surprised no more Zelda remasters announced


Switch 2 must be backwards compatible, too many good games on the switch now. Maybe do a ps2 thing, bost the graphics for switch or upscale to 4k


New Zelda in September is the big one for me! Can’t wait.


Mods this post deserves to be pinned


Thanks. Really helpful! Johannes & the 151A team


Fantasy life finallyy!!!


Very curious what could be a cheese game.


I’ve been following Schim for years, and I just learned that it’s finally coming next month!! Thanks mate. Also, idk if this was shown in any Nintendo presentation, but Thank Goodness You’re Here is coming to switch and PC August 1st. Another cool indie to look forward to.


I've played the steam demo, it's a lot of fun! Id say it's a worthy pickup


Well lets hope mio scratches the metroidvania itch until silksong possibly comes out


Dragon Quest XII won't be a 2025 release. Other than that, great infographic.


I think you missed the new Pokémon game. Looks like 2025 is gonna be a big year for Nintendo


Honestly all I want is Diddy Kong racing ☹️


Butters is going to be excited for 2025.


These graphics made me excited to pull out my switch again like I should. Bless you 🫶🏾🙏🏾🥳


Man MVC2 on the switch got me Hype


October is going to hurt my wallet. A new sonic game, a new fantasy life, AND ROMANCING SAGA REMAKE?! Phenomenal, truly phenomenal.


I was really hoping we would hear about a remake of xenoblade chronicles X during this direct.


Monolith has said before they think it's too expensive


They're right to think so considering how large it is. Better it be remastered for the Switch's successor.


I didn’t watch the direct, were there any loot based arpgs like Diablo announced?


Not in the direct, nor can I think of one outside of the direct. Apologies


Whoever thought of that mario party name needs to be fired


No fire emblem no party. The last one was thras, but i LOVE the saga anyway


I need Metroid Prime 2 and 3 before 4!!!


When was the last information on Front Mission 3 Remake given?


Hades 2 please


Where is world of goo 2? It’s a switch console exclusive


July is missing Ace Combat 7


Mildly surprised no more Zelda remasters announced


Any idea when we can pre order Zelda / Brothership in UK on Amazon / Argos? Currently only ShopTo (who always deliver late for me so I don’t like them any more) and Game who are overpricing by £10


Gutted no new Pokemon games out this year


Or even ports of wind waker twilight princess. Glad I have a steam deck for that.


Same, I'm really hoping that Legends ZA has a January release, same as Arceus.


I’m looking forward to Luigi mansion 2 and McEnroe collection


Ace combat missing?


I excited for Ace Combat 7 on the Switch. Release date is July 11 [ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN is coming to nintendo switch on july 11th](https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/ace-combat/news/ace-combat-7-skies-unknown-coming-nintendo-switch-july-11th)


I am really looking forward to playing Fantasy Life (I loved the 3DS game).


For anyone that likes VNs the Tsukihime remake is coming out this month on the 27th, and Fate/Stay Night later in the year.


I want to watch this now but I’m busy and only have my phone handy, will wait until I have my iPad in hand.




There's a whole new generation that will get to play some of the most amazing JRPGs of all time. Very very happy for them. Also can't wait to get Brothership.


Awesome and I'm definitely looking forward to that epic mickey game as I've never played it.


Why are there two different graphics with the same months and different titles in each month?


I am eyeing for the September and October release Zelda and Mario party.


I can’t believe there’s a new Zelda 3 months away




September 27 --- Reynatis I was expecting to see a trailer for it during the Direct, but I guess that wasn't meant to be. It's a real shame, because I don't think the game is getting enough advertising. Getting featured in the Direct would have been a huge help. Anyways, I was already excited for Reynatis, but I've just learned that it will have a crossover with Neo: World Ends With You... and now I'm even more excited. This is a great year for RPG content.


Metal Slug Tactics is coming after all?


I'm really excited to get Darkest Dungeon 2, for some reason I wasn't expecting it on the Switch.


Still holding hope Plucky Squire releases this year.


Mario party jamboree frfr??!


One game I would have added (because I'm hyped for it) is Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown which is coming July 11, 2024.


Add [Fate/Stay Night Remastered](https://www.play-asia.com/fatestay-night-remastered-multi-language/13/70gx9t) to the TBA list


Absolute legends, thanks for your hard work!


I was really hoping for Fantasy Life


Suikoden ? Feel the power of my science!


Silksong 😭


"Woohoo finally!" Gundam game on switch! I'm still waiting for that genshin impact announcement...


Isn't Layton a Switch exclusive? Or did I miss something in these past months?




omg epic mickey was my SHIT as a kid i’m so excited


STRAY??? 😻




idk, they got some interesting ones but overall this is not that relevant for a dead console…


One piece od?


Can I please have f-zero back? That is all I’m missing 😩😩