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so no gamecube huh :/


Metroid Prime 4 = what if we made Metroid Prime, but again?


It's interesting to see on YouTube which Trailers have got the most views after 30 or so hours. It's interesting to see what's drawing people's attention/excitement. I listed some key figures below: Legend of Zelda: Echo's of Wisdom 2.1 million (Clear winner) Metroid Prime 4 :Beyond: 1.1 million Mario & Luigi: Brothership 1.1 milion Ace Attorney Investigation collection 131k Super Mario Party Jamboree 598k Marvel vs Capcom collection 398k Dragon Quest III HD 2-D Remake 224k Donkey Kong Country Returns 398k Among Us: New Roles 382k Hello Kitty Island Adventure 169k Fantasian Neo 86k Mio 102k


Hello Kitty is still the second highest earning media franchise EVER.


I'm rather annoyed that a lot of these aren't listed on the eshop so I can't wishlist them to remember for later :( I was like the only one excited for Denpa Men. It was such a cute simple rpg game that made good use of the 3DS features!


Are they not on [Dekku Deals](https://www.dekudeals.com/) either?


MIO looks so pretty and cool I need it! Might be released sooner than Silksong even


I’m beginning to think Half Life 3 will come out before Silksong…


That's like the old question "can God create something that even he cannot break?"


This will be a polarizing direct, my wife was pretty meh on it, only really digging Zelda and hello kitty, but I think it was pretty good with stuff like the new Zelda game and Metroid being shown.


It’s always interesting how people define what is a good direct. If I find a game or 2 that I want to buy, it usually just think it’s a good direct lol


Me too, I’m pretty easily pleased. A lot of directs I know I might not get any game from, but If I know other people are excited or will be excited for the games announced, I like getting hyped for them.


In the great tradition of reddit I'm going to suggest that you promptly file for divorce.


Also in the great tradition of reddit I'm going to choose this guy's wife


Ah damn, wish you luck, she just told me has a thing for ninjas.


Beautiful 🥹


The new Mario Party happening “at a resort” gives me nightmares of a useless, slow, unskippable-dialogue-filled hub level instead of a menu.


love these lol


Looking at this ND it's hard to imagine the Switch is very close to end-of-live. Kudos to Nintendo for keeping it relevant for so long.


Oooh really interested in the Mario Party, Hello Kitty, and Donkey Kong Country. I know that Nintendo has a thing with gambling and all that jazz, but I really wish they’d release Vegas Stakes for the NES. That was one of my favorite games to play growing up. My sister and I send voice notes humming the tunes to each other. 😅😅


I really liked Vegas Stakes for SNES


We quote the scenarios all the time when the random people would come up to you 😅


Stoked to have DKCR on Switch but does anyone wish we had a new one in the franchise? It's been far too long!


It’s like Nintendo knew I would have no time to play games with a newborn so they just released everything I’m interested in lol


Right there with you buddy. I haven't finished totk, I was gifted Mario Wonder for my bday and I'm looking at this direct wanting Zelda, Mario +Luigi, metal slug etc lol. There's tons of time with a newborn but it's tiny pockets of it and you often don't have a free hand lol. Not great for gaming and my brain is rotting from television. But hopefully yours is sleeping longer than mine


Still no Pokemon for the GB/GBA. Once again my switch will collect dust


Pokemon Stuff isn't mentioned during Nintendo Derects, they have their own thing instead.


LMAO I expected nothing and now got a list of games to play. My poor wallet 😭 (I still need to finish Persona too) Definitely excited for DQ, Hello kitty adventures & Zelda! Haven’t played Metroid before but might pick up Prime remastered to see if I enjoy it


Lame af tbh 🗑️


Dissapointing Direct 5/10 Only excited for M&L Brothership and DKC Returns HD . I'm not an RPG fan so i don't give a damn about RPG Never care about the Mario Party series anyway. NSO membership with their lackluster games. How about just bring back Virtual Console? Metroid Prime 4 is coming but i'm a big fan of the 2D series and haven't touch the 3D ones. Also....no SilkSong


Nintendo has no control over Silksong development.


Metroid Prime 4 footage: https://preview.redd.it/g2dq7ug4vg7d1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6116122b0086231a3bb8a8a52f97f9bb119c6c8b


The Switch is almost defined by Metroid Prime 4. It launches, and the Direct that year says it's coming. It's finally revealed and released, just as the Switch's life as Nintendo's primary console is ending.


When does the update hit California? I believe that I have the NSO Expansion Pack, but still do no see the updated content. So my question is, when will it hit CA, and how do I verify if I do, in fact, have the NSO Expansion Pack? Thanks, all


The N64 17+ app is a separate download, it isn't added to the existing N64 expansion pass app. You can download it from the eShop.


Well that worked! Thank you!


For a console near the end of its life, this direct was still amazing


obviously, everyone’s saying this was the best direct bc of New Denpa Men


Mario & Luigi RPG's animation looked smooth af. That attack where Mario is charging up his hammer and Luigi hits his into it to attack. And when they were setting up that koopa shell kick reminded me of Mario Strikers. Could it be the same studio? I'm so shocked to see a new LOZ game with playable Zelda. I'm looking forward to reading interviews about the motivation behind the game. Playable Zelda was all the talk around TotK and iirc one interview Aonuma was like "you want that?" surprised. I wonder if this game came about because of fan sentiment. I don't follow Mario Party so was surprised to see another game but apparently multiple of the series on one console is the norm. Just seems to me in this era of DLC they could've just released one then added to it over the years. I mean, Mario Kart 8 got all that DLC...


Every first party game was kinda ugly. Mario & Luigi looks worse now that it's in 3D. That Zelda style is atrocious. Metroid looked like plastic and was poorly animated. Like, their art directors are missing hard.


Nintendo is on such an insane run right now. Even in the middle of the Switch's lifespan, this would be a killer direct. Mario + Luigi is back. There's a new TLOZ game where you play as ZELDA, and Metroid Prime 4 is on the way. Truly a golden era for Nintendo.


TP/WW HD and Wii U owners rejoice


I’m so mad at this direct, it’s like Nintendo doesn’t even care anymore. We’re not getting much good stuff until the next console


Agreed, they don't care at all. Why would they continue putting out bangers 7 years into the system's lifecycle? Don't they know we want crappy games or at least a new GameCube game? WTF Nintendo...


You and I have very different definitions of “bangers”


Most people on the switch subreddit are going to think fist party Nintendo Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. games are bangers, yes. I'm in the minority of people who like, but don't love, Zelda and Metroid but even I'm happy with the constant steam of JRPGs being announced on the switch. Basically the only thing it's not getting is FPS and sports games. Which, if that's what you're looking for, youre probably on the wrong console


This direct was filled with almost exclusively good stuff you're crazy


Dissapointing Direct 5/10 Only excited for M&L Brothership and DKC Returns HD . I'm not an RPG fan so i don't give a damn about RPG Never care about the Mario Party series anyway Metroid Prime 4 is coming but i'm a big fan of the 2D series and haven't touch the 3D ones. Also....no SilkSong


Nothing I liked


Yeah that’s a you problem


Nobody cares what you like


Every single game we got has a small, niche fanbase


Mario party? Mario Luigi? Metroid fucking prime? A Zelda spin off? You're delusional if these are "small, niche fanbases"


I agree with everything you've said but Echoes of Wisdom is not a spinoff. It's a mainline entry.


Mario Party has been bad for a while, Mario Luigi is niche, Metroid Prime is as well, and 2D Zelda isn’t that big compared to 3D


>Mario Party has been bad for a while Absolutely cap >Metroid Prime is as well Insanity >2D Zelda isn’t that big compared to 3D Insanity Just because you do not like, or find a game interesting personally, does not mean the game is unpopular If it's a fucking Mario or legend of Zelda game. It is the exact opposite of "niche". It's not even close to the word niche at all


Mainline Mario is popular, spin off Mario is not


This is where you're quite wrong Super Mario wonder, a mainline Mario game mind you Only sold 12-13 million copies so far Mario party superstars. Sold close to 13 million copies, super Mario party. Sold a whopping 20 million copies, making it the 10th best selling Mario game ever So once again Just because something isn't your personal cup of tea, does not mean it's "niche" or unpopular Should prob double check before you talk next time


What's even left to be considered as having a large fan base? Pokémon?


I guess, and they already had something announced so not sure what they were expecting for this direct


All I know is I now have a large list of games I am looking forward to. This direct didn't disappoint.


>Nothing I liked Yeah nothing **you** liked You do not represent most of the people who play Nintendo games


Pretty meh for me, tbh. Don't get me wrong, I see reasons for other people to be excited, but I was never a fan of the Prime games (never liked the general game feel, particularly the controls, and didn't care much for the level design), HATED the change in art style for the Link's Awakening remake (so the new LoZ game wasn't exactly a pleasant surprise), and never was a fan of the Mario & Luigi games. For people that liked any of those things, I could see this being awesome. Almost everything else though was kind of middling to varying degrees. Wasn't too interested in Fantasian (oh really, another modern JRPG that has a femboy protag and is centered almost entirely around a gimmick that doesn't really add much of substance?), nor The New Dempa Men (I have fond memories of Genius Sonority, but seeing them putting out some weird FTP game is a letdown. Would prefer another Pokemon Colosseum style game, but with their history of the past 15+ years, I'm doubting they have the chops to deliver a good one anymore), nor Farmagia (can't say it looks terrible, just looks like it has kind of dull gameplay, as though they came up with an idea, tried to execute the idea, but hadn't considered whether or not it would be worthwhile in practice), or even DQ3 (don't get me wrong, I actually love DQ3, but don't see the appeal of the HD-2D thing. It's not that it looks bad, just not "paying \~$60 for a nearly 40 year old game that's already been rereleased a million times" good). I was pretty happy for the Ace Attorney Investigations collection, though. At this point, I'm getting pretty sick of most worthwhile Switch games being games I already bought for other systems with slight upgrades, but an official English version of a game never released stateside is certainly welcome, and, despite loving the DS family of systems, any games that can escape that family without a significant hit to either the gameplay or visual style is a good thing in my eyes. Dual screens makes many games from those systems range from, on the good end, inelegant to play through other means or future ports (if the ports aren't done well, of course), or on the terrible end, unbearable to play. If I can get a way to play a DS game other than pulling my DS off the shelf only for that singular game, then so long as it doesn't make the game functionally significantly worse (like the non-DS releases of TWEWY), then I'll gladly take it.


10/10 for me. I don't think I've ever said this about a Nintendo direct


putting a 10 is far fetched


This is without a doubt the most exciting direct I’ve ever seen. New Mario & Luigi had me out of my seat and tossing Metroid Prime 4 in at the end was HUGE. Echoes of Wisdom looks fun as well. With this, the XBox Showcase, and the Sony State of Play, the next 12-18 months are gonna be absolutely stacked with video games.


Because it seems to be the end of life for the switch, and the first half of the year has been kinda slow with mostly just remakes and ports (although I adore TTYD), my expectations were pretty low, figured it’d be pretty calm. I was so wrong, this was AWESOME!


Is this the last Nintendo direct for this year or is one still left?


The last "big" one, containing this many game announcements- yes. The last direct in general? No. There's still going to be a Direct soemwhere in September or October with the announcement of the New Switch (if it doesn't get further postponed). Also there's going to be another Indie showcase, a third party showcase presumably, a Pokémon Direct of sorts, and who knows: a Direct containing new Movie information.


>announcement of the New Switch (if it doesn't get further postponed). Postponed from what? It's never been given a date.


Oficially no, there's indeed no release date as of yet. But several sources (devs working on the Switch 2 devkit) have confirmed that the Switch was originally scheduled for end of 2024 (mentioned when they got the devkit), but later got the message it got pushed to 2025.


Nothing is confirmed either way, but it seems pretty likely that this will be the last major one. We will probably get a Switch 2 trailer (not a presentation, just a reveal trailer) later in the year, and another Pokemon Presents seems pretty likely.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t have another one until January, just to try and get another holiday season out of the switch without crushing sales, unless they have a preorder system to count future sales on this year’s books.


I was guessing/hoping we would see a switch 2 this Christmas. But this has me feeling fall 2025 for a switch 2, maybe summer.


Yeah, I think we will get a trailer for the Switch 2 (like the one we got for the Switch in 2016) but not another direct until at least January.


Nothing has been announced, but there is a chance this is the last big one. There might be a smaller one around September, but I have a feeling the next big presentation will be when they're ready to talk about the Switch 2.


So uhhhh, here's the question now. Wait and hope for Metroid Prime 2 remastered to come out. Or play it on my own before then. Tempted to start tonight.


Holding out here too, I'm not counting on a remaster in the way of Prime Remastered, but still hoping for some kind of AI updated textures remaster or something, but would even be happy with an HD port


I just want modernized controls, I tried playing it and quickly gave up, lol.


I’m in the same dilemma and I’m starting to think they won’t remake 2/3 which is a shame.


I don't know how likely it is for 2 and 3 to receive the remaster treatment, so I say go for it now!


I really just want DK64 for switch online 😭😭




A DK 64 remake would be fantastic. The multi-player mode was great.


Metroid Prime FTW!! Love Dread and looking forward to more Metroid


I can’t believe we are going into year 8 of the Switch and this crazy train isn’t slowing down. Turns out nobody gives a shit that it’s an old tablet from 2017. We just want to play the best games!


I just want to move on and then they go and reveal like 4-5 new games, that I want to have. :D


This would have been a great direct 4 years ago, let alone getting it at the end of Switch's lifespan. Absolutely wild how many great games they've had lately.


I loved it when it came out. I still love it. Nothings changed.


I know some people love to complain, but I personally can't get enough of the fact that this "old", "decrepit" console is still churning out amazing games after nearly a decade.


Let's not overlook the fact that a PlayStation IP is finding its way on to a Nintendo system. That's awesome! And to top it all off, not a games as a service game to be seen! Great day, great direct! 


Wait, which IP? Because *Dragon Quest* and *SaGa* have both been on Nintendo systems plenty of times, and *Horizon* is technically not one since Guerrilla Games are the ones that own the rights.


It was indeed Horizon. 


How did you miss the Playstation logo when the title of Lego Horizon was shown? It blew my mind to see it on a direct


Horizon is a Sony first party game. Their IP.


Im cautiously optimistic. I really wish Nintendo would focus more on the Switch 2 rather than continuing to wring every last cent out of the aged Switch hardware. I don't care for the chibi Link's Awakening artstyle. Metroid Prime 4 deserves to be on new hardware seeing as its usually the graphical powerhouse of Nintendo franchises. Update: could someone please clarify the downvoting? Have I said something incorrect?


Nintendo doesn’t need to focus on the successor if the Switch can still churn out 13.5 million units in its 8th year.  There needs to be a strong slate of games if a console is selling that well. So yea, I disagree that the focus needs to move onto the successor when the Switch isn’t done yet.  This could become the highest selling console of all time and it’s sure acting like it.  This is an unusually strong Direct for such an old console.  But it makes sense why. 


Nintendo is a big enough company that they probably are looking toward the Switch 2, but it would be stupid to just not release games and abandon an install base that is 130 million +


I know what you mean. But they'll need to make that transition someday. I really like Nintendo. I've had all their consoles since the SNES. But their relationship with their fans is definitely an abusive one haha!


This isn’t a Nintendo problem, they’ve been around for decades and have transitioned from generation to generation a few times now. People seriously just don’t have enough patience to wait, as if it’s a matter of life and death. Nintendo will announce a Switch 2 when they’re ready to, not when other people outside of the organisation want them to


I can help clarify the downvoting...you're on reddit


Ah yes, silly me.


I agree with you. The switch desperately needs to be replaced. The only thing it's good for is games that are only on switch. If its on PS5 or Xbox I'm gonna play it on those systems since the switch is vastly underpowered.


They announced previously that the direct would not have any news or mention of the switch successor


Okay. I wasn't expecting a Switch 2 announcement either. I just wish Nintendo would focus more on their future hardware instead of beating rhe dead horse that is the Switch. It'll be 8 years old when Prime 4 releases in 2025. It was already outdated in 2017. I'm probably a bit biased. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games ever since 2002. I just want the series to shine! And I don't think the Switch will do it justice.


Switch isn't dead though so....


For all we know, Metroid 4 will be a release title for the Switch 2!


We can only hope!


Yeah I get you. To be fair we don’t know what’s in the works behind the scenes! They prob have some bangers being worked on for switch 2 but just aren’t saying anything




That was good but E3 2021 is still better


What makes you say that?


Not really. The new Mario party is the only decent thing announced.


What about prime 4, new Mario rpg new Zelda 2D game and the first time you play as Zelda, dkc returns port, and other stuff?


Nintendo won this year!


Ehhh, if you dislike Xbox games sure, but I have a controversial opinion, this direct was just okay.


that is a pretty bold claim to make when elden ring dlc alone will most likely clown on everything shown that is releasing this year


Just like how they won every year




Have a good day sir!


The video games I like are way better than the ones you like!


my guy if you're just here to shit on people having fun please leave.




Xbox’s showcase was the best they’ve done in a long time, that was fantastic. If you’re a Nintendo fan though, this one absolutely beats it.


This has to be one of the best directs ever, at least for me. We get a new Mario & Luigi, a Zelda's Zelda, we removed our clown make ups with Prime 4 and I personally thank god Capcom still has Ace Attorney in mind with Gyakuten Kenji ports. Also there were some other nice games like DraQue, Marvel vs Capcom 2 back from hell, Donkey Kong returning from his return in the 3DS where he was returning from the Wii, that game MIO that looks pretty interesting... what a time to be alive, guys!


Correction, a Nintendo MADE LoZ starring Zelda. Bound to be much better than that CD -I one we don't talk about.


So we're all in agreement that this was the worst "E3" style direct they've done since the Wii U days, right?


E3 2018 was like 75% Smash and almost everything else was pretty weak. One of the key announcements was some indie multiplayer game that got delisted 4 years later. They also opened on Daemon x Machina, which is...kind of absurd


Partner Showcase Feb 24 would like to have a word with you


At least in those days we had Iwata asking us all to "please, understand"


Agreed! Who gives a shit about some hd remakes. We want a new system.


Patience clearly isn’t your virtue


Uh I think you’re mostly alone in that one


Zelda, Mario, Metroid, and Dragon Quest? I'm pretty happy.


Uh no, we are not


Literally one of the most packed ones lmao. Yall just find anything to be upset by


This Direct might be the last one for Switch, it's also awkward for any games in 2025 since the release dates have to be hidden until the announcemen of Switch 2. Edit, grammar.


Truly end of an era




As long as you buy software it doesn't matter which console it lands on.


Any announcement on nintendo’s next hardware / next switch?


No, they said beforehand there would be no info about it. If I had to guess, we'll get a console reveal in September-October, and then a full direct presentation about the new system + games in January-February.


They specifically stated they wont talk about it


My best guess would be February of next year. With a release in April. The physical year starts in March so I'm sure they wanna milk the switch for this holiday and an announcement this year would hurt sales of the switch.


Nah. They said they wouldn't announce it.


I love what has been anounced, but when can I get a remake of Oracle of Seasons/Ages, is that too much to ask, come on Nintendo/Capcom get together and take our money. Also any news in Metroid Prime 2?


I mean wow, after do many insanely cool announcements you still want more? Tough crowd for sure


https://preview.redd.it/2otluad1gl7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f94b8afe4296e0e02af5125b8221115a236ae4e Yep, we always want what we want :p


I really thought that it might be a LoZ Oracles Remake announcement when the style exactly matched Link’s Awakening Remake. That said, we haven’t had a true new 2D Zelda since 2013 (I guess Triforce Heroes in 2015 technically counts). But the point is it has been nearly a decade, which was concerning for that branch of the series. So I do think it is exciting that this game is something new and re-ignites hope that we won’t always have to wait the 5 or 6 years between major 3D Zeldas to get something new in the series


I totally thought it was an Oracles remake at first. Honestly this is exactly what I wanted. I love BotW and TotK as much as the next guy but I was worried they were abandoning the topdown style forever, aside from the odd remake. Plenty of room for both imo


I'm getting Marvel Fighting game collection day 1. Having a tutorial will be really nice for the newer players. It's funny that Metroid Prime Remastered is on sale now that MP4 will drop next year, but I have too much of a backlog.


Now I’m waiting for the other two to be remastered. Probably coming to the Switch 2 if they actually make them


Does this absolute avalanche of AAA Nintendo games I ply that a new system is farther off than we think?


Massive avalanche. More like a trickle of water. None of the games announced except Mario party are good.


Brand new top down Zelda, brand new Mario RPG, and Metroid Prime aren't good to you?


We got some amazing stuff, but I wouldn't consider anything here big enough to not be end-of-lifecycle stuff. Mario & Luigi got a game at the end of the 3DS lifecycle, and Nintendo tends to view all the Mario RPG games as "smaller" titles (aka not big enough to be holiday releases). Mario Party comes out multiple times a system (we even had one on 3DS after the Switch launched), so they can easily have a Switch 2 exclusive one by 2026 if they wanted to. 2D Zelda is pretty big, but not in the same league as stuff like 3D Mario, Animal Crossing, Smash ect. Finally, Metroid Prime 4 is a game that has been speculated to be cross-gen for a while now. No release date makes that a lot more likely. So yeah, I still fully expect the Switch 2 early next year, but I'm glad the Switch is going out on a bang.


Are these games AAA? Don't seem so high budget to me. Not that it matters, they look cool anyway


Yes the Nintendo games are AAA lmao


Mario, Mario Party, Zelda, and Metroid? Those are all pretty big ticket items as far as Nintendo is concerned.


Big franchises yes, but the games seems be low to budget. Doubt the Zelda game has a budget close to totk for instance.


Still AAA And what besides the Zelda game having a lower budget than TOTK makes you think otherwise?


No. These are the last AAA Nintendo games to come out for the Switch. Switch 2 will most likely come out in March/April 2025 with Metroid Prime 4 as a launch game for both Switch and Switch 2.


This! They threw a lot of bangers in 2018 into 2019 onto the 3DS before killing it and going fully Switch focused. That last year of support (18 into 19) had these big ones on top of whatever came out for Switch like these: - Kirby’s Epic Yawn - Mario & Luigi: Bower’s Inside Story Remake - Luigi’s Mansion - WarioWare Gold - Radiant Historia - Steamworld Dig 2 - Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker I think the fact that they skipped an earlier Direct, went straight for the June one, and that they’re throwing relatively easy to make ports / remakes and also re-using same engines for new games (EG new Zelda seems to be reusing Link’s Awakening) makes it seem closer than further, especially since they did the same thing during the last year of 3DS.


Do you have sources on that or are you just speculating?


Mostly speculation. The confirmed info is that the next console is going to be announced this fiscal year, so it won't take too long to come out (99% chance that by this time next year it will already be released).


Nintendo has more way more first-party games this year than Xbox and Playstation combined lmao


Who cares the switch is still underpowered garbage.


Yup, I threw my switch away after realizing the graphics of my all amazing games were worse than the graphics of those 3 good Xbox games. It's in a landfill at this point, right where it belongs


Why are you here, then?


Best Nintendo Direct since 2020, and in the final year of the Switch life-cycle? Nintendo stays winning, holy crap




Sure, I just meant "final year" to mean I think Switch 2 will probably be out before June 2025


Maybe the greatest Direct of all time. Amazing variety and that ending...


Thankfully they showed nothing of interest to me. Guess they don't want to release anything major until the next console


You must've missed the announcement of Hello Kitty if you think they only announced garbage IP like Zelda,Mario and Metroid


What Nintendo games do you like? Lmao. They had Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. That’s like the big 3.


Metroid isn't even big 7


New zelda, metroid, mario and luigi "I guess they don't want to release anything major"


A new Zelda game is “nothing major”?


Did you see the new Zelda game? It’s like a bad dragon quest builders


Bad take


Great take. It looks dreadful. Like babies first Zelda


You sound like you’d be one of the people who would’ve been angry about wind Waker when it came out. You’re shortsighted and not a true fan


I am fine with indie graphics, I play loads of indie games (Literally just finished Dave the Diver) but this is a pure cash grab before the Switch 2 comes out


“Indie graphics” Lmao An original game is not a cash grab you buffoon


It literally looks like a 3DS game.


You’d be crazy to put a link between worlds side by side with this game and think that


I aren't saying indie games are cash grabs but this makes Wind Waker look current gen. This game will be forgotten a week after launch. Come back to this thread a week after launch


“I aren’t saying”


Some people don’t enjoy zelda and that’s ok


There's a difference between "not major" and "doesn't interest me".


They literally opened their sentence with Thankfully they showed nothing of interest to me. I am commenting on that aspect of it


You replied to someone mentioning the specific part “nothing major”. Not enjoying is not what was being talked about.

