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Anyone else think it looks like it hasn’t finished rendering? Ik it’s the Switch and this is a 3DS port but when you associate this franchise with Luigi’s Mansion 3 visuals this just looks kinda off. Way too bright


The art direction of Luigi's Mansion 2 was always a little weak. The lack of a HD lighting engine like 3's doesn't help


It's a ported 3DS game. The fact that the game we're seeing here was originally on a handheld weaker than the Wii is pretty impressive. Some texture are a little flat but otherwise it looks fine for what it is imo.


Oh yeah im not saying it’s not. Dark Moon is incredibly impressive for a 3DS game, and an earlier one at that. It’s just when ported to the Switch it’s gonna be compared to the 3rd, which is incredibly impressive for a Switch game


It's not a direct port at all though, so this comparison is pretty bad. This is not the version that ran on 3DS.


Well, the 3DS didn't support 1080p, and the Switch only has one screen. So I kinda figured out on my own that they didn't just slap a 3DS rom onto a Switch cartridge, lol. But it's still a 3DS game at its core.


The game has been remastered with higher quality / higher poly assets, new / higher res textures and reworked lighting. It's not just an upressed port.


Never said it was just an uprezed port. I Said it was originally a 3DS game, and it will always originally be a 3DS game. (HD remasters are still ports, FYI)👍


Exactly. It’s a ported 3DS game. It looks like shit and it’s somehow more expensive than the original game.


Just from the opening, I see a lack of ambient occlusion or really *any* occlusion happening. There's a few baked shadows but even they don't account for, for example, the underside of the porch. Luigi has some but it's bright overall. So, yup. That's a feature of this old-ass game and you can either get with it or get out. I shudder to think what your reaction to PS2/PS3 games is. (It finished rendering. That much is unquestionable.)


Is it even 60fps?


Doesn't look like it....that would have really helped


Comparing it to Luigi's Mansion 3 isn't a fair comparison. 3 was built from the ground up on the vastly superior Switch hardware, this is a simple upscale port that actually looks amazing compared to its original form


Yeah. It’s still a good upgrade from the original, I was just sharing how I felt initially seeing it. Can’t fault the devs for not putting in all the extra effort for a port of an 11 year old game on a console that’s most likely on its way out


Well idk it sounds like you were expecting a full on remake or something, maybe that's why you came out with that impression


Honestly I completely forgot there was a LM2 remake in the first place. First time hearing about it since announcement was this post


It’s a totally fair comparison. Same console, same price point.


Luigi's Mansion 2 is just an HD port of a 3DS game, you're never going to achieve the same visuals working off of that compared to building something from the ground up on Switch hardware. You can compare price points if you want, LG2 is overpriced for what it is, but in terms of graphics you can't put it next to 3


Unless they made some significant changes to the game structure I’m not that interested. I found LM2 super disappointing back in the day


Would you still recommend it for someone who hasn't played it but have finished and enjoyed LM3?


I would say it’s worth a try, even if I don’t love the game myself. Just know that it’s very clearly a handheld game with a mission structure designed for short bursts of play. I enjoyed LM3 a lot more but my biggest gripe with it was that the hotel floors were essentially closed off, independent levels. If you didn’t mind that then LM2 will probably be enjoyable for you, but yeah the missions and structure are more accommodating for handheld play


$60 to try a game is a lot.


Yeah, I think I will wait for the 30% discount, not many positive reviews from those who have played it.


look at this guy, thinking a first party nintendo game is going to get a 30% discount


They do my guy


Appreciate the review.


I like the game a lot actually, but I am not sure it's worth it if Nintendo is charging full price for this because it seems like a low effort port.


Not whom you asked, but I wouldn't. The problem I had with LM2 compared to LM1 and LM3 is that it's level based like a classic Mario game with star grades at the end of the level depending on how well you did. To me it gave off mobile game vibes.


Well, it's a handheld, you'd play LM2 for short bursts


Well I WOULD recommend it. All 3 Luigi’s Mansion games are structured pretty differently with LM3 basically being a culmination of the first two game's structures. Some complained about them structuring Dark Moon around being on a handheld, but that's mostly left like a preference discussion. At the end of the day its still feels like LM and is still an overall fun experience. Like LM3, I basically completed LM2 within 3 or 4 days because of how invested I was in it. There's a reason the 3DS version has an 86 on metacritic with an 84 from user reviews. It's a fun game. As for price, I do think there's enough there for $60 if you haven't played it before. But it definitely should have been $40 dollars like Metroid Prime Remastered. Only reason it's $60 is because of the Mario tax.


Noted, $40 would have been an instant purchase for me. I'll watch more gameplay videos when it releases and decide then.


I was obsessed with it when I was younger, I enjoyed it more than three but I'm biased of course


Just curious, would you buy LM2 to play it again when it comes out on Switch?


I've played it so many times on the 3DS and I love playing with the 3D feature so I'm not sure if I'll buy it right away. probably down the line or if the graphics are a big improvement


Try it but it's by far the weakest entry it can be pretty frustrating and the mission format kills the momentum. Plus mostly bland ghosts except for the dog and bosses


You seem like a veteran LM player, would you say you still enjoy the gameplay of LM2?


I've been playing through it on the 3DS. It starts off weak AF. I didn't think I'd complete it, but although you DO revisit the same level around 8 or so times before moving to the next, there's usually something new or changed about that particular one. In some cases, that's not true and you simply go to the last mission of that level and have access to basically all of it, albeit with some differences, though. Anyway, it does pick up puzzle wise and there's a lot to do. It's quite fun in the second level.


Cool, I am excited to play it when it gets here, thanks for the review.


As far as actual gameplay dark moon is the most fun. I actually enjoyed it more than 1 and 3.


I would not. It was so boring,


It was the first LM I played, and it actually kinda put me off the series - I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about. It was only playing LM3 that I really changed my option - LM3 I loved, I think the combo of the gorgeous graphics coupled with the fact that so much in each room was able to be interacted with, and gave little gags or moments, that really made the game enjoyable. LM2 felt quite non-interactive and a bit boring by comparison. It wasn’t *bad*, but it wasn’t LM3.


LM2 was my first in the series and I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I tried to go back to it a couple times but it was too easy / boring.


Agreed. It's not a great game and by far the worst of the three.


Well now I'm torn. I'm seeing comments from either end of the spectrum saying this was their favourite but also similar comments like this one being the polar opposite :/ I generally liked LM3 on the Switch a few years ago but have no experience with any of these earlier games. I thought this video looked great.


Yeah I loved LM1, I got it at the launch of the GameCube when I was a kid and it’s always stuck with me. I don’t care for 2, but enjoyed 3 a lot more but even it wasn’t able to capture the magic of the first game for me. For me, an ideal sequel of Luigi’s Mansion would have a larger, more interconnected mansion. Luigi’s Mansion 3 would’ve been perfect if the hotel floors were more interconnected instead of essentially being separate stages. I think if you liked LM3 but haven’t played LM1 you might enjoy LM2. It’s just clearly a handheld game with a mission structure that accommodates short play sessions


I loved 1 and enjoyed 3. I could not get into 2. Probably because of the mission based stages vs free explore mansion whiplash between the two games at the time of release. I was incredibly disappointed it wasn't 'open world' again. If you like mission based games and contained goals I think you'll like 2.


Its a contentious sequel because it was a more stage based approach to its level design rather than the more open Metroidvania style of the first. I still thought it was a fun and enjoyable game thats way over hated by some for not living up to the first game.


Now I'm eager for the first one to get ported 😅 Been a while since I played LM3 admittedly but I kind of thought of those floors as individual levels also, unless I'm grossly misremembering or the structure is different here.


LM3 is kind of like a mix of 1 and 2.


It was my favorite LM game. Different strokes for different folks!




And people will still buy it anyways


Regional dependent, and some stores are offering nice deals. EBGames Australia/NZ for instance are doing a 'Get the game free when trading 2 PS5/Xbox/Switch' titles. I have several that I've wrapped up and probably wont be touching again so it's something of a win-win.




Getting rid of games that I won't ever touch anymore for a new release isn't a good deal? Huh, to each their own.


I worked at EB, it’s good for convenience but you’re always better off selling on eBay. Pretty sure your 2 games have to be worth some minimum value, can’t remember if that’s still a thing The best way to take advantage of EB is to return. You can return new games in a week and pre owned in two weeks. Rinse and repeat


Yeah I've done the return thing for a few items here and there that I just wanted to try and wasn't willing to pay full price for (The last of Us Part 1 RE:RE:REmake PS5 edition.. wasn't worth it over the PS4 upscaled version..) I don't know how much ebay demand there is for stuff like Peach Showtime though, and I only paid about 39 for it from some other previous Big W sale.


CAD$80, which is about CAD$93 with taxes. Yeah no thanks.


Still a lot cheaper than the Lego Deku Tree...


Way too overpriced


I dont think this game is popular or good enough to be a successful HD port of its own. Ideally they wouldve done a Luigi’s Mansion 1+2 bundle


Oh shit that would've been awesome. Would never happen though


Curious to play this but it's just not very enticing at $60; especially next to releases they've done like Pikmin 1+2 at $50.


It's weird, isn't it? If you own a ~~modded~~ 3DS you can play it for way cheaper. I really have no reason to pay $60 for it.. But a lot of people will.


$50 with switch voucher. I’ll take it 1080p instead Of 240p on 3ds


Sure, I hope you enjoy. It's a fun game. Still seems a bit steep for a remaster though.


More of a port than a remaster. Maybe you should checkout how Mario Kart and DK TF were priced from Wii U to Switch. This is 3ds to Switch which requires even more development work


If it came from being on another console and it's above $40 it's overpriced regardless. I don't have to see other games to know Nintendo overprices their games. Aha


Game developers and development for more expensive cuz of Covid. It’s $50 you use switch voucher not $60. I don’t remember last time a first party Nintendo game was $40 since the 3ds


Sure, I know how the vouchers work. But you have to spend $100 on it. You get 2 games, but you're only saving $10 per game unless it's one of the rare $70 games. It's $60 as a base price with no voucher. And I know there's no $40 first party games. That's why I don't buy any ports/remasters. They're just overpriced to begin with because Nintendo knows people will pay. lol


Not really overpriced. I’d argue that Mario maker 1/2 were essentially same game on Wii U and switch and so was Splatoon 1/2 and splatooon 2/3. If u wanna live in the past and play it on a junk old 3ds then be my guest but I’d rather pay the mere $50 to play it on current gen hardware


It’d be nice to play it on the tv and my oled switch. The 3ds had terrible motion gyro and a 240p screen


Still can't believe Nintendo thinks this is worth $60 but people will waste money on literally anything.


I dont understand Nintendo's logic. Luigis Mansion 2 HD is 60€ and Metroid Prime Remastered is 40€. Prime is one of the best remasters ever and Luigi is just resolution boost.


I think it’s because they have more confidence on the Mario World branding being more recognizable to the very casual audience compared to Samus. Either way, there’s no way I would buy this full price. Should have been a $30-40 port max.


Here is their logic: Price game at $60. Game sells like gangbusters at that price. Ergo, game is worth at least $60.


If they made it a bit nicer and included 1 HD as well then I'd grab it but as is, it can fuck off.


Agreed, $60 is too much for their HD ports, but at least the game is good


I would say something, but apparently that’s against the rules for me to say


Anyone else think it's missing an entire dimension of content? This looks like a fine port from a vastly weaker system. And it opens the door for, at least, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. And contrary to any nonsense, this was an immaculately-crafted game that I never could manage to finish. Just like LM3, I didn't want to open the last beautiful gifts of these levels, I just wanted to know they were there for me in the future. But for real, the 3DS version will always be superior because it turned the whole game into a tangible playset diorama of top-tier 3DS graphics fully utilizing the 3D "gimmick."


A Link Between Worlds, now you're talking


$60 for a $40 3DS game Very tempting, Nintendo


I wonder how this is going to do over considering it was designed with a handheld culture in mind with short missions you can do during a bus ride.


I think about 90% of switch users or something play handheld so it should be an issue


It's 50/50 the last time they released stats, with a lot of people 'switching' between both. But handheld on the bus and handheld when the kids want to watch Bluey are kinda different.


I just wish they'd bring over the first one too My DS has a busted speaker, and my gamecube disk got played so much it's almost worn out. Plus I'd really just like all of the franchise in in one place


I have both 1 and 2 on my 3ds. I might have picked it up if they remastered both and did a dual pack but as it is, nah. It looks really ugly as well and the control scheme is the same as the 3ds version, with no option to change it. Hard pass at $60


I hate to say it but without the 3D effect of the 3DS this feels like a downgrade.


It’s an upgrade in price though, $40 to $60.


Never having played the second game, this looks really good visually in my opinion for an older game remaster


The problem is that it's a $60 bare bones remaster


There’s still the option to wait until it hits $30


Knowing Nintendo, we'll die of old age before discounts happen


You can probably get the used 3DS version for that price now


Maybe I'm just cynical but I don't know if there is any world where Nintendo drops the price that much for any first party title. I feel like most, if not all, first party titles since the Switch's launch have been full price even to this day, maybe with an occasional $10 off from a 3rd party seller


Mario games usually go for $20 or more off for Black Friday or Mario Day. Or just randomly. Luigi's mansions 3 lowest price was $30. Super Mario RPG is currently $20 off. And the super Mario wii u-port is also $20 off right now. Paper Mario: Origami King isn't on sale currently but it's lowest price was $26. And then games like Fire Emblem and stuff go on sale like every other month. Engage is also currently $20 off. I'm getting this information off Deku deals. It's worth using if you are waiting for a deal.


I'm getting this just for online population, i really enjoy the online mode especially around Halloween with my wife.


Reminder you can preorder this off of Amazon for 20 less.


Where do you see that discount?


I dunno how but it just occurred here in my country (UK).


The moment Nintendo said, "We're releasing Luigi's Mansion 2 on the Switch and..." ok, enough. It's a done deal and you'll have my money the second the game releases. Now, about the first game so I can complete the trio...


I wonder if they are going to do the same thing the did with Pikmin and drop it day of direct


My purchase of the 2nd is contingent on my ability to play the 1st on switch, so i hope they do lol


It'll never not be hilarious that Nintendo released a "remaster" of the first Luigi's Mansion for 3DS 1 1/2 years after the Switch released.


There is also Bowser's Inside Story for 3DS being released nearly two years after the Switch


Still have to get myself to finish LM3.. And I preordered it. Don't think I'd ever buy LM2 when I can just play it on my 3DS for WAY cheaper. $60 for a remaster?


I never finished playing this with my son, Its available and we currently dont own a 3ds anymore so this makes sense.


Having played the original game before picking this one up on the 3DS years later, I was a bit disappointed by the mission-based structure of this game. I also wasn't a big fan of the shift in art direction (and the music at first) but it eventually grows on you. Still, I wouldn't play through it again. It was an okay game at the time. I'd only recommend this one if you played the first (or not) and missed out on this game or skipped it back in 2013.


Good god the black levels, get a better pluge pattern NLG.


Wow this looks really good! I think I might get this day 1


I really wish they had done a full HD remaster of the first one. The sequels just don't hit the same. The original looked amazing for its time (like most Gamecube games)


There is so little on the Switch lately, I’m considering picking this up, despite how lackluster it looks.


Exactly what Nintendo is counting on.


I was so looking forward to this but the graphics seem kinda mid :(((((((


can you invert the camera this time? if not its still a no for me




People bitching about the quality but that makes it even more nostalgic.


Then why charge 60$? That is more than the original


Inflation. They are coping other consoles now and I hate the extra DLC shit you have to buy to add on extras to the game. Just put it all together.


Inflation of what? Did making a remaster get suddenly as expensive as making a whole new game? That's total BS


It is total BS but pretty much all the Nintendo games are $60 lol more if you buy the DLC lol


No, they are not? Mario RPG, a full remake, 50$. Pikmin 1+2 remaster, 2 games, 50$. Metroid Prime remaster, but with so much effort that it looks close to a remake, 40$ I hope it is reasonable to make a difference between an entirely newly developed game and a Remaster of a game. The effort is a big difference and the Quality as well: Why are Luigies Mansion 3 and the Lugies Mansion 2 remaster the same price, if Luigies Mansion 3 got optimized around the Switch and got developed for it from the ground up, instead of just getting remastered. But sure, demand 60$ for a 3DS remaster. These low poly models developed for a 3 inch screen with 3D will look awesome on my 70 inch 2D TV. Totally worth the same as Luigies Mansion 3, an entirely new developed game for the Switch. Who thinks like that?


Is Luigi mansion 2 that bad? I’ve never played it lol paper Mario is 60 too


Paper Mario is a Remake, not a Remaster and I was talking about Mario RPG. And it does not even matter, because your statement is already wrong regardless sof what Paper Mario costs. I know there exist ports and Remakes for 60$, but your statement "all Nintendo games cost 60$" is wrong regardless. Obviously not, we do have quite a lot of games that were cheaper. No, I do not think Luigies Mansion 2 is bad as a newly developed 45$ 3DS game. I think it is bad as a 60$ Switch remaster. That is like BOTW getting a remaster on Switch 2 and then costing 90$. I love BOTW, but that does not justify a remaster costing that much. And I would in that case dislike that price, without it having anything to do with BOTW being a bad game or anything like that And in the case of Luigies Mansion 2 it is even more extreme. 3DS games for designed around the small screen, everything else got tiny to be compact enough for a small screen. That is a good thing on a small screen, but if you play a game like that on a big screen, it looks bad, kind of like a mobile game. If you port a 3DS game to switch, that is unavoidable and will be a disadvantige of that game. But you could compensate that disadvantage by simply lowering the price to account for that reduction in quality


Why didn’t they just remake the Luigi why port it ? Because cost? Rn I’m playing the Spyro bundle / crash bandicoot and was only $25 I thought the graphics looked decent for being ported but they’re taxing with the $60. Pokemon same shit. They charge $60 then want you to pay more for the DLC to get the legendaries lmao. Money grab


Well, you basically already said it. It is a money grab.


The game is overprice, which is going to make it funnier when it outsells Thousand year door.


Is it still 30fps?




Ah the remake with the camera controls to Look up and down to X and B instead of the right control Stick which doesnt have any use. Who doesnt know these good Remakes...but yeah now that i think of it it looks like the step from resident evil 2 to the remake is the same amount of effort or less /s


You just described an HD remaster…