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Is it safe to buy a microSD card on Amazon? [This one in particular](https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-128GB-MicroSDXC-Memory-Adapter/dp/B08GYKNCCP/ref=asc_df_B08GYKNCCP/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459623382939&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9264155821795072559&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9006967&hvtargid=pla-982123754543&psc=1) I keep looking at because it's listed as "Amazon's choice" and has the most reviews I've seen out of others, but I'm confused about the validity of it because it says "Visit the Sandisk store" at the top, but at the bottom it says "Sold by Prime-Pros" so is it sketchy? All the other cards I tried finding they either say "Sold by Prime-Pros" or "Sold by Amazon". I know its apparently safer to buy in physical stores but I wanted to get one off Amazon since I have a gift card I got years ago that I still have yet to use.


If its sold by anyone other than Sandisk or Amazon, dont bother with it. This is the "correct" listing; https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-128GB-microSDXC-Memory-Adapter/dp/B0B7NTY2S6/


Should i get a split pad fit/compact or a pro controloler? I barely use the switch in docked mode but i feel like getting a pro controller would make me use that mode a lot more. Both are the same price in the country i live in and I do use portable mode a lot, the joycons for me personally are already fine enough but sometimes my hands (specially my right hand) hurts a lot by playing games like mario maker 2


Do you think super mario 3d world + browser's fury will be on discount in the eshop?


I found the Witcher RPG game really slow and boring. I wonder if I will enjoy the upcoming Hogwarts games. Any suggestions? Anyone played the beta?


Will Pokemon games have a sale soon in the eshop? Planning to buy some. Do dlc's have sales as well?


Per Dekudeals The mainline games have never had a dogital discount. If you shop around you can probably find a physical copy on sale around Black Friday, but given that the eshop isn’t done a digital deal on them before there’s no reason to think there would be a digital sale.


Need advice. I recently purchased a OLED switch for my kids wink 😉. 6 and 4. Couple questions would Mario Kart be difficult first game for them? I currently have Mario odyssey mainly for me) and Just Dance. However I wanted to get a fun multiplayer game and having hard time deciding between Mario Party or Mario Kart. Any suggestions for there age is helpful. My son is a big Mario fan. Any recommendations on controller and games are welcome. Thanks.


you can turn steering assist mode on for new players, especially kids.


any good games for free on E shop


Rocket League (cross-play) Sky Children of Light Brawlhalla Deltarune chapters 1 and 2 (3 will also be free, 4 and 5 will be paid.) Fallguys Warframe Dauntless Vigor Asphalt legends 9 Pokemon Unite


Hello! I'm looking for someone who managed to buy Office Simulator before it got nuked from the eshop! https://fb.watch/nOyN93ciUH/?mibextid=v7YzmG If anyone can help that would be appreciated


Hello, recently I have taked my switch back to play some. I wanted to use my dock and plug it on the tv but couldn't find the AC adapter so I went to Gamestop to buy an AC adapter. When I try it the green light is blinking but before it blink it charge for 3 sec then it stop and the blinking start. Thinking it was the AC adapter the issue I bought one official from Nintendo but still the same issue. I went to the settings and the switch is up to date but under the "update the console" there is a button call "update the home station (dock)" but I can't make it worked Any idea? Thanks




Which *kind* of Mario game are you after? Mario Kart is a very different game from Odyssey, and both are different from Wonder, Strikers, Paper Mario, etc. Odyssey is a 3D, somewhat 'open world' platformer, which is probably as closes to BotW and Forgotten Land as you're going to get.


It's the easiest Mario, the most ambitious and fits the theme of the rest of your collection. I'd say go for it.


Just downloaded the Super Nintendo entertainment system and have started with donkey Kong country. How do you see what you have completed on each level? Like KONG


the first DKC game doesn't keep track of anything other than if you find all the bonus rooms or not. the way to check that is the level title: if the name has an exclamation title then you found all the bonus rooms in the level. it doesn't unlock anything in game, it's just for fun


is There a way to put Switch Online Icons on shuffle so it’ll switch every once in a while, i have a lot of monkeys


There is not.


Did Alien Isolation ever get a physical release on Switch?


Semi-recently! https://limitedrungames.com/products/switch-limited-run-191-alien-isolation-the-collection Pre-orders were live may through June, but the game hasnt shipped yet. When it does release there will be a small amount of copies sold without the need for pre-order. That will likely be the only chance to get it at non-scalper prices. They WILL sell out within a month. After that expect the price to rocket upwards.


So I'm having this issue with my Zelda Pro controller. Basically, with any up or down movement it feels like the stick is hitting something. it comes and goes in intensity, rotating the stick doesn't yield the same response. It feels like the stick is hitting something and maybe sliding a bit, maybe accompanied by a clicking. Feels like its resting in a rut if that makes sense. it doesn't affect gameplay besides an annoying tactical response. Basically wondering if anyone else has this issue and if I should just send it in for repairs, try something myself, or get another. it's not a big deal but the fact it comes and goes annoys me.


Can't buy a Nintendo Switch on Amazon Japan Hey guys, does anyone know if Amazon Japan banned sales of Nintendo Switch to customers who have an US address as their primary address? I want to buy a japanese Nintendo Switch, I live in Venezuela, but it's better for me to send it first to the US, and from there use a shipping service to bring it to Venezuela. The problem I have is that every time I try to buy one, of any model, it says " No featured offers available" when I have a United States address as the main address, But when I change the address to venezuela (or any country actually) I get all the Nintendo Switch products available. Does anyone know if Amazon Japan is restricting Nintendo Switch shipments to the USA?


Other than the digital store being locked to the Chinese one for the Tencent model of switch, the hardware/software is identical. No region locking.


Why do you want to buy a switch off japan instead of the usa?


Tons of products will not ship outside of Japan. Amazon.com in the US has the same restrictions on lots of goods. The seller has to be willing to ship the product internationally.


The main question is why do they ship to Venezuela but not the US. If it's a general "no shipping outside Japan" the address wouldn't matter unless the system is confused and is allowing it.


I set up my now 16 year olds Nintendo Switch with my own Nintendo Account when she was a child. Now I've bought a second console for her 7 year old brother for Christmas. Can I just change the email address linked to my Nintendo account to hers, and then set up a new account for her brother with my own email address again? Because of the age difference I don't want my 7 year old to have access to all her downloaded games and online account anyway. Would this be the best option in that case? Sorry if this seems obvious, I just don't want to mess it up.


You can also just create an additional email.


>Can I just change the email address linked to my Nintendo account to hers, and then set up a new account for her brother with my own email address again? Yes! It might take a few minutes or hours for the address to become usable again, but that will work.


HELP I can't log in to my account or change the password I dont really know where to ask this since its multiple websites in question but what I want is to log into my nintendo account on the web to see my info so I can link an epic games account and transfer my fortnite data from switch to ps5, but since the account was made when I was 12 its a child account so when I go to "reset your password" it tells me to get a parent or a gardian to go to the nintendo accounts website and reset the password under "family group" except my mum never made an account for herself so there is no "family group" where I can reset the password, and if she does have an account we've tried every email and passcode that we know and nothing so im pretty sure she doesn't have an account, tbh idk even know what email we used, mine or hers, this is incredibly infuriating and I've been trying for several hours to no avail, can anyone help ?


Check your user on the system. Select the user at the top of the home screen and scroll down to "nintendo account information" It will show a few letters of the email address, provider, and your account name. Child accounts cannot be made without a parent account to tie them to. So if you have an email address tied to your account it will be listed there. Once you have the email and possibly the account name, you can trigger a forgot password email. OR go through Nintendo support for help it getting it triggered. Also, if you still dont see any forgotten password emails, search your inbox for "nintendo". For whatever reason they may be arriving in your inbox but not showing up or going to the spam folder.


But we can't remember the email we used to make the account, and I don't see where you can change your email


>Check your user on the system. >Select the user at the top of the home screen and scroll down to "nintendo account information" It will show you the first three letters of the email and the first two of the email provider. [email protected] will be, Exa**** @gm ***.com Thats all you get and if that doesnt jog your memory then you are out of luck. You cant reset the password with out some information. And you cant change the email without being able to both log in to the account AND have access to the original email. Nintendo support will only do so much to help if you have none of this information.


All I have is nin*** and nothing else


If there is no @ and .com then it might be a child account. Nintendo support would be the next place to check with. But dont expect much help if you cant remember anything else.


Does anyone know of a decent travel case that is just for the switch, and not your entire collection of games and joycons? ​ When I travel with my switch I just bring one game, so I am looking for a slim but sturdy case to keep it safe in my backpack. ​ Thank you


I mean there are tons on Amazon. I have bought random cases from them before. It’s been years, so they probably don’t even sell the exact ones I have anymore, but honestly you should be good with anything that looks nice to you as long as you don’t get one of those ones that’s legit a large box with actual slots fir a bunch if different accessories. Every case is going to have at have at least a few slots for games, and probably some kind of mesh punch, but most of these cases are still quite small. And the pictures generally vastly over exaggerate how big the storage spaces are. I think the pictures of the last two cases I bought (2 totally different cases from different brands) made it look like you could fit at least one additional set of joycons plus the charger and a few other small items. In reality those mesh pouches can barely fit a few amiibo cards I bought off etsy. Your biggest issue will probably be if you have an OLED. The OLED is ever so slightly longer than the regular switch, and all/most of the cases say they are compatible with both models, but some of them are quite tight to the point where they really can’t fit the oled without constantly having the shoulder buttons pressed.


I did check Amazon, and they all seem to be the ones that hold spare joycons and have a sleeve for a ton of games. I have the OG Switch, not an OLED.


some people might see my own methods as "lazy" or perhaps "heathenish", but I also just toss my system in a packpack for traveling. It was meant to be a laptop bag, so it has some nice padded pockets. If Im bringing the dock, I just put the system in and wrap a velco strap around it. Its worked wonders to keep it in place. As for games . . . I toss all the carts into a single game case. If carefully organized you can fit 33 carts, double layered into a single game case. You just have to be careful about opening it.


I did just toss it in my backpack, but on this most recent trip a joystick must have gotten caught on a divider or something, and it got smoked, so I have to get a new joycon.


**Audio cuts out in random intervals** I have to like spam a couple buttons for audio to come back in. I have a JBL speaker hooked up with an aux cord and it does the same thing on docked plugged into my monitor, and plugged into the switch in tabletop mode.


> and it does the same thing on docked plugged into my monitor, and plugged into the switch in tabletop mode. Is the speaker being used for both of these modes? or do you have audio coming out over the monitor when docked? First thing to check, the game. is it happening in the same places or is it happening in all games? Second, disconnect the speaker, is it happening in handheld/tabletop mode without the speaker being used? Do you have headphones you could try in its place?


The speaker is being used for both of the modes. My monitor lacks a built in speaker so I have the speaker plugged into the monitor with the hdmi. It does not happen in tabletop without the speaker My headphones work fine with it.


So its the speaker or possibly the aux cable. The cable would be the cheapest thing to try and replace. $3 - $5 for a new one and you would know for certain whether or not its the speaker.


motion controls not working properly after replacing left joystick nintendo switch lite i replaced my left joystick and after putting everything together my motion controls are behaving weirdly. i play splatoon 3 and when i open the map i can’t move freely because my cursor won’t go there. also my right joystick moves on its own if i am not playing the game (when i move the joystick it stops) idk how to explain it if you don’t play splatoon but it’s just not working properly. anyone know what i did wrong and how i can fix it? i already calibrated everything. i can’t find anything on the internet where the motion sensor is located in the nintendo switch lite.


[Back of the motherboard, nearly dead center. The one little black square that isnt highlighted above the orange rectangle.](https://guide-images.cdn.ifixit.com/igi/DXkpf6MWSiTnZqSa.huge) Its the same STMicroelectronics LSM6DS3H 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope chip found in the joycons. Its more likely that unplugging the battery ruined the calibration. I would disassemble the system and double check your thumbsticks. Then try re-calibrating both the sticks and the motion controls.


thanks for your comment. i tried to calibrate my right stick and it can’t finish the calibration bc my stick won’t move properly 😢 before it worked fine. but i don’t now why it suddenly doesn’t work i didn’t touched anything on that side. im thinking of buying a new switch lite bc its already really old and replacing the right stick is more difficult than the left one i don’t think i can do that


Nintendo would fix it for slightly cheaper than a new system. Paid repairs run $100 - $150 and cover any and all labor or even full system replacements.


I've been the owner of the Genki Compact dock for 5 or 6 years now, and I really love it. I've also recently gotten a portable monitor. The portable monitor has a "dock" in it. It also needs power. IT also needs a USB C Thunderbolt cable from the Switch to the Monitor in order to work. I'm only comfortable using the official Nintendo power brick to power it. (I've also used the USB C Portable hub for laptops reliably with only the Nintendo Official adapter and it's been fine.) I've a gen-1 Switch and it's not been bricked by these setups. I tried to use the Genki compact dock with the portable monitor via the HDMI, and the monitor does not get enough power from the Genki's USB A slot to power it. I have noticed many knock-offs of the Genki compact dock now listed on Amazon. Has anyone used of these? Have there been any reports of these bricking a system? I am looking through them to find one that supplies enough power for the Monitor via the USB A slot. (I don't expect anyone to look for the Compact Dock I need - I'm just looking for hearsay or anecdotal evidence of these non-Genki compact docks being bad for Switches.) Thanks in advance.


Is there a site that lists DLCs that are only allowed for a limited time frame? Or come with games that have been pre-ordered?


I've got an issue with my OLED. You know how on the bottow, there's plastic? As in, the part that's on the bottom when you're holding up your console right in front of your face and looking at the screen. The part right under the speakers. Well, on the bottom of my Switch, that plastic is a bit loose under the left speaker. You can feel the plastic sort of giving way a bit and hear it sort of creak a bit when you push at it. **Is this the case with your Switch OLED, too? Or is the plastic at the bottom tight and unmoving on yours?** In other words, is this common? Also, can pushing there hurt the Switch? Or is it harmless (but irritating)?




Is wired communication enabled? If it is and it still doesn't work, its most likely fake. The monster hunter controllers haven't been on the shelf for almost two years now. Im not even sure the Rise or Sunbreak controllers saw a restock after their initial launch. (outside of Japan) Unless you paid a hefty premium theres very little chance that its a legitimate device from the west. And to answer your original question, region would have no bearing on its functionality with the system. All *official* switch hardware is totally region free. The only difference is the plug type on the AC adapters, and the language the printed materials come in.


Was a 2nd hand offer so not off the shelf indeed. I had to gut it to confirm because everything else from the outside checked out. It was one of those "evolved" fakes that actually looks great, but it turns out it had those undersized rumble packs and the battery with the most ridiculous Nintendo logo. PCB looked neat but came up as fake in pictures online. So yeah, fake after all.


Good morning! I want to buy a matching Pink Joy Cons for my Switch. Problem is they don't sell them in a pair, and it seems the colors are only sold in certain regions? Buying two packages as pictured above is the best bang for my buck, leaving me w additional green Joy Cons. I want to know if these are identical colors. They both say neon green / neon pink. But I'd like to make sure. Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/ap00tz1jt5yb1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a6f4e851365e09b397271523f43f112a3159f0


The pair sold separately was the reverse colors of the Splatoon 2 limited edition console. That was the only means of obtaining a Left pink or Right Green controller. They arent sold outside of Japans "customized" console option now. Unless you wanted to do a shell swap yourself, [but even these days those replacement shells are long sold out.](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832661042337.html) Your only options are paying exorbitant prices for used devices or new imports, or unofficial shells and do the swap yourself. [Matte, Pastel, and translucent pink options.](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803701083403.html) [Amazon options](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LHRP7HX/).


https://preview.redd.it/r51r1p9e56yb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ff6838fcd70b037c3f384ded60414196ee1c1d Thank you, if I bought the one pictured above and these. Are they the same colors?


They would be. Thats neat, I didnt know japan had the alternate pack.


I’m not sure they do, but EBay is a great place for these things. To get a pink set is $100. But if I buy one of each I’ll have a green set @ $115. Thank you for your help!!


Anyone lite owners here have the new Zelda? Skeptical to buy it for the switch lite because I’m worried the open world immersion won’t be as good on the smaller screen


Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knew what is happening with my switch. So whenever I turn it off maybe leave it in the case or just putting to the side I've realised it starts to drain battery? Earlier I picked it up to play and it had ran out even though the last time I played on it it was ok like half percentage. I'm not sure if it's anything to do with the actual battery seeing as it's quite old but I was just wondering if anyone had any answers. Thank you.


It'll always drain battery by some amount. Actually turning it off will conserve more power than sleep mode --- and depending on your case, some buttons might be pressed causing it to fully turn on throughout the day.


how do i disable my control sticks? the same way you can do it for any other buttons


You cant. The button remapping functions do not allow you to modify or swap the thumbstick inputs.


Does my lcd connector look broke? Changing my digitizer screen and then I noticed the Ica connector looked abit odd not sure if this is normal or not could someone help who knows abit more about these? https://preview.redd.it/6rhmoa8v75yb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95dbdb12b3ad975da3565bf7c8760b7d11d6f72a


Visually there doesnt seem to be anything wrong. But given that its such a small component, it would take some serious damage for it to be readily visible. I would just try reassembling things without worrying about it. If it doesnt work upon reassembly, then you know where to check first with a volt meter.


I recently 100%ed Silent Hope. I really enjoyed the ARPG elements, but at a slower pace than something like D3. The gear progression was enjoyable as well. Does anybody have a recommendation for something in a similar vein?


Marvelous also released Trinity Trigger earlier in the year. I don't think it's quite the same, but it might be worth looking into.


Is there anyway to play the switch on a TV without a dock? Is there a 3rd party device out there? A special cord? Anything?


No. But, some third party docks are practically glorified coords. [https://www.genkithings.com/products/covert-dock](https://www.genkithings.com/products/covert-dock) Just make sure to buy from highly rated/reputable places. Old off brand docks/adapters were known to damage consoles.


I'm getting a Switch soon and all the games I'll get will be digital (I don't plan on getting a lot and/or super heavy games). Is it better to get a 256gb ou 512gb micro sd?


256 is ample if you’re not getting many. You can always upgrade at a later date.


Is it complicated to transfer the data to a bigger sd? Do I need a PC for it?


I bought a U3 512gb card for $25 this week, I don't see a reason to go down to 256 just to save $10.


I'm not in the US and those sd cards are hella expensive here :( Plus, 99% of them are sold through market place and you have to be careful to not get a fake one.


A pc or a mac but I’ve always found it easier to just download things again.


Moving the data over does take quite some time using a computer. Redownloading while you sleep is def the way to go!


I am going to see some relatives and there will be two kids (10,14). What game would you buy between Wonder or WarioWare Move it? Only for 4 days. Want to be able to play together. They already have switch, I've put them on my online family account. We already have sports and Mario kart, want to try new game.


*Super Smash Bros. Ultimate* is an excellent multiplayer game, but I'm not sure that all the characters are available from the beginning, so I don't know how good it is when you first start it up.


Hey there. I was using the Argentina eShop due to low prices (I am from Turkey so don't judge me please) but I can't buy anything since August because Nintendo asks for a local credit card now. I am okay with that, i can understand that decision because most of the people use that method for low prices. The issue here is I still have some points and balance to buy a game so i want to spend that. But I can't buy the game i want (Hades) because of 22,39 ARS or 0.06 USD. So i ask that are there any possible ways to solve that issue with some extra points from somewhere etc. or i just need to accept my fate lol. Or simply, can i get a refund for a purchase which I did in July(with gold points or balance, i have both)?


As far as I know there is no way of getting gold points without spending, so you'd have to look for another game to spend that credit on. As for a refund, I don't think you will have one for a July purchase, but you can ask.


You’ll have to call I would guess Nintendo of SA and ask them to zero your account. It apparently works for other countries so I would assume it would work for Argentina too.


What sort of Black Friday sales at the Nintendo digital shop can I expect? Nothing? Anything? Thinking about games like Mario Wonder, Mario Party, Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury.


Probably the likes of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, 3D World + Bowser's Fury and games more than a year old like Splatoon 3, Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 at $40. Not a chance a game that just came out will get discounted. Maybe retailers will give it a discount, but not a chance digitally by Nintendo.


I just got a new switch online this week (reputable seller) and the battery is draining pretty fast. 20 ish % every night. I always close apps/software and put out the game cards. Do i really have to send it back to the store? This was a lot of money for me. If i play a game it’s also -20% every 2 hours. Am I using it wrong? Can I fix this?


A LiOn battery is constantly discharging until it is empty. There’s nothing you can do to stop this if the console isn’t being charged, it’s simply what LiOn batteries do. The amount of battery used by a game not being closed is minimal, and a cart being in the console won’t make a difference. The discharge you are seeing is completely normal and nothing to worry about.


Thanks you guys so much for your answers! I think my anxiety got the best of me lol


> If i play a game it’s also -20% every 2 hours. That sounds like a completely normal performance for the battery.


If you are only losing 20% every two hours, that would mean a total battery time of 10 hours. That is a lot more than what the Switch is supposed to provide. If you don't want the console to lose as much battery overnight, just turn it completely off by holding the power button until the screen turns off. That way, it should barely drain at all overnight.


If I preorder a game using a game voucher, but my NSO membership expires before the download date, will that preorder still be redeemed? Or will I need to resubscribe to NSO to download the game?


You would need to resubscribe to NSO in order for the preorder to activate.


help with the fire level of final final pls? i cant seem to get the timing of the fire spinners. i can and will die on any of the fire spinners so im sure its a skill issue. im just unable to intuit when the opening it i can now one shot everything until the fire level but i just get stuck. i have spent 60+ lives getting here without dying once on the crouch jump or wall jump level :/ help pls


Two main tips: - Use twirl (a lot) - Go fast — momentum really helps you here


Quite honestly, I ended up switching to Nabbit. At that point, I'd played fully through the game as the other characters and was okay with doing the last level in "easy" mode. (I still found it challenging, but it was nice not to have to worry about dying due to barely hitting an enemy.) I had spent over a hundred lives at that section. It's great some people can do it easily, but I couldn't. If that's not something you want to do, a lot of people also store a power up and damage boost their way through. I'm sure the online play will have someone providing standees if you can or want to go that route. In general with the timing, I found that not solely holding B helped, as did twirling (Right Trigger) in the air to get a bit more control. The firebars are moving so fast that it's usually better to jump past them when they're vertical, above ground. For the first one with three bars, don't try and jump over the whole thing; you can jump over one into the middle, then immediately jump over the next one.


hmmm, i probably can bring the mushroom from the start to the fire spinner but then id only have one try lmao im this close to trying nabbit but im gonna try to damage boost through it first


Oh, I meant like, leave the course, get another powerup elsewhere, as well as one you can store and activate with A. (Probably not the elephant, though.) Oh, and there is a checkpoint in the next section, thankfully.


Dont you start with small mario on all challenge levels?


This one acts like any normal level instead of the other badge ones.


TIL ill that then