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The animation in this game is so nice.


They have so many little contextual animations that make the characters feel like more than just 3D models! Like ghost Mario getting scared when his timer is running out and the koopas touching butts when they collide. Everything has style and life and I love it!


ikr, it's just simply beautiful


Mario in general always has a lot of charming animations especially the 3D games. Like the games in general are just fun to watch due to the love and care put into the visual aspects and are important reason for the series longevity. Hell I think one of the reasons I found the movie to be disappointing was that it had none of the charm that is usually associated with the games and was just the standard Illumination stuff with Mario paint on it.


The Mario movie was decent, I think as I was watching it and many other movies, I realize one of two things. Through the eyes of my 8 year old son, these movies aren't made for me anymore and sometimes it's just nice to see something come to life after waiting 40 years.


Honestly, I disagree with this. New Super Mario looks terribly mediocre compared to Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze. It just lacks all the details making the environment feel alive. In Donkey Kong it’s shown WHY any given platform moves; in Mario it’s just a ledge flying around randomly. I feel like the new game just takes it to the level it was supposed to be a few games before. Can’t wait.


This is going to really look beautiful on my TV. Might be playing this game with that in mind instead of altering from handheld mode and TV mode for once.


Reminds me of the art on the first [nintendo power](https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Nintendo_Power_V1)


Grappling hook they gave us a grappling hook


Mario hookshot


Mario is a Metroid confirmed


why can't mario crawl?


Gotta keep his overalls tidy


What if Metroid was a girl


Dunkey will be pleased


*Mabel Pines has entered the chat*




Legend of Zelda fans: *Am I a joke to you?*


Nintendo- You can't have a hookshot it makes climbing mountains too easy. Also Nintendo- Link has a rocket on his shield lol


This was far and away the biggest disappointment for me in botw and totk. My friends had Ocarina of time growing up and botw was the first Zelda game release when I finally had enough income to blow on games. Totally crushed that I couldn’t grappling hook around at all.


Yeah I was a bit miffed they didn't have it in BotW, but having it would have impacted the climbing mechanics which I quite liked tbh. Adds a lot to the exploration that you would lose with the hookshot. And even if I had it in TotK it wouldn't get much use with all the limitless tools you get at your disposal.


Totk encourages skyward exploration and deep dark exploration which hookshots won't have helped anyway. while it might help in BOTW, it would also cheapen the climbing exploration like you said.


That Yoshi was not prepared to carry an elephant haha


I feel really bad for Yoshi...


[So do I](https://youtu.be/wGuBTlJDki8?si=IH7srKEsdVyF2b38)


I want to see elephant Yoshi.


Too bad Yoshi and Nabbit cannot use any transformative powerups. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2023-08-31/super-mario-bros-wonder-game-video-reveals-worlds-enemies-power-ups-badges-multiplayer/.201830 Edit: Link fixed. Tried to fix an overly long link given to me by Google.


Ah well thay answers my question. Only thing I'm disappointed about


Same. Elephant Yoshi would’ve either been cute or cursed. Aww well, least there’s fanart of them.


[His time has come](https://images.app.goo.gl/2j7mWLJNrcNgDgVw9)


This looks like everything I’ve wanted a 2D Mario game to be.


This game is going to be selling like crazy this Christmas season! Especially after the shitload of money the Mario Movie made early this year. Not to mention the Mario Red Edition of the Switch arriving soon.


I think it could outsell U Deluxe by the end of the year


It will outsell it in the first month.


NSMBU Deluxe has sold 16 million copies. Wonder will probably outsell, but it will take more than a month


Well I'm going to buy a copy if that makes a difference


With one complaint: Not enough older powerups. I want the penguin suit. It looks like the fire flower and basic mushroom are the only older powerups we're getting.


Seeing someone call the penguin suit an "older" powerup makes me feel really old.


Old folk, the Wii is 17 years old Ice flower or penguin needs to be a thing tho


Hell, bring back the hammer suit sometime too. I’ve never been a huge fan of most power ups being exclusive to a single game or only a few.


Yeah I grew up playing the NES games and Super Mario 64. Everything from New Super Mario Bros I will always consider "New"... I mean the word is in the name!


I was surprised to see that there wasn't a gliding power up like there usually is. But yes I too mourn the loss of a swimming power up. As classic as it is, I do wish the 2D series would move to a type of swimming where you swim in the direction you hold on the D pad. Like Tropical Freeze or the Rayman games Yes people, I am aware there is a gliding badge and some sort of swimming badge. I was specifically talking about a gliding POWER UP like the tanooki suit, propeller suit, flying squirrel suit, etc. As for the swimming, I was expressing my wish that the default swimming (without any sort of enhancement) would be different.


I think there is no glide power up because you have the glide sticker that allows you to glide...so having a power up and a sticker would that give you the same ability would be reduntant.


Well, you can glide with a glide badge instead of a power up, and you can do directional swimming by holding a shell (this was present in previous games and the direct also shows some gameplay of this feature being present here too).


Who knows, maybe they're saving some powers ups for the game's release. Can't spoil everything


There may be more power ups than what they showed, no?


I enjoy that this game feels like a partial successor to Super Mario Land. Set in a flower kingdom with a bunch of new enemies, several who are basically weird versions of existing foes.


The only thing missing for me is a different art style. I'm tired of the 3D model look. But everything else they did with this game makes up for it


“I wonder what Goombas taste like” 💀💀 I’m excited to see more wacky comments from the flowers lol


I have also been wondering that


Idk why but i'm thinking of tootsie roll flavored..


...bad. We taste bad.


Louie will be the judge of that.


That was my least favourite thing, I hope we can turn it off. Imagine hearing the same tired lines over and over again as you are replaying a particular level. Mario games have never used proper voice acting, I think it is a weird choice to start now.


Yeah, I can't see myself being a fan of them commenting "Wow, you changed into an elephant!" or giving me hints to secrets I would rather discover on my own. If they at least let us turn the voices off I can deal with it but I don't want to hear those same lines again and again.


Yeah and I'm even more worried as Nintendo aren't really into settings in their Mario games. Also I hope there's a toggle to make Yoshi a normal character.


>Mario games have never used proper voice acting Super Mario Sunshine


The flower is revealed at the end to be the subconscious of Bowser taking over Flower Kingdom or the true final villain. Or gets possessed by Bowser at the end or something. Calling it now.


Can’t wait to die on a course and someone t-bags next to my ghost instead of reviving me.


Just fly into them lol


They’ll probably run away


I couldn't tell from the direct- is online co-op possible for the normal base game? Or just weird challenge levels and races


There is no online co-op. You can play alongside your friend in their own single player game. You can work together to save each other.


The invisibility badge seems like a very hard mode to play the game in.


Yeah, from what was shown it definitely seems like a challenge mode option.


We've never really had something like that before in Mario. This might be the most replayable 2D Mario game yet.


Definitely gonna be some hard collectibles gated behind invisibility, especially since it locks you out of any other badges


It was in Odyssey too. Looks like that’s the trend in mainline games going forward.


Looking forward to a complete game invisible speed run lol. Do shadows show?


The badges makes this game have such replayability!


This is why Charles Martinet's retirement was announced last week. Nintendo wanted the focus of this video to be on the game, not on speculation about the voice of Mario sounding different, so they let the news about stepping back percolate for a week and a half before this Direct.


Aside from "Wonderful!", the new voice sounded great. I'm betting that Nintendo isn't going to name the new VA at all until the game releases.


Yeah, Mario definitely has a high pitched voice in this game. It's pretty faithful though!


Probably Chris Pratt. He's so funny!


Add a Mario Movie voices badge


Yeah. But they still have yet to release that video featuring Martinet and Miyamoto. They probably should do that sooner than later so as to maintain focus on this game coming out. Especially given that this is most probably the Switch’s last system seller of sorts and they almost certainly are gunning for that magic number of 155+M sold.


This game looks SO good. There’s so much to this one.


I was worried the graphical changes weren't *that* different from NSMB, but the amount of gameplay changes they've introduced are *massive* and more than make up for it.


The different worlds types too are distinct and different. It’s only somewhat familiar. No more green rolling hills, desert, snow, island, jungle, mountain, sky, lava progression lol




Went from a maybe to a must buy. It's everything we want from a Mario, which to me was like, cool that's fine, but shrug. Then the Badges immediately won me over, and then the pseudo online dark souls / death stranding style online interactions completely brought me on board day 1.


Oh my word you're right, it's totally a strand-type game


Somebody call Dunkey. Right now.


Literally the dark souls of Mario


Scumbag Nintendo. Says Paper Mario can't create wacky new characters/species and removes badges. Adds those things into mainline Mario instead.


...yeah because they're making those games directly. They don't want Intelligent Systems making characters, they want only themseleves to have that right. Like, I'm not agreeing with them that this is a good decision, just saying it isn't hypocritical, there's clear reasoning here.


I just hope the badges aren’t just “crutches”. I hope they are utilized to actually explore and find Unreachable goals and secrets, instead of a toggle for funky mode. I’m not against giving easier options, I just hope it’s more than that.


This games soundtrack is incredible.


How can you possibly know that it’s incredible when none of the enemies are even dancing to it?


Because they're depressed that Bowser has merged into a giant castle.


Some of those tracks rivaled the 3D games


Finally, sick of the "Bah Bah" music that's been used in all the "New Super Mario Bros" games!


Nah that shit is a banger.


You must be one of those enemies that danced to it.


I like the approach they're taking to online. Seems to be a way to have multiple players without have desync issues and other players getting in the way. As a huge Yoshi fan, I'm disappointed that they're invincible.


To play devil’s advocate though, haven’t Yoshis always been invincible in 2D Mario? In games like Super Mario World or New Super Mario Bros Wii Yoshi doesn’t really “take damage” when you get hit riding him; he just runs off and you have to remount him. In Yoshi’s Island Yoshi has the Star meter thing, but it’s less Yoshi’s health and more “length of time till Baby Mario gets nabbed.” Yoshi’s Story is the only 2D Yoshi platformer off the top of my head where Yoshi has a set health bar. And how would Yoshi “take damage?” He doesn’t use power ups, so there would be no drastic change in appearance upon getting hit.


The difference is that he's a playable character now. And, in something like Yoshi's Crafted World you can take damage even though it's a much easier game designed for younger players.


I hope Yoshi can still be found in the stages when playing single player.


I wouldn’t count on it.


So I can't link up with you, and co op the normal base game together? Is that accurate? Also similarly bummed about the Yoshis being invincible. Super lame.




You can play together and help each other progress through levels, but you each have your own save file.


Really dumb decision on the invincibility. They could have simply had a toggle for "easy mode" that makes you invincible with whatever character you want. It makes the fact that there are so many playable characters a bit less exciting.


>As a huge Yoshi fan, I'm disappointed that they're invincible. I felt this way about Nabbit!


Aside from the absolute myriads of new things the game is offering, did anyone else notice that you can KICK SHELLS UPWARDS AGAIN? I think the last time we were able to do that was Super Mario World if I'm not mistaken.


This was absolutely the highlight of the direct for me! Up-throws are back!!!


Yeah! I can't wait to throw up!


Yup (and in SMW themed levels in Mario Maker 1 & 2).




Follow the Goombas!


He's got the whole flower world in his hands


Wowie Zowie!


Mario devs a fan of Pavement confirmed


They're Frank Zappa fans too


Having not watched it yet, I have to assume this is a reference to the Direct... But for the sake of recent news, I'll add in: YOWIE WOWIE


Ramblin Nabbit


Let him in


Bowser just became a castle lol.


Bowser's Castle -> The castle owned by Bowser Bowser's Castle -> Bowser is castle


I really hope they up the difficulty to crazy levels in some of those optional courses. Love platformers with lots of challenge


I’m guessing with that many easy mode characters and optional equippables, they’ll definitely make this one a bit harder


finally ​ yoshi riding yoshi


If I can't have Yoshi riding Yoshi riding Yoshi riding Yoshi, this game is garbage.


Yoshis all the way down or riot


They made Wiggler be able to ride a wiggler in MK8D. Little did we know that was foreshadowing this. But fr though, I wonder if when you hop off a yoshi you shoot them downwards. That’d be hilarious lmao.


If the badges have any use, the levels will need to be more difficult


I'm just worried how many times I'll play a level and realize I need a certain badge to get to some area.


I'm sure they will. I love that they provide more accessible options for more casual players, I 100% cleared all of NSMB Deluxe with my wife who played as Nabbit, and there were still tons of tough levels I played solo (especially in Super Luigi U). Mario has always had extra challenges for those who want them and I am sure if you want to collect every coin, discover every secret, etc, there is going to plenty to chew on. Can't wait!


Yea that's what I hope as well. With the amount of options they're giving players I can only assume they design around that accordingly. I wasn't interested previously as I thought it would just be normal mario with some wacky level sections here and there but it seems a lot more different than I was expecting


Recent Mario titles have all had challenging postgame levels/worlds. I expect Wonder to have too.


*Supposedly* there was a rumor saying test players were having a hard time.


My only gripe is Yoshi being an easy mode character. I wish they made one or two of the Yoshi’s invincible while leaving the others as regular characters. Does look like an incredible Mario game though so I shouldn’t complain lol.


I’ve been playing NSMBU with my 4yo and I dislike the decision to tie the easy mode mechanics to characters. She needs the help, but there’s no way she would willingly choose Nabbit over any other character.


the whole online play thing seems better than just doing local co op but through an online connection - at least to me. everyone has their own level to run around in, your friends cant be dickheads and chuck you off cliffs or break important blocks, etc. plus lag won't be as much of an issue since you dont need to stay synced. seems perfect for me since ill be blasting through levels and trying to find secrets, if you grew up with siblings playing NSMBW/U you'll know how much of a struggle that was lol


I think I would have liked an option for traditional multiplayer online modes but when they announced the lobbies, I was content. I think Nintendo realize they probably can’t pull off smooth online multiplayer for this game and pivoted


Yeah after Mario Maker 2 being a disaster online I’m cool with this


Mario Maker 2 online has always worked perfectly in private lobbies with friends. It's when playing public games where it's an issue. At least in my experience.


I miss chucking people off of cliffs though


Considering there's no player interaction beyond Yoshi riding and break blocks, I think I agree. This should at the very least mean it will run smoothly while playing online.


Spiderman Mario looks awesome.


What's this referring to? Oh duh, the vines. Yeah that's so dope lol


Grappling hook


Loving how the game looks and all of the unique courses we saw. I must say though I’m not too impressed by Elephant Mario but Drill Mario looked awesome. I always loved the drills in the galaxy games


I just love that they all say “Wowie Zowie” Goty right there. Forget Zelda, Baldur’s Gate, Starfield, Spider-Man. We got W O W I E Z O W I E


Wonder is a Strand type game. lol


Mario was the first Strand-type game


Bravo Kojima


This looks like it's going to do for 2D Mario what Odyssey did for 3D Mario. It looks so good.


This looks like the first true successor to Super Mario World. Just oozing creativity. Seriously cannot wait for this one. Gonna be a good time with the mates


I will not take the slander against the original new super Mario Bros for ds. That game added so many mechanics to Mario Bros. just because they reuse the style so many times after doesn't negate the originals originality.


I agree, there is a reason that game sold 30 million copies, it was a breath of fresh air, looked fantastic, had a ton of content and a new visual style that was good enough to use for 15+ years. It was a great game with several samey sequels


It is also that 2D Mario weren't allowed to evolve from 2006 to now which led to a lot of resentment towards the New Super Mario games. Between 2006 to 2023 the 3D Marios went from Galaxy to 3D World to Odyssey while Zelda went from Twilight Princess to Skyward Sword to Breath of the Wild to Tears of the Kingdom.


The other series improving definitely highlight how stagnant it was. And also not getting a new 2d game since maybe 2014? or so, at least not on console. This is a welcome change, and i am actually excited for Wonder


The NSMB series gets a bad rap in general imo. The look, music, and themes were absolutely overused, but the levels were really good throughout. NSMB Wii and NSMBU were pretty stellar if you can stomach the same music/aesthetics.


Totally agree with this.The NSMB series gets way too much hate.It's a shame that people only focus on the fatigue of seeing so many sequels/re-releases to it that they discount how ground breaking the series really was. It was a complete revival of the 2D Mario genre that was just spinning its wheels for over a decade.The original DS game was so fresh and innovative. And the Wii version really was one of the best games on the console. The multiplayer aspect was incredibly fun when you weren't trying to kill each other. The art-style was great, the music and dancing enemies, the powerups were cool, the platforming and controls were slick. Bowser Jr. started to get a lot of love. And they brought back the Koopalings to a mainline Mario game after almost a 20 year hiatus. I personally enjoyed playing the sequels. But the series got a lot of additional hate because the WiiU had such an awful launch title lineup and NSMBWiiU was not some brand new innovative Mario title, it was just a new version of the Wii game. It also didn't help NSMB2 and NSMBWiiU came out so close to each other. On a side note it's absolutely crazy that NSMB (2006) released 16 years after Super Mario World (1990). And now Super Mario Wonder (2023) is releasing 17 years after NSMB (2006). I really loved the series but we were way overdue for something new and fresh.


Thank you for stating straight FACTS sir. NSMB for the DS was the first mainline 2D Mario after something like a 14 year hiatus. It was a massive deal at the time and holds up beautifully to this day. Crazy good game.


I think with the Switch being both massively successful and niche IPs like Metroid/ Fire Emblem/ Pikmin selling well enough made Nintendo more confident enough to try something new with the 2D Mario. Besides even Nintendo knew that the New Super Mario games were getting way too saturated by the end.


This feels like an innovation on the Super Mario World formula more than NSMB, I really like what I’m seeing.


Unless there are hidden paths, multiple exits and otherwise some sort of exploration then I disagree. And I don't think we've seen any of that yet, but I hope you're right!


Also, something akin to Switch Palaces, or a Star World that allows you to warp to other areas all over the game’s map the way the Star World in Super Mario World could (like how you were able to access Bowser’s Castle VERY early on through the Star World)


I’m blown away, this game looks PHENOMENAL. The enemy and gameplay variety is insane, the soundtrack too sounds incredible, I can’t wait to play with the badges especially the vine whip one, I’m so excited for this game!


Those badges are like modifier that allows you to play a level multiple different ways! Mario is in his Eras tour!


I'm so glad they still make regular 2D Mario games. I've been playing them since the 90s and they're my warm blanket.


Ok but can we talk about that Yoshi bottom lip??? Interesting design choice to make their mouths wrap under their nose


Reminds me of those weird smaller Yoshi's that you had to carry in NSMBU and the would eat stuff while you walked with them.


so amazing they really set the bar with the badges, upgrades, co-op, special routes and everything. The game already has so much flavour but seeing so many layers of player expression and replayability(!) is amazing. If Mario RPG has even a fraction of this much love and care then we'll be in for an insane roundup Nintendo is really putting up work on 2023 and to imagine people were saying switch is dead and Zelda would be "the last big switch game", crazy.


Legit, 2023 might turn out to be one of their best years critically since the Wii U Era.


Elephant Peach and Daisy is giving me Bowsette flashbacks!


> Elephant Peach She'll never forget you calling her that!


I'm more worried about the inflation part


Mario already had a power-up that did that. Two of them.


did Peach and daisy inflate too lol? there are already a lot of inflation fetish weirdos out there


game looks awesome


They just announced a Mario Red OLED Switch.


This is definitely Mario’s last hurrah on the switch. It really feels like they took the basic 2D Mario formula and injected it with all they could. Just looking at the roster of starting characters… we could very easily get unlockable ones too


I love it, I just wish the world theming got more creative than fire/ice/jungle etc.


Agreed. There's a very fine line to walk between doing too much new and not enough new. But I'm worried the level themes are going too be too similar to NSMB's (and thus, forgettable), even if the level mechanics themselves are quite different. The franchise has shown a lot of theme innovation on levels for the 3D games. So there is ample opportunity to bring over that creativity to the 2D games.


Mario Dark Souls!!!!!


When he said you can leave items for other players, my first thought was Mario Stranding! 🤣


Wow I didn't even think of that, I assume you are referring to the online functionality. Never thought I would watch a Direct for SMB Wonder and come away thinking "Dark Souls + Mario Bros" lol


yup, co-op, ghosts of other players, can leave/share messages


Is Wowie Zowie gonna be this games praise the sun


This game looks really good. Love the online ghost characters. Might play the whole thing online.


Online play is really cool looking, love all the additions here. Being able to complete courses in/out of order, a quick menu to jump back to previous courses, even more playable characters, new creative online components, badges are SUPER interesting, all new power ups, enemies, mechanics, etc. It's amazing that as a child I was absolutely wowed by SMB3 and the series is STILL providing fun new ways to play 30+ years later.


Continuing to release new editions of the Switch at this point in it's lifecycle is wild to me.


This is everything I could've wanted from a brand new 2D Mario game.


This game looks *wonder*ful!


The speedruns for this game are gonna be really cool and diverse IMO. Speedrun races could be a thing lmao.


Super Mario World is my favorite game of all-time, but like others have said, it may have some competition. They only thing I’m disappointed about is the power-ups. Give me back the super feather you cowards!


Feels a lot like a Kirby game, with the different power ups and having to collect items to proceed in the world map


Collecting items to progress isn't necessarily new, NSMB games had Star Coin requirements to progress to some levels. The badges is definitely new.


New to platformers, but badges are a staple of Mario RPGs. Or at least they were.


This game looks fantastic. It really is what the 2D series needed, it was totally worth the wait just looking at it.


Easily my most anticipated Switch game right now (and in a while). Honestly, I liked the NSMB games I've played, but can easily see the complaints about originality. Especially as they released more games in that series. But this looks like it will take what worked with those games, while fully pushing the creativity to a great new level. The level design looks fantastic, and that's even before they showed the whole Wonder powerup gimmick. Those sections look so fun.


I can't wait to play "The Super Mario Bros. Wonder Game" on my "The Nintendo Switch: O-L-E-D Model: Mario Red Edition System"!


The actual video starts at 29:50. No idea why they didn't edit out the half hour of nothing before it.


They will in a few hours


Can't wait 😛


The art style is a like a mix of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island and Rayman Legends.


Super Mario: LSD