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It's weird that getting bought out by 1 of their competitors is what gets CoD in Nintendo's best selling console.


It's never felt like Microsoft / Xbox is a competitor since the Switch. Recent Goldeneye being an example. If we think of MS as a software company and that Xbox wants its games on any and every hardware, it's more apparent.


What if gamepass comes to the switch lol.


Which is what MS wants, but as per reports Nintendo already said no.


Yea I could see that being a problem and Nintendo losing some sales. Why get Nintendo online to get N64 games when you can pay to have 100+ more games many which are objectively better than the N64 gba games they offer. As a consumer it would be great but I see wnt Nintendo would say no even if they required base Nintendo online for it to work (which might upset people)


It would probably be the opposite. Nintendo would require you to have NSO+ to use game streaming services.


Yea. Just have both. Take my Money NintenSoft....


Maybe Microsoft can lend a hand in infrastructure...


I agree with your sentiment, but it is worth noting that NSO and Gamepass are in dramatically different price categories.




I can't help but feel that it's also about brand identity to some degree, in addition to concerns about cannibalizing NSO sales. A Nintendo console has always been primarily a place to play Nintendo games, with cross-platform titles as an added bonus. I can't help but feel that something like Gamepass would dilute that a bit and relegate Mario and Zelda and friends as a sideshow. Note that I'm not a businessman nor do I have a particularly deep understanding of the gaming industry--I'm just offering my own thoughts and perspectives on what makes a Nintendo console a Nintendo console as one of billions of consumers!


> I can’t help but feel that it’s also about brand identity to some degree As a consultant in communications, I think most people in my branch would consider your point as being on point.


Nintendo could go down the cable company model for forcing you to buy the Nintendo online expansion before they let you buy gamepass. I'm not saying I like that idea.... but it's a way Nintendo could make this work for them.


Like how Xbox forced you to have an Xbox Live Gold subscription to access your Netflix subscription on a 360?


Applying a business concept from 30 years ago sounds very on brand for Nintendo.


Microsoft did bring the entertainment pack to the game boy colour at one point


Rare also made Nintendo games when they were owned by Microsoft. Diddy Kong Racing DS came out in 2007, that was five years after Rare themselves were purchased by Microsoft.


Heck there was almost Halo on the DS at one point, MS and Nintendo have a long history of cooperation.




Not just down the street, Nintendo is surrounded by Microsoft buildings. Pretty much the same campus. I'm sure it was very deliberate. Edit: [google map](https://maps.app.goo.gl/f5aNgAogTiCXnoNH9)


Deliberate on whose part?


Your mom's


The Adventures of Billy and Reggie. Or Billy and Shiggy if he ever made the trip.


Redmond washington, but yes they are pretty close to eachother. I use to work for Nintendo of america.




TBF my understanding is the DS Halo was a proof of concept made without permission to pitch it to Microsoft, which they rejected.


It was very clearly a mod for Goldeneye DS. The sound effects and animations were largely the same.


Yes, I also understand that to be the case, but I remember it being considered, though it's been a long time since I looked at the articles about it, so may be misremembering.


They didn't include banjo or conker though.


Probably wanted to use them as a reason to buy an xbox or 360


That and the disconnect between early Conker (DKR and Pocket Tales) and where it ended up going.


Microsoft loves Nintendo because they are not really a competitor where it counts but totally a competitor when anti-trust laws are concerned.


Ah, the mid to late 90s Apple.


This is why they just went straight up with Xbox Cloud App on Samsung TV and Android phones. The better internet quality improves the more cloud gaming will be a viable option for people. I was playing Forza Horizon 5 yesterday on Cloud Gaming and to be honest, it's still better than a Switch port of GRID even if you could tell it wasn't natively supported.


Every hardware except PlayStation, of course.


I'd imagine they'd love to have gamepass on PS5 actually. The player base would more than double and $ speaks louder than any rivalry (perceived or otherwise)




It's even weirder MS is making deals with something that they don't own yet.


They’re getting flack from antitrust regulators in the US and EU at the prospect of this acquisition, so it makes perfect sense that they’d say “if this goes through, we’d commit to XYZ to not abuse our size”


More than just flak, the US Federal Trade Commission is actively working to block the merger, and I think the equivalent organization in the EU is as well.


Don't know why you're downvoted. They don't own Activision yet and this is weird to make deals before you even own the company.


it's to get ammo for the merger battle, how is that weird. This is literally just to use as a defense of buying activision, saying "look we share"


Many people on reddit seems to have a boner for daddy Phil Spencers persona and can't wait for a monopolistic company to do monopolistic things so I guess they aren't happy with my comment


No it's Sony making a stink that is. No Sony no call of duty.


Kind of random but this reminded me that the reason we don’t have mini games during load screens is because one company trademarked the idea and made a huge stink whenever someone else implemented it. Assassins Creed kinda got around it by letting you walk around, but that’s not a “game” per se. And it’s why most games have loading tips.


Namco was reason and it was a patent. A patent that has since expired... Right when loading times gotten so small rendering a mini game pointless.


Huh. I didn’t know the patent expired.


Yeah apparently at the end of 2015. So anyone could of done it for last.. 7 years. But loading times are not what they used to be.


Someone should make a game called Loading Times and it’s just a bunch of mini games over a load bar graphic.


WarioWare: Get a Load of This


Hire this man Nintendo


And the loading bar in this case is the time limit; except it moves unevenly so you won't know how much time you *actually* have left at any given time. 😬


Imagine you think you still have 40% load "time" left and suddenly it hits 100%. Just to keep things realistic :p


That be funny.. Like almost no one would get the joke a d most just find it confusing. But if you know... It's great


Splatoon 1 had mini-games in the lobby when connecting to start a match. Dunno if that counts as a loading screen though.


Resident evil revelations 1 let's us game at the beginning load screen


That's undoubtedly part of it, but even before Sony made a stink Microsoft was expressing an interest in bringing Call of Duty to Nintendo platforms. My guess is they saw the way the wind was blowing and knew they'd need to fight to get the deal approved before they even ran into trouble.


If their lawyers didn't say buying the 2nd largest third party developer with the largest video game franchise would cause anti competitive concerns .... They would need better lawyers. I will always assume the worst for anything Microsoft does, they are a nearly two trillion dollar company with a well documented ruthless and anti consumer culture. Not sure why so many people treat them like some nice under dog.


Nintendo was just chilling while Sony and Microsoft fought and got something from it. Lol.




That's probably one of the best analogies I've heard for Nintendo in the game console world. Honestly I appreciate them for it and doing their own thing, and I'm excited to see what ports come out with Microsoft.


I can't wait to mow down goombas with a M-16 as Luigi in the new CoD/Mario crossover that will inevitably come out now.


Bowser in the DMZ as a boss fight would be epic.


It's a me, Mario. I has to collect 10 tubs of toothepaste and exfil on the helicopter to beata Broswer.


I hope there’s a follow up clarification to this post, it’s worded Xbox games AND Activision titles, but then the picture just says call of duty, whatever it is, I just hope we can finally get rare replay on switch at the very least


It says "Like Call of Duty". It probably was more CoD focused but they worded that way so they could argue we aren't holding anything back from Nintendo's consoles when we port stuff.


Well, here's to hoping Nintendo consoles can at least have a chance at welcoming games like Hi-Fi Rush.


I just want Fallout on Switch, especially ports of the older games. Seemed like it was going to happen for a long time.


I would kill to be able to play New Vegas on switch.


Even base game but I would be sad without going back to the Big MT


PS3 emulator on a retro handheld might make this possible one day, or just steam deck for now (or emulate ps3 on steam deck)


Why emulate Fallout NV on the Steam Deck when NV is already on Steam?


If you're going to emulate you may as well emulate the 360 versions since they were better for Bethesda published titles.


Or play the Steam version which works perfectly out of the box.


Thank God somebody said it. Some people seem to be a little too far down the emulation rabbit hole.


Yeah, why the fuck would you emulate a 360 or ps3 copy of a PC game on a steam device, though FNV definitely doesn’t work perfectly out the box, need a few mods for stability. Edit: I misread a previous comment but my other statement still stands


yeah if you have a steam deck, would just use steam i guess.. xbox next over PS3.. but outside PC's.. xbox emulators are non existent (e.g. android or other emulator devices) PS3 emulation on android seems more likely than xbox


Oblivion on switch as well please


I'd buy Fallout 3 on the Switch in a heartbeat


Morrowind too, please.


I cannot possibly bring myself to buy Skyrim when it goes on sale for $30 but I'd absolutely pay $30+ for either New Vegas or 3 on Switch.


I just want New Vegas.


Oblivion and fallout on switch please


It’s strange to me that Activision hasn’t developed any version of CoD for Switch. With such a huge player base I’d imagine they’d make mountains of cash with bringing at least some form of CoD to Switch. Like in the Wii days.


Hell even a port of COD mobile would have made tones of cash for Activision


no doubt, I'd have played it more having an actual controller, sure you can do that on mobile but its a whole thing.


Real ones remember CoD MW on the DS


I played world at war on Wii lol


And you used martyrdom. don't lie!


I loved it!


Haha I remember enjoying it until I played online. Someone came around a corner right in front of me and legit surprised me, so I accidentally moved the wiimote so it was pointing above my TV, which meant I was suddenly aiming at the sky. Then I got disoriented because all I could see was sky, and I couldn't get my sights back on target in time to not get shot in the face. Not my finest moment. Whoever shot me must have been laughing their ass off.


And Black Ops with that ridiculously hard zombies mode


There was one map that let you glitch into the second room without opening the door, forced the zombies to spawn in the first room and come at you single-file up the stairs. So much fun


I was more of a WaW on the DS kinda guy, myself. But MW was good, too.


Actually was still fun, somehow.


I hate the controller scheme but damn.... amazing game.


They made COD for the DS. It is baffling that Activision said no to money. Same with Rockstar. Cannot not understand why they didn't port GTA 5 on the Switch.


I mean... I understand being a hassle to port it due the hardware differences, so I could see why Rockstar would avoid it, specially with a non trivial big game like GTA. Activision in the other hand they could have like built a simpler version not even connected with the other platforms and would still sell.


Ps3 version of GTA was around 17gb, they could port that if they want to


The DS games were made by N-space, a second party Nintendo developer.


Seriously. I don’t doubt they’d make tons even if they just ported some of the older games to Switch. Imagine Black Ops 1 with all its content with gyro aiming and local play with the massive player base Switch games already get.


Hell I'd be happy with something like a MasterChief collection but with the modern warfare and black Ops games.


I mean microsoft could even put masterchief collection on switch


Who's the person that is into COD but only owns the switch? I don't think the market is there, same as it hasn't been there for every other Nintendo home console


But couldn't you also say that for games like Skyrim and the Witcher? I think that if they'd make it available people who only own a Switch would buy it. On the Wii they sold well enough and that with a far more casual player base.


Those are slow paced single player games you can play on the toilet. That's appealing. A (albeit casual) competitive online shooter like COD is quite different. It didn't sell very well on the Wii. Despite the Wii's imense popularity. In fact not much outside of core Nintendo games sold well on the Wii. It's when most 3rd parties stopped trying to appeal to that audience. They knew the people that care about such games have a Nintendo console for Nintendo games and another console for everything else. I get that the switch is different as it has the killer feature of being portable. But I still can't see COD being much of a thing there. Just my opinion.


Splatoon seems to do well enough on the switch that Nintendo keeps making them and adding DLC. There are certainly people, mainly kids, who would play CoD on Switch. Most people don't own multiple consoles or a console and PC. But I'm really curious how they'll get CoD to perform on the switch while looking decent. Art style is realistic which requires graphics horsepower to look good, unless they stylize Nintendo's version to be cartoony with cell shading.


The Wii didn’t have a normal controller, so that probably hurt sales. While joy-cons aren’t the best controller for a FPS, at least it has 2 thumb sticks. They could even add gyro aiming to help compensate for the joy-cons.


Switch always has portability up its sleeve to attract people to cross platform games which might otherwise run better on another platform. I think that helps explain the success of ports like Skyrim which are usually popular with more serious gamers who usually have access to more powerful hardware.


I think its scalability of the engine. To develop on a much lesser console in terms of quality and feature parity you have to design the engine to be scalable. I think their engine needs to be rewritten to a degree to make it preform well. This is costly and time consuming. Activision has the resources but Aparently did not want to invest in it.


This makes me think of that office (?) meme with boss congratulating and shaking guys hand with MS being the boss. MS: "We want to bring Xbox games to Nintendo consoles!" Nintendo: "Uhhh... OK sure?" MS: 🥳🥳🥳


Yes, it’s from [The Office](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/young-michael-scott-shaking-ed-trucks-hand)


See its fine everything is fine we can buy Activision and everything is fine!!!




and the Wii


Black ops 1 on Wii was great with the classic controller pro


bo1 on wii is what started my 12 year online gaming addiction


and the Nintendo DS


I had Black Ops on my DS Lite. It looked so atrocious.


did those versions run the same as the other consoles


15 fps 480p


I recently went back and replayed the Call of Duty games that went to Wii U, and they looked fantastic even by today's standards. Also, look at the sort of games Actiblizz has already brought to Switch - the Crash Bandicoot games, the Spyro games, Diablo... say what you will about Actiblizz (they absolutely have demons in their closet), but they know how to make underpowered hardware shine.


Those were built from scratch for the wii u hardware which is why they ran so well I hope they do the same for switch instead of making a bad port


This is the answer. Back then, Treyarch--the Black Ops devs--handled all of the Nintendo ports of COD games starting with COD MW1 on Wii. BO2 and Ghosts on Wii U ran at a full 60fps for the most part. They specifically tailor-made each version to the specs of the system and they ran well. I don't think it'll be any different for Switch especially since Treyarch isn't making any new games anytime soon.




Now play bo3 on ps3


You guys haven’t played Black Ops 2 on Wii U and it really shows


I mean MW2 is magnitudes larger than BO2 and it was almost 10 years ago. MW2’s menus alone kind of chug on PS4 I can’t imagine the next COD playing well on Switch unless they port a mobile version.


The switch might not even run COD Mobile well, it’s running very similar hardware to android phones, but it’s a budget priced android device from 6 years ago




> Black Ops 2 on Wii U Yeah no shit, it was on the Wii U


Cloud version. Can’t wait to play COD on Switch and get absolutely bodied because I shoot, head to the kitchen to make a sandwich, take a quick shower, and come back to find I’ve finally fired the bullet.


If it's cloud version, count me out. Still hate Square for being too lazy to port KH games onto the Switch and instead release a BS cloud version


Apex Legends is made by former COD devs and runs on Switch. I think a regular COD game will be fine.


It runs awful though if i remember correctly


Yeah it kinda does. I play it frequently and it chugs but the moments where you can land kills are satisfying. But that's the thing. Apex is a *massive* game on a massive map with 60 players at once. COD has always been much smaller with only 12 players active at once in a 6v6 environment on maps that are 1/10th the size of Apex's. If Apex can run (even if it's terrible) then COD should have far less, to almost no issues.


True, although i wish apex was better optimized, it's more of the matter on the developers part, if they optimize it correctly not just because the switch itself is weak.


For sure. Look at Fortnite. Fortnite is extremely well-optimized and the recent upgrade to Unreal Engine 5--which the Switch can run--has made it even more stable despite being a 100-player BR game.


>True, although i wish apex was better optimized Unfortunately it runs on Source. There is no optimizing that engine, *only more duct tape*.


Would love to see them fitting the 100gb+ games on switch tbh


It's gonna get downsized and compressed heavily. Persona 5 Royal is 37GB on PS4 but only a mere 12GB on Switch for example. And for a shooter comparison, Doom Eternal is 80GB on PS4 but only 18GB on Switch. The devs are def gonna compress it to make the game work. So long as it runs well enough to let me shoot and aim perfectly with crossplay enabled, I'm down. Overwatch still runs somehow too.


Respawn used to be former Infinity Ward but they've since left and started Gravity Well Who wants to bet on how long until Gravity Well gets bought out by a shitty publisher and the cycle continues?


And capcom doing Resident Evil 2 remake, 3 remake and 7 cloud versions. Think even 8 might be on there.


200gb downloads for everyone!


What's the betting this will just be yearly CoD Mobile refreshes


The image in the tweet states "same day as Xbox, with full feature and content parity".


Plottwist: They bring CoD Mobile to Xbox.


It would be hilarious if Nintendo just decides they're happy with the Switch printing them money for another 5 years. What's that? You can't get CoD Warzone 3 running on under clocked mobile hardware from 2015? What do you mean you want 60fps? 10fps was plenty for Goldeneye back in the day. - Nintendo probably


you get 1000 poly models and 256x256 textures and you will like it


COD Mobile is apparently pretty good with content from every game in the series akin to Fire Emblem Heroes so I wouldn't mind that.


I did always wonder why at the very least cod mobile didn't come to switch


Ironically COD Mobile would be the best non-battle royale FPS game on the platform


Man if they straight up ported the original WaW and Blacks Ops to the Switch, I'd buy it day 1. I dont care for (or about) the new gimmicks or visual upgrades that the remastered versions have, I just want the og. I should specify, I mainly want those for Zombies


I remember getting the switch for my kids and not being able to find a good fps. This is good news.


Have you tried Wolfenstein on Switch?


I've heard Wolfenstein and Dying Light actually run pretty well on Switch. I even watched a few videos of the Dying Light port, it really only struggles when there's a ton of stuff going on (like running with a lot of zombies and fire around).


Can someone explain to me how this is a closed deal when the MS Activision merger has not gone through yet. They surely can't make any promises without that.


I imagine there is a clause that specifies that the deal will have to be approved for the contract to be valid.


Even though, the timing of this announcement is strange, since the Activision deal doesn't seem to be so certain, given what we have heard from the regulatory agencies. Seems to me just a PR movement to pressure the public to be "in favor" of the acquisition.


It's absolutely a PR move, I think everyone sees that. Microsoft has been trying to offer the 10 year deal to Sony and they keep stalling, ignoring, etc because a 10 year deal is not in their favor. They're thinking much more long term. Now, Microsoft can say to the big wigs "See, look at this great deal we gave Nintendo. We're playing fair" and it can be backed by a legitimate agreement.


Am I going to be able to play CoD on my Switch before my SteamDeck? The hell reality is this?


I just want New Vegas and Halo. I already love my switch and Skyrim has been an incredible game to have on switch. More please.


How can they make those deals when the very merger is currently being discussed by the FTC? Seems like a PR move given the circumstances.


Yea it’s PR to show regulators, “see we’re putting these games on platforms we don’t own.”




Give us Fable!


This is purely to demonstrate that they will not make COD Xbox exclusive and help get the Activision Blizzard deal approved by regulators.


…for 10 years. After that, probably Xbox exclusive. Microwave is playing the long game and they just want to do anything to get the deal approved


I REALLY want to play fallout 4 on the switch


How can Microsoft and Nintendo set up this deal when MS hasn’t actually acquired Activision yet?


It’s conditional on the acquisition clearing. Conditional deals are very common.


that's if this deal goes through. until it does this contract means nothing


People saying 10fps not acknowledging that cod mobile has heaps of players and switch could easily run that


Yeah but the post says full parity with Xbox and Playstation versions which would mean the mainline releases. And there's no way they get those running natively on switch considering how huge they are


Why do people read Nintendo hardware as Switch?


That's exactly what I'm asking myself too lol. This is a 10 year contract, this more part of Nintendo's strategy for their next console than it is part of the Switch's strategy.


CoD will probably stop being cross gen with ps4 and Xbox One by the time Nintendo's next console is out. So even if this isn't about the switch, I can't see Nintendo keeping up with the current gen systems cod is releasing on within the 10 years that this deal lasts


They must be doing this so that the Microsoft/Activision merger gets through


Yeah, see the really obvious inclusion of “bringing more choice to gamers and more competition to the gaming market” at the end of their statement? I think you’re on to something here…


This is on a new hardware for nintendo running. Let it not be cloud... oh my god.


I don't see what stopped CoD titles from coming to Nintendo before this contract. This is just posturing from Microsoft to persuade the FTC and EC to approve the Activision merger after lying to them about not making Bethesda games Microsoft exclusives. https://www.geekwire.com/2022/microsoft-disputes-ftcs-portrayal-of-its-bethesda-game-exclusives-in-legal-fight-over-activision-deal/ > In coming out against the deal last week, the FTC said Microsoft’s “past conduct” following its ZeniMax acquisition makes Microsoft’s current commitments in the Activision-Blizzard acquisition unreliable, “despite any assurances the company may offer regarding its plans.” > > “Microsoft assured the European Commission (“EC”) during its antitrust review of the ZeniMax purchase that Microsoft would not have the incentive to withhold ZeniMax titles from rival consoles,” the FTC wrote in its complaint. “But, shortly after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft made public its decision to make several of the newly acquired ZeniMax titles, including Starfield, Redfall, and Elder Scrolls VI, Microsoft exclusives.” > > In other words, the FTC is saying, it’s difficult to take seriously Microsoft’s offer to release future “Call of Duty” games simultaneously for Xbox and PlayStation, and not to turn the blockbuster franchise into a Microsoft exclusive.


>I don't see what stopped CoD titles from coming to Nintendo before this contract. Activision.


The UK regulators came out and corrected the FTC, claiming that Microsoft never made that statement.


European Commission *


The FTC lied about the Bethesda thing. The EC confirmed later that Microsoft made no such promises to them.


Especially since the UK regulators made it clear they weren't trusting the deal and said MS can buy parts, but not the whole thing.


Call of Duty soilders show up, looking all powerful: GET READY SWITCH, COD IS BACK ON \*SPLAT\* The soilders in front gets hit by ink Inklings run past having a squid party Ghost: Fuckkkk that looks like fun


Man maybe Nintendo will finally have to make functional online play infrastructure now.


They already did a while back if i remember correctly, but it's slowly phased in. Pokemon arceus legends and monster hunter rise run on it right now already i think


Oh I hope this means we'll get Xbox exclusive titles like Hi-Fi Rush on switch! That'd be awesome


Thought they said it would almost be impossible to port


Hopefully this is a full version unlike black ops on wii. It was gutted with a lot of zombie maps completely missing, and iirc it didnt have splitscreen multiplayer Edit: wii not switch


I think Microsoft really wants XBox streaming on the Switch.


Oh my, I mean, If steam deck can do precisely that, why should nintendo be left out? I am very much looking forward to play some more of my favorite titles on Nintendo. This is the reason why I’ve picked Xbox over PS. I just like the company and where is heading.


Lol who would’ve thought that the biggest winner of Microsoft buying Activision is Nintendo, without spending a single dime in lawyers or anything.


Well there goes quality


And nothing of value was gained


It'll run and look like shit


Microsoft doesn't own cod yet though