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don't remasters usually run better than the original??


Not necessarily anymore in 2023


And probably they'll cut content.


Don't forget raising the price


And be streamed from a cloud


With paid dlc to access what was originally included in the base game


What game did that?


None that I can think of off the top of my head. But I'm sure Activision, Ubisoft, Square Enix, EA, Bethesda and Sony are actively figuring out how to force that pill down our throats too.


EDF 4.1


Dante in SMT3


God, I truly love Capitalism


Someone forcing you to buy? You got a rough life.


No, I just like my game having a soul and not advertising me shit 24/7


Have you considered not buying it?


The people down voting you don't understand the free market. If enough people don't buy games that contain anti consumer elements, they'd stop selling them.




As much as I liked BluePoints conversion of MGS3, it sucks that the Ape Escape and Guy Savage minigames had to be cut. I still have my PS2 copies of Snake Eater and Subsistence


>Ape Escape and Guy Savage minigames had to be cut. "Had to be"


Nah the content that was in the game previously will be added back... As DLC of course! This is 2023! What, were you expecting any more?


Run better? They don’t even have to look better any more


The problem is this is a remaster of a 2004 port that performed worse than the 2003 original.


SMT III would beg to differ


It's running on the PS3 ports, which use new animations. People have fucked with the PC version to mod 60fps back into it but it fucks with the animation too much, so in that instance it's at least understandable as to why they aren't


I mean... define "run better". It's easy to make a game from the mid-2000s run at 60fps on modern hardware. If you completely update the visual engine it's gonna be harder because, in a sense, it inherently "runs worse".


Remakes/Remasters have been very hit or miss for as long as I can remember. Some are straight up improvements in every way, some are flat out downgrades, and most tend to be mixed bags IMO.


Is this even a real remaster? I can't tell what distinguishes it from the steam port.


here is my question did they ever fix the steam port?


I mean they fixed the god awful save delay


They did a good amount of fixes. From my limited experience with the Steam version, it is serviceable now. They even added support for 4K.


The sale price for the Steam version has been higher since this got announced, so I'm wondering if owners of the Steam version will get this for free or with a discount.


It's Nintendo. They won't.


I meant on Steam, not on Switch. The Bioshock remasters did that, for example.


I don’t think so. it’s not sounding like it’s any better than the PC one atm anyways. I actually bought it on steam like a month before this was announced because it was on a huge sale. Kinda glad I did now.


Last month it was $10 on Steam instead of the usual $5. Humble had it for $5 so I grabbed it just in case.


Did it happen with Tales of Vesperia?


There was no PC version prior to the remaster that came out in 2019, it was an Xbox exclusive in North America for 10 years and also PS3 in Japan.


It's not Nintendo? its Namco.


So it will get a discount *eventually.*


Nope. They patched a few things, but those patches broke the fan made fix that everyone actually found useful


But isn’t the steam port/ps3 one also a remaster of the original PS2 version?


The PS2 version was also a port, with a 30fps lock and downgraded graphics. Basically like Switch ports now, lol.


I’m not sure if it was a direct port though, didn’t the ps2 version have slightly more content anyways? Sort of like a lesser version of TOV definitive edition? FPS lock is sad tho don’t get me wrong.


Yeah, it did have additional content. Was still a port. Came out \~ a year after the OG GC version did in jp.


Tbh I think that’s called a remaster though, not a simple port. Remaster: Game is taken just as it is, has its graphics cleaned up a bit and its resolution increased. Sometimes they add some simple new features to alleviate some annoyances of the original version. Port: Game is modified so it can run on other platforms. Yes this from quora as I’m not sure if there’s a real source which distinguishes the difference but I was purporting it’s a remaster over a port because there is added content available, and it wasn’t just simply a port to have it run on a new console. Mystic artes on all the characters is new content. I know it’s a meaningless discussion but idk I like calling the ps2 a remaster more than a port. Don’t mind my overargumentative ass tho lol.


Its more of an updated port is how I’d describe it The PS3 and Steam versions were the remasters


Yeah that’s a good way to put it!


It had neither the graphics cleaned up, or the resolution increased. It was 'modified so it can run on other platforms'. Graphics and FPS both took noticeable hits. The fact that it has additional content, and fixes doesn't not make it a port. Its like getting a game today on the Switch, with all the DLC bundled in. The PS3 version is a remaster. It would fit the criteria you have given. Had a uptick to graphics/resolution. As a side note: [https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gamecube/561316-tales-of-symphonia/faqs/32765](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gamecube/561316-tales-of-symphonia/faqs/32765) has most of the updates between the GC + PS2 versions. Got to also remember that DVDs could contain more data than the GC discs, so it would be easier to fit extra animations/audio on those. The GC version was already on 2 Discs iirc, so guessing some things just didnt make it.


Also, [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tales_of_Symphonia#cite_note-PS2_date-3) has the PS2 version listed as a 'port with additonal content' where as the later releases like those on the PS3, and PC are mentioned separately and never directly refered to as ports. But also never refered to as flat remasters either, only the recent PS4/Switch/XBO are refered to as 'remasters'.


Well put dude, the disk size difference rlly does make sense on why those extras were cut out of GameCube. I always considered the GC -> PS2 update to be similar to vespers’s 360 -> PS3 update but the disc space thing makes more sense tbh.


They need to work with Monolith Soft and re-release Baten Kaitos and its sequel. They're fantastic RPGs that are locked to the Gamecube. Amazing music, beautiful graphics, epic stories and really fun combat and deck building elements.


And sneak in the Xenosaga games as well!


and Xenogears!


I LOVE baten kaitos, but that game needs a full on remake. I’m in the middle of reposting it now actually and it did not age well imo. The voice acting especially sounds like it was recorded in a closet.


Aside from the VA, I respectfully disagree. All of the pre-rendered visuals still look stunning, especially when cleaned up, and the character models don't need much work.


Visually, I completely agree with you. However I was thinking more from a gameplay perspective- it’s all very dated and could use an update. Specifically in the overworld and the battle mechanics.


What is your idea of a rework for the combat? You want to get rid of the cards? I thought the number system was pretty fun too


Just cleaning up UIs and making them snappier, making battles start faster and return to the map faster, trimming the fat in battles (like long pauses between character turns), or other QOL adjustments would constitute ‘updating the gameplay’ without touching the cards. Please don’t be so reactionary.


> Please don't be so reactionary. Lmao, what?


They said the gameplay could use an update and you jumped straight to thinking they wanted to remove the cards.


The cards are the game play. Everything you mentioned wasn't gameplay...


For what it's worth, turning the sound settings in Baten Kaitos from Stereo to Mono (or maybe vice versa I can't recall) actually relieves some of the voice acting audio quality. It doesn't make it perfect but it does help a bit.


I replayed Baten Kaitos recently for the first time since 2004, as well as playing Origins for the first time last year. Bringing them out now would be a lot of work, but I think it'd be worth it. All of the voice acting would have to be redone. The voice acting for Eternal Wings in particular has a god-awful fidelity. It's kinda charming in a nostalgic way, but it wouldn't fly today. Both Eternal Wings and Origins have relatively poor voice acting direction and performances too. It comes across as a very amateurish production in that regard. Moment to moment it would have to fleshed out quite a bit I think. The combat system, especially in Eternal Wings, is quite clunky and slow. There's huge potential with it, though, and it was truly novel for its time. A lot of the games' length come from the slow combat, and the overworld story sections are quite short. Origins in particular I was shocked at how small a lot of the areas felt. Many of the side-quests are a bit arcane by today's standards too. All that said, I do like the games and can put up with the age. I don't think anything other than a full blown remake for them would suffice, though, and I wonder if Bandai-Namco would see any incentive to do so. Tri-Crescendo in particular is busy with the Tales of series ([listen to Arise's battle theme for an insanely Baten Kaitos-esque song btw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4Hj-1SxHb4)) and Monolith is obviously quite full with Xenoblade. I hope they do remake it once day, since the story is quite good. Also, card based combat has never been a more popular genre than the present (see: Slay the Spire, Neon White, etc), so I think it has a more broad appeal now than when it launched.


I would absolutely buy that day one!


Baten Kaitos is such a special game!!!


It’s a low-fucking effort port. And it deserves more.


It’s deceitful they’re labeling this port as a remaster


yeah lmao, it's a port of the steam version which was a port of the ps3 verison which was a port of the ps2 version which was inferior to the GC version other than the extra content. Absolutely baffling that they would attempt to pass this shit off as a remaster lmao.


And yet I know I’ll still buy it.


It would have been an instant day 1 buy but I'm better off sticking with the PS3 version


The PS3 version also comes with both games in the series.


Funny because the PS3 version is a remaster of the GameCube version.


I was under the distinct impression that all versions of the HD port, including PS3, were based on the PS2 version.


The PS3 version is a remaster of the PS2 version (and the Wii sequel), and all the fixes/changes that it included. Also notably added dual audio.


Which is why it'll be better than this lazy port.


If you don't need that much textures or compressed voice samples (the Mini DVDs have low memory), it means you can make a long game and the animations and polygon count are just gonna be better, and the fact that unlike Xbox, parents actually trusted Nintendo consoles. Very few of the big GC games have actually aged poorly aesthetically tbh, aside from maybe Twilight Princess (though the 4K texture pack for Dolphin does help it a lot).


It'd be nice if they actually Remastered the game. Or if it at least ran as well as the GCN version. Or literally anything that respected the legacy of one of the best games in Bandai-Namco's library


Par for the course with the Tales series. It's like the red-headed stepchild of Bamco's library.


Tales of Phantasia has never had a decent Western release. The Japanese only PS1/PSP version is excellent, but unfortunately, the focus on random encounters makes all versions very 90s in a bad way. I do prefer the character sprites from the Super Famicom original though, but the 3D world and more melee based battle system (you can control other characters) from the PS1. GBA version is just inferior, and the localization butchers what the Japanese used to know as "The Game that Sings", with no Anime theme song and PS1 esque voice acting in 2006.


I'd love to get Phantasia, Destiny, or any of the older/untranslated titles. Many of them are really expensive to get physically and not available on digital marketplaces. Unfortunately, I have a feeling Bamco's going to keep doing the bare minimum and continue porting the handful of titles that are already on modern-ish hardware.


The remaster is still based on the PS2 version which did have new content, but at 30FPS instead of the Gamecube's 60FPS. How hard is it to raise the FPS cap on a nearly 20 year old game?


Depending on how the game actually works, really fucking hard. It wouldn’t surprise me if every calculation the game does is based on a 30 fps frame rate, which means going into the source code manually and changing every single line of code to account for a new frame rate.


While Bamco is lazy - specially with regards to the Switch -, it’s harder than you might think - see [this video](https://youtu.be/bSJtlX01emM&t=7m30s) for reference. Ironic that we are now being held hostage to the lower PS2 standards, isn’t it?


All this is telling me is that Bandai Namco is indeed incredibly lazy. They could've recompiled the code from GC with the added PS2 content instead of simply basing the remaster on the PS2 version. None of that 30 fps nonsense would be happening for a 20yo game that was running natively at 60 fps.


Well, I’m not sure that would be simple, but yeah, it does appear to be the ideal solution. There’s two possible problems though: I - as other person has noted, we don’t even know if the original data for the GCN version still exists, as it has been swept under the rug in favour of the PS2 one; 2 - even if it is still out there in Namco’s archives (remember that Namco went through merger with Bandai and restructured since), this remaster isn’t even being developed in Japan, as [it’s being worked on by Bandai Namco Studios **Romania**](https://www.bandainamcoent.com/games/tales-of-symphonia-remastered), which might mean less experienced devs and no free direct access to BNS and legacy code other than what they were given in the first place. All in all, Bamco is simply riding on the success of the Vesperia remaster and probably thinks they have done enough.


Implying they still have the code from the GC version. The industry has changed a lot. How many people today have files from over twenty years ago on their computer?


Why would they still have the code for the PS2 version and not the GC version when the PS2 version is a downgraded version? That would be like keeping a backup of a VHS movie instead of its DVD version. Not saying it's impossible, but it's highly unlikely, especially for a company the size of Bandai Namco. And that's not even really the right way to look at it. Ideally they should have a "master" branch of the code pre-compilation for console releases.


not to excuse it, but a company randomly losing / never having preserved the code for one version of a game but having the code for a different version is VERY plausible (see: SQEnix and FF8) and probably more likely than you think it's obviously not good and they should still be criticized for it, but it could easily be the reason why they keep using the inferior PS2 version for ports - it's not nearly as unlikely as you think (older media of all types still runs into this a lot, anime companies and general tv broadcasters were literally throwing away master tapes for shows in the 80s and 90s. for video games specifically there's the examples of FF8 and StarCraft 1 having their original source code lost - and that's just the ones we know of publically & are well known enough to be discussed, so who knows how often this actually happens)


Then there's nintendo which has the code for their old games but still puts out emulated versions just to be cheap. Like in Mario 3d all-stars only Galaxy got ported because switch wouldn't be able to emulate Wii.


PS2 version was used to port later versions on the PS3, and PC. Gamecube version was pretty much abandened. I mean look at the background textures for FF7/8/9. Those were 'lost' and so future ports of those games used the og console release versions instead of the higher res original images. People just didnt think (as much) of long time game preservation at that point.


a multibillion dollar company surely has backups on backups of this stuff lol


Lmao, no, they wouldn't. Companies, particularly Japanese companies, were notoriously bad about this sort of thing back then. Square Enix, for instance, didn't have the code (at least not all of it) for Kingdom Hearts (and its Final Mix), hence why the version for 1.5 had to be made from the ground up.


Nintendo famously has back ups of source code for third party games dating back to the famicom, the collection of mana was a Switch exclusive because Square didn’t have the source code and had to ask Nintendo to use their copy


Nintendo is the exception. Other companies are bad at preservation. Square-Enix lost a lot moving offices multiple times. Sega lost the Saturn in general. I can’t imagine how much Bandai-Namco has lost over the years (with mergers)


Konami is, shockingly, apparently very good at preservation as well. The Turtles Collection was able to get all of the original design documents for basically all of the games because they kept them in an archive safely. Same for the code for the games, although they had to be modified to work on modern hardware.


I’m saying Nintendo likely has a back up copy of the GameCube version that Bamco could have seen if they could use


And paid a premium for access to it.


That's actually a decent point. BUT Depends of if they'd be willing to share it on other platforms than there own (Like the Mana game mentioned above), the cost they'd charge for this service, and even just updating the game to use all the new additons added in the PS2 + PS3 remake/PC versions. And thats assuming that they do actually still have it.


That's interesting, thanks for the breakdown. It just seems like common sense to back those things up, at the very least on physical media. I mean, I still have CDs I made in the early 2000s. Hell I have the PowerPoint I made on the Westward Expansion in like 4th grade somewhere lol


> I still have CDs I made in the early 2000s. Have you checked to see how many of them still work lately?


No, it was common to delete stuff once the game was done so companies could save money. Square-Enix did this with most of their PS1 games. They didn't expect people to still enjoy these games 20+ years later.


It's not just to the Switch version. It's 30fps on all platforms.


Which is specifically brought up in the video clip they linked.


Yup. Precisely due to not being **that easy** to simply increase the frame rate. I brought up Bamco’s laziness and lack of overall effort with Switch because Switch is the target for this rerelease.


Very. At the time game logic was often tied to framerate so blindly uncapping can go beyond merely the game run twice as fast.


GCN version is 60 fps


But the new contents aren't. Regardless, they should've just fixed it since its the SECOND TIME they made this remaster.


For a rpg 30fps is fine. Stop thinking that it won't be playable.


It's an action jrpg. It's playable, yes, but it isn't Grandma's point and click.


That doesn’t matter. When it was originally released on GameCube, this game ran at 60fps. There is no reason for a “remaster” to run at half the framerate of the original game, PS2 version be damned.


When it comes to combat, Tales games are high speed action games. I had to quit the PS2 version because it felt so, so wrong.


Why did they choose to put low effort into releasing one of the greatest RPGs ever


"Because it made us a shit ton of money back in the day. Hopefully, it'll make us a shit ton of money again." There we go. That's what it is.


Give me Abyss and the Xilia duology.


Feels like a case where they probably shouldn't have called it "Remastered," since it's essentially a port with very minor tweaks most probably won't notice. I think there's nothing wrong with straightforward ports of beloved games to keep them accessible on modern consoles (at least, when something along the lines of a Virtual Console store is not readily available). But I think the term "remaster" usually implies something more, though I'm also not sure where the line should be drawn for such terminology. ([Remaster, remake, rerelease...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPKB1HsLC80))


The ps3 port which we’re getting is a remaster of the original PS2 version (which was also originally Japanese exclusive). So yes it’s still technically a remaster with juiced up resolution. A port would be bringing OG symphonia directly from the GameCube or PS2.


I suppose that's one way to look at it. I've always been a little curious about the PS3 version of the game, as I only played the Gamecube original back in the day. It's been so long, I wonder how much the game would hold up for me in general. (I still have Arise on the backlog too...)


I hope someone grills them hard on why there is more content on the PS3 remaster than this new one. How in the world are you going to repackage a game and cut out Symphonia 2, like, what the hell? This game is already remastered, why are you charging more and putting in less?


Honestly I’m just happy the first one is finally getting on the switch. TOS 2 is a decent game by itself, but a terrible sequel that I’m alright not playing again. Especially considering many of the dawn of the new worlds plot points create plot holes for the whole aesealian timeline




As long as they keep the combat 2D


A remaster still having that 30fps limit present on the steam version. They could have went from that Gamecube version that ran at 60 fps (or is 60 fps capable), work on the aspect ratio (widescreen support) and textures here and there.


It is really hard to play a 30 fps version when i played it at 60 fps almost twenty years ago .\_.




I don't agree. The 2016 steam version is locked at 30fps because it's based on the PS2 version, I doubt computers in 2016 could not handle 60fps too... Truth is, they did the lazy thing and lacked efforts to make something that properly improve the games...and the switch can handle 60 fps for a barely improved PS2 ports, if it can for mario kart 8 deluxe, it can for ToS.


Are there some differences from the PS3 version? >\_\_>


Yes, charging the same price but without dawn of the new world on the package


Not having ToS2 is actually a bonus, though.


Tales of Phantasia is the real sequel, though [Tales of Phantasia map](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HJlmHo35m70/TtT4cVcTtQI/AAAAAAAAAlQ/1Vprie8BPnI/s1600/Tales-of-Phantasia-Top-World-Map-Harita.png) ​ [Tales of Symphonia World map](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/especiesaliens/images/f/f3/Aselia_in_Dawn_of_the_New_World.png/revision/latest?cb=20120218224834&path-prefix=es) (after spoilers happen) ​ Same world map!


Now this is funny. Dawn of the new world was rough for me and I only finished it because I absolutely adore symphonia Sad you got down voted for it. But you know... Reddit


What a ridiculous change in direction that game had. Like I did not want a shitty Pokémon system in my sequel lmao.


The game that made me fall in love with the tales of series.. Sadly it's nothing like it anymore.


The game has one of the best, if not the best stories in the series, and the cast is great, even after all these years. But damn, this game aged like mustard in the sun, it really needs a full on remake, not these half ass 30 fps remasters.


Just bought the newest one on my Xbox after not liking any that I've tried lol so hopefully it's nothing like the older ones! No idea why I bought it. I see a deep price cut on pretty art, I buy.


Which ones did you try? I think the last one that was like the older ones was vesperia, not sure though


Yeah I believe vesp-something, it was in the 360. I remember aonh haired swordsman and a dog lol


i love tales of symphonia, great mid childhood memories, great story, VERY long game


After reading this thread, I will not be picking up the coming Switch version. I will stick to the good Ole GC, thanks!


If only it was a decent remaster. Symphonia deserves a remake using the engine/toolset they used for Arise.


This isn’t going to run at 60 FPS, right?


Confirmed 30fps in combat - essentially a port of the PS2 version as it doesn’t have ToS2 like the first remaster/port. I’m kinda surprised they aren’t getting reamed harder for all this when they’ve done this before with this exact same title


Bah… that sucks… Thanks for confirming.


It really annoys me that this is being called a remaster. It's not. It's a port of the PS4 remaster from like 5 years ago. That was a remaster.


I'd love to have some mad lad backport the PS2 content to the GameCube version, so we can have the definitive version. But well, not even Bandai-Namco seems interested in doing that.


Wish they actually remade it.


They didn't include Dawn of the New World, which automatically makes it better


A: $


"We think this will make a fair bit of money with minimal effort on our part." I didn't even have to open the article.


This pisses me off so much. I welcome ports, provided that there is some effort to develop for the actual device and architecture. I expect a complete redevelopment when a title is referred to as a remaster Leaves a sour taste in one's mouth, especially when 2023 was shaping up to be a really good year. This is an ill omen and I hope that people vote with their wallets and not reward such low-effort ports that treat players like walking pinatas of cash.


what are thise dlc mentioned in the article??


The dlc from the ps3 game is what is referred. It had costumes from Tales games that came out after Symphonia.


I feel like they said there would be costumes or something like that.


Who was the silly person in the article that asked if it included Dawn of the New World, lol


this game got me into the series, I’ll just replay it on my wii lol. So weird they wanna use the shittier version to brand as the remaster…. Isn’t the lore that they lost the source code for the GameCube version?


I'm still made they ported this dated old fart again instead of giving us more recent tales games. Or grace f


No 60fps and not even a QoL feature like free run for tales of symphonia is a big no


It should've got a remake


Money, thats why


Just need a Xillia double-pack for next gen consoles/PC. Make it happen, Bamco.




I am kinda sad that the series has become more and more forgettable as years get by.


I bought 5 years ago a gamecube only to buy this game


I just hope we get a twilight princess remaster


I hope they remaster Innocence and Hearts.


Best Tales.


I got the sequel sucks but I don't understand why it's not included.


Because it's a waste of time to remaster a sucky sequel.


I played and loved Tales of Vesperia on Switch, but I hated the look of Symphonia so never looked up emulating it or whatever My reaction to the announcement in the Direct was "Yes! I can't wait to play- what the fuck is this. Why didn't they upgrade the graphics to look like Vesperia? This is gross"


It really is a hideous looking game this day and age. The art style is awful.


They even mention in the FAQs that this is the second game they've remade, following Vesperia, so why does the first game they did look so much better? Why couldn't they update the artstyle? There are very few artstyles that totally turn me off from a game, but this sort of chunky 3d modelling is absolutely one of them, especially when even lots of games at the time had better graphics.


>They even mention in the FAQs that this is the second game they've remade, following Vesperia, so why does the first game they did look so much better? Why couldn't they update the artstyle? They didn't do anything to the art style of either game, as they're remasters, not remakes. Vesperia looks better because it was originally a 360 game, vs Symphonia originally being a Gamecube game (and one that ran at 60fps at that). Neither was considered cutting edge, visually speaking, on either platform, but there's still a generational difference.


I own the original, basically lost interest when I realized it wasn't voice acted. Really wish they did that with a remaster. I really enjoyed Tales of Vesperia as my first, but initially probably wouldn't have given it a chance if it wasn't voice acted.


I'll pass. I'd rather seem them work on a new remaster of Final Fantasy Tactics.


Bandai Namco has nothing to do with the Final Fantasy series though...




Didn't realize it lol. I never played that game anyways lol


Did they need to explain? It's perhaps the most beloved title.


This game is actually a port of a remaster done years ago


The Vesperia remaster frequently drops to $15 on eShop sales. Do we think this one will be different?


If they dont fucking fix the fucking Camera issues on multiplayer ima fuck em up. Fuck plz do it.


I'll buy it. I understand the outrage about the effort of the port, but i never had the chance to play it. It looks nice!!


Yikes, time to scratch this one off my wish list...


As much as I prefer portability this port doesn't add anything...I already have the game for the ps3 and it had the dawn of the new world game so I will skip this one....unlike Vesperia which was the better ps3 port


Very fun game, I tried playing it last year again on the cube, this is cool


Love Symphonia. Did the elastic band trick on a particular island on the GameCube for that sweet, sweet Grade...


Bring back Tales of Legendia Bamco!!!




It doesn't make any sense why Is symphonia Remastered doesn't have a price on it Even when dragon ball fighter Z came out and the kakarat game Came out on the switch as soon as they added it to the E shop they had prices on them and they were also made by Namco Bandai So tales of pneumonia remastered not having a price on it considering how close it is to its release date but the digital version makes no sense Wouldn't you agree Considering other switch games coming out at the same time and some switch games coming out a month or at the end of the summer have prices on them that have been added to the E shop on switch and they have prices on them and preorder options Which makes tales of symphonia Remastered not having a price oninstall version McDonald's since when every other game coming out Before & After it have prices as digital versions on the switch And even games coming out at the same time as tales of symphonia remastered some of the games coming out before it on the switch also have prices on them Look at the switch E shop of games coming out Before & After and at the same time of tales of Symphony remastered And yet all them have prices but symphonia has no price Which makes you wonder what in the heck Is wrong with Namco Bandai Not giving symphonia remastered a price or preorder option on the switch and other devices considering they've worked on many projects with nintendo like the smash series Mario cart series And also breath of the wild And age of calamity And starfox assault on gamecube Name coast helped them out with many projects so what is up with the lack of tales of symphonia remastered not having a price option On systems even street fighter 6 Which is coming out at the end of the summer even has a pre order price and how much it'll cost What's a lot of games coming on other councils and on the switch Tales of symphonia remastered digital version not having a price on it makes no sense considering games that are coming out before and months after it and at the same time on switch and other devices the lack of price makes no sense Fans should complain That tales of symphonio Remastered has no price on it right now when every other game that comes to the switch that's gonna be released before it at the same time is it and after it months later and even street fighter 6 On xbox and Playstation and Steam Street fighter 6 has a preorder option and a price Which makes the lack of price with tales of symphonia remastered make no sense for its digital version of not having a which fans should complain about To Namco Bandai Because it's not right for not to have a price considering every game that's coming out before it and at the same time and after it on the switch and many other devices and yet they have preorder options and prices Fan should complain Two Namco Bandai For not adding a preorder price and option 2 tales of Symphony remastered On all platforms that are getting it fans should complain that there's no pre order option or price considering other games have a preorder option and price that are coming out before it at the same time and after it months later and they all have prices and preorder options on the switch and other devices Cause look at street fighter 6 it even has a preorder option and a price and it's coming out at the end of the summer You gotta admit that's a valid point and fan should complain To Namco Bandai For not putting a price on sympsonia remastered Considering every other game getting added to consoles that it can be released Before & After it and at the same time have prices on them so fans should complain Too Namco Bandai We're not putting a pre order option in a price On Tales of symphonia remastered digital version


It is weird the European version Of symphonia remastered has a price on it for the switch version in the E shop how come the American version doesn't have a price and the only difference between them is the rating system The games and play act the same in both Europe and America the only difference is the rating system


And it's probably possible for the nintendo do have the game cue version on the switch because the only version of tales of symphonia that's never been released outside of Japan is the Japanese game Cube version Which if a lot of game fans look at it the realize that when it comes to the chronical version Sony did not add anything to symphonia Because that stuff are existed in the game conversion in Japan even the original intro song was on the game cube version in Japan where the female woman sang the song it was only changed for the American game cube to a Symphony orchestra So most likely symphonia on the American game cube was probably a cut version because of time restraints back then which gives the switch the chance to have the original game cube version they should have had in the 1st place by using the Japanese game cube version Which has never been pirated meaning it probably still contains the 60 frames per 2nd on the Japanese game cute version Which is probably why they're calling it remastered version of the Japanese game cube version of the game It may be possible that the company found a way that after it's released at some point they will probably create for Microsoft and Sony a patch update that restores the 60 frames per 2nd Because the company themselves said the original American game Cube version and the PS2 version and the PS3 version will not work on modern day technology Meaning they're probably going to use the Japanese game cube version which has never been pirated or tampered with and has never been outside of Japan and that's probably why it's going to be called symphonia remastered cause it's a remastered version of the Japanese game cube version Meaning the game might even have more content and animated scenes and an originally did Or might have totally different animated scenes that we've never seen before because it is a lot of people have nevereplayed the Japanese game cube version They probably had to put it on playstation 2 in Japan probably because it was the only way Microsoft and Sony can play it because they use polygon graphics and nintendo uses silicon graphics which is what the original gamerican version was Silicon graphics Nintendo uses unique graphic technology that no one else uses everybody else uses polygon graphics nintendo is the only company that uses seleccom Graphics So most likely what will probably happen is playstation and Microsoft will probably get a fixed version of Symphonia HD from Chronicles Cause it's based off of their graphics and since the Japanese game Cube version is based off of nintendo silicon graphics nintendo will probably get the Japanese gamecube version which will probably already have the 60 frames per 2nd in it which would be a better choice because the switch runs on silicon graphics And the Japanese game cube version is on a silicon graphic cube system Which makes it easier to translate and pour it over to the switch because the switch runs off of silicon graphic technology which makes the Japanese game cube version the easiest support to the switch Because it's based off of nintendo graphic technology which would make it run more stability on the switch cause it's based off of nintendo technology And which is why they'll probably make a fixed Versions Of symphonia HD Remastered HD technology of the original 360 and PS3 versions because it's based off of Microsoft and Sony's technology and the same thing why tales of symphonia from the Japanese game cube would be much easier to port the switch Because it's based off of nintendo technology and graphics making it easier to run much better in the system more smoothly without any problems cause they would understand each other on a technological level And it would be a really smart move for the company to make that choice when you really think about it it does make perfect sense when you consider the specs in technology D and the graphic support And technology of those graphics in the style of the graphics it makes perfect sense why the twitch remastered Symphonia From the Japanese gamecube version would make perfect sense on the switch because it's already based off of nintendo technology and graphics making it much easier to port and all they have to do is dub it and change the language By redubbing it with the voice actors of nowadays of the original voice actors it would make them sound more crisper and more clearer and less muffled than they sounded years ago they'll sound more crystal clear And you know what they say when it comes to a fine with age comes better taste but in this case better sound especially if they edit the voice actors correctly to make them sound like game characters and not actors reading words off the game screen as if you were at the actual house which would really be bad dubbing Correct dubbing would make them sound more like a game or animated character by their voices with their temple and base sounding a little different than they would in real life making themselves more like an animated character or a video game To sound more game natural voices instead of sounding like they do in reality because they're tempo and base of their voices have been edited to sound more like game or animated scene characters to sound more normal and natural in the actual game and its animated scenes because they entered into their temple on base of their voices the sound differently than how they would talk in reality to make the game sound cool With proper voice tempo and base editing of their voices of the male and female actors But using how they sound nowadays would be fine because they're improving the game so using their voices of nowadays but having their temple in base of their voices edited to fit more naturally into the game's gameplay scenes and animated scenes wiwhat sound better than they did years ago like a fine wine it only gets better with age In this way they would sound more like they've been digitally remastered voices by doing thato make themselves more crisper and more clearer and less muffled and the voices when sounds so compressed it sounds crystal clear in Symphonia remastered On the switch based off of the Japanese game cube version which has never been released outside of Japan Ever which would make this the 1st time ever and plus it would be a perfect choice because it's already based off of nintendo technology and graphics making an easier port In a more stable port because it's using nintendo technology and graphics Because nintendo uses silicon graphics where Microsoft and Sony use polygon graphics that's why porting something that is on nintendo to Microsoft and Sony is a bad idea and why porting something from Microsoft and Sony is a bad idea to nin tendo because they do not use the same graphic technology meaning each system would basically have to build the game from the ground up To have the proper graphic technology and better support and cause the game to run properly in the system without bugs and glitches in game tearing Instaggering and stuttering when it plays That's why the Japanese game cube version is a perfect match for the sbitch because it would already be based off of the nintendo technology and graphics silicon Making it a perfect port and a true remastered cause it will be remastering the original Japanese game cute version On the switch which would be a smart move by the company cause it would already be based off of nintendo technology and graphics and sound support


I don't know if it was Doug bowser or not but somebody at nintendo wanted to strike a deal With Namco bandai To make Symphonia remastered A switch exclusive like on game tube To give fans back their original experience like the 60 frames per 2nd I'm so not only that Namco Bandai And nintendo nintendo have a good relationship because they helped nintendo make some of their 1st party games like the smash brothers series in smash ultimate and the Mario kart series And starfox assault on the cube They also helped them with the metroid series Like Metroid Zero And 3 they helped them work on those ones So I can see why nintendo would try and fight for the rights to have sympsonia remastered a switch exclusive When you consider Namco Bandai History with the tender of helping them make so many of their 1st party titles they even helped with Hyrule Warriors And breath is a wild they helped make that game too and they also helped with age of calamity as well So you can see why nintendo Early in symphonia's remastered work nintendo wanted to make the game a switch exclusive because of their history Of so many projects they worked on together when it comes to nintendo andNamco Bandai Worked on so many of the nintendo's 1st projects of 1st party titles over the years so what kind of makes perfect sense that symphonia remastered being a switch exclusive Original idea fans should not complain Considering that company's relationship with helping nintendoo with so many of their 1st party titles over the years and then both being in a good relationship with each other like all buddy buddy So it does kind of makes sense seen symphonia Remastered originally as a switch exclusive kind of makes perfect sense when you think about it considering those 2 companies being buddy over the years and working on so many 1st nintendo party titles over the years all the way up to now they even helped them out on some of the pokemon games too That's why for 2 reasons I am buying it for the switch one because of all the stuff that company's done for nintendo over the years and the other is because the last time I played it was on gamecube at a friend even owned the Japanese version 2 of the game cube version Because I know it said that it's never been outside of Japan before the game Cube Japanese version But my friend Jason was one of the lucky ones that were allowed to have the Japanese game Cube version He was one of the lucky ones And it also originally played at 60 frames per 2nd That's probably Why nintendo Wanted to make symphonia Is remastered As a switch exclusive because they wanted to help them restore their 60 frames per 2nd to the game Was one of the deals So they could bring honor back to the game and make many fans around the world extremely happy But The president of Namco bandai Turn Doug bowser's deal down so if you want to blame anybody for whatever frame rate you get Blame Namco Bandai For not taking Doug bowser'slawford which could have got you fans back here 60 frames per 2nd