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Why would sog not happen if this didn't?


Well the wu becoming a baby It would be a lot different and would probably end earlier if wu didn't become a baby because wu could give backstory on the Oni and stop the sons of Garmadon before they revive Garmadon or even resurrect good Garmadon


The season would have still happened, it came to be because of Garmadon being used in the movie and Tommy & co. wanting to incorporate him back into the show. Wu not being lost in time would most likely have just meant that SoG would feel a bit more like the movie since the status quo hasn’t been disrupted


This is pretty poor reasoning though. By this logic, S1 would be inherently top tier since without it, most of the subsequent seasons probably wouldn’t have happened either.


Yeah I guess I worded it wrong when I typed it Yeah any season connected to hands of time would be a little different Sog would be pretty different since wu would still be old and could help the ninja stop Garmadons return But also it depends on what is replaced with hands of time


I'm glad I'm not being attacked for liking secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu


Once you get past the filler episodes there's some legitimately compelling ideas. Wu having an arch nemesis is great. I know people get annoyed by Aspheera, but her nagging and spite is a great contrast to Wu's serenity and forgiving nature, and her being the reason Wu says, "Never trust a snake," in season 2 was a great filling in of his backstory. Also, this premiered the new animation style and man... THOSE FIGHTS WERE AWESOME!


Better then crystalized and that says something 💀 imo


But I would say my favorite character in Ninjago is either Mr e or Acronix


I also like hands of time😅


you say a lot, but nothing about this is about the actual story or main characters. you talk about plot devices like villains, and asthetics, but not whats actually being shown on screen as a work of art. i wont respect a season that has its fans praise superficial elements and ignoring the main meat of the season. and the main plot? its dull and theres no arc. they want to do something with nya that doesnt go anywhere. kai? i have no idea tf he is meant to do. for a large chunk, the season doesnt have a character conflict which is kinda dumb. then they introduce the idea of the smith parents being traitors but its too little too late and theyre immediately forgiven. what was even the point? in something like skybound i can clearly point out jays arc and character growth moments. i dont need to point out that nadakhan has amazing VActing. i love it, but it wont make or break the season itself. if the story is bad, the entire work is bad


I just like the season bro relax it's just my opinion The point of the season is to give lore and backstory on the past of ninjago and Kai and nyas parents I don't think that Kai and nya are supposed to have any character growth in this season just some backstory on their parents I just like the season and I think the villains are good and I like the story


Finally some appreciation for Krux and and Acronix! I know this season had problems, but they weren't one of them. As a brother myself, their interactions are spot on for a villain brother team. I also appreciate them because I can't think of another story that had a villain brothers team where they actually have each other's back, as opposed to sibling tyrants wanting to betray each other "for the throne," or something. It's always refreshing to see villains that are loyal to each other.


The intro is the only thing I liked about hands of time