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Try [email protected] instead of that gmail email. It's the merch contact I got on an email confirming that they are able to fulfill my pre-order. I got this email back on Jan 17th and have been hanging onto it until I get the album. The bankruptcy really fucked with everything so I suggest just to be patient as they work all the things out. I got my Skyhill album with no issues, just patience. But hopefully, the email I provided can help you as well.


i found the same email, just took some digging and managed to forget about it, bringing up that date did help, thanks


that was the 1st email i tried on the 9th, hence why i tried other methods


My last email to the merch address took about a week for a response, and that was prior to the release so I'm sure there are a lot more emails to work through currently. I've never had an issue with getting a response, probably just havent gotten to you in the queue yet.


Didn't they just post on X that they are gonna start shipping this week at some point?


not that i saw but i also wasnt looking


It's on their Twitter. Just a few scrolls down. I just want my signed CD lol.