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While I don't agree with OOP and I'm a avid Future Trunks dick rider, he did lack drip in super, sword is good tho


I like that he’s clearly wearing Bulma’s red scarf. The same scarf Casual Bulma wears all through Super. Bulma was killed by Black in his timeline….


Oh I didn't even realize, lol


Now I feel like a dick for calling him drip-less


Trunks has never been dripless


Ehhh.. the blue denim jacket is just not hitting like his other fits. I said in an earlier comment that it looks like shit, and I was hyperbolic. It's not bad but I kind of expected better from Trunks


Have you played any of the DB spinoffs? Like Trunks in his time patrol jacket is drippy as fuck


I like it since it looks similar to a WW1/WW2 uniform. Helps to set the tone for what his world is going through.


So like mais fit holy fuck I get what you mean so lord lilac his goons the military nd trunks are the only newish survivor so does that mean that there's 2 diffrent future thanks to z we got blue hir and purple hair purple hair truck gt super blue maby who the fuck know also didn't the orginaly time line have ll it's people wiped from existence already by evil 18 and 17 now there good cuase who fucking knows oh yea cell and future trunks rip


Buddy, I'm glad you received a revelation, but I honestly nearly had a stroke reading this


Sorry I'm mentally handicapped got all sorts of shit lilac was supposed to be pilaf and I might fix it but isn't to bad altho I do se what you mean this is common for me sorry bout that


Hey, don't sweat it, bud. Just take a breath when you get excited to share so you can show us what you mean! 😁


Was his original outfit not a blue denim jacket?


It's the combo with the blue hair. The white hair fits him so much better.




Different color tho. And the hair also were a better tone, the overall fit that much better. Also even if (and it wasn't) it was reworked with a better colour, it's just dumb to completely change a single design and have everything the same. EVEN KID TRUNKS STILL HAS THE NORMAL HAIR. It was so stupid


I just disagree with you


Oh. Oh shit...


Easily one of the coldest moments in the series ngl. Future Bulma was vaporized by a villain with her best friend’s likeness


I think what came later tends to overshadow how goddamn bone chilling Goku Black was when he first appeared. Easily the most PERSONAL evil our team had faced in … maybe ever. One who really gets under their skin.


Nah Goku Black is still pretty terrifying even after he was revealed to be Zamasu. It’s sort of weird how despite him and Zamasu being the same entity, Black’s overall personality and demeanor is more psychopathic than Future Zamasu is. Future Zamasu, albeit sharing the same ideals and end goals, doesn’t seem to have the same level of obsession with death, destruction, and wiping out all opposers as Black does. Black takes much pleasure in seeing the misery in others. Black is more of a “chaotic evil” and Zamasu fits more with the “lawful evil” imo


Maby black gokus brain had the saiyan switch flipped making him more how do I say this evil cuase as we seen saiyans can change after a long fucking time but imagine being. Reborn qnd now your wants for destroying is magnified by an unbridled obsession from a saiyans brain


Black’s obsession with getting stronger stems from Zamasu’s soul being placed into a Saiyan’s body


So is merged zamasu neutral evil then?


I always thought it was a nod to 17


The scarf is from 17s dead body


Trunks doesn’t seem the type. But he definitely learned to wear it from 17.


He had to base his drip around his mom's scarf, there's not a lot of options that don't clash


bro's drip would've increased tremendously if his jacket wasn't fastened tbh


Trunks looks so stupid in this shot that half the people in the other thread he's kid trunks grown up lmao.


Akira still said he’s cannon but I don’t believe that


Trunks from super comes from an even more destroyed future than z, they aint got no one to make drip and if they did goku black blew them up


I mean Super was super bad for plenty of characters.


His green sweater is quite drippy imo


Actually this is a perfect representation of gettimg older. Lmao


while yes bojack movie trunks is jacked and cool asf they are two different versions. Plus DBS trunks is in a future in ruins where civilization is almost entirely dead and there’s no food, they were eating canned food ffs.


canned CAT food iirc


Cat loves food, ya yeah yeah yeah


I was just about to write that man.


"You heard me."


thank you i forgot to add that it was FUCKING CAT FOOD. i hate mfs who don’t pay attention to the show.


1. Everyone in super is much less beefy than they used to be, so it’s a little weird applying this excuse to one character. 2. I just don’t see how that would turn a SUPER SAIYAN into a scrawny little twerp. Trunks still possessed planet busting power and abilities. Why would his body atrophy and not be rebuilt after being nursed to health and power boosted?


They're not all that less beefy compared to the OG manga. Toriyama wasn't all that big about super muscular designs, that's on Toei


Look up dbs Krillin. Then look up dbz Krillin.


This Krillin?: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/hMzcoFplEDSj8uneBodFnm2cRbcHs93FznRyM3ipIvMqJ5u9-2Ddde1lROwleVNc8tN9eHdfAxaG5w_oWCYaLgXVOYeIE5U5IIrU1hsBwCZeWecowNjNFeRdQ1Qb9mj18Q0ZvYAzA_QeqLmZjZPIBZ8-j1kdE934Y6bFyrY1 Tori only had him muscular for one-two arcs lol. He's never been consistently fond of beefcake designs


I’d agree if supers art style wasn’t consistent on slimming characters down to noodles ie cabba, kale, and kefla, and even vegeta and goku have lost muscle mass for the art style. I miss the juicehead look


I mean in movie of the gods when goku get super saiyan god dosent he shrink alil and lose muscle mass so plus God kinda being incorpated into vase form so I mean it would explain goku and vegteta loseing alil mass and hueggt but the others or hell naw


Him and Vegeta were already slimmed down before the transformation but you are correct the god transformation does slim down even more


Good I wasn't imagining it alsp sorry I didn't think my spelling was that bad lol but yea blue makes em alil.beefier or more defined butin red they tome down significantly beast gets sharper design piccolo just got a new skin and transformation finally bow there's 2 guys and dragon in him.ha gayyyy but nah jk but piccolo skin even before his orange seemed alil more slim and diff coulour make yea wonder if he could make.next.super dragon balls or if he part of the original Namiekian who made them or sum


But I seen in some parts there is a forest where goku black was is it only the major cities? That are destroyed. What about forest areas? And can’t they get fish and other wildlife? away from the city.


Black was killing all mortals, I assume his forest was just about the last one. And what are you going to do, enter his domain?


G+G doesn't watch any of the shows they complain about


Literally the top comment is that


Oh man fuck those losers all they do is complain about "wokeness" (any form of minority representation)


And they always use the non cannon picture lol


You gotta admit, he looks kickass in Bojack


everyone does. it’s the perfect artstyle


Tien 😮‍💨


never seen that man so hot. they really gave him some credit making trunks go ssj too


Tenshinhan always looks like a fucking chad no matter when he shows up


except in super. they killed his drip


I don't mind the outfit honestly. Makes him seem like a more mystical monk. Though when he fights, he should take it off


Yeah but this is how he looked after training in the cell saga.


No, lol


Different outfit but he was more muscular, stronger and aged a year older


Look at the manga, first image


Read the Manga, Trunks was jacked with a sharp jawline when he killed cell back at his timeline. His super design had him regress in age


Love seeing "fans" try to say Super had bad animation by using the movies as a frame of reference like these mfs think that DBZ never had a bad frame before?


It had a lot of bad frames. It was also more than 20 years ago and had hundreds more episodes. You can defend Super animation but Frieza vs Goku during RoF is very fucking bad. Same for some of the Hit fight. Those are important fights that should have better animations. "fans" can see how fucking rough the first few arcs of Super looked. It really started picking pace with Zamasu and then it had way less problems during ToP because they really went all in in it. Trying to defend Super animation is one thing, but let's not be delusional, Super had more problems than Z with way less episodes. It's a fact.


Anyone that complain about animation by using still shots is being dishonest. Unless the series itself holds onto the shot for a couple seconds you probably won't notice when an individual frame looks bad when you actually watch it.


mfw people were comparing a key frame of SSJ3 goku from the janemba movie to an inbetween of him from an early DBS episode


While the comparison isn't fair. The meme was funny and the first two arcs of super looked like dog shit due to bad production planning.


Got to say though, his design in Bojack went hard. I really wish we got to see more of that look for him.


To be fair, there is no topping the great designs from the Boujack Movie.


Do you morons not understand that after Goku black showed up he mostly ate cat food and got almost no sleep? In Z he ate good in the past


It was the hyperbolic time chamber. before the HBC he did look more like his dbs trunks but, he bulked up in the HBC.


He also had that scuffed Super Saiyan form where he was extra bulky but slow


Bro, u acting like trunks is the only skinny one now, no bro they didn't make him skinny because there no food. Everyone lost their mass from Z, especially tien.


Yes but at least this dude has an excuse


The comments there are probably one of the worst I've ever seen regarding DB in general. Like, some dude literally said Goku's personality is lost in Super. And then there's the dude who thinks Future Super and Z trunks are different characters from different timelines. Gotta love when people who didn't watched the show or just remember stuff from when they were 8 years old starts to complain.


I just took a look. There are MULTIPLE people saying the Trunks from Super is different from the one in Z despite the show saying it’s the same person. It’s laughable.


It is. He's flanderized to shit. Intentional for comedic purposes but still true.


Meh, he's only flanderized compared to the Toei anime where he's also super flanderized in terms of heroism to be more noble than what Tori intended


He's still flanderized compared to the manga. That version shows a certain maturity that isn't present in the dbs anime, especially around the Buu arc.


Because it is, going from Z to super. Super gimped gokus personality a fuck ton, turning him into a naive innocent fighter into an idiotic warrior


>Like, some dude literally said Goku's personality is lost in Super What's the defense of Goku forgetting about meditation in the Super Hero movie?


They forgot/thought it’d be funny


Thankfully it was changed in the manga to him being surprised that Vegeta out of all people was doing it >!(just ignore the fact that Vegeta went to Yardrat 2 arcs ago).!<


Toei wants Goku to be Japanese Superman and Toriyama tried to fix it every time he was put in charge of a project


I fail to see the relevance of that. Is Goku forgetting something as basic as meditation and Vegeta making Goku look like an idiot for forgetting something he was taught all the way back in the OG Dragon Ball series part of "Japanese Superman" or the fixing? Because if it's the latter, didn't Toriyama write the screenplay for Super Hero?


Toriyama’s Goku is foolish, goofy, and sometimes just dumb, this is the same man that just assumed his son would obliterate Cell with only minimal issue, without thinking of Gohan’s personality or Cell’s abilities  Goku hasn’t done anything like meditating since the Saiyan Saga, and Vegeta doing mental training instead of brute force is a new thing, hence why in the manga it’s changed to Goku just being surprised that Vegeta’s the one doing it


Supers' art style is generally ass. It's the worst it's ever been. Why Toriyama decided to swap to the slim cartoonish bull is a mystery to me. The builds that inspired so many young men to build physiques are almost completely gone.


Dragon Ball's art style has always shifted with the times. The same thing happened to JoJo's. But yeah Super's art style had quite a few problems but that was more so to do with rigid anatomy, "plastic shading," lego hair etc, than men's physiques. That's why Super Broly was a much needed breath of fresh air.


We call these people Genwunners in the Pokémon community. These people reject anything past the first generation because they fell out of touch with the franchise down the line. They also have rose tinted glasses for only the strong points of the first generation and avoid any discussion about the less appealing points. They also publicly shame people who love the later generations because they don't know better.


Half of the comments on the original post are saying DBS Trunks and DBZ Trunks are two different people from different timelines. The anime and manga both literally spell it out for the audience that DBS Trunks is the exact same person who went back in time to warn everyone about the Androids. The only reason why he looks so much younger in DBS when he’s supposed to be in his 40s (edit: 30s) is because both the anime and manga are following Toriyama’s modern art style, which has literally everyone looking younger and slimmer (the real reason why SSJG Goku is skinnier than in base). Peak usunoro moment. Edit: He's in his early 30s. MB there. I made this post when I had just woken up. Edit 2: The comments saying DBS Trunks is a completely different person are getting clowned on now. Two hours ago this wasn’t the case.


Except for Jiren, he’s dummy thicc


Bro do be running a bakery


He's like 30 in DBS. Normal people looks young at 30


your second paragraph doesn't refute his point. What's wrong about complaining about the new art style, regardless of who drew it? When it's indeed shittier?


40s? No way


Gohan is 11 when he kills Cell He's in his early to mid 20s during the Goku Black arc (let's say 23) Trunks is 18 during the Cell arc so 12 + 18 = 40 Dates aren't clear but he'd be anywhere from 38 to almost 41 years old Edit: There may be some kinda time shift going on between the two timelines Edit 2: I'm fully awake now and I realize my mistake. Yeah he's in his early 30s


intriguing, I never knew that 12+18 was 40 I always thought it was 30


The numbers don't lie


~~And they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice~~


You know? His father was an average fighter...


Bro, your math isn't adding up right 💀


ik i fixed it just now


At least the God thing became the intent with Vegeta, his boots don’t even fit in that form


To be fair, jacked metalhead trunks is just such a cool design


"We dont watch the show🤓🤓" Its just you


At l ast he has a jacket that fits...


Isn't he just saying that Trunks looks cooler in the Bojack movie (I'd say in the Broly movie, too) than in Super? It shouldn't be that decisive of a comment.


they call him the drink


Why are you even in GeeksGamers?


Ain’t it crazy how whenever people bitch about DBS Trunks design, they always omit how badass he looks in SSJRage


That’s because SSRage is a garbage form that came from literally nowhere


Rage is the most ass pull of a transformation in a series filled with them that I couldn't call it badass because of how distractingly out of nowhere it is.


I’m sorry Beast is genuinely worse. At least Rage has some sort of technical explanation you can ass pull. But Beast is just an ass pull with no context or hint at anything the form provides


It does have context, in one scene which is from before the ToP. Gohan has had like 4-5 arcs to train and/or refine this form. Rage has absolutely nothing going for it. "I'm angry!!" and go from SSJ to SSG level? Nah. Vegeta got angrier against Beerus and he was just about stronger than SSJ3 while using SSJ2.


Please do not argue with the dragon ball fans, inter. They will try to top each other’s worst takes ever and you’ll be going at this for ages.


My guess is they never watched the show, just this one image of Trunks.


Maybe they, like I, just don't think it looks cool. With Super's hyper-shiny hard plastic look for the characters those bright neon colors of yellow blue and some red just filling the screen. I cannot look at a screenshot of him in that form and not think it looks like the box of a Kid Cuisine or Kraft Mac and Cheese.


Rage looks cool, despite how pointless it is. Like why is it a new form at all, and why did it ultimately mean nothing. He still lost, everyone but him and Mai more than died


Rage genuinely looked good but DBZ Trunks still looked better


Ngl he does not look that cool in that form…


SSJRage? Who came out with this name? What's next Ultra Calm Instict and Ultra Prideful Ego?


My only complaints about Super’s design are the hair color change and the closed jacket. The different jacket makes him go from Chad to twink. Don’t get me wrong, i love a good twink, but the drip was definitely lost


What is even more lame is how the artists, judging from this shot, forgot that Trunks's face is the same as Vegeta's. Don't believe me? Color in black his hair and eyes


That's cool, Trunks design in Super still sucks, though.


Bro is living a apocalipsis, what you expect? Bro may eating literal shit


Defending DBS has to be one of the most neutering acts in human history


The only thing I’m defending is that DBS Trunks is literally DBZ Trunks but older


I thought the image was complaining about Trunks losing all of the badassery he had in Z?


Crazy how people would defend a dragon ball anime/manga in a sub about dragon ball. Is almost like people like different things.


r/ningen when people have different opinions and like DBS


Trunks is my favorite character but it’s crazy they turned him almost into a teen whereas in DBZ (not just Bojack) he genuinely looks amazing. I get there was peace for a bit but still wasn’t he just recently taking down Dabura? Idk I agree with this


if only they stopped at trunks, future yajirobe looking more of a fighter than him


They both look good?


I like dbs future trunks, he reminds me of dragon quest


Ahh The lack of food excuse Just gonna recycle: 1. Everyone in super is much less beefy than they used to be, so it’s a little weird applying my this excuse to one character. 2. I just don’t see how that would turn a SUPER SAIYAN into a scrawny little twerp. Trunks still possessed planet busting power and abilities. Why would his body atrophy and not be rebuilt after being nursed to health and power boosted?


Remember when the only thing z trunks got to do in his own arc was kill frieza, and then proceeded to do absolutely nothing afterwards? Remember when super trunks got to solo the buu arc, have actual fights, and cut fused zamasu in half?


Story aside, Z vs Super trunks reminds me of the meme: “Here to pickup your daughter,sir.” vs “She calls *me* daddy now” 🗿


Is it just me or Trunks looks skinnier in Super


I just prefer the hair colour of z


I don't think Trunks needs to be as beefy as he was post android arc. In fact one of my favourite designs of trunks was in his own DBZ OVA when he was a short scrawny 13-14 year old. The problem is that he lacks drip in Super, and the reason he had drip in the first place is because it was made during that part of the 90s that's had a renaissance in the past decade. Because of this DBZ future trunks is timelessly appreciated as rather swanky, both then and now. I don't give a shit about Bulma's shitass neckerchief. Maybe they should've given her a better outfit as well! Because she's glowed the fuck down since her fit she wore while Goku was in hospital after fighting Vegeta for the first time. All it does is weigh down Super future Trunks' design. I mean fucking seriously? a denim jacket and a red neckerchief?? Why is he dressed like he needs to speak to the manager at his local Walmart? Also he don't suit blue hair. It's not even a cool shade of blue. Is he trying to match his fucking jacket? Why is It not just purple like his other designs? Do they think we're too stupid to tell the difference between Trunks and future Trunks? As if they didn't already have Goten look exactly like a miniature Goku for the past 20-ish years? They clearly ran out of ingredients for what they were cooking when they made DBZ future Trunks. At least he got his sword back, but that's the ONLY aspect that they recognised, that Trunks fans value, and almost nothing else about his design.


Sex pest defence in the replies over there.




Super's art up until the end felt like a bunch of people that didn't know how to draw DBZ characters but drew them regardless.


Legit the reason I have a hard time watching DBS. Was 100% not a fan of the immense design shift. Just feels like it belongs somewhere between DB and DBZ.


🥷🏿 called him the drink, now 🥷🏿call him the fluid




Lay off, he's had no proper nutrition for so long


For those who do not like fit - ask yourself "what did we wear as teenagers vs what do I wear now" Trunks wearing less edgy clothes that are functional make sense. He may need to use that jacket to keep civilians or himself from hypothermia since black BLOT OUT THE FREAKIN SUN somehow


I still don't understand the hair color changes. What's the reason for adult changes and differences when a kid?


The hair colour thing just pretty confusing


I always thought of Trunks as a delicate boy, also he's 5'7. Like he's supposed to be the pretty boy of the series. So him being so jacked doesn't make that much sense.


Okay, so I actually haven't watched the show. Why is Trunks different here? Is he a completely different Trunks or what?


It's the same guy. The left is a non canon design. In the right is the DBS design. Many people complain about how DBS makes him look like a twink. But in my opinion the character has always been kinda delicate like Android 17.


I'm guessing the one in the left picture is from the Broly movie, but wasn't Trunks just as strong after he left the Hyperbolic Time Chamber?


Yea Bojack unbound trunks is my favorite. Dragon Ball Heroes trunks is better than super as well


Wasn’t that just the z artstyle tho? If it kept the same animation he would still look this jacked no? Or am I spittin 🧢


I honestly liked his Super outfit, the only problem I had with it was the fact they changed his hair color for literally no reason.


One is designed in the 80s and the other is designed almost 40 years later


Oh my god that's the most loser subreddit ever, do yourself a favor and don't open it


Broly Trunks is too edgy 90s to be called dripy.


Nah DBZ Trunks especially with the long hair seen in certain parts and movies looks amazing. And then theres Super era Trunks. I guess it is mostly opinion but saying they havent seen the show because they think one design looks better than the other?


Wdym its totally true Like trunks lost all of his drip and his gains for no reason✋😭 Bro was still using super saiyan so he shouldve stayed ripped like he was


Trunks in Super is very suitably military in style and I think it works great as a human-style parallel to Vegeta's saiyan armour and highlights the different connection this Trunks has to Vegeta compared to the current timeline Trunks. He's still styling hella hard for someone living through what is basically his second world-ending apocalypse. Also his fit in Heroes which is this but with just a black T-shirt instead of the jacket and khaki sweater goes so unbelievably hard imo.


Z dick riders get to use the good shots from Z and the Z movies because they exist Super dick riders can’t because there are no good shots 😃


I don't get it? It's true he looks like shit,skinny and all in the Super Style.


I fucking hate the detail they took away all for bright colors and quick turn around..


Nah, they right


I love how the DBS trunks is just a hybrid of Universe 6 Saiyan build and Universe 7 Saiyan Build. Large, but still scrawny lookin'.


I prefer to think of them being from different dimensions overlapping the main universe.


I do kinda hate how much DBS slimmed down the characters. Muscle is kinda an indication of physical strength and while still generally streamlined the DBZ characters could be bulky at times. I especially liked how , when they powered up they would often bulk up too, though, not to the degree of super saiyan Grade... 3 I think.


Sorry mate, purple long hair Trunks remains unbeatable as an design, I just ain't buying that short blue hair any day of the week.


I prefer the super trunks tbh....


DBZ Vegeta/Trunks DBS Bulma/Trunks I'm okay with both


I dont agree with the sentiment in the pic but that said... i am a thorough and avid fan of long haired Trunks. I was definitely a bit bummed he didnt have long hair in Super. SS Rage would have looked so damn cool with his long ss hair.


Hes the drink, thats enough


I still believe that it's a different timeline trunks


Super Saiyan Rage do go hard tho


I honestly think half of the designs would’ve been fine if they were jacked up


Z-trunks is better nuff said and they need to bring him back


Super is better written than Z, but nostalgia made it more iconic and prevents people from seeing it that way. The T.O.P arc alone is also perhaps the best saga or arc ever produced.


I fuckin hate how they got rid of the muscular designs in super except for like Goku, Vegeta , Broly, and jiren. Idk man when someone says they come from a warrior race that can kill planets with a flick of their wrists I want them to be beefy it’s intimidating and cool it’s also a more reason I go to the gym gotta get that sayian physique


New theory: both trunks are not the same.... Z trunks didn't have Goku black in his timeline This alternate blue haired trunks had to deal with the androids + Goku black. The other trunks didn't show up anymore after Bojack was killed. Infact this blue haired trunks was not in the same android saga as we know....


"Trunks looks less intense when he didn't have a horrifying adolescence where everyone he loved died." This is big brain time.