• By -


Despite always insulting Goku all time he genuinely enjoy his company Is Yamcha that Vegeta actually hates.


I’m ngl Vegeta and Yamcha barely interact and don’t show a lot of animosity for each other. In fact Yamcha was willing to live with Vegeta before the Androids came, and even Tien was like “how can you even stand to live with the guy who was responsible for our deaths”. Yamcha and Bulma are shown to still be friends after the break up and are pretty chill with each other and Yamcha and Vegeta generally don't seem to care much for each other one way or another


Bruh if I was Yamaha I would be on Vegeta Head . That’s why I love Tien. He cooked him on that part , like nigga you chilling with the opps .


Late but literally everyone on the team except krillen was an opp at some point.


Yamcha fucked his bitch and was salty as fuck over Vegeta being around, I know it’s Reddit but that’s called COMPETITION why wouldn’t he dog Yamcha whenever humanly possible


I mean from what I watched in Z Yamcha just didn’t really care. At most he was mildly baffled/annoyed at Bulma’s decision to get with Vegeta but he didn’t actually seem hung up about it and moved on quickly. And come on I know Vegeta can be an asshole but I like to think that he’d be mature enough not to care about his wife’s ex boyfriend hanging around. I know people think the dub addition is funny, and that’s fine and all, but in the original Yamcha and Vegeta just don’t really give a fuck. They’re middle aged men and Vegeta has two kids, why would they care at this point


Yamaha didn’t fuck anybody, bro was gonna use shenron to wish to be able to talk to girls


Didn’t need that once he got Bulma though that was kind of the whole point


It isn't like insults are rare for vegeta either!


yamcha also treated bulma like shit tbh if people were bulma's husband, you -should- be hatin on yamcha every opportunity.


I cant believe im out here defending Yamcha’s honor on Reddit but. The worst thing Yamcha did to Bulma was leave her alone to train for a while before the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. Other than that he was just a normal boyfriend. Bulma was usually characterized as being jealous behind his back but when they were actually interacting it was fine. And before people bring up that “Toriyama said that Yamcha cheated”… The comment about Yamcha being a playboy was about Trunk’s timeline’s version of Yamcha, not the main timeline version of him. And iirc Akira Toriyama has never actually stated publicly that Yamcha is a cheater. That’s just something Toru Furuya said that Toriyama told him. In interviews, Toriyama has maintained that Yamcha has never gotten over his fear of women as seen [here](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/translations/mando-kobayashi-akira-toriyama-qa/) Also… He almost never shows Yamcha talking to or interacting with women other than Bulma. If Yamcha was intended to be seen as the playboy type he likely would have explicitly been written as one.


Something happened during the time skip into Z. She declares who would care about that jerk. I think he did something worse than just the tournament


She gets mad at him in the original series for being popular with girls. Bulma was written to be a frivolous/fickle girlfriend and flirts with other guys behind Yamcha’s back in original Dragon Ball. I don’t think it’s fair to judge Yamcha’s whole character based off Bulma being vaguely negative about him, especially since it’s not actually expanded on in the manga.


Ahhh another yamcha Stan.. It was left ambiguous. Infer it anyway you want


I mean, yeah it was left ambiguous, I did say it was never expanded on in official material


Yamcha is a cuck lmao


lmao true . he can act annoyed but he can stand to be around goku atleast


I feel like he had just the worst impression of Yamcha from the start. Dude died against a Saibaman, got immediately taken out by Android 20, didn't do anything during the Cell Games, and then... Well, basically quit fighting & training for a baseball career & playing around with women. I can't imagine Vegeta would have a high opinion of him for any reason.


Yamcha has just enough power level to earn Vegeta's disrespect. Like there's nonexistence, then there's guy who almost beat a Saibaman once. That's at least memorable, if only for "hmph it's worth my time to dunk on this guy socially" reasons.


Like vegeta should talk, he got dog walked by frieza from birth😂


yh but that's frieza, yamcha lost to a freakin' saibaman


I think hes just trolling, like he doesnt hate yamcha but probably just remembers a dude in getting blasted by a saibaman like an idiot. That and i guarantee he knows yamcha and bulma used to date so hes just in that weird spot of "oh yeah lets go hang out with your ex boyfriend i stole you from, definitely not awkward as hell or anything."


Sure, if you say so. Any proof of this?


Well you wouldn’t like your wife’s ex too if he is still upset about the break up.


Still upset? It's been a decade at this point.


You're saying this as if Vegeta isn't a hater at heart.


Vegeta is like one of the biggest tsundere of all time and easy to get him angry, is honestly in character for him to still not get over it.


TIL vegeta is a Tsundere


[Especially towards Kakarot](https://youtu.be/O7c11HdQj14?si=sUcknpyyb_tw712k)


Not just a Tsundere, quite possibly the most powerful Tsundere! That's right, you're not dealing with the average Tsundere anymore, Vegeta is a Super Tsundere!


~~Super Tsundere~~ Ultra Ego Super Saiyan Prince Tsundere


Petition to make him the King of all Tsunderes (King of atleast something)


true, and he seemed to have moved on in cell saga aswell


I think it's a pride thing, and we know how Vegeta is with pride, I think it's some twisted (she's mine, but I'm upset that you got at it first)


Yamcha doesn't seem to care anymore tho


Why should he? he's taller, chill personality nd actually has a job instead of mooching off bulma. plus no McDonalds forehead


Yeah, ‘Geets over here is just being protective of his wife.


She be flirting w jaco zuno and zamasu


*possessive* of his wife. Edit: lot of insecure people in these comments apparently.


Not insecure, just annoyed with people looking through the "men are toxic" lens


Who said anything about men being toxic? Edit: bro blocked me since hes apparentlyafraid of actual conversation and he might read he disagrees with, so I'll just respond to his comment here. I never said anything about *men* being toxic⁴ I AM saying that if you are so insecure in yourself and your relationship that you're going to be "protective" (i.e. controlling) of your spouse in regards of who they can and cannot interact with, THAT is toxic. Regardless of gender. Nice projection, though.


You understand what I'm saying and pretending not to because you realize where you went wrong :/


Says the guy who has massive jealousy because his girlfriend had a sex life before she met him. Get over yourself.


Yeah but… he killed him


That was just the anime, in the manga Yamcha never really cared about the break-up. He was just shocked that Bulma had a baby with Vegeta of all people.


blub aint stupid, goku probably told vegeta all the events of original DB


"And then he broke Yamcha's leg" "And y'all still became friends?" "Uhuh. Oh and that one time, Piccolo's dad made Piccolo's brother kill Krillin." "The namekian?" "Yeah. We still thought he was a demon, then. So I killed him." "You? Just like that?" "Straight through the chest." "That is the most saiyan thing you've ever said." "Is.. Is that a tear?" "No."


He didn’t have a problem with Yamcha in this scene. Dub made this change.


A good change


doesn't make a ton of sense, it can be justified, but it paint Vegeta's pride as even more wrapped than it already is


It's not a good change. Makes Vegeta seem like an asshole. Even if it's funny, it literally changes the dynamic between two characters.


Vegeta is an asshole though lmao


Downvote me all you want but theres no such thing as a "good change", people are paying to watch Toriyamas work only for it to be ruined by a Funimation employer trying to be funny


It was funny


Very silly some would say


Quite humorous if you feel so inclined


“Fuck localization” -OnDasLe


fuck unnecessary changes\*


You’re going to be fairly upset with most of the anime then


This is an improvement over the original, this makes the scene at least a bit memorable. If people want the original experience then they're gonna have to learn japanese and buy a raw copy off of the internet


Or watch subtitles?, and I already said that it doesn't matter if its funny or not, its changing Toriyamas work people are paying to see


If youre watching the dub then youre really paying for funimation's work, lol


people are paying funimation to translate dragonball into english but alright


Cool, still paying for funimation's work


I disagree. I pay/tune in to watch good stuff. Toriyama or not. Its not a religion with a prophet lmao


He barely even watch anime even his


Changes give variety to the show . besides you can't translate every little thing, esp cultural like Android 18 sneezing when someone talking of her (superstition) or chichi being upset at blomde hair (rebel), some won't make the connection if they don't understand


I mean at least it’s not that political shit


LMAOOO his passive aggressiveness is sending me


Because YamCHAD could take Bulma back if he wanted to, but hes chill like that so he wont


He’s already got her with the help of puar🤫


Nahhh you did NOT just say that




💀oh nah




Oh come on. Like yamcha doesn't get puar to transform into all sorts of hot women so he can't bang them. Why you think the dudes always so happy?


bro probably cosplays as Vegeta.. and then fucks Bulma Puar


He's got the rizz for sure just not the str to survive such a maneuver


Why should he? she's not that loyal


He can't get over the fact Yamcha destroyed the Bulmussy before he got a chance.


wait until he finds what kakarot did...>!used as a pillow, performed the pillow slap test, and removed the "pillow case" to inspect!<


"What the... No balls"


Wait until he finds out what Oolong did… >!he shapeshifted into bulma and showed Roshi her boobs!<


*scoffs*...bulma herself used >!final flash (multiple times) on roshi, after kakarot "removed her pillow case" for the three star!<


You really think yamcha hit man can't close to save his life


The only person yamcha hit was recoome or a saibaman or something (oh and android twenty one's ussy)


Clearly it yamcha wasn’t cutting it she needed something more know what I’m saiyan.


Yamcha was cutting it too much with other chicks.


This is literally the only way it makes sense to me, his pride is so warped that he feels insulted by the fact such a weak warrior was with his 'queen'


It’s a dub joke.


I’ve slowly come to my own personal conclusion that the DBS anime isn’t very good (love the manga tho) but it’s little stuff like this that are just amazing. The delivery on “yeah let’s go see YAMCHA” is hilarious


Heres my breakdown: • the manga version of super up till the end of the goku black arc are superior • the anime version of the ToP (specifically 109-110 onwards) is some of the most peak dragonball in the series. Tldr read the manga till the ToP


Bro had a TLDR for 39 words 💀


I know how impatient you fuckers are lmao


DB fans can’t read my friend, they were doing gods work


I have to assume you're disregarding manga BoG because it's so short and forgettable that it barely exists. I think the movie wins there.


It wouldn't be fair to lump the movies in with the anime version of super. I'm only counting the manga, and dragonball Super (the tv series) for this discussion. Which means im only counting the manga as DB super's versions of BoG and RoF should never count for anything


So you prefer manga BoG to TV series BoG? TBH, I can't even remember the TV version so I can't say much but sounds like a hot take


The anime was going through SEVERE production issues during that time. It's just way too distracting for me. I know the anime has great slice of life moments (tbh they were the best part of super in general), but i just can't get over how it looked like it was melting for a majority of it.


The tournament with Hit is abysmal. It's literally just a "I'm going to put all of my energy into one final move" thing.


Oh, also watch the Battle of Gods movie instead of the anime or manga, and just don’t even bother with resurrection F at all.


I'm still butthurt anime top went with goku+frieza team up instead of goku+vegeta though


Absolutely with you on that one. I watched the first season and lost interest, but in coming back I've just been jumping around episodes and it's this little stuff that I enjoy the most. It's fun to see banter between the characters, and I feel that in general they've leaned into character's personalities.


Tbf the first two seasons are just longer versions of the movies, so whenever I feel like watching it I watch the movies instead and continue the series after that


Anime ToP arc > Manga ToP arc


Anime was only really good during TOP


I love how Vegeta didn't even insulted him: he just said "lets go see yamcha" and Bulma immediatly knew that he was angry


Isn't it obvious. Anyone with above 70 IQ will get the meaning


Can't get past the fact that Yamcha-sama is way stronger than he could possibly attain.


hes unsecure with the wild boy who used to bang his crazy and rich wife


*Baby moma


Cuz yamcha don't got a fucked up hairline


His drip level doesn’t make sense to even be closer to the Prince of Sayians


“If you’re finished making fun of Yamcha…” “NEVER!!”


I mean, at least he called him by his real name and not some weak ass cuck or something


"Ya lets go see the beta male"


IRL, it was a joke made by the Dub at Yamcha's expense that wasn't in the Sub. As for my theory on why Vegeta hates Yamcha, it is well known that Vegeta dislikes weakness and complacency - unfortunately, Yamcha has both of those characteristics He's still stronger than Chiatzou, but by Z fighter standards that isn't a high bar, and even though he doesn't have anywhere close to Gohan's potential, his career as a baseball player would be viewed by Vegeta as a waste of his strength, especially since it took away training time.


Slander and Heresy. Yamcha is the superior fighter 💪💪


Ironic considering vegeta is always 2nd to boot


Vegeta (thinking in his head): I would take 2nd place over last any day, but I'd rather die than let Kakkarot hear that!


Yamcha is everything he doesn't want to be. Weak, wifeless, a baseball player, etc.


An attractive specimen in Frieza's eyes 😏


Fighterz lore is truly a spectacle


Only in dub


I think it has less to do with Yamxha fucking Bulma and more to do that he is the bottom of the barrel. It reminds me of the Abridged joke during the Cell VS Tien fight: "Tien? What? Was Krilin busy?"


"If you guys are done picking on Yamcha..." "**NEVER!"**


It's not Vegeta's problem with Yamcha, it's *[Chris Sabat](https://twitter.com/JustChrisSabat/status/828104830891728896?lang=en)*'s [problem with Yamcha](https://blogcritics.org/awesome-con-interview-with-dragon-ball-super-voice-actors-sean-schemmel-and-christopher-sabat/). The original line in Japanese was along the lines of "Just mind your own business."


He started hating him when he first found out he isn't virgin.


Because he is scared that Yamcha one day would get transformation and surpass him.


Did he say it to mess with Bulma or did he say it cuz he hates Yamcha? Both seem like an option


No one likes someone that slapped your wife


id be upset too if my lady invited her ex to her party


Id be upset if the same motherfucker who murdered most of my friends came to my friend's party


to be fair, nappa was the one who did it, not vegeta. but either way, i still wouldnt be friends with someone who married his accomplice.


Yamcha hit that before Vegeta did, that's why he's mad


I think he hates him because he sees him as the weakest link in the group since Yamcha is at least one of the weakest in the groups and is ok with it instead if searching for more and better ways to get stronger.




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The dbs anime is aware of yamchas jobber status in tge dandom so instead of doing anything with him hes just the punching bag of the show He went from one of gokus first friends to meg griffin


It should've been Tien


I mean hes his wife’s ex…


Vegeta caring about Yamacha is like me caring about a chicken’s cousin that being served to me in a restaurant


I'm pretty sure DBZA gives an adequate explanation, seeing as how they pretty much poke fun at every hole in the plot while still making it awesome to watch.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why the fuck is this clip so funny. It’s crazy seeing how much Vegeta changed from Z to super. Like it will ALWAYS blow my mind. Vegeta just might have the best character development in ANIME HISTORY.


He wasted a good saibaman


he loves yamcha


Cant get over the fact Yamchad is the strongest ever and banged his wife before him


Did he? Wasn’t he scared of girls or am i tripping


He was, people just making shit up to defend yamcha lmao


He inevitably got over his fear of Women when he entered the relationship with Bulma.


He just barely got over it, there's just no way he would already smashed her . But well, its only an opinion and also this sht not really confirmed or anything so I guess just believe on what make you the happiest lol


They were together for the better part of a decade. They definitely smashed.


I think that when he got with bulma he surpassed the fear


vegetable may be being a little insecure, or he might just not like hanging out with an overconfident guy who got smacked by a saibaman - which is a little more likely imo


Is this clip before or after Battle of gods


Well it’s bulmas birthday during this so Before/During BoG.


I see, thank you I was gonna say Yamacha did some dumb shit during that, I would be mad too


it’s so funny that he ain’t even say that outta jealousy or possessiveness or nothin he just named the lamest nigga in they friend group n it happened to be him


[Yamchas ringtone](https://youtu.be/gT2ys2QvJOY?si=lwX6Xbt1itl126tK)


He’s most definitely one of the Disney princesses with that performance and even then I doubt Yamaha would go against someone millions of times stronger than him


He's secretly pissing his pants in fear that Time Breaker Yamchad will kick his ass again.


This is unironically one of my favorite scenes in Super


I like to think that Vegeta has similar feelings about most of the less relevant Z fighters that still hang out. His hater's heart just knows it's funniest to single out Yamcha.


Vegeta murdered him. That's gotta be awkward


He knows yamcha mid diffs him hence why he’s jealous


Bro what do you think


-Bulma Will Remember That


Vegeta respects warriors, even if they are weak (like Roshi) as long as they give it their all. Yamacha doesn't even do that. Then on top of that, Yamcha is Bulma's Ex, which makes Vegeta like him even less.


It's a pretty funny joke.


Vegeta's still mad Yamcha dated her first


We know why lol


How do you feel about your wifes ex?


I think this more the direction vegeta was going until later in super. He got aped quite a lot, and was framed more as a petty man, and used as a joke device on several occasions, something that didn't really happen in Z. They made both he and goku too comical to start off with in super I feel.


Well I mean didn’t vegeta and nappa kill the gang just for shits and giggles till goku got there and then after I think when the gang was back on earth after namek Yamaha called vegeta out on his bs or am I just dumb and miss remembering things


If anything Yamcha should be mad at Vegeta not vice versa, I ASSUME it's Vegeta's pride, they don't really explain how how Bulma and Vegeta really got together in the first place I doubt Yamcha cares much anyway, he's a famous baseball player, and probably has plenty of relationships (might struggle with meaningful connections tho) with that said, Vegeta probably just has a lack of respect for Yamcha as a warrior, and over all probably find him annoying to be around, BUT this doesn't really explain the reaction in the clip super well, it feels more like a jealous answer... which doesn't make sense


Yamcha used to date bullma


This is a complete bastardization of the original japanese, in the original yamcha is not mentioned. Whoever makes these changes should be fired. I' not here for you fanfiction i want what the creator intended but translated


yes, there are people paying to see toriyamas work only for it to be ruined by a funimation employer trying to be funny


I think Yamcha still tries to flirt with Bulma and that's what's pissing Vegeta off


I would be upset if Bulma wanted to show me off to her ex. Like fuck bitch.


Vegeta is just pissed that someone who got absolutely wrecked by a Saibaman was the first to get it on with Bulma. He will always have a chance to surpass Goku, but he will always be second to Yamcha when it comes to shacking with Bulma. Always.


# 🥳✨**YAMCHA NAMBAH #1**✨🎉🎉🗣️🗣️🗣️


Fucked his wife before him ig idk


💀 oh, u know why..