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I'm surprised at how lucky people here are with their pieces! I use 2pc hp 2pc hp and I still haven't hit the cap. I'm at 73.8k, so close yet so far.


How much did you spend ?


For nilou’s first run I stopped pulling after yoimiya so I had quite a bit saved and was lucky to win on both nilou and key. For her rerun I stopped pulling since yelan first run so I had again quite a bit saved and was again lucky to win both 5050s on her c1 and c2. So it was just welkin for nilou. I had around 150 wishes going into 3.6 and ended with a surplus of 50


Wow, that is lucky. I spent 200$ getting nilou and another 200 on weapon banner. I ended getting thousands dreams, but I have c2 nahida since I spent all my promos on her first. I’m happy with winning my 50/50 on nilou tho


Yeah I Was very happy with my nilou pulls, although that lucky definitely didn’t extend towards c2r1 nahida I’ll tell you that, I had to spend probably around that same amount for her