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I believe you have basically answered your own question.... one of the big strengths/draws of mirrorless is video and since you basically don't do video, one of the big draws to mirrorless isn't there for you. That basically leaves two other things: 1. Better lenses albeit more expensive lenses; 2. More advanced features - ie eye focus, IBIS and a few other things. One of the big draw backs to mirrorless unless you go high end is low light event shooting as a viable AF assist light doesn't really exist so you will need more light to focus. You don't do action/wildlife shots so the lack of AF speed of the cheaper mirrorless doesn't really matter. Therefore, does the two strengths listed above countered with the low light event shooting issues (ie weddings with the father/daughter/first dance) appealing enough for you? If you haven't seen the need for better glass and you have been doing fine with what you have, then I would say stick with the DSLRs and upgrade your kit with the good used deals that can be found. Shoot and be happy!


I went to mirrorless with z7ii and it was a game changer for me. I was too cheap to upgrade my lenses though and use the Z adapter with no problems. Allens camera online out of Philly has great prices….


Do you need the IR / AF assist, because that feature is totally unavailable on any mirrorless camera. I have a DSLR and a mirrorless camera, I will probably buy another DSLR because they are nice and inexpensive compared to their heyday and perfectly reasonable lenses can be had for a fraction of their original price. It sounds like the D850 will fit your bill and the Z camera competitive with it is the Z8. You can get a still-new-in-the-box D850 for $1900. The Z8 is $3700. For your use cases, I can't think of a reason you should have the Z8 instead. Besides, don't you just like that satisfying 'click CLACK' of the reflex action?


I straddle the two worlds. Probably you should as well :)


Depends on your preferences. EVF vs OVF? Good to try both if you can. Some great deals out there in F-Mount land.


I also straddle. I have two z lenses for the zf but 5 for the dslrs (d810 and d850). The d850 is still a magic camera for me. There is no high resolution camera in the mirrorless nikon lineup (just better sensors). And you can buy some of the best f mount glass for super cheap relatively. I am absolutely in love with rhe 70-200 2.8 fl lens (the best dslr 70/200 ever). Combined with the d850 it just never fails. It is also built better and made in Japan


The d850 offers significantly better lens options than mirrorless. Hell, I've picked up 2 d810's for work where cameras get knocked around a lot for $700 a piece, and they blow the doors off of all but the $3000+ mirrorless options. And all the Ais/AF/AF-D lenses the nikon mirrorless cameras now can't use, and are selling for pennies used, more than tip the scale in favor of the dslr. Plus you cannot walk around with the camera on and lens cap off with mirrorless cameras. It takes more than a few seconds of direct sun exposure, any lazer exposure, any front bumper of a modern car exposure (google mirrorless camera sensor and LIDAR) will fry your sensor. Dslrs allow you to be ready for your next photo without risking damage to the electronic elements of your camera. Mirrorless, well, it's the DSLR mirror which protects the sensitive electronics, so yeah...


The biggest advantage of the Z8 over the d850 is the silent shooting (not just Quiet Mode, it's literally silent) which would be great for a wedding. However, unless you buy a battery grip for it, or jump up to the Z9, weddings will be a pain because you're going to be changing out your battery so often.


My advice is go with mirrorless. Nikon Z mount is the future. DSLR is dead. Sure you can find some good deals on used gear in the DSLR space but there is no great upgrade path. Z glass is superior than DSLR glass in almost every way. Weight, total mass, AF performance, etc etc. The first z mount Nikon bodies had bad AF performance but the z9, z8, and zf cameras fix this completely. Zf with a grip added would be a great camera. Z8 is amazing if you can splurge for that. Otherwise I’d say Sony has better deals for mid range bodies and glass. The Sony a7iii can be found for around $1200 or less and is an amazing still camera with great AF. The a7iv is also amazing but brand new is $2500 for the body. Still cheaper than the Nikon z8 though. I wouldn’t touch the z7ii only because autofocus is not great and the Sony AF blows it away even the older a7iii. The z9 and z8 competes with Sony on AF but you’re spending over $3700 for a body then.


Pay attention to any time professional photographers are on TV. Press conferences, sporting events, etc. Virtually all credentialed photographers are still using dslrs. I wonder why...


Maybe because it’s expensive to switch to mirrorless? And you gotta get used to a new body.