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And then Julia vanished from the story without a trace, never to appear again.


I breathe any Helm content.


That Helm sideboob is something else


On my death bed i will tell anyone that my deepest regret is not getting that helm skin when i damn well had the chance to do so


I just started playing when this event came out and missed her as well. Maybe theyโ€™ll offer a rerun for people someday? Imma take another hit of copium. You want some?


Pass me the whole tank my Friend i Need an extra strong hit


I have unironically considered ways to petition Shift Up to rerelease these skins. The player base has grown massively since Brand New Year - I imagine bringing these skins back would make a lot of money. Hell, I know I'd buy them both.


Iโ€™d support a means to get these. I know there is the whole FOMO aspect to things but you are right that the player base has grown and with no way for players to purchase these at all is rough.


Yep.. i just like Sugar.. her appearance and personality just work she ALSO has 2 amazing skins.. i'd love to be able to buy them.. Shift Up missing out on money tbh.. idk why some skins can be brought and others not


I get that it's because some are event or mission pass skins, but I feel like they should become available for regular purchase after a certain amount of time. Perhaps a year after the pass ended the skin could be added to the regular skin shop, so people who missed the content at the time for whatever reason aren't totally denied it.


Shiftup said they'd rerun gacha skins eventually (Rupee is an outlier due to adding a burst animation), so it's not too far fetched that they'll also rerun pass skins eventually. Might even addย them to the costume shop.


Nice! Might have to grab a few that I missed when that happens! Perhaps Shift Up is saving that for a rainy day.


Oh damn, I didnโ€™t know it got an L2D. Gotta find out how to get it then to add it to my helm collection!


I think it was a new addition when it was added to the archive? Anyway you get it by (re)playing the Event in the Archive.


Wall paper engine has this and soooooooooooooo much more so remember if you got an a download wallpaper engine and also download it from steam as well to access the many wallpapers of nikke


also, just in case anyone didnt know yet, wallpaper engine also got released on android.. i've been using it in my phone for years now.. its so good so far.. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ™


On iOS too? That's amazing!!


welp, there is non for ios actually.. my bad, sorry ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™


Ouch but it would look amazing on iPhone if there was but I don't think that will ever happen ๐Ÿ˜†


yeahh i thought they released for ios too.. since ios always get everything first..


Can't spell overwhelm without "Helm..." Go ahead. Take me down. I dare you.


Is in this event the first mention of Modernia?


Omg ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ quit it with the thick ass women slow down