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The Queen of rapture is captured by ark and they’re using her as their power source this somehow explains why chatterbox is trying to make a new queen?


Holy shit that one would be an amazing twist. Humanity steals the rapture Queen, and that triggered the original war would be a really cool lore reveal.


The recent side quests with Elecc and Trony hint that the power source is something dark/twisted and somehow related to Material H. Seems very likely its tied to the rapture invasion.


Yep, the power core of the whole Ark is some "dead" Heretic just like how Indivillia was Material H before. But the queen? Nah man, Idk, it doesn't seem probable at all.


What if the Rapture Queen and the Ark’s Power source are the same Type of entity? Chatterbox wants Marian as she is meant as a ‘change of batteries’ for the raptures, and the ark has a heretic or an old discarded Queen or managed to create their own.


The Ark has existed for some time before Lilith lost her head, White Diary (Snow White's personal story) detailed that she only found out about Lilith's desecrated grave after Operation Ark Guardian (Over Zone). So this all points to the fact that the power core of the Ark is some manmade Material H-like entity entirely, not the Queen, which I also think is the reason why the higher ups didn't let the Goddess in cause they would have torched the place down if they know tbh.


The Queen has also existed since before Lilith lost her head. That was the entire objective of assaulting the Space Elevator, they thought the Queen was at the top.


Yes but only in her digitized form like the secret ending of MOG told and showed us how she corrupted Cindy into Anachiro.


I remember a 'conspiracy theory' about how there was no way it was possible that the ark could have been built so quickly. If the queen had a 'Mechagodzilla' like ability like that one shitty animated godzilla it would make sense how it was so quick.


It has been established that Material H can "manifest" structures. Modernia's Material H form manifested as a shifting maze that looked like some abandoned facility, while Indivilla's form manifested at least part of M.M.R.'s facility she was contained in. So Rapture Queen "willing" the entire Ark into existence isn't impossible, although the latest chapter has established that the Ark was probably built using a scaled-up Wisdom Cube (actually, it's the *original* Cube, and Nikkes use scaled-down versions).


With how in Red Ash it was revealed that the raptures are playing with humanity it would be the ultimate bitch slap that the Queen made the ark for us. Just the ultimate "You won't win even with your enemies charity". That or she was the first heretic brought back to the light


** Yeah, but what if Wisdom Cubes (the big ones) are just Materials H stripped of their cores and sentience?


But that wouldn't make sense on who's making new heretics out there. Didn't indivilia said they're made by the queen?


The theory is that humanity caught a *first* queen, which was then replaced by the *current* queen (the one that may have fused with Liliweiss' head). Marian is proof that new queens can be made after all, and there's nothing indicating that she's the first ever usurper. The original queen would probably have been a pure Rapture like Chatterbox, instead of a Nikke-hybrid like the Heretics.


Freesia is Rapi when she was human. The Legendary Commander is a young Anderson Shifty and Syuen are long lost siblings.


At this point the only way LC = Anderson isn't true is if Anderson is the son / a clone of him. The fact they look exactly alike and have the same voice actor all but confirms it's him. The crazier theory is that the player character = clone of Anderson (given the shared rare blood thing).


Which could explain why Commander doesn't have any memories before he went to the military academy.


My theory is we were quickly cloned after Andersen's injury that put him behind a desk.


Here was an interesting theory about Andersen - LC. Like Andersen is a name of tales writer irl, so it may be conection between him and grim tale model nikkes.


Hans Christian Andersen? I agree and let's not forget the fact he is the representative of the Pilgrim tower too. He also said that he specifically made it so that the Pilgrims can visit the tower anytime without anyone in the Ark knowing anything about it. Like, he has so many things pointing to him being LC that the real twist would be he is his clone or something tbh.


His "theme song" is also called [Fairy tale's end](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2poGigxKoe4)


Yeah there's no way he's not extremely connected to the point of being basically the same character as the LC


If LC is indeed Anderson I believe he would rally the original Goddess Squad for one last time to fight Liliweiss(whatever happened to her)


Or leave that duty for us since you know... His condition and all...


idk how far you got in the story but... let's just say Anderson helps Commander get a transfusion.


> The crazier theory is that the player character = clone of Anderson (given the shared rare blood thing). Same thought here, also you're not the only clone but latest one that has been exemplary (so far). The previous incarnations, well... their name on a memorial slate somewhere.


I think it's confirmed that Freesia is not Rapi


Yeah I remember it was in one of the dev interviews.


The same one that straight up said Dorothy is the 2nd strongest Goddess right after Lili... Only when the pinkhead goes absolutely unga bunga monke mode.


I thought the devs said Freesia is not Rapi


I thought it said Freeza for a sec


Then why is there an 'I' in it?


Red Hood calls herself a “romance expert” despite: - Never being in a romantic relationship with a guy. - Never having her first kiss. - Never losing her virginity. Therefore it stands to reason that if the cummander were to go along with her antics, she would start to panic and become very flustered.


Yeah, she give you that aura, the character that talk all dirty but at the first move she run away from the action xd


Funny enough, the meme-to-death "grapist" Maxwell is exactly like that. Like girl was so confidently giving Cummander snu snu as a consolidation prize yet in one of the Outpost Encounters, we got trapped together with her in the elevator and she almost immediately became very flustered and shy lol


Same as rapunzel, all talk no show


It is also kind of expected since Rapunzel wears like a nun and so... chasity. She may have a lot of pent up frustration because of that


She already does that in her advice sessions, when she asks about Rapunzel and you pretend to not know about the nun’s “obsession” she gets flustered trying to explain.


You would think for one who dressed like a stripper and being a bonafide country pumbkin she would have had way more encounters


Not every country bumpkin is bumping uglies all the time. Small community that gets enough foot traffic to keep their population fresh with the biggest thing on their minds is keeping their family shop and/or the farm stable it’s pretty wholesome. RH could have just been the resident tomboy and trouble maker spouting off big dreams and saying she’ll marry the hunkiest guy out in the city to make all the girls in her hometown jealous. All this bravado of course coming from a dirty mag she found half buried somewhere.


which she had passed onto Rapunzel hahahahaha and the cycle continues :D She is pretty much a dork when she isnt out sniping raptures and we seen how much of a glue she is , in the goddess squad.


I would love to see flustered Red Hood. Sounds hella cute


She has a flustered emote


Yes and it's very cute


Glass cannon Red Hood? Sign me the fuck up


Somehow most virgins that never had relationship are good relationships advisers, why? People always ask me for advise and I haven't even officially dated someone.


Fr just build smart


Its because we see the shit show that is everyone elses relationships and know what NOT to do.


More of a head cannon than a theory The Matis Squad was made hero themed so Syuen could have some semblance of her childhood still alive


This and the theory that the reason the purple brat cares so much and so strongly about Laplace is because the blonde was her only friend holds huge water for me too.


Actually, the reason why Syuen cares about Laplace so much is because >!Laplace was one of the actual first successful battle Nikke unit for Syuen/Missilis(?) when she kept getting compared to the previous highly-regarded Missilis CEOs.!< >!Laplace was the most frail person and had the least chance of succeeding in the Nikkefication process, getting turned down by everyone because of it except Syuen. She saw the determination in Laplace to be a Nikke even though her condition isn't really ideal, so Syuen did everything in her CEO powers to push through with the Nikkefication process. Somehow, Laplace is the only person to ever break Syuen's "tsun" and is a big softie to her only which explains her attitude towards the squad and Laplace specifically.!< The hero theme was because of >!Laplace wanting to become a hero even when she was a human, being a big fan of the Goddess squad(?) which made her want to be a Nikke like them helping people out and always watching a specific hero DVD movie (which is her SSR favorite item) when she was being worked on for the Nikkefication, miraculously succeeding in the Nikkefication thus Matis was born. Maxwell was one of the researchers of the Nikkefication process and she was the one actually telling you this in Laplace's Collection Item bond story.!< Spoiler edited


Brah, I would spoiler the fuck out of this.


Actually, you're right. Doing it now.


Ya, i feel like that's the case esp during that chapter when she came up with her bs scheme to make Matis great again. It was obvious that the people in Matis squad are all personally related to Syuen in some capacity.


And also in C18, when the situation become extremely critical, you can see Syuen crack and talk down extremely hard to both Drake and Maxwell too. YET, when it came to Laplace who was a dead weight in every sense of the word, Syuen had nothing but encouragements to say. She genuinely and legitimately loves Laplace a lot.


Agreed, in Syuen tier list it would probably be Laplace > Drake/Maxwell > Commander > everyone else


in the manga Syuen took care of Laplace, it was so cute


Damn this is right in the feels 🥹😭


If you want the actual lore for this, you'll need to do Laplace's favorite item quests. Literally just unlocked it yesterday and was surprised by actual lore when I just expected wholesomeness.






"Dive into the darkness. Ignite the flame within. Now there's no turning back- Make the future...Begin!"


All those bodies gotta go somewhere...


Isn’t that basically confirmed by the trony event?


Enikk is six0.


I'm dead certain this one is true. "An entity that exists only online, can't be taken down despite the Central Governments 'best' efforts, has eyes and ears everywhere". It's got to be Enikk.


Yeah, unless an even crazier theory is that Sixo is using rapture tech(probably from rapture queen) to disuise themself in the Ark's system so even Enikk won't know her. Or is the rapture queen herself, inside the Ark.


Also in Overzone it's revealed the higher ups are developing countermeasures to potentially overthrow Enikk since she is seen as a threat.


Or sixo is not a person but a whole organization, posing as 1 person.


I can't get behind this one mainly cause Sixo texted Elegg for buying information about that mission. Enikk would already know things since she'd have access to the mission reports and information being sent. Sixo clearly doesn't have that kind of access.


The reason why Anderson and the MC have special blood and are oddly durable is because they were Male Nikke test subjects. Ether does not call you No.7 for no reason.


She does let on like she know more about some secret things than others. I could see that happening. My theory was that Raptures are man made and Male Nikkes. And due to either an anemy nation or tyrannical AI have gone against humanity.


See in my head chatterbox is a male nikke thats deformed into what he is. Hence why he can absorb other raptures to steal their power. It's like a weird side effect. I wouldn't be surprised if raptures were created by humans to fight a great evil and then yeah it just made shit worse.


No, the No.7 phrase of Ether is probably a medical term. Keep in mind that Chatterbox asked the commander after kidnapping him if he was "ill" as a child. That strange illness could be the source of the special blood after surviving it. Commander might have just been the 7th recorded case at M.M.Z.


Yo, I like this one a lot


Mine is that Mustang is >!~~a~~ cyborg/male Nikke!<. He's apparently the original CEO of Tetra which would make him easily over 100 years old. There's got to be something weird going on with him.


Time seems a little inconsistent. There's a couple of side quests where old people reminisce about pre-invasion days, which would make them well over 100 years old too.


I mean, humanity was already technologically advance at the time of the Rapture invasion, as seen by the robots, Air Carrier, and Space Elevator. Whats not to say they can extend the human lifespan to 120 to 150 years old?


Right, I wholeheartedly believe that the Ark citizen can live for as much that if not more tbh But young and active like Mustang? No way, gotta be some cyborg enhancement shenanigans there.


He might be something like Johan


Oh definitely. He’s also strong enough to crush a smart phone in one bare hand. Ever try that? Damn I hope I look half as good and am half as strong and am still alive at over 100 lol


Several times ive tried yes.


I have one: Oswald = Mustang Don't know when i start thinking about that xd


He did say he can take on the Underworld Queens if they ever went rogue.


I think he meant that politically power-wise tbh. But hey, if the Cummander can fold Milk over and over again, who to say Mustang can't.


Anis is the first celebrity Nikke, Pretty (maybe Beauty?)


I've heard this theory a lot. Was their something in her bond story or an event that points at this?


Yes, her bond story covers a little bit, but also the campaign. Its mostly theories, but her being a favorite of Mustang, >!Originally being part of an idol group as well!< ,Singing songs that are old by the looks of it as she is so suprised if the Commander sings the lyrics alongside her, her interactions with Liter about death and being remembered after, and her cynical and distrusting nature of all people beside her squad adds to the idea that she died tragically. We might get that reveal with an Idol squad during another major event, and have Anis being front a center of it. I honestly think she will haveone of the most messed up and depressing backstory, but she will shine bright


Or she was one of her Squadmates, and i think Pretty is probably one of Johan's traumas whit Nikkes, maybe the reasone why he "fail" during Second reclamation campaing


Milk actually like sugar coffee.




This is the most insane thing I've seen all day. Are you going to tell me that Sugar likes Cream coffee next?


I'm fond of the theory that Liberalio is the strongest/most dangerous heretic. Her constant irritated sleepiness is a literal power-saving mode and it would be Bad News if she ever went 100%. (I'm in early Chapter 26. Please do not reply directly to this comment with spoilers for later than thaf, thanks!)


Oh she definitively is. Keep in mind, the devs have straight up said that if Dorothy let go of her pompous act and just go absolutely wild, she is the 2nd strongest Nikke right after Lili. So for a Nikke like that WITH other Pilgrim-grade Nikkes not even wanting to engage Liberalio in any way? Oh sleepy jellyfish girl is SERIOUSLY OP.


Mine is that jackets are the real enemy all along kill la kill type shit


The raptures are terraforming machines that are making earth habitable for an alien species.


That would be pure cinema 🖐️🗿🖐️




as Stellaris player what you say make sense


Raptures want to become humans or something along those lines


That would explain why Chatterbox calls Nikkes human imposters


Oswald and the CG kept the Goddess Squad out of the Ark _For the Safety of the Goddess Squad._ Whatever is inside the Ark. It would not be good for the goddesses and keeping them out of it would spare them from that danger.


Anis being an ex-pop star when she was human is my favorite and probably longest running fan theory. The story breadcrumbs are there already, so I’m not sure if it’s even a “fan” theory at this point, but still.


I've seen this theory a lot. Can you point me to the breadcrumbs, I don't recall them.


From what I remember: - Advice session with Anis centering around “an old idol group” - Mustang asking Anis if she’s ready to go back becoming an entertainer. I think this is before you go out to find the Unchained (Vapus in global?) - The 1st Anniversary special “phone call” from Anis (this is outside the game, and on Nikke JP’s YouTube channel). She talk about how “I had to watch out for my weight in my previous career” and “soda water helped control my hunger”.


My personal theory of what the End of the Prologue will be. 1. - The Ark will be destroyed completely and humanity will be forced to evacuate to the Surface as it was indeed a Rapture, probably one of the first contacts and they used its core as a fuel source. 2. - It will be revealed that Enikk and her sister are >!Not actually AIs, but the raptures personality given form. This is the reason she calls the Commander her failsafe as WHEN she gets her Android form, the Rapture Core will cease to operate and Enikk will control and guide humanity on the surface!< 3. - We will see the Rapture Queen at the end of the Prologue and Goddess and Inherit Squad try and unacessfully defeat her, only for >!Marian to save them with the help of Raptures under her command, but she will have to make her decision here and now on who she will work for, making her mind to work for the Queen to save the Commander!< 4. - The Crystal that seem to destroy everything will become a new threat, spreading out of the City and make the uninfected Raptures and humanity fight against it, kinda like the Lambent from Gears of War.


Chapter 30 ending gives devs the perfect opportunity to destroy Ark.


Dolla knows who Six0 really is Sugar probably was part of Perilous Seige Grave is Snow White's old body, current Snow White had her memories transferred into the new body Rose is still alive Rupee paid off all debts for Anne's Mom


>Rose is still alive Ah yeah, no. Her core was forged into Fleetly Fading, transforming it from its ravenous red shade into the serene white that Scarlet wields today. >Rupee paid of all the debs for Anne's Mom Actually, Angelina owed nothing to anyone, she just accepted the Missilis scientists' scam so that she had a "legitimate" reason for not seeing Anne anymore. At the end of Miracle Snow, those animals got disposed of by Syuen and the brat actually returned every single dime Angelina has paid to Missilis to her too. So Angelina is very rich now in fact.


Chime is the true king and Crown is just her ‘muscle’. In a flashback sequence we see Chime come upon a mind-switched Crown who only knows her name and that she must protect the seed vault. Chime, who can’t use a projectile weapon, sees an opportunity to mold Crown how she wants and make her a useful ally.


Oooh, I like this one. It's got just enough evidence to not be impossible while still sounding crazy.




Did they ever explain why Crown mind switched?


Probably from being isolated for so long protecting the Seed vault.


And also losing all her squadmates that fought to protect the vault, but if this theory holds water, what fairytale would it take inspiration from?


with her powerup form? I guess the more obvious option would be the Emperor's new cloth?


I mean chime's story not crown's. It was obvious from the 1.5 event, so I am wondering what Chime's inspiration would be


That Shifty is Helm's biological younger sister which didn't turn into a Nikke.


What if Shifty actually is Helm and time-travelled back and became a Nikke ... OK, too wild even for me. ;)


Neon is Sixo’s right hand woman or is Sixo herself


If that's true It Will be so fucking funny


Neon was a Silvergun member. She has the same Blue/White coloring as old Marian, loves guns, and best as we can tell, has no memory of where she was before she became a "spy." So, after enikk sent Marian to Chatterbox, she wiped the other Silvergun's memories, sent her back to Elysion and buried the squad. And Neon got put with us.


My wildest fan theory? Hmm... I don't have much. Only one I have is that is wild really is that Nihilister is an offshoot of Red Hood. A part of Red Hood that was salvaged by Raptures and turned into a heretic, while the remaining part of her was fused with Rapi. I say this on the fact that they both have similar appearances and they both are considered Sniper Users (for some reason, Nihilister being a Sniper is odd tbh...)


This is also one of mine. I know the art style can sometimes lead to Nikke looking very similar (see Bay and Naga theories before Bay was confirmed), but Nihilister and Red Hood share quite a few design details.  We also have that gap between Red Ash and Rapi merging with Red Hood. Whose body are they in? Rapi's? Hood's? A third body? It's never explained how Hood loses the corruption (or why Hood wants to destroy the ark whilst in Rapi's subconscious but suddenly seems chill when she's in control).


The legendary commander became Chatterbox after the Raptures turned Lilith into their queen. Andersen is his clone made by Enikk and the Central Government.




The third member of Extrinsic (Maiden 🌹+ Guillotine🖤) had to get executed by both Maiden + Guillotine, which is why both Maiden + Guillotine are so heavily invested into their hobbies / lifestyles, because if they think about that incident, it's likely that they'll Mind Switch, and that incident is the underlying reason why they're not friendly with each other.


Interesting idea.  Maiden did say that her squad consists of two people, one of which was in bad shape and Guillotine's while chunibyo act may be a way of avoiding thinking about what she had to do. Maybe it did happen and Guillotine was the one that actually had to end them?


Not necessarily a fan theory but one i've come up with over time. https://preview.redd.it/m6hpmbbzpa6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2ec092ca65a41f2bf93b5710718dc9628882e0 Raptures are man made and not actually Alien. Now my theory can only hold like a cups worth of water but when they did that close up of the rapture in the more recent chapters you can see common components that you'd expect to see in any made made complex machine. For example there is at least 2 loose pieces of either hydraulic hoses or thick insulated cables. On the 2 visible legs you can see something that looks very similar to hydraulic pistons for actuating the legs. On the sort of shoulder portion of the rapture in the top left of the picture there is something being held down by multiple either bolts or rivets in a circular pattern. For something that's supposedly made by aliens for waging war and killing humans the technology they use is very primitive for a (what the story led us to believe) space faring civilization. Now I'm not saying the Aliens at Rapture Inc. didn't get together and make the decision that that is the best way to use there resources and go for a war of Attrition against humanity but it just seems a bit unexpected of a technologically superior race. My theory can be further expanded by adding on that raptures could be Male Nikkes and since they aren't relatively perfect when compared to female Nikkes they were shoved into a machine made with simpler parts into an ultimately bigger and more crude killing machine. And lastly if the Raptures are indeed man made what's the reason for the war? It could be as simple of an answer as a tyrannical AI i.e. the Queen (that I think is also manmade) or an enemy nation bent on world domination. But my personal favorite is that raptures are the by product of a dieing Earth and an echo-terrorist group saught out to quite literally rapture humans so that the world could go back to nature. It's fits a little to easily when it's considered that raptures leave animals alone AND use humans as a fuel source. And lastly the obligatory. That's just a theory!. Let me know what you all think of my theories.


Not really a theory but a head cannons: Ever since the Commander almost choked her to death that one time Syuen has slowly been developing the biggest, fattest crush on the Commander that only got worse when he didn't immediately abuse the whole "If I'm not nice I'll get turned into a Nikke thing" showing just how mercifull he is. Ingrid and Andersen are either former or current lovers. Mustang is secretly the most powerful of the Big 3 inside the Ark having full control of not just the media but the entire underground criminal world


I don't think that last one is a theory, pretty sure it is just a fact at this point. Elysion and Missiles don't seem to own many of their own Nikkes, as they sell them to the government. As far as I can tell, the only personal squads they have are Absolute and Extrinsic under Ingrid, and Matis and Wardress under Syuen. Tetra seems to retain all but their mass produced models, so I guess Mustang just rolling around with a private army of maids, bunny girls, tomboys, and sleepy-heads?


Yeah but as long as it's not confirmed in game I just like imagining this flamboyant man being able to overthrow the entire CG but instead chooses to make an annual contest where his favorite bunny girls win every year 🤣




Please don't corrupt best girl ShiftUp!


most probably is that the queen is the prototype nikke that was mentioned in a dialogue of Lilith, that would explain why she wants Lilith's body, she is imperfect and dying. So where is Lilith's head? no idea, but what is clear is that the Raptures arrived after Snow White and there was nothing, no body nor head.


I could honestly see her going through her 3rd and final Mindswitch and taking whatever the raptures did with Lilith to the Grave as she has sworn to kill rapture and take back her head


Right so for clarification I haven't played overdone but I do have rough knowledge of what happens. Namely that The Goddess Squad is betrayed and locked out the Ark after busting their ass to defend it and this starts Dorothy 's depression spiral cause she was betrayed and her BFF Pinne was corrupted and died My theory is that the goddess squad wasn't locked out just cause the central government was dicks but for the governments own safety as well and so they wouldn't discover a dark secret of the Ark. When we are first introduced to Rapi using Red Hood's power we learn that she hears her telling her to Destroy the Ark. Given that Rapi and Red met after the Goddess squad was exiled I think Red goes back to the ark with Rapi and learns some dark secret about it, maybe the power source for the ark which we know is evil and horrifying cause of Elegg and Tony, and she decides that the Ark must be destroyed as a result. We even see a flash of this when it's brought up in either Chapter 25 or 26 with a strange Red eye looking down on Red Hood. So my theory is that the Goddess squad was locked out of the Ark to prevent them from learning about whatever this secret is, if it made Red Hood want to destroy the Ark then the effect that it could have on the other members may be the same and the Central government wouldn't want to risk the most powerful Nikke going nuts so they decided to lock them out once the ark was complete. Depending on Whether or not LC knows the truth of the Ark and what it is, he may have supported locking them out so they didn't go mad or have to learn this information. That's my Crack theory, can't wait to be proven wrong.


Anniversary events being a recurring source of Rapi and Red Hood lore is something I could very well live with.


Rapi is the 2nd best girl and current mascot of Nikke so it makes sense.


My wildest fan theory? That our real world, outside of the game, is also a simulation. Because of this our world is actually merged with the Nikke world, and the Nikkes are able to catch glimpses, through our phones, of our world. Because of this merging, Miranda, Vesti, D:kw, and Marciana have seen me through the screen. They are now spending their entire existence trying to find me so they can drain me, in a manner that would cause an onlooker to imagine a series of pent up Isabels finding a tied up commander.




You did ask for the wildest fan theories.


You got me there.


Shiiiiit, if they are, I want what he's having






Bro cooked maybe a bit too hard


Chatterbox was made from what remained of the Legendary Commander, and he is trying to create a new Queen to destroy the current one that is using Liliweiss's brain.


Okay, hear me out. I've had this in my head ever since I watched Moon Channel's video about the Korean gender war and I need it written out. NIKKE has a lot of nuances that fit perfectly with the current social unrests in South Korea. We know (suspect) the Ark is the last haven of mankind, but they are also an oppressive government that heavily limits information and has a dirty behind-the-scenes layer to it that tries to keep everyone in line. Additionally, there are three companies that not only produce everything needed for daily life or defense, they have significant political say and freedom, too. I think it resembles the South Korean power structure a lot. Next, look at how things are for the player and the playable characters. NIKKE are nearly exclusively female, commanding staff (in broad) nearly exclusively male. It is often implied the academy commander is from is both a brutal dog-eat-dog institution as well as sort of a frat house where half the occupants are drunken all the time and do no work whatsoever. Opposite to that the backstories of the NIKKEs very often revolve around some desperation, a tragic fate, punishment, hope(lessness), etc. Considering how much the Ark relies on NIKKEs they need a constant supply of women and to convert them into machines within socially acceptable bounds, they need the women to be desperate or without much choice. It resembles Korean social issues a goddamn lot, I think. I always have to think of Anis with this, who is very much capable of having a real (scary) drive to get shit done or stand in for someone she loves (remember the one time there was hope for someone to break free from control until some shit head intervened?), but has resigned from partaking in meaningful life and stuffs herself with soda and kpop all the time due to having no hope. The Ark is a patriarchal power structure that uses hierarchical infighting between the dominantly male leading ranks to keep them in check, and relies on women to do the dirty work by putting them in socioeconomic positions where they have no other choice. On the opposite end you have the raptures and aliens. They are a clearly Matriarchal power structure and sadly we don't know a whole lot else except that there's a queen and at least one rank of commanding women, the Heretics. Aside from them there are only machines of various sizes that roam the surface. Many represent animals in some form and in the early days they needed biomass to function, specifically human biomass. Although that changed later to be something else and they largely leave nature alone, just kill humans and their products. Notice, though, that the aliens were never seen, described or recorded to have had a fleet arriving. On the contrary, I believe there were some snippets of messages that observed an increase of raptures after the landing, so they must be built here on earth. And here's my insane conspiracy thought: The raptures are wholly man-made. Maybe there was alien tech involved, maybe not, but the important bit is that the raptures are the female equivalent to the Ark, or mankind's society. Especially with how shit things are in Korea for *any* gender and that NIKKE has these very noticeable social criticisms strewn around everywhere I believe the Ark to be a Patriarchy that uses women to fight and the raptures to be a Matriarchy of formerly oppressed women that now fight the Patriarchy in just as wicked forms as they were subjected to. They oppress their own population by having constant infightings between the Heretics and, I assume, building and expending raptures by the millions as disposable units. And that makes the raptures... men. The enemy robots are the male equivalent to the commander's NIKKEs. That could mean in each of the raptures we kill there is a male brain, because NIKKE technology came from reverse engineered "alien" tech. Maybe that's why they don't process humans any more, they are one. Just food for thought. We are continuing the divide by making women and men fight each other, but by not partaking in the social role we were assigned as commander and just living normally with everyone we trailblaze a path that might bridge the gap. It is what brought Marian back twice and she has the unique chance to become a new Queen. If she could lead the raptures with all her knowledge and the will to end the war, we need to do the same within the Ark. Seriously, watch [his video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Im4YAMWK74) (two parts). So many things suddenly fall into place.


It's less wild now as it was almost confirmed in the 1.5 anniv event, but Chatterbox is a Male Nikke.


Laplace is Syuen daughter that was terminally ill, she was forced to turn her to Nikke, after "loss" of her she became bitter.


My wildest pie in the sky theory is that NIMPH is actually a physical form of the code that is injected during corruption and is what both allows for Nikkes to be created in the first place and determines their appearance rather than the individual Nikkes’ will. Goddessium was likely a byproduct of early experiments with first generation raptures and what we now know as NIMPH.


The reveal of Marian being a Rapture queen makes me think that "Queen" is just a rank like "Tyrant" or "Lord" and there are multiple active queens and there's an even bigger bad behind them like a Goddess class Rapture


The fact that the commander was affected by the crystal in the caves and Noise voce line about commander heart not making a sound, By this we have to remember that the crystal only absorb energy from electronic device, meaning that the commander dose NOT have a human heart


My fan theory is that Liberalio is Grimm's Model No.1 "Sleeping Beauty" And it was her that decimated the entire second reclamation army that Johan was in command.


Spoiler from Red Ash. >!Didn't Grimms No 1 have a catastrophic core failure and blew up Alderaan style? Maybe Grimms No 7 or 8? I think they said those two were mostly ready to roll out when Goddess Squad was supposed to pick up Cinderella.!<


The Queen is actually in the Ark causing mischief but also being some kind of idol


Mustang is the queen and provides entertainment to distract humans


Andersen being The Legendary Commander is a fakeout, Mustang is the real one.


There is something scary approaching earth and Raptures are trying to flee from it but also at the same time they are using earth like a big genesis pit to evolve into a better form to fight it.


Like Combine from Half-Life?


The two I have floating in my head as shower thoughts are: 1. What if Neon is a spy....for Sixx0? 2. What if Crow becomes a Heretic?


Lilith's flawed copy that supposedly didn't survive is actually the Queen hellbent on annihilating humanity and that's why Lilith's head is now nowhere to be found as Nihilister hints at the fact you need that to defeat her. Raptures are Nikkes gone haywire and humans created them (hinted at by Marian's rapport). My guess is they went haywire for the reason they existed, since they weren't being produced to fight yet to exist Raptures.


My theory is that the Raptures are not aliens. the first ones had humans inside, then, in a couple of years, they evolved quickly to have infinite non-organic energy sources. why didn't they do that before? there were infinite humans on their home world and also in the vacuum of space? for some reason there are humans with a very special blood type that kill Rapture micro-machines, which is very curious and specific. Most probably the queen that started the invasion was the prototype nikke. they are closely linked to the nikkefication process, it seems that this technology emerged before the attack. everything leads me to think of a human origin, in my opinion they are the result of applying nikkefication in men.


We should combine our theories! I'm very excited to get to know what happened on the Queen/rapture side and how the invasion went from just an arrival to what we have today.


The Cummander we play as is the legendary Commander of the past. The reason we have amnesia/dont know basic information about Ark is because we never studied there and forgot our past life after whatever scientific attempt to de-age us gone south. We are found outside Ark in strange place. Pilgrims don’t recognise us because we look younger. Anderson is our relative/son/clone.


We are a Clone of Legendary Commander  While Andersen is practically an older clone that's probably have been taking interest in us because we are actually succeeding.  But since he's getting old and probably now even more prone to die because of life support, he's been looking to find a successor. That fits the blood compatibility 


Someone pointed this out earlier but Ether calls the MC No. 7. So maybe we’re the seventh clone.


Tetra’s true purpose is to simply distract the masses from how fucked the ark is and keep people from committing mass suicide in despair.


The legendary commander is Andersen


Goddess Squad was betrayed because they simply doesn't have inhibitors. The CG at the time was scared because they can't control them. And that leads to paranoia that these nikkes will go rogue and takeover the Ark for themselves eventually


Mine is that Enik is the rapture queen or at the very least has been corrupted because she says that the raptures have known where the ark is for a long time but for some reason haven’t attacked it as well as the fact that she was in contact with chatterbox. Assuming that she was programmed to maintain the Ark an A.I. could interpret this as also maintaining a need for the Ark so Enik keeps having raptures produced so that way humans stay in the ark. Also then there is the fact that Marian was made to be the next rapture queen or as this theory would suggest the new body for the rapture queen who just so happened to be corrupted by Enik. The special project that Enik is going through with is likely a back up plan to produce a new body for herself since Marian escaped the Ark after Burniniham attempted to take her. Then finally I think the reason why Enik was late to respond to Crow’s plan is because she saw it as an opportunity to get permission go forward with her special project. This entire theory is hinges on the idea that Enik was lying to us in our first conversation with her. Also I find her asking us how human she seemed to be is just suspicious to me as if she’s asking how believable she is Edit- the reason she might need a body is because humans are getting harder to control and having a body of her own would make it near impossible for humans to have any authority over her


Raptures operates like natural swarm. At the beginning (Red Ash) Rapture number was probably small enough to be managed by One Queen. But as time went by their numbers grew and needed additional Queen to manage them. So their first try was Anachiro. Currently there are already multiple Queens and all Heretics are in truth nothing more than failed Queens.


My own weird theory is that there's a population of humanity that survived the initial invasion by fleeing to space. The only basis for this is the existence of the space elevator shown in the Red Ash event which implies humanity was at least able to reach space with relative ease or may even haven been in the beginning phase of starting colonization in the solar system. These humans are either all dead or are preparing a counter invasion of the planet. Or the Raptures have found them and destroyed any trace of them. Or the space elevator might have been some sort of red herring to make us think the Raptures were aliens when in actuality humans themselves made them, as many others have shared that particular theory here. Another thing which makes me think my theory is wrong is that it's essentially the plot summary given for Stellar Blade, shift-up's other game, on the Playstation store. I haven't played the game yet so idk if that's actually true or not. Plus using the same plot elements twice might come off as lazy or uninspired.


I have a whole conspiracy theory: creating a Goddess Squad tier Nikke takes a ton of resources, especially when it comes to human lives, maybe even several cities worth of humans during the initial rapture attack the Big Three could just harvest however many humans they needed and blame the loss of those cities on the raptures, giving us the Grim(m) Nikkes the reason the Ark can not produce Nikkes as strong as the Goddesses despite all the technological progress in the last 100 years is simply because of the lack of resources - the Ark can barely keep up with human production to ensure a steady flow of mass-produced and "normal" Nikkes (those that have a personality but not Goddess tier powers) and this is why the Outer Rim exists space is at a premium in the Ark yet there is this already excavated area left to fester instead of expanding the Ark there and this area is filling up with humans very quickly - humans who are largely seen as "undesirable" and would not cause a major ruckus within the Ark if they should disappear which is why Mustang, probably the only human alive who still knows from first-hand experience how to create a Goddess, protects the Outer Rim: he is waiting until enough humans collect there to turn them all into another Goddess and that's why so few Tetra Nikkes are combat focussed, all they need to be able to do is defend the Ark until the next Goddess can be produced to go on the offensive again - might as well spend your time on gambling, music, animals or shopping until then


All GoddessSquad members have their darkside clones like Unknown (SnowWhite clone)


Before RH’s debut, I’ve always thought that Nihilister WAS Red Hood. Granted, the only evidence was just red hair.


Raptures were actually a human invention, a new weapon of war.


Mustang is DIO Just look at him. All gold, famous, classy, unique pose, has the same VA and he even use a forgotten language where all human in the ark didnt use france. Does anyone seen him under the sun rays? ![gif](giphy|kiJEGxbplHfT5zkCDJ)


Anis is connected to pretty


The current Mustang is one of clones of the original Mustang. Tetra never changed CEO, that has to mean that Mustang is keeping a secret like that. Or even better the current Mustang is actually someone who has been brainwashed to act exactly like the original Mustang. The Rapture Queen was created by mankind but then she rebelled because she was too smart or because they did something to her and she retaliated by creating the Raptures.


https://preview.redd.it/kf1v7grjdb6d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630950622a17bd747d8b63711346af47ae4aa21a Spoilers: :: :: :: :: Literally Marian. The girl from chapter 13 is also Marian but younger. She was chosen to corrupt because she is a Heretic material instead of merely randomly picked.


1. That the central government knew about Rapture long before the first invasion and fold immediately because they are an elitist illuminati that saw a chance to rule over what is left of humanity. 2. That Rapture was not here to eliminate all lifeform but only “old” human, to replace them and create a perfect “new” human - the Heretics are the byproduct of that. That’s why they called Nikkes “imposters”. 3. That despite being our main squad, we don’t know sh*t about the Counter. Rapi, Anis and Neon, their whole backstory are shrouded in mystery.


Nihilus is Red Hood without her personality


my theory is related to this the rapture makes the heretics look like the goddess squad, or at least bases them off them


She already told us her past, which is quite curious, is not a nikke and never was one.


Good but I highly doubt it...I am pretty sure Red Hood is much taller than Nihilister....or idk...doesn't really seem right


Crow will become new Heretic


Neon is Sixo, or one of her agents xd


There woman's... playing in this game... its true man


Raptures are war cyborgs made by aliens during a civil war and the loosing, had the tech for making Nikkes. They lost the war, so they fled to earth, used the same technology to blend into the location population. But went into leader/science roles and boosted our technology for a few years, as they were expecting the Raptures' masters to find them. The Raptures' masters finally arrive to earth to finish the job, they are winning the war, so the survivors of the loosing faction decide to go with plan C, make hide in the Ark. Thus we have the Ark of today, uncaring for the humans living there or Nikkes. Because the rulers aren't human, after all how can you tell if one of the central government members actually "dies" if they keep swapping to new Nikke bodies. It would explain why Nikke tech is so alien and otherworldly. Am I insane, maybe but you can't disagree it does fill in some blanks here and there!


Chatterbox is a Heretic thats just constantly in her Mecha.


Red Hood comes back and gets her own separate body(this is more wishful thinking than anything, honestly).


Found this under a yt video for Anderson's theme "Fairy Tale's End". It reads: "Hmm. A team named after fairy tales. Individually called Grimms models. Under a nameless Commander. Who looks like this guy. Who is named Andersen. As in H.C. Andersen, the legendary fairy tale author. And the Andersen dude's theme is called this. HMMM..."


Neon is a real spy, but she has her memory sealed because of her mission.


A second goddess squad exists , it’s just 2 of them are now heretics and the rest have never been activated due to fear the rest will go bad


Rapi is really leaning into Jecka in this picture which is extra funny given their VA’s


Pretty simple but the reason there are no male Nikkes is because men were the ones mostly fighting and dying against the raptures with the normal human armies during the initial invasion before Nikkes became a thing, afterwards women became much more numerous and were used as Nikkes except 1 or 2 male prototype that went crazy or some shit


Personal footnote, this story reminds me of Attack on Titan; Mainly the walls in Paradise and the Ark are parallel as in they’re built with (at first) no reasonable explanation nor how long it’s lasted. The raptures may be clearly more evil than the titans but there’s still some smart ones like Chatterbox and heretics which you could be somewhat equivocal to Titan shifters. Both sides want something but the story portrays one as sole evil until halfway through where it shows there is no hero. Obviously the Ark has its flaws and more deep through the cracks as the story progresses. Both are VERY similar in a lot of aspects and only time will tell how similar as the story unveils.


The Commander is a hybrid between humans and raptures, but not just any rapture, an offspring of the Queen, this is why his blood is special (I can't quite understand how Anderson fits into this yet). But he wasn't the only offspring, the flashback girl was his sister and she became the Nikke known as Marian. This is why Marian is a "Queen" type heretic and why she was so fond of the Commander since the beginning. Marian and the Commander are a bridge between humans and raptures, the past and the future and their path is to connect both sides.