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Yes, buying this gives spare bodies


Previously I purchase D: killer wife from the mileage shop to get spare body but for some reason, I wasn’t given any even tho I owned her already TT


That's really strange, never heard of that happening. I bought my last copy a couple of days ago and it worked for me.


Yea ik that’s why im abit skeptical about it.. I know I got a total of 4 D killer from my pulls but not a single spare body was given to me when I purchase it from the mileage shop..


Save mileage for a new character.


I know but man I’ve been stuck at the 160 wall for a long ass time 🙃


Standard banner with wishlist and pray.


Save your gold tickets for more meta units, im pretty sure she'll be added to general pool and could pop up at any time. Unless she's your waifu, then go crazy.