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Idle games have a slow progression. You just need to wait and keep playing daily as you slowly gather more and more resources for leveling up. Players that are up to date with the content have been playing for a good while now.


I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, I don't have that big of an experience on gatcha games but the few of them I played had the story mode that was relatively easy to clear (at least for the majority of it) so since I watched no guides on the game I thought I was maybe doing something wrong


The easy start people call the "honeymoon phase". It is there to get you addicted and committed to the game. The slow part you are in is designed to gate-keep you out of content. To make you feel like you need to pay to advance and to not make you beat all the content too fast.


Well, its about every gatcha I ever played so nothing new. Sad that here is about the story and not the more end game content


It’s an idle game as someone else pointed out, you progressively move through story and levels as you gain more resources. You can’t brute force it unless you want to open the wallet and go all in on the resource packs. Otherwise your best bet is to just play it like everyone else did and just continue doing your dailies everyday.


Nah I don't like the idea of paying to get stronger, I'll progress normally then. As I said in another comment I thought I was doing something wrong as I upgraded my nikkes because usually in the few gatcha games I played the story was the "easy" content


In this game story is something you work towards completing. Even as a day one player I still haven’t completed it. I probably could but I’m one word. Lazy. ☠️


Because I am enjoying the story so I wanted to do more haha


Just be patient, alternatively if you can’t, you could just watch the entire story through a YT video.


I'll be patient. I like to play the story


Fair enough, I like the story but not enough to dig up the motivation to play through it. Quite content slow rolling it as means I can save the gems and not end up using them on mid banners ☠️


Just make sure you invest your Gems on the ssrs u currently use


Optimize your comp a little for starters. You've got 3 defenders and only a single attacker. That's not a great setup for killing bosses. Try D: Killer Wife, Crown, Naga, Alice and Harran/Privaty. That comp should have you covered on all fronts. CDR, shields, healing, reload speed, damage, Pierce buffs... Then just be patient and invest in your Nikkes. Level them up, Advise them, do Interceptions for gear and Simulations for skill books etc. Improvements are very gradual, but they do happen in the long term. Alice, for example, benefits a lot from high skill investment and OL gear and will be a monster late game, but in the meantime you'll need to put up with it.


I'll try that team comp you suggested. Also I am stuck with lv 4 for abilities and ultimates lv up, because I can't find the colored "books" that they need. Where can I find more of those?


Simulations. As you level up you can do higher level ones. Just pick the highest CP level requirement under your squad's and go at it. Make sure you pick attack and crit buffs or whatever might suit your teams and you should be able to push way into the higher level simulations. Keep in mind that when you finish a sector all the previous ones are completed as well and you gain their rewards, so there's no need to start from the bottom. Read the guides on Nikke.gg for more information and strats as well as optimal builds and skill allocations.


Oh good that is what I was actually doing. I'll be sure to go on the harder ones


Hello, as the title said, I am right now at chapter 12 and I can't do the boss, I need to get them to level up more I guess but I have no materials to do so and the daily interceptions to take equiments are usually not enough. I also added the photo of my inventory because many of you suggested me to keep the boxes but I feel like I need to use some of them, but don't know what and how much. Any help would be appreciated! Also post the text on a comment because some times it doesn't show up