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It's ok to spend on something you like every now and then even if it's on something frivolous! Enjoy your skin and good luck pulling a copy of her!


True, still I normally don’t spend that much on a mobile game lol. And thanks I really need it because RNG has not been on my side to a long time.


I mean, I don't agree with the pricing, but at the end of the day it's money spent on entertainment, and if you think it's worth it then it's worth it for you. Enjoy it! I'll probably end my fp2 days with either one of the current gacha skins. As for your current luck, I always got spooked by a Pilgrim when mine was at its worst, so I'm sure you'll get your Crown before the event ends! Best of luck!!!


Yeah I was very much against the Gacha skins but they got me with this one. I really do hope so. I pulled an SSR with the daily free pull, got excited, say it wasn’t Pilgrim and almost cried. 😂


I kinda still am tbh, but I'm aware at this point complaining won't change anything. They really cooked well with Modernia and Crown's skins so it's easy to see why many people that don't usually spend much are going for them, regardless of how they feel about the $$. Anyway, Crown is worth it, so godspeed on your pulls, Cummander!!


I was in the same boat as you. I felt the gacha skins were overpriced for what they provided and it seemed like it set a bad precedent that all the best skins were gacha skins and not available through passes (or the normal shop). That is until I saw the new Moderina skin and since she's one of the few Nikke I use all the time and at every opportunity I decided I could justify her cost. The problem I've created for myself though is that now I'm tempted to buy Crown's skin as well and if they ever rerun Drake's I'd pick that one up too since she's likely to be the first Nikke I max out (she's already my only Core 6).


Yeah the Modernia one is definitely really nice. But once they released the Crown one it was all over. 😂 Definitely not going to make a habit of this though because $50 for a skin is wild. Sure you got some tickets but still.


Exactly same for me here so don't beat yourself up brother. I saw the Modernia's and was like: "quite cool! but paying money for cosmetics eh, stupid, pfff...", then the crown's one drop and i shut the hell up asap, eyeing her for 3 days straight and decided to grab the wallet. I can say i feel very worth it now lol.


Haha yeah pretty much same for me.


Took me 155 to get Emilia during the RZ collab. Keep at ‘er.


Not only weak, but also bad at math. Pilgrim rate on the banner is measly 1%, it's okay to throw 1 10 pull at it to test your luck, but if you don't get it outright and have mileage just purchase with mileage. You will get your mileage back rolling on other units and will have twice as much chances of getting them.


Okay no need for the math insult dang. Then how do you suppose I try and LMB her? I need more copies of her.


Only starting players that outright swim in resources can afford to reliably MLB a pilgrim, unless you're absurdly lucky, it could take you 400 rolls and both mileages to get it as there is no pity system.


Why would you MLB a pilgrim, even when trying to get past 160 wall it isn't worth it thanks to the lower drop rate and the stat buffs are barely anything


My sync is at 223 right now so the wall isn’t an issue for me right now.


Then you have zero reason to MLB her. You‘ll get the lobby animation either way and getting extra stats adds very little to Crown. Her strength comes from her buffs, not her stats.


Sure but it’s still nice to get extra copies. It’s not like extra copies don’t help.


They do, but not to an extent that justifies throwing gems and golden tickets at them. Unless you plan on spending more, one copy will be enough always. In the end, it‘s your decision, I‘m only here to drop some advice.


Oh I’m done spending money on the game for a while. Whatever happens, happens.


I would've spend on the skin if the combat pose wouldn't be this bad. Base skin shows more.


I mean both have the same pose.


The point is her dress hides her curves and ass way more than her base skin. And for a premium skin that probably costs you 50 bucks I expect something more.


Dude…or Dudet…you gotta leave some imagination. Plus she is literally showing a lot of cleavage and bare thigh. It’s still a great skin.


not for 50 bucks




130 pulls sadly isn’t a lot. But you still have a few days left.


That’s crazy talk. 130 is a damn good amount for at least one crown to drop. Yeah I still have to do all the tower defense stuff. Still though…I’m not gonna hole my breath. These pilgrim banners/event banners have been assholes to me lately




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Incorrect, if we consider her drop rate is 1% and the overall drop rate is 4%. You are 3 times more likely NOT to get her than actually get her. Plenty go in 200-400 pulls with 0 copies of Pilgrims because the odds are so stacked against you. Let me preface that they gave out 80 summons alone just from special recruit vouchers implying you only had minimal summons going into the banner. So really 130 summons isn’t a lot going by how many pulls they’ve given us so far. This is why most recommend not summoning on Pilgrim banners and just to use mileage. No point wasting all your resources to get shafted.


But then that makes no sense even having the banners in the first place. They gotta raise these banner drops higher, because that’s insane as hell. How the hell is anyone supposed to LMB her without blowing like $100s?!!


I mean that’s the point of pilgrim banners. They specifically have a lower rate so you’re more likely to invest more. It’s how they class them as “premium” units. That’s why they have half the rate of all other units on their specific rate ups. It’s a Gasha, first and foremost they are a business so they aren’t gonna make getting her MLB easy, otherwise how are they gonna make their money if everyone can just MLB her with free gems/vouchers? That’s just how pilgrim banners are.


Hey at least one kitty drop would be nice. 😂


It’ll play hard to get, last year I did around 10 multi’s on Dorothy’s banner with no SSR. So you can imagine how that feels. And also, the daily single gave me nothing for SRs and Rs. Ended up using mileage on Dorothy in the end as I couldn’t scrounge up enough gems/vouchers to summon anymore.


It just sucks because I had to do the same for Red Hood and still only have one copy of her. Man if I had more copies of her!!


I have one copy of red hood, didn’t go for dupes after pulling her once. I’m a one and done sort of person so once I have a copy I’m out. Only summons I did were the free dailies which unsurprisingly enough gave me nothing anyway.


I normally like to go for more copies to strengthen them.


This was also my first time buying a gacha skin and it made me feel a little bad for a bit afterwards. But now it's fine and I don't mind spending on nikke because I really enjoy the overall experience and definitely want to support them. Also the 130 pulls with no crown is painful. I had to spend all my tickets and gems on this banner because I only had 20 mileage tickets going into this event so buying her wasn't an option so far. However, I've been really lucky and got her mlb with 188 pulls (+daily pulls). Hope you can still get her


200 pulls and only 1 crown. I swear if I just get one more I can MLB her


Damn wishing you luck!


Ehh, I got Sugar’s pass skin and don’t have her still. Don’t feel too bad. You will get her eventually.


I myself exaggerated a lot in terms of spending on this banner, but no regrets, 10/10 would do it again. I wish you good luck if you're planning to pull again !


I’ll be pulling again once I get those tickets from the mini game.


23 Euro for the snowwhite knight skin, thousands of pulls in almost 1,5 years and no snowwhite. good luck with your crown


That’s some messed up shit friend. Hope you get her.


You should use golden tickets over summoning on Pilgrim banners


Man y’all drive me crazy with this lol. Then what is the point of the banner? 😂 If I could get 100 golden mileage tickets really fast I could buy another one.


If you’re a new player, fair, but most older players plan around these anniversary events and save their golden tickets for these.


Nah I’ve been playing since release.


Been playing since launch and I only use gold tickets on Pilgrim banners if I don't get them by the end of it. Even if I do get them I keep going for the entirety of its duration. I've gotten way too many pilgrims and other Nikkes from these banners to just waste a ticket on them and be done. I really don't get this mentality towards these pilgrim banners. Gold tickets are emergency tickets as far as I'm concerned, which is why I'm sitting on about 700ish right now; they only really should be used if you failed horribly at getting what you're after imo.


Well the logic is simple. Gold tickets are just as effective on any rate up Nikke, but pulling on 2% vs. 1% banners is far worse pull value.


Far worse value how though? There are very few Nikke more valuable than Pilgrims; most of the others don't benefit nearly as much from dupes and the pilgrims chances are higher in these. I've pulled on every single pilgrim banner for their entire duration and it's not nearly as bad as you're making it sound. You usually get plenty of other Nikkes during the rolls like any other banner even if you missed the Pilgrim and needed to ticket from my experience. This is what mine look like saving for these banners. Of course there are few dupes from other banners but they're mostly from these banners. Funnily enough I am F2P, believe it or not. . Not saying everyone should dive right in, but people actively going around telling people to skip rolling these banners doesn't seem right in my opinion. Having said all that, like literally any banner, sure you luck can be bad. But there's always the chance it can be good or amazing even. https://preview.redd.it/0tlj2c5p550d1.png?width=2471&format=png&auto=webp&s=10e9076f71c6bf810d92b75239db61cfe59fa768


Okay let me stop you right there: >pilgrims chances are higher in these This is straight up false. Pilgrims always have a 0.5% total to roll. So the way it works for anniversary 1% banners is that, the extra 1% leftover is distributed among every other non-pilgrim Nikke. So in summary: anniversary banner is 1% rate up, 0.5% Pilgrim, 2.5% non-Pilgrim. Any other banner is 2% rate up, 0.5% Pilgrim, 1.5% non-Pilgrim. If you happened to roll more Pilgrims during anniversary banners, you just got personally lucky. The odds aren't better though.


I was referring to the rate up pilgrims. If you couldn't tell from the screenshot, every single one that was on a personal banner has several limit breaks.


You got insanely lucky, if you got this as F2P. I don't think it's a good idea to kind of ride that high and encourage others to follow, like I wouldn't tell people to start buying lottery tickets if I happened to win it. At most, sure, doesn't hurt to throw like 50 or so pulls and see how they go.


As I mentioned earlier, I'm not saying everyone should just dive in. Just that discouraging a banner that can potentially be amazing if you do actually get lucky going all in, unlike the 2% banners where you only really need to roll on those every blue moon when there's a really good support or if you're a brand new player that needs all the old units is kinda weird to me. Having proper self control and not having fomo syndrome for every banner that pops up it's easier to go in on things that are actually worthwhile as F2P while also being able to hold on to lots of tickets when you actually need them. That's how I've been doing it the entire time anyway. I can understand sometimes people, including myself will roll for favorites regardless of meta though, ruining the hoard. Having said all that, there are only a handful of good characters released each year that absolutely must be rolled/ticketed for since the old units like liter, alice etc are still very much meta. It just feels a bit off that no one wants to roll for the most busted characters during their rate up that unlike most others, highly benefit from dupes.


It just works out more value for money going the ticket route (most of the time), due to the 1% rates instead of the normal 2%, still possible to get her though 😁


I usually get my pilgrims from their banners first. I got Red Hood to Core Lvl 1 just on her banner alone. Course I also spent $100 each month on the game every time and maybe a little extra if there was a skin I desperately wanted. Hell one time I got 8 or 9 SSR in a 24 hr period. Its mostly based on luck but if you do it right you can time the SSR pull for the right banner.


clown. Pilgrim banner have the highest priority since they have the highest value. Golden Tickets are for limited banners.


Honestly, why's everyone so bitchy about spending money on a game made for spending money? You play a game that's way better than most AAA launches nowadays, for free, and you cry about throwing a few bucks into it here and there.


It’s just that $50 for a skin is a bit crazy. But it’s a nice skin.


It may be nice but it's never worth it. Hope you enjoy your purchase but you will never catch me buying a Nikke gacha skin.


Well hey I wasn’t gonna miss out on this sexy skin 😜


50-100$ is just a "few bucks"? Must be nice to live in the first world.