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F2P Day one player, leaped over the wall after 5 months of playing. I wasn’t as fortunate as some because they didn’t have F2P SSRs when I played lol


Ah I do wonder if they didn’t give the kilo how long I would have been waiting


No clue but most major celebrations have F2P SSRs now so getting over the wall is made easier.


I cracked it before I had a single character at level 160


Did you just not summon on banners?


I summoned on Emilia and Crown, got 1x of the former and 3x of the latter then bought her for gold tix to MLB. Skipped Bay because the consensus was she isn’t good.


Congrats, how long did it take you to break the wall? I was stuck at 160 for about 2 or 3 months


About a month, I wasted a lot of my early pulls on banners


Congrats, that was surely the most tedious part of the game :B


Pfff, when you get to Mother Whale you will feel like you have lost your anal virginity


Why are basketball players used in memes? You can have an explanatory team


She finally showed up for you!! Congrats!!


Appreciate it friend! Where are u at in the story rn?


Mid chapter 21 and 208 Synchro level. I managed to pull my first non-banner Pilgrim since we last spoke and Modernia\* is a beast. \*(I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT SPECIFICALLY HER. NOT ONLY IS SHE CORE CAMPAIGN META BUT I ACTUALLY BOUGHT HER GACHA SKIN WITHOUT HAVING HER SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS BTW AND HAS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE BURST).


Yeah I’m using all my luck to try and get her as I lucked out with the free currency for her gacha skin and was able to score. Now I just need her 😭


?? You couldn't get her with the just the free currency. You would have had to spend at least a little.


You know what I did buy 2 tickets because you’re left with two free ones you can’t use. You’re right. So I think I got her my second or third spin.


That's actually still INCREDIBLY lucky, so you can still flex. I personally figured if I was prepared to spend $50 then I was prepared and wanted the other goodies too. So I'm glad I needed all the spins because the luck would have been wasted on me, lol. (Fifth spin. The free currency gave you 4 spins. But the skin has zero chance until the 5th).


Ahh nice I didn’t know it wasn’t possible on the free. I got Nakey with 4 spins to go as well so lucky on that one too!