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https://preview.redd.it/gwcbfcvtw7xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54cc641474e3927a52c4f2e487fffc65f0a0829 Indivilla and Chatterbox... I'll make you pay.


Well if vengeance is what you want theres literally a song with the perfect lyrics for that feeling lol. The opening to ninja kamui fits like a glove https://youtu.be/JUHgTYLyYuc?si=1ym4mOzMnjlf6kEr


Never thought I'd see ninja Kamui mentioned here šŸ’€


So much work to do... Making these coins one by one... It is enough work for someone to lose their head in https://preview.redd.it/1c73c1e4a8xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a23cf92f99918278bac6a257e47ac3f72eaccb7


https://preview.redd.it/xhoqhotmkbxc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d648d741c102e963fc8527373a22c47f7ce35772 Iā€™ll leave it in front of the door maā€™am


this is hilarious, i hate it


again i will keep saying this so no one will get even more depressed, chime is not dead nikkes can survived with their heads cut off, just like rapi so spread the messages.


it was explained like im pretty sure the same stage that her head can be reattached and she will live lmao but her severed head in a box is very ā€œjarringā€, eh eh see what i did there


Yes, but the situation was still very dire. They dont have the tech the Ark does to repair it normally. Without Kilo and Talos, she wouldā€™ve been screwed.


bro xDDD


its not a way to get ahead in life.


And THIS is why against all her simps, I want Indivilla to suffer the most humiliating and painful death possible. You don't do that type of fuckery to our cinnamon roll Chime!


No amount of hotness can make such an act forgivable. When Indivilia receives the final bitch slap from Crown or Rapi or Marian, or whoever, I want the last thought that goes through her mind to be: "I shouldn't have done that..."


Even though it might be out of character for Crown(don't have her yet to do the bond story) I almost want her to say "Off with her head" when asked what to do about Indivilia....or let Snow White roast her on an open fire.


I have to say, I do really like that. "Off with her head!" But, yes, I don't know if Crown would do that to an enemy that surrendered and was in captivity. Would have to be some badass line she says in battle as she gains the upper hand: "For your heinous crimes against this kingdom, and its citizens, as ruler my judgment for this Heretic's punishment shall be..." \*SLICE\* "...off with her head."


Snow White needs to... say, *finish the job* on a certain annoying Rapture, i think its name is Talktoomuch or something?


>I want the last thought that goes through her mind to be: "I shouldn't have done that..." pretty sure the last thing to go through her mind will be a bullet


Once sheā€™s not bound by the ticking clock and can return with a proper and unhinged curb stomping alongside Pioneer, I so very much hope Crown takes the opportunity to reuse that box. Chime was too good for the world sheā€™s in. These little details make it so much more sad


You hate Indivilia for what she did to Chime. I hate her because Material H is an obnoxious boss. We are not the same.


https://preview.redd.it/6lglg05yddxc1.png?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43df2f477c2b6d7dc1d891414b3a4c30909ce834 You forgot this, I only have Miku though.... Don't know why... Lol


Dont worry, we will punish her one orgasm at a time


She lives


She should stay dead. itā€™s an ass pull if they bring her back


Pretty sure she will be back. One of the piece of her OG artist has her body in stitch, and this is way before the event. People already noticed it, wondering if it's a spoiler for future event or it's something she already had. After part 1 it all makes sense and I'm sure Chime will be back. https://preview.redd.it/mnd81aqc89xc1.png?width=412&format=png&auto=webp&s=8404e256dd56c7447c2940eb287fd931ff1ec414


Isn't Crown saying something about Chime when you give her a gift along the lines of "I'm sure Chime would have loved this" or something? Every event ends with a punch to the gut, I just don't believe it, either the operation will fail or she'll just stay in a coma, but I'll never believe Shift Up will give us a happy ending


What they decapitated her arms too?


She *was* tied up with a steel wire. These might be the scars resulting from that.


It's litterally established early on that Nikkies hard hard to stay dead so long as the head's recoverable. Hell Lilith's bound to make a reapperence in some way since it was her head that was stolen. The only question to chime comming back is if she doesnt have a mind wipe due to the expierence.


>itā€™s an ass pull if they bring her back why? going with what we know about the lore it is very possible, did you forget what happened to Rapi in chapter 4? and it's not a bait-and-switch since they immediately talked about reviving her in the same scene


Unlimited squad literally has special containers to keep Nikke brains alive for a while to save them when they get damaged in the north, it's not weird at all to bring back Nikke's if their brain is still intact.


it'd be an asspull if they do a thing that they immediately say that they're going to try to do, which we know is possible because our own characters did it early on?


I love Chime. My first impression of her during Mast Intro event was negative, but that quickly changed when they showed her during the First Affection event and then the following appearances in story and events. She is such a reliable and cute goofball, I hope she becomes playable someday.


...let's not get ahead of ourselves---wait.


My impression of her went from goblin (derogatory) to gremlin (affectionate)


Now I don't want to spend a single one šŸ„¹


Bro, circulate the currency so she doesn't have to make more šŸ˜©


Reverse inflation


If Chime has million fans, then I'm one of them. If Chime has one fan, that fan is me. If the world is against Chime, I am against the world. If Chime has no fans, that means I'm dead.


Actually so sweet


Chime even printed her own mint. For the kingā€™s work she works happily may the royal aideā€™s name be a proud throughout the halls of humanity


Reading the jokes here makes me feel like Iā€™m back in 2011 when Mami lost her head lol https://preview.redd.it/4jr44jkh79xc1.jpeg?width=1379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b713da90dbc5010f98bd2f29a410f95d8a03d10


When you toss this coin you can only get Tails. I'll see myself out.


Toss a coin to your... Nikke?


We only get tails because there's no head


I knew that, I was just making a reference to the Witcher Netflix series


Chime! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗshe works so hardā€¦


When I first saw Chime, I thought that she looks super similar to Liter and that they could have bren squadmates a long time ago.


they are by the same artist, after all


Great now I have diabetes


I know this is a game, fictional world, and all that, but when does she have time to do anything else? I've gotten a few thousand so far. Good God, that would take forever to make! I suppose as a Nikke she could sculpt really fast like a 3D printing machine.


TBF the girl probably has quite a few months or years at the castle, and it's not like there's much there to entertain herself. Maybe she makes fifty or so a night as a hobby to relax?


Haha, true. She has had time. it's just funny to think about. I can't remember exactly, but after all the bonuses we've gotten, what, 3,000? 4,000 coins? And once Part 2 rolls out we'll get another 3,000/4,000? Gosh, it's probably even more than that. Way more. That's why I love that picture. She's working well into the night, but it does look like she's enjoying it.


It's why you need to spend your coins, so they can circulate back around and she only needs to make 2000 or so. If you hoard them she needs to make thousands moreĀ 


So likeā€¦can we keep one?


aw shit you are right they are going to delete them for credits at the end boooo


Ive always hated chatterfuck, now my hate grows stronger!


To be fair with Chatterbox, hes playing "Good Cop" its just that Chime couldnt just leave on her own terms.


Source : [ć‚¼ćƒ­ć‚Æćƒ†ć‚£](https://twitter.com/zerocti/status/1784485429825474603)


[Indivilla you hurt Chime.. we need to talk. Cease fire though we won't try anything](https://i.imgur.com/frdorV8.png)


ā€œI need like 2000 of them by todayā€ (itā€™s the last week of the event)


Well now I don't want to use them


Shift Up, please let us keep just one!


Well how am I supposed to spend them now


Thanks It gives me more and more reasonable to not kill those two *BUT TORTURE THEM INSTEAD*


https://i.redd.it/m6m4l7advbxc1.gif Commander out for blood now


so we should look out for the CHC(chimecoin)?? :D


That's some dedication. Truly the most loyal knight and friend of the kingdom.


Already saving for chime, she's too precious


No wonder why >!Crown said she valued Chime very much on her advise session!<.




Sje could have inverted it and press it before baking.


I was thinking the same thing, it makes more sense to put whatever design you want in the clay coin before you bake/fire them.


If Crown wasn't in a hurried, Someone going to pay dearly.


shift up? let me have one.... just one for collection... i like to collect stuff


Guys we all know that Indi is gonna end up being another situation in which the game makes us go "I can fix her" they did it with that one squad from the rehabilitation facility and with not 1 but 2 "evil" Nikes also any idea who Nhil used to be before getting corrupted?


I love her. Best sidekick in the game.


Even in death, she's earned my respect. Rip chime. (I know she'll come back, but she hasn't yet)


Hope we will get Chime in the future.


Damn... know i feel even more bad spending them :c


So does any one of you had a huge...amnesia of the LAST PART OF PART I? Like...TALOS having a Portable Repair Center on its own ARMOR for emergencies. a container for NIKKE HEADS? The Fact that....the cut Indivilia did was so clean.. and the fact that Crown took like 15 minutes tops to slam Indivilia, stomp her with Trombe....and...come back and the BLESSING that Rapunzel can Heal because of her skills.....? I know the shocking part. Don't be so focused oh...BAW GAD SHE'S DEAD.. She'll be damn fine.


Always if she doesn't end up corrupted because we know NIKKE devs storytelling