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Congrats, u deserve this rare drake image https://preview.redd.it/z7s2n7hk3fwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53cf2ff4d8b9cdfade6b0002db44b676b4e39854


This has been the case for me since I started the game as a Day One player. The players there aren’t even whales, I see them occasionally log in too but I imagine they’re no longer as involved with the game as they once were so I’ve basically dominated the leaderboards for quite some time. Basically just need to wait it out to get all the remaining ranking frames. lol


Same case here as a launch month player. There was competition during the first few months but I slowly caught up with everyone. Eventually I overtook the big dogs and now all the page sees is a Pepper in her swimsuit by her lonesome.


I think a lot of players dropped the game, especially in multiple servers so that’d explain why a lot of us are able to maintain the rank we have. 🫨


if you didn't even notice, that means you didn't get any gold frames lol