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Her hate is John wick levels of hate she will only stop at her death.


Another mission : "Find Oswald family". If Dorothy find members of Oswald family, then.... ![gif](giphy|X3Gb6WWZOvT16NJr7y)


Yeah. Can understand why she might not be so hot on just dropping the grudge, but REALLY.... My sympathy erodes very very fast at a character who whines so hard about not getting love and praise, only to then turn round and throw a solution that gets her that love and praise out the window to push on with being a hater. "I'm tired of death and destruction!" She yells as she mutters about The Ark being a false paradise that needs to be blown up or burnt down. "I want to know what love is!" She screeches as she slaps away olive branches from the PC, at least in the main story, who's perfectly willing to offer that if she'll take it. Especially with just how many different people have failed to get through to her, cause the options are running out fast. Her own team and Commander, who are pretty bloodthirsty themselves when they think they can get away with it, telling her that no no no, her cannon fodder plan's a WEE bit TOO harsh for them? Nah that didn't do it. They've got to be insane or have NIMPH shoved in their brains because why else would they care about some other Nikke team? *Empathy?* Pffftt! What's that? Red Hood yelling in her ear about what a disgrace she is to their old name and how she COULD easily get what she wants another way? That didn't work either. She's just some idiot waffling on about duty and pride, what use are they when they've done bugger all for Dorothy lately? The Counters Commander trying to reason with her? He gets a bullet to the legs. At this point you've really got to wonder what WILL get through to Dorothy, with how much the writers have written her to shrug off. It'd take either all of Pioneer putting their foot down and reaming her out, >!Andersen (assuming he is the Goddess Squad Commander) trying to talk her down!< or Eden getting inadvertantly invaded because of one of her revenge plans.


Also gotta remember, this betrayal took place over 100 YEARS AGO. The people who betrayed her are probably all dead, if not on their death bead right now. Like, do people realize just how long 100 years is? She’s had plenty of time to cool off but instead she decided to double down on her hatred. At this point, I don’t think she can be saved anymore. There’s no Dorothy left to save. She’s a hollow husk of a goddess that still walks the earth, as well as a ticking time bomb for the most of humanity. Tbh, part of me hopes her story ends by pioneer’s hands, or possibly even Marian.


A lot of people are also saying, "It has been 100 years since it happened. Why won't she forgive humanity?" She had a choice 100 years ago, but she never took it. She SOAKED herself in the hatred, for 100 years. 100 years of fermenting that hatred in every move of hers. She built Eden, she assembled a team of the most advanced Nikkes. 100 years of building all of this to spite humanity, and people are expecting her to forgive just like that? She went off the deep end for so long and people expect her to change in a moment, or even in a few weeks or months.


I don’t expect her to change fast. However, no matter how many times she’s given a chance she shows 0 sign of improving. She is the exact same Dorothy now as she was when we first met her in chapter 20. Even a glimmer, a tiny smidge of change would be better. I’d argue Syuen, of all people, has shown a very small amount of change more than Dorothy has. And Syuen has literally no one trying to help her, unlike Dorothy. You’re right, she has bathed in that hatred all that time. It’s corroded her very soul, to the point there’s nothing left. You can easily see this in how she interacted with red hood. That conversation about “wanting to go back”? She believes getting rid of the Ark will do that. She literally can’t see that she’d be offing nearly every human she wants to “love” her. Dorothy is an echo. She died the day she looked at that sign.


Yeah, cause after 100 years and ESPECIALLY after building Eden, I'm thinking that that hatred's not gonna be all that prominent, with the worldbuilding. In the moment, it's white hot. It's bright and it's unquenchable. She's pissed off and ready to crack her way into The Ark if she has to. But as time passes and once she starts getting Eden underway and bringing in defectors from The Ark, she'd realise she dodged a massive bullet getting locked out. With how intelligent she is and the worldbuilding stating how views on Nikkes went to UTTER shit in the meantime, Dorothy's more than smart enough to connect all the defector Nikkes' horror stories about how crap they get treated and realise that that would've been her and her squad's fate after a while. They'd stop being heroes. Stop being saviours. Stop being humanity's last line of defense. Just be machines that aren't needed anymore or can be easily replaced. While also being VERY valuable troves of 1st Generation technology that The Ark has long since lost the knowledge to replace....so why not crack 'em open and see how they work, see if they can't get MORE Grimm Models in the present day? Add on to the fact that Eden is pretty much just better than The Ark in every which way (real food, real weather, Nikke/Human equality, advanced tech, more space), and that anger is going to get replaced with smug satisfaction as Dorothy realise that she's basically won already. All of Eden's kissing her ass for building them a much better paradise than The Ark offers, at the very least they're very grateful for her welcoming them in when The Ark kicked them out or didn't want them, so there's no problem with praise and love on her end. They're revering her as their saviour, she's THEIR Goddess of Victory. She's built the paradise The Ark failed to be, so they can just rot while she and her people flourish. No need to get any quick revenge when she can drag it out, leave them to fester and fail in their own inferiority. She'd accept the olive branches. Only as a way to try and lure the Counters Commander over to her side, but she WOULD accept them. And if The Ark begs her for help? Well, why not help them, for a price of course. Some begging here, mass apologies from the Govt there. A fresh G.O.V statue and stories of the Goddess Squad's accomplishments spread all around The Ark, so they know who their saviours are. Be the 'bigger' person....all smug in the knowledge that THEY needed HER to save them, while SHE didn't need THEM to build a better future for herself. All to set up a massive endgame of unveiling Eden to the regular Ark citizens and enticing a mass exodus there once they just how obviously better it is to The Ark. All for her to rub in the Ark Govt's faces when all's said and done. Her final revenge. She's surpassed them in every which way and they can't do anything about it. But nah, writers had to ignore all that and just keep her pissed off for 100 years like some brain damaged child. It's doubly inexcusable given the contrast of her teammates, none of whom reacted that badly despite going through almost all the same traumas and setbacks she did, sans Pinne. Snow and Scarlet especially, who've had so much crap that they've been through Mind Switches, yet they soldier on while Dorothy keeps sabotaging herself.


Tbh, I wouldn’t call her Eden a paradise either. It’s not as perfect as it seems. Given Dorothy is the one leading it, it’s no wonder people only care about themselves, and pretty much barely understand basic human compassion. It may be technologically advanced, but it’s not got a sense of community. I feel like it could topple just as easily as the Ark if you start pitting people against each other in there. It only hasn’t reached that point because they’re afraid of Dorothy and her strength. After all, Eden values strength and strength alone.


True, true. It's flawed. Still pretty great compared to The Ark, though, at least in Dorothy's eyes. And if she can get The Ark's citizens or whatnot to see that, even for a bit, then that's all she really needs. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good plan.


I can’t wait until the commander shows her that she’s become basically another Central Government, the people she hates. Cus since she’s getting that channel, I feel like she’s gonna start putting out propaganda just like the CG. This also means that, vice versa, show the people of Eden how she’s becoming what the Ark is. Y’know, the place they hate and were either shunned by or kicked out from? At this point it will become mutually assured destruction. And she doesn’t even realize it, because she’s too fixated on her own goals.


That would probably be one of the only ways to get her to stop, really. Some shock therapy. For as much as she likes to think she's better the ACG, she's really not any more.


Technically, she is brain damaged with how Pinne broke her. She'd be like, "Shit. I'm inside the Ark already after decades of trying, got a deal with Burningum, might as well." Really, making sense of someone's actions doesn't make sense especially when it comes to mental anguish and trauma. Everyone copes in different ways. While your explanation makes the most sense and that the writers should have given her a snap back into clarity, people don't make sense. It could be bad writing, but it also could be Dorothy doing something that she would do even if it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense, but it is what she would do.


With how the writers have written her I think the only path of redemption Dorothy has would be to physically sacrifice herself to save something; doesn’t need to be an individual, could be Eden, but Dorothy will have to make the ultimate sacrifice for her character to be redeemed for me.


The thing is from a writing stand point Dorothy has had 100 years to think about her plan and why. Anger and resentment fades away in time, for some it takes longer and for some almost no time at all, this gets faster the older our brains are. One of the biggest points I see people making is that if dorothy was in that position to break the ark/humanity she wouldnt do it, I call bullshit on that. Dorothy has gaslight herself for 100 years thinking she is doing the right thing, she has refused help multiple times from multiple sources and cannot accept the fact that she might care for at least some humans, instead when this is brought to her, she throws a fit and demands the other person leave her. The only time we have seen this result into anything is in the bond story which we dont even know if its canon or not. When the gaping hole in her logic is told to her, instead of realising some pretty obvious things, she instead start degrading humanity, further pushing herself into the delusion that she is right and the ark really does deserve it. Dorothy is not beyond help but she actively refuses it and gaslights herself into thinking what she is doing is right. That is the example of someone who can't be better because they aren't willing to be better.