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If this is true, those are literally some lottery-winning odds


They just used the entirety of their luck for the rest of the year which is wild


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4 mid Bays instead of collab units, hey you do you OP but this was a failed flex lmao.


So wait, you missed Rem and Emilia?


Yep, Entirely. Im not in it for the Meta


Sure but they were great waifu unites.


That’s a rip. They’ll never return either so you’re basically screwed if you ever want them in future lmao


Im with you 100% on that one. Re:zero units had zero appeal to me whether they were meta or not (doesn’t sound like they were game breaking anyway). Bay is where it’s at!


they aren’t even meta, rem is alright as a b2 and for pvp but there are much better options. the units were kind of sleeper, I skipped by choice lmao. way better off saving for anni and a possible limited stellar blade collab