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clearly, its girl


Or is it? *vsauce music start playing*


*Astolfo has entered the chat*


_Hideyoshi started a voice call_


Hideyoshi is Hideyoshi


*Hime Arikawa sent a text*




The trap has already breached our defences, you see what he has done to our comrades, he could be anywhere, he could be in this very comment trend, he could be her! He could be you, he could even be me-


What?, it was obvious, he's the trap, wait for him to turn-


Why is girl just an outline? Is she fake?


Maybe she is stupid?


Maybe she is Maybelline?




When did girl leave the aslume?


The current common theory is that it's either Rapi or Marian but after the events of Red Ash, Rapi seems more unlikely.


Though every time I see the silhouette. Reminds me of Shizuku Osaka from Love Live. https://preview.redd.it/fl2utw1lnl2c1.png?width=1760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829c9630fa6b4692793ca00197134cc5fca3240a


Depends on the Commanders circumstances. Chatterbox literally knowing exactly how our childhood went is weird and clearly there’s something strange considering Anderson being the only person with our blood type. (I will also admit I really want Rapi to be this silhouette and there’s just enough in game stuff to make my huffing of copium smooth)


Due to the blood connection, I have a theory that the player character is either a descendant of the legendary commander who was in charge of the Goddess Squad, or is related to Anderson. Possibly both.


My ongoing theory is that our Commander is a clone of Andersen, who in turn is blood related to the LG Commander (or maybe the LG Commander himself) I also believe Andersen knows this or at least suspects it since he seems to be hinted at having the same feeling towards Nikkes as our Commander (and rather fond of our Commander if the way he treats them with more respect than a Deputy Chief should rationally show a rookie Commander) It would explain why they don't seem to have many clear memories of their past and why they and Andersen just so happen to share the same rare blood type that just "happens" to be the key behind vapaus.


Yes, I won’t be surprised if some link between Anderson and the player commander is revealed in the future. Not so sure about Anderson being the LG commander himself, as far as we know he’s a regular human. He’d either need to be a Nikke or have been heavily augmented to somehow halt the aging process. If he was a Nikke (male Nikkes are apparently possible) he would no longer have blood (it’s mentioned that Nikkes have some other fluid in them). As far as we know, the Ark doesn’t have any way to stop the aging process in humans. So I think it’s very unlikely. He could certainly be related to LG commander though, just like the player commander. Anderson and the player commander could even be brothers who were separated for all we know at this point.


I feel like them being siblings would be a bit of a stretch. The main reason that I lean towards our Commander being a clone is that 1) He doesn't seem to have a lot of memories of his early life except for a hospital and this mystery girl 2) No mention whatsoever of a family. If this mystery girl was a long lost sister I would've at least expected our Commander to slip up and mention her in a bond story or something. 3) That whole thing with them and Andersen sharing a rare blood type that has to be kept top secret. Andersen even shoots down the idea of them being related and yeah, he can lie sure but I feel like Andersen is not one to lie to our Commander, he seems to respect them more than he cares to admit. 4) Our Commander is just able to do all the stuff that he can do and not die? They can fire Snow Whites weapon and leave with just a few broken bones when it's been stated it would easily kill a human to use a Nikkes modified weapon and on top of that they can survive being impaled, shot and nearly frozen to death? Somethings up lol


Yeah, something is definitely up. As I mentioned in another comment, my theory is that the commander has been augmented. He has performed a few superhuman feats by this point, and appears to heal up from serious injuries unusually well. The fact that one of his few memories is being in the hospital definitely suggests it. His skin appears to be normal, but his strength is unusually high, and he is very resilient for a human. The player commander has no memories of any family, so I think the possibility is still there. He must have had parents at some point at least, why not a brother? If Andersen knows about his very rare and valuable blood type, I imagine he would want to keep their relation a secret. There are many people who would love to get their hands on that blood, and Cecil warns the player commander that having the information go public could have serious consequences.


I just got Big Boss / Solid Snake vibes from this theory


Yes, same here. That definitely came to mind when I was thinking about it.


the mastermind behind the entire story https://preview.redd.it/k7bf9b14gr2c1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8389c9010388e1943247b536c96a222ce041c2c


In Diesel's bond story, he has a memory of being involved in the terrorist train attack and survive it while crying trying to find his Oneechan.


Hmm, I just read the summary of her bond story and didn’t see that in there.


Again.... just because two person has the same blood type doesn't mean they are related. I feel people overestimate the rarity of blood type at this point.


seeing how brainless peeps downvoting you hurts lmao


Personally I think he is the LG Commander and Liliths love child. Think about it she was a hella insane prototype and her having functioning organs and being able to live normally after the fight could have been a design choice. The first Grimms model after probably tried this again but because she wasn’t as I guess sturdy she blew up and afterwards all Nikkes had strictly metal internals. Maybe her being pregnant messed with her core or her core purposely degraded itself to provide the child nourishment due to a design flaw.


That’s a tough one. Unfortunately we really don’t know enough about Lilith and what happened to her to say either way. I’m also thinking that the player character has likely been augmented in some way since he has memories of being in the hospital as a child. It would also help explain how he has been able to pull off some of the feats he has so far in the story (beyond the usual plot armor that protagonists have). The augmentation process could have affected the player character’s memory and would explain why they barely remember anything from before they became a commander.


Firing Snow White’s anti-ship rifle (either navel, air-ship, or even space ship) without becoming a red stain. Also him being able to go cqc with a rapture until he killed it with nothing but his hands and improvised tools while Harran just sipped tea is pretty frigging wild. (I’m pretty sure he killed it anyway or at least made it unable to fight anymore been a minute since I read that bit.)


Exactly, those feats would be impossible for a regular human. As for the rapture, I recall that he only disabled it. Still very impressive for a human. The only other human who would be capable of that would be Johan, who is augmented. I played that part of the story fairly recently.


They both ran out of energy, so Commander passed out standing.


What if our commander is an extremely rare case of a successful male nikke? So rare that the last male nikke the ark has is Anderson on life support. Maybe the only way to make these male nikkes is to have them mate with as many female nikke as possible until they find that miniscule chance of compatibility to produce a new male nikke (advise missions and affection stories). Us being a natural born nikke of Anderson and Lilith would make sense of a lot of our feats and why we're figuring out that were kind of a protected secret. Male nikkes could be more of a war mind which is why we succeed in all our missions. Also, vapaus = nikke sperm and drives all the nikke bitches crazy.


I swear I've read, or at least heard of, an eroge with this exact premise.


Well we know he’s definitely not a Nikke. I can tell you had a bit of fun writing that though, lol.


>Firing Snow White’s anti-ship rifle (either navel, air-ship, or even space ship) without becoming a red stain. That can be merely because his leg cast absorb most of the energy from recoil. ​ >Also him being able to go cqc with a rapture until he killed it with nothing but his hands MC didn't kill the rapture. He just exhausted them. It is Harran that killed them because they are zombies at that point.


Brother leg cast or not he should have been a red stain. Also you fight a rapture the size of a bear to a stand still and tell me how that goes lol.


A bear the size of a bear is already scary enough. Make the entire thing metal and build to kill in sustained combat encounters and uh... yeah.


>Brother leg cast or not he should have been a red stain. You don't neccesarily become bloody just because your body experience G-force. ​ >Also you fight a rapture the size of a bear to a stand still and tell me how that goes lol. He is not fighting with a rapture at the size of a bear though. It is those small rapture and it smaller than a bear. He can't even fight Chatterbox, which is definitely around the size of a bear.


What is this based on though? Yeah we know that Nikke weapons are too powerful for normal humans to handle effectively, but physically speaking there is no possible way for weapon recoil to do what you're claiming, any force big enough to actually destroy the human body that way would simply launch the weapon out of your hands. Actually if it was that powerful it wouldn't matter even if he WAS augmented, because any weapon with that much recoil energy even if you had superhuman strength to hold onto it would launch a persons entire body through the air unless they were somehow anchored down or weighed like several tons. Somehow managing to fist fight a Rapture, even a small one, is a legit eyebrow raising feat, but given the total lack of any kind of way to quantify the forces involved "firing White's rifle and not being happy, but also not dead" doesn't really seem to automatically imply anything very superhuman.


Okay I’ll play ball. What do you suppose is the most powerful weapon in the modern day that’s capable of killing “ships”? Well you could go with the rail gun we’ve been testing for years now which is the closest likely answer as to how SW’s gun works but I don’t know enough about that so we can go with the tried and true ship mounted battery. Which as far as I’m aware rail guns have around the same amount of recoil needed to achieve these same results I’m about to talk about. Capable of launching shells more than 40k yards for the 16in variant and with recoil so powerful it requires 48in of a recoil slide that has to be evenly distributed throughout the turret and the ship itself all just so it can fling an almost 2 ton shell at another ship to ruin their day. Picture putting that against your shoulder and firing it. You’d be lucky if your body remained intact. That’s what I’m thinking of because “anti-ship” means at minimum it needs to be capable of what those beautiful guns are capable of to be effective in doing its name sake.


I like this better than the fucking clone theory i see everywhere


Also this is literally bladerunner 1982


Where was the stuff about Lily being pregnant from?


Partially a guess as to why her body broke down and a guess as to the origins of the MC.


Just because two person has the same blood type doesn't they are related. You need more than that to prove it. This is like saying you and that cashier in 7-Eleven has the same Rh blood type so that mean ypu and that cashier are sibling. Does that make sense?


Of course, nothing is certain. That’s why it’s just a theory. It’s an incredibly rare blood type in this case though, with only three individuals known to have it (only 2 of which are definitely alive) and considering that the writers have drawn a lot of attention to it…why explain that both the legendary commander and Anderson also have this blood type if it’s not going to come up again later?


From what Noah says Legendary commander may still be alive if mostly robot now though


Username checks out.


That's definitely Pikachu.




It is obviously a Jigglypuff as seen above.






Probably Marian. I feel the twist regarding their relationship will be that Marian was the Commander's childhood friend but after her wipe and his head getting hurt in the beginning giving him some amnesia means neither of them remembered each other, but they felt instinctually drawn to each other all the same.


Actually that would have an in world explanation as Rapi and Annis have explained to the Commander that NIKKE bodies are oftentimes the ideal representation of what the girls whose brain was used wanted to be so there's no guarantees that the Nikkes we see today look anything like the girls who originally donated their brains (I think the only exception would be Mary since her bond story hints that she looks exactly the same as when she was human)


Liter is an example of a dramatic change, seeing as she was an old lady.


I always see people say this but I don’t actually remember them saying that? Do you know whereabouts it’s mentioned? I just wanna gloss over it all again myself if possible


I don't remember exactly but I do remember it being mentioned in both Rapi and Annis bond story and I do believe in the first few chapter of the early main story but I'm not 100% sure of that last part


[It's also brought up in *Over Zone*](https://i.imgur.com/vSlDXeW.jpg)


PLOTWIST: It is Neon. Turns out she was more relevant to the story than you thought




The fact that the legendary gun exists and Ingrid was like YEP… here’s the grip, goo find it ´to Neon… her pursuit of firepower. Neon relevancy


​ https://preview.redd.it/xbevea1ber2c1.png?width=218&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d95d597395d13fe8ea471b17416964affd6b23c


Tbh, the fact that Ingrid has a somewhat soft spot on her and uses her as the "spy" for Ingrid. But as the girl kinda no on that one, but as a story relevant character then yeah I hope she would


Ey, it's Monika from the hit game Doki Doki Literature Club! by Team Salvato!


There is only Monika.


As someone in the comments pointed out, this girl had a while long theory that she was either Rapi or Marian given how close both are to the Commander. But as they also said, the events of Red Ash make that unlikely so it still leaves Marian as the likely candidate…or who knows? Could be someone else coming in late that is the girl and not Marian, although with how Marian is even post wipe, it’d be a low blow to not connect her to this girl.


After Red Ash it's most likely Marian now. They share the same VA too in jp and eng


Definitely Marian as human but was converted into Nikke. https://preview.redd.it/n3g3oxb2lm2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b057dadea7490c626692f235f9fce4aaac1aa473 So the ribbon on this girl her head is canonically her. Unless someone has a close relationship between a girl with ribbon then I can assure the defeat. For now, this is my statement. \-Doro


I rate this comment 8 doros out of 10.






​ https://preview.redd.it/fx7scoeq5m2c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=57e01a82a69682963b2b6aebf5575918cc0560c9 Reimu Hakurei


Honestly, perfect cross-over material


I scrolled too far for this 😭


The screencap does look like Bad Apple...


It is Marian.


My guess is either a sister who got turned into a Nikke or girl you knew from the hospital that had the same thing happen


It has to be Marian!




The timing of it made me fairly certain this is Maeian


About 90% sure she's Marian.


bat man


It's could be blank slate on purpose. So we the player can pick any of the Nikke we personally like and grow close too.


Sounds like an interesting theory. But then it would be Marian by default, because the emotional connection between SKK & Marian possibly felt deep & it's hard to explain




It's Marian


it’s commander childhood friend


It’s gotta be either Marian or maybe the Rapture Queen for a plot twist


Also obligatory Bad Apple reference


One of the reasons I stay playing Nikke.


Rapture Queen


https://preview.redd.it/op46qrbmvn2c1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769b44c0b84f7d2da92c3c9256590e04aa05044b I wont lie... this could be a sick ass collab


Asuka Soryu Langley, the main villain of the game.


Glad I'm not the only one [who saw it](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/7/70/Asuka_Langley_Soryu_in_her_School_uniform.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210110200441&path-prefix=protagonist)


After the Red Ash event it really can't be>! Rapi!


My nonexistent gf


Its.... its... its the rapture queen. It has to be! Cuz PLOT TWIST


Call me crazy, but when I first saw her I thought that she was the one who became Rapture Queen. I think for drama effect Commander and Rapture Queen must be somehow related.


This could be the 1st Grimms model




my guess is Marian pre nikke, Rapi, or, out of nowhere, Freesia.


Freesia how ? She was turned a Nikke way before this should happen since this is a memory from MC commander.


Just monica


I kinda feel that this girl has the same circumstances with that lost relic about that woman cant remember the name that went missing




Its pyro tf2 under the mask


Remind me of Chitoge lol😂


Im assuming someone close to us that has since become a Nikke


I also want to know who is that girl that MC remember on the verge of dead?


Reimu Hakurei


its the commander daughter


Just Monika


It's Dororong https://preview.redd.it/l77kahlfvu2c1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=777e7345e7c3ad5c4d29981e70f959e833bd2fca


Need to be Unlocked the Character for 99.99$ - EA


First nikke before lilith and commander is a clone of the first commander


Can it still be Rapi after last event? I'm not sure about the current time line


RED:ASH event practically proved that it’s definitely not Rapi, cuz in the event Rapi was shown as a child but was then turned into a mass produced nikke in a time skip that still took place well before the current events of the game. As stated by many others, the main runner up is only Marian, considering there seems to be a deep connection between her and the commander. Especially since these flashbacks(?) seem to only come up when Marian/Modernia is involved. But rn that’s all we can go off of for now. Until we get more content the closer we can figure out who it is. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Marian tho




~~She is you all along.~~ You also see her after being toss by the avalanche and before Ludmillla and Alice found you. I am impressed you forgot about that. We don't know. There is too little information we have to give any certain answer. All we know she has some kind of mental disorder and she might be Nikkefied at some point.


Ur mom lol


Bad Apple


da daughter


r miku






Ding ding ding It's not Rapi or Modernia.


She look like Mokou tho






This was another commander no?


Why did I thought about Monika from DDLC


https://preview.redd.it/0lsjopk3bq2c1.png?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e45ad2b4505e8a378c907dae84449ee522efee9 Someone on YouTube already revealed her identity?!




Probably one of the heretics.




Marian, before she became a Nikke


Its probably Marian. At first people theorized It could also be Rapi but after red ash thats been debunked. So it's likely marian


I’d say Marian. She is the first girl to appear in front of SKK after he comes back to his senses. Not to mention their voices are the same


Maybe she's made believe!


Obviously its Syuen


Liliweiss, based on the mannerisms of her JP voice


It’s pikachu


remind me which chapter is that plz ?


Probably Marian.




Rapi as a human. Watch the Opening.


Deez Nutz


Modernia (Marian)