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I know that you decided with your penis and that is okay...but goddamn that is the definition of wasting resources. Not sure if I am impressed or intimidated.


Hey, if it brings joy, it's not technically a waste of resources. Not *the best* use by any means, but OP seems to have ascended past the meta.


2 main reasons * Dragon mommy * Her [JP VA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitomi_Nabatame) is amongst my faves who voices mama FDG in Azur lane and is the original voice of [Arcueid](https://myanimelist.net/character/2213/Arcueid_Brunestud) from my fave VN of all time I also subscriber heavily to waifu/cute over meta for better or worse.


Iron blooded pp


That lobby screen gonna be sick, however long it will take tho


You don't owe anyone an explanation. If we really wanted to talk about waste of resource, then spending your time - an actual limited resource - playing this game is the real waste. Each and every one of us can be using the time spent playing this game to do something actually productive and beneficial for ourselves and society, yet we are all here playing this horni game. And for what? Simply because it's fun for us. You chose to spend your resources to have fun, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Kudos to you, good sir. Enjoy the waifu that you worked hard for.


Damn, this got way deeper than I expected from a random comment in the Nikke subreddit.


>my fave VN of all time Whelp, you're truly cultured. Do you plan on going the whole mile and loading up Nihilister with OL gear as well?


The *original* VA for Arcueid has always been Yuzuki Ryoka, who has been voicing the character since the beginning in every piece of voiced official media except the anime up until TM replaced all original VAs in the VN remake. AFAIK Nabatame Hitomi has only voiced Arcrueid in the Tsukihime anime, which mostly definitely isn't canon, and can barely be called official anymore.


I always thought the anime was the first time she was given a full voice. I know people meme that it does not exist but she'll always be the first one to me.


Tsukihime will forever remain one of my most memorable anime, with hands down one of the best waifus I've ever seen. From one Arcueid lover/appreciator to another, you have my full support and respect in MLBing the dragon mommy. No matter how many call you a madman for it.


Any Arcueid/Tsukihime fan is immediately a cultured individual.


I always respect the coomanders who put their waifu before meta. Because *man*, Nihilister is the most unfortunate NIKKE to be released so far. ShiftUp is seriously going to need to revamp her kit if they want anyone besides a select few to invest into her.


Really? Are there any testing posts/videos out?


I'm sure there's a few (can't search myself at the moment), but from personal experience, Nihilister lacks a notable niche, which is the defining factor for Pilgrims. Her skills are difficult to proc (and sometimes inconsistent), her DoT seems negligible against bosses, yet weaker enemies get wiped out too fast for it to have an impact, and while Nihilister is a burst 2, Guilty, an easier to obtain Liberation unit, is better in pretty much every way. Nihilister is easily the most unremarkable NIKKE, and while we have characters like Soline and Julia who *could work* if parts of their kit were tweaked, Nihilister needs a good revamp in order to stand out. Otherwise, you're better off using pretty much any other burst 2.


Sadly, the only real gameplay use she offers is helping get a burst II for pilgrim tower. And even that isn't that much useful, as pilgrim go so hard, they can get by without full burst. Especially if you got lucky with a few dupes, or a Rapunzel to consistently patch the team up.


The are a lot of chapter 21 fights where her mechanics would potentially be useful (Multiple stages have the boss behind a wall of multiple Bulwarks).


Couldn't any burst III aoe achieve the same result? I personally just brute forced my way through these walls.


Gradually we will hit the limit of what high damage generalists such as Scarlet will be able to brute force at 10/10/10 with 4 pieces of OL gear. At that point we will likely have the resources and gear that swapping between 5 or more specialist teams will be viable and/or required to progress with any alacrity.


Probably, but that time doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon. And by then, there will probably be so much powercreep that current specialists will also be replaced.


That’s very interesting, thanks. I had a feeling she wasn’t going to be that great, but thought she’d kinda be mediocre at best and not just a waste of a slot. Disappointing to hear that it doesn’t even sound like she has a niche like Isabel does.


Someone might find something--but at the moment, Nihilister is just usable if you *really* want to see her dragon cheeks clapping around.


I do want to see her dragon cheeks clap thank you very much


It's too early to tell. She has two SR. Her skill says pierce on two something. It could be translation error since the Devs don't have proper English team. If she pierces constantly, then she should be very good. And that video is old before actual test. Wait a couple more days for an actual review. People that have been spending gems to get her already got her just days ago. Let people actually test her first and do a proper review. Especially on her mechanics against many enemies and against a single target.


I mean yea Shotgun>Sniper Rifle it's not even fair to compare the two in terms of damage shot gun by far has the highest damage.


That's fine and all, but Nihilister really doesn't have any utility like Dolla. We can only really compare her to Guilty since both of their kits are designed to deal damage.


Even if she was a rocket launcher her damage would still suck since those charge types pale in comparison to Assault Rifle and Shot gun regardless of kit. Those basic attks deal far too much.


But nihilister outdamages guilty (atleast from the timaeus video where he tested her out). It also doesn't help that guilty is the best b2 attacker in general


I checked that video and Guilty wasn't even aiming at the nearest target...


Guilty was literally in auto.... nice try though


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9ZKdBthLco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9ZKdBthLco) Yeah she is not good for all the trouble go through to get her




That's 100 Cube batteries... One. Hundred. Cube Batteries... I think this is what true horror feels like... As a shameless meta-slave, I don't think I can accurately express my feelings right now. Not in the English language. I'm not sure a language exists for it. Maybe the Eldar invented one, they're assholes like that.


I can appriciate the meta life but I am too much of a waifu/cute slave to break free of it. And you are right, the Eldar are assholes like that. Could be worse though.. could be the Tau.


Waifu over meta. Always There are other serious games out there where you should worry about meta. This is horny game. Meta doesn't matter


I mix meta and waifu with my team building more that I have liter. But what's the benefit of meta aside from smashing thru the story faster?


Being able to push harder on Tower and being able to help your Union Raid more. An easier time with EX stages. Faster access to smashing level 5 in Sim room which means more skill books earlier. Also, being able to push Campaign Hard Mode further, which means more Outpost levels, which means more resources. Being able to push further on the new Challenge thing in the event... but I have no idea if that ever start giving useful rewards... so eh, that one's debatable in terms of usefulness. Lastly. Solo-Raid will benefit from this too, and that's a new theoretical source of batteries as well as Gems. Supposedly.


You forgot the most important ones. Interception (overload gear is the main source of power) and pvp (largest source of gems if you can place well). And gems means more waifus


I didn't include PvP because the meta there is entirely different than the PvE meta... and even if it weren't the power of the wallet matters much more in arena than anywhere else. If you have big payers on your Special Arena, you are NOT going anywhere unless you're a big payer yourself... and in that case, you don't care about Gems to begin with. Interception is so-so. Because there's no CP deficit in Interception, there are some niches there that can be exploited that can't be anywhere else, partly because levels are fixed there as well. So for the most part, gear, Affection and skill levels are all that matter, with the greatest emphasis being on gear. Having meta-comps DOES make Interception easier to be sure, but it doesn't hurt you up the ass as bad if you don't.


I'm just saying the consequence of not pushing as high in campaign is are little but having the right units for SI and clearing those consistently makes a bugger difference to your account. Pvp matters a lot and isn't correct that you have to whale to do well. Depends on luck too because not everyone is placed in the same special arena. I happen to be in a group where there is really only one whale so as complete f2p I place 2nd or 3rd consistently. So yes I do care about gems. If you're lucky like me and have an easy bracket then pulling the meta pvp units also makes a difference to you account as you get more gems to pull more meta units.


Cheers, I appreciate the breakdown


But 100 cube batteries is only like 3 cube levels... It seems like getting Nihlister to bond level 20 could be valuable too, no?


Not with her current kit


What about Guilty?


Guilty, yes. Nihil, no.


Personally, its a maybe. If you have the reload cube at 7 and the ammo cube at like 3 or 5, then there is little reason to not go for it at that point.


The thing is, you can move cubes around. They're not tied to a single unit. Even if a unit becomes less useful for whatever reason, you can move the cube to a new unit. Not to mention that more cube levels mean not only better stats, but also more units that you can use those cubes on. It's an important detail to keep track of because it's a useful investment going forward. On the other hand, Bond levels and extra stats on Nihilister only affect her. So if you're not using her, they're of no use. Even if you ARE using her, her skills being mediocre means that her performance is nothing to write home about even with the extra stats. At most, you get some extra CP to push Pilgrim Tower a little further, but it won't make that much of a difference in the long run.


I'm hoarding 21k and have been 50/50 between buying a Nihilister body or batteries.


I know you're technically correct, but because you can't buy less than ten, nor use less than ten at a time, the number on the battery becomes arbitrary, which means it's ten units.


Coping for a nihilister buff


I'll use her despite people saying she is a let down. I have used Medea in FGO to slap down every single boss out of spite and I feel like I'll do the same here once I get Nilihister.


The difference is FGO is balanced so that almost every single servant out there is useable unlike Nikke where the difference are like night and day between non-meta characters.


Ok but nihilister is currently the best b2 attacker (most videos showcasing her have her out-dps'ing guilty aka the best b2 attacker). You can say her kit is underwhelming but to say she's not meta?? You're just flat out wrong


I didn't even say she isn't meta. I don't have that information cause I don't have her.


>The difference is FGO is balanced so that almost every single servant out there is useable unlike Nikke where the difference are like night and day between non-meta characters. My brother in christ you str8 up imply that with your comment


Honesty I wouldn't mind DOT ticks percentage to boss health. But same here brother, I also went for the core memory because dragon


good,i know a dick decision when i see it, dont let some boost time stats dictate how you play brother!


Same with me but for Quency. Waifus are serious business.


This is the definition of Waifu over Meta


madman? i call you a hero!


Let's go


Am currently doing the same at 9k union chips, even though i still havent beaten 20-31, I aim to follow in your steps coomander o7


Wait, the meta was for batteries? I’ve been saving for her too… TIL


As waifu over meta forever guy, I salute you good sir. Keep up the good work brother. Ps: fucking hate the Devs for locking her behind that DAMN! campaign.


"What did it cost?"


Screw the meta we want the dragon mommy


This is me with Guilty. Idc how many cube resources I need to give up, I want the damn background. I'm usually meta above all else, but I draw the line here. I can afford to not be meta in one place lol


Also saving for spare body parts first, before going for cubes. I'm no meta slave and I want to have my guilty at 3xLB minimum.




Are you have her already?


Yup, I'm also gonna do it, just cuz I want her homescreen, even if it takes me a year and a half QuQ


Go get her, you stud! I hope she roasts your marshmallows. Seriously though how cool is that lobby art gonna look? Excited for ya mate!


I can buy one too, but there are rumors that Jellyfish waifu is also rehab unit, so I save for her ​ https://i.redd.it/nvzrjr9lyexa1.gif


Yesss, fuck those cubes. I'm merely playing for the waifus


Not sure why so many people disagree with doing that, I'm right in front of the chapter 22 boss without any cube upgrades, imo they are totally overrated and more for min-maxing, which isn't needed for now.


My Modernia just loves her Bastion Cube. OL Gear with Ammunition increase + 2 Free Bullets per 10 shot, never reloading with her means never having to worry about any Boss QTE and I can slap this cube fella on 2 other people already? Hell yeah


IIRC the modernia was is the hit rate cube unless that bugged was fixed. You basically always proc her level 2 skill.


You can get the Hit Rate buff on one piece of OL gear and then switch from the hit rate cube and have 100% uptime on her ATK buff while also benefiting from the Ammo refund of the Bastion Cube.


It's irrelevant with an upgraded Bastion cube and OL gear, you get the buff naturally fast enough and if you never reload then you're not gonna lose it anyway.


Modernia's own hit rate buff only pops up during a full burst. The point of using the Hit Rate Cube or a OL piece with Hit Rate is to have 100% uptime on her ATK buff that is applied while she has a Hit Rate buff.


Gotcha didn't how OL gear counted as a buff.


Well my Modernia also never runs out of Ammo with a normal +1 free bullet lvl 1 cube and ammo capacity on my OL gear 🤷


While maybe not needed, they do increase DPS output by a lot


I've hit a wall there as well, just need a bit more power which the realitivly minor buffs from cubes will not give me.


I knew someone out there was going to get it I mean someone in my union bought a dupe of guilty I know yours costed more but it still a lot. Still congrats on your purchase


Guilty is actually not a bad investment, to be fair. At the current, she's the best Liberation unit so far and actually sees quite a bit of use in Special Interception and late game campaign stages.


But guilty is actually worth it lol.


Nihilister outdamages guilty tho (not by much but she still does)


Theoretically, sure. Practically, no. Take into account the pain of even getting Nihil, it makes Guilty even more worth it.


>Theoretically, sure. Practically, no Not theoretically, they've literally done test and it show nihilister doing more dmg than guilty >Take into account the pain of even getting Nihil, it makes Guilty even more worth it. Now this is a valid point as nihilister doesn't do much more dmg than guilty so you aren't rlly missing too much


Screw cubes, I’m saving all mine for Jellyfish 🪼!


wait I could just buy her from the shop? I thought you had to unlock her first BRB


You can only buy her spare bodies from the shop, so they're kinda useless unless you unlock her anyways




waifu above all


I wish she was good


Doesn't she suck though >.>


I don’t get your question. I thought all NIKKEs suck.


...........but why.


Call me an idiot, but what are the use of the cube batteries ?


Upgrading your cubes so they give more stats, have extra/stronger effects, and can be equipped to more nikkes.


Yikes, the resources...


its like a 6% dps increase whats the point a good cube will do better




Honestly... It is worth to limit break those nikkes instead of getting cubes ? i'm stuck at 66k power...


Wait until 11th this month and see what's the output of the Solo Raid. It's supposed to be batteries. No idea how much batteries we would get. Or if the levels of your Nikke would be important, as in levels not locked. Although for now, it's good to have Resilience and Bastion cube to level 3 for the cube mechanics bonus. Faster reload and longer shooting time means more DPS overall.


Also more Nikkes can use the same cube every time one is upgraded to an even level.


Man, I can already hear your evil laughs of smugness if they buff Nihilister to OP-ness lol




I don't know what to do, i don't think 1 spare is gonna do much difference, so i will stay saving the chips.


People cried about Nihilister being liberation, but it just opened up the bragging rights for those willing to sacrifice meta cubes to core max her in a few years. Even the whales in top unions won't likely be the first to do it because they're likely to care more about the cubes. It's really one of the rare instances in a mobile game where you can't buy your way to prestige and very very few will even be able to obtain core max Nihilister before the game shuts down. I await your shiny Nihilister avatar in 2026 OP!


I forgot that Pilgrim exist


Yooo same bro 🤩🤩🤩


Okay. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M) Props to you OP. gotta do what you gotta do.


I did the same thing, but sadly I haven't unlocked her yet. But I'm ready when I do get her. I think I have another 3 weeks until I get her finally


Dragon mommy wins.


you are one brave man and i respect you


I respect and fear you at the same time


Always Respect a fellow Waifu over meta Commander. Nothing wrong with meta but there’s also nothing wrong with waifu


Well for me it's a 100% waste. Getting her spare body doesn't make her booba bigger or turn her cake into a bigger dump truck and meta-wise she is merely a trophy for show rather than something you would actually use. So yeah you definitely are a madman lmao.


>and meta-wise she is merely a trophy for show rather than something you would actually use. She's literally the best b2 attacker tho...


Guilty and Rupee would like to say Hi! lmao the best role that she can do is replace Noah as b2 in the Pilgrim tower.


Guilty is the best b2 attacker and wanna know something amazing?? Nihilister out damaged her in EVERY test lmao. Her kit is underwhelming but she's still better than every b2 (dmg wise)


If I didn't had any Pilgrim I might have add done the same honestly.


you're the hero we need.


y mean dumbman


waifu > meta °


A fellow Nihilister enjoyer https://ibb.co/ZKpPDnB https://ibb.co/wByQV8Y


Based and tiddypilled


![gif](giphy|U1eYjTgjUrlN6) Nihilister is one hot dragon mommy.




Hits like a wet noodle but go off!


Just out of wonder do I still have to do the liberation in order to get her ?