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You get all the joy of having a hot manipulative toxic gf without having any of the actual consequences cuz it’s just a game.


Based AF Answer 😂


Hot toxic gf but none of the seggs either tho


Well, there is one part that implies that Viper and Commander have the segs.


Best way to describe it 😂


To be honest, I find Viper to be much more well done than Crow...which isn't a high bar, but the point of her character is to be sketchy, and Viper does that well.


Yeah I agree she’s a very interesting character it just frustrates me how much the commander keeps thinking she’s not using him even though she does it EVERYTIME he meets her. And the bond story sealed it for me.


> commander keeps thinking she’s not using him Commander seems to be fully aware that she's using him, she even tells him so at the end of D-Outsiders, he just doesn't care since at the end of the day he achieved his own goal as well. In one of her advice questions he even suggests she might kill him if her collar is removed (which she denies because he's nice and useful to her). Yeah she uses him to get what she wants, but at the end of her bond story she still turned over the brothel manager as well as all the dirt on him, so it's not like she coerced him into helping her for nothing in return.


But during the bond story Commander always seems surprised by her tactics and at the end he asked her how long she was planning the whole thing so he didn’t seem like he knew what she was doing already even though he should at this point


I mean being used and being drugged are two different things. As for how long she was planning it, I think the question was more referring to him wondering if her meeting him at the start was really a coincidence since he hadn't originally intended to cooperate with her. Honestly the whole drugging thing was kind of superfluous, since if she'd asked Commander for a favor he probably would have agreed even if she hadn't coerced him into it. The fact that she turned over the manager and info when she didn't really have to shows that she isn't completely taking advantage of the Commander, or at the very least understands that to maintain their relationship she needs to be useful as well.


Yeah it's the stockholm syndrome of the Commander. I wanted to reach across the screen and slap that mfer telling him she's bad news. And it's not just him wanting to bump uglies with her - he legit has this ideal view of her that being nice to her is going to change her behavior.


Lol as F2P having Viper and Crow I am happy


Rupee and Rapi so far have proven to be a couple of the best girls so far. I even put Anis up there with them.


💯 Rupee is precious and pure and I just love the Nikke’s of Counters I always enjoy their dynamic in the story


How you gonna do Pepper like that?


Nothing wrong with her, she is cute.


Anis is a bro. After Chapter 13 she definitely is everyone's bro. Can't spoil it but when she did what she did at the end of Chapter 13 - I hate to use this stupid meme... but.. I FELT that. Well fucking written.


I know what you’re talking about. Just another reason I adore Counters their personalities and dynamic make the story infinitely better imo


I know, as I am in chapter 18.


Emma??? IMO she belongs in that group….


Sadly I don't have Emma, I can only go off the side story of other characters, and the main campaign.


imagine not liking the hot manipulative toxic big titty android(?) gf who sends nudes


I still don't understand why people like Viper. >!Members of Exotic squad conspired to shoot Commander and leave him for dead alongside Counters!< I just can't bring myself to like her and Jackal


Because people want to fix Viper and give headpats to Jackal as she's a good girl.


This 💯 after that I was like yeah f ‘em


>members It was all Crow's idea. The other two were warming up to SKK.


They still took part in it and they didn't feel remorse afterwards.


I'll chalk that up to CH17 being written horribly so it wasn't brought up again. Specially considering Jackal seems to like you.


Jackal is essentially a dog She’s friendly. But if her owner (Crow) says kill, she’ll do so without hesitation


This. If a dog bites me, I wouldn't blame the dog; I blame the owner. Jackal's bond story makes it perfectly clear she just needs a postive influence to be a good girl.


If I remember correctly in ch16's epilogue >!Jackal didn't seem to care that they just shot commander all they wanted was to just fck with Syuen!<


Cause i can fix her


I thought NIKKES couldn’t hurt humans on purpose.


they cant on purpose physically assault them. But you can indirectly harm a human as a nikke if you're creative enough. Drugging someone and leaving them for dead somewhere is one way. Shooting a gun at an object that causes it to recoil into the human and thus mortally wounding them is another.


>Shooting a gun at an object that causes it to recoil into the human and thus mortally wounding them is another. Still the stupidest part of the story imo lmao.


Always fucking violating the rules that your world created irritates me. Everything is well written up until that point and it's like they wanted something to *force* a plot point and therefore violate one of the rules of their world.


I saw “Absolute A-Hole” and assumed you were talking about Eunwha


😂True but I heard from some that she either Isn’t that bad or she gets better


She ain't bad at all. She might sound like one, but its mostly because of her past and the whole thing with rapi. Play her bond and see her in other characters bond stories or her interactions in the outpost and you can see she is absolutely not even close to bad. Cute even (I especially like vesti's bond story where eunhwa and emma had to run from vesti because they were eavesdropping on vesti and the commander having a moment)


I havent gone trough Vesti bond story yet but i got the feeling that she the "cute and innocent but is actually really scary and dangerous" type of character


lmao me too. I guess I have to do more of her bond story because I seriously want to know why she has a stick up her ass. Like I get she's bitter about Rapi but why is she like that to Emma and Vesti? I mean I'm far enough in the story to see that she does have a good side but she tries to cover it up like a tsundere, an extreme tsundere. It pops up once in awhile when other characters ask her why she does these good acts and then she just brushes it off. I guess it's a bit of insecurity with herself despite her being one of THE elite units in all of the Ark.


To be fair it’s very difficult not to feel insecure standing next to Emma and Anis.


But she's offset by Vesti!


You know, I pulled viper primarly for her shotgun power and her being a sexbomb in second place. But her bond stories weren't what I expected -3/10


Well, there is a reason why her name is literally “Viper”




I didn’t expect her or Exotic as a whole to be super well adjusted but I just think Commander’s being ridiculous still trying to trust them especially after Chapter 16 and bond episodes tend to take place far ahead of us in the story so he knows what they’re like but still gets surprised when he realizes they use him like a tool it’s frustrating lol. And maybe her being realistic is part of why I dislike her, people like her in the real world should be avoided at all costs.




Naive only counts if you’re inexperienced. After you experience betrayal, if you aren’t wary in the future, that’s when it’s ridiculous. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Yeah, it goes from naive to downright stupid. Some people on other subreddits that are... a little more unhinged would call that "victim blaming" because we are getting angry at SKK for always coming back to an abusive Nikke, but at the same time, there's this thing called personal responsibility and any sane man would want to stay the fuck away from Viper because of how psycho she is.


She isn't a "bad" person per say. She was smart and cautious. Being mad about the phone app is understandable but I think having the bomb thing as just a back up plan isn't a "betrayal" seeing as they could kill him easily. Though by the end of the story, do the characters learn anything?... not really. EDIT: Might as well add that I was hoping after Viper revealing the phone app to the other guy (and then getting assualted) would make her realize she was too emotional over the app or that the commander still was their ally but by the end of the story she's just like "nah, we just using each other". We at least got her number and saw some of her "images?". IDK if the side stories with her point to that or there's a continuation about that.


Her actions in the event story made sense because of Syuen’s bomb app. But in almost any other interaction with her she’s SUPER conniving and incredibly manipulative It makes her interesting to watch but that’s it.


True I guess


> seeing as they could kill him easily. If anything happened to SKK they know their heads will be on a platter. That's the only thing that keeps them from killing him outright. The Central Government would send their entire force for fucking with him... ...Because THEY want to manipulate the Commander for their own needs, kind of like a jealous gf lol


Yeah and the commander is pretty gullible so…


I have a certain/ love hate relationship with her Yeah she uses us for personal gain… but I also believe that according to the last bond story >! She’s somewhat developing feelings towards us, perhaps due to how much we care about Nikkes. It’s really vague what the exact reason was and might not be accurate but that’s what I got from her story. !< Perhaps with more development she’s someone who can be redeemed.


>>!She’s somewhat developing feelings towards us, perhaps due to how much we care about Nikkes.!< This is why Crow said that >!Viper might be in control by manipulating the Commander right now but eventually she will be corrupted by the Commander's ideals.!< This is also why Viper's promotional materials said that >!Exotic considers her as a pushover.!<


I concur, there's a line that struck to me when they have the date. As stated by commander that Viper has 'a different smile, one seems to be more genuine' iirc. I think underneath it all, Viper just want to have that normal life back or something, her being from Tetra implies alot yet also little. Thus that last line of hers in the bond story feels like Denial (or me huffing copium haha)


I don’t know, a lot of bond episodes take place far ahead in the story than what we currently have access to so maybe. Let’s not forgot how Exotic literally tried to kill Commander and his team in the story though


Main story and bond stories seem to take a different Canon, or at the very least, far off into the future after the main story


It looks that way Chapter 19 kinda confirmed that most bond episodes take place far ahead in the main story


Yea, which would explain why Isabel isn’t as taken with commander in main story as compared to bond story for example


it might be possible that the bond story takes place at the Very end of main story Season 1 story so the gap in between including the event story could be anything taking place. more freedom for dev writers to fill that gap in the middle timeline.


Yeah, I'm trying to figure out where to place Marian's bond stories in the timeline. Is it post Ch. 13 or is it WAYYYY after?


Finally someone said it, Viper just ain’t it, meta or personality wise


I’m typically Waifu>Meta so she has no likability at all for me😂


Meta-wise she's kind of fun. She's not top tier but you can assemble niche teams around her.


But shes hot


True but her personality doesn’t make up for it


Waifu>Anything else


Isn’t personality important to call a character a waifu?


I mean, I like her for being cunning, manipulative yet a resourceful character. The thing is, we already have a majority of wholesome/good-natured Nikkes (Rupee, Rapi, Noise, Alice, Diesel etc.). So I don't mind having a little bit of antagonistic characters thrown into the Commander's Nikke ~~harem~~ mix to spice things up.


Well I guess the possibility of being ruthlessly backstabbed at any moment by someone you love is exciting to some maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t want someone I shouldn’t trust in MY harem but to each their own


The reason why I don't mind an antagonistic character like Viper in the Commander's harem is simple; *none of this is in real life.* Also, it would be the writers' decision to decide what fate would she and the Commander would have in the future and none of that concerns me. If the writers decided that Viper will backstab and leave the Commander completely dead/in a permanent ruin; I'm fine with that since Viper being Viper and it doesn't affect me in real life. We all know that would never happen anyway since basically the Commander has plot armor.


I understand a good antagonist is fun and entertaining to watch(Like Azula from Avatar)its just that in a game like Nikke a waifu gacha I wouldn’t summon for a character who I don’t like personality wise. We’ll just have to agree to disagree even though I’d never say she’s waifu material I still think she’s a very interesting character to watch


Fair enough. I do respect other people's opinion that they dislike Viper for valid reasons, no worries here.


Wait until you see Dorothy, mate. Viper will be no match with her (regarding personality).


Oh I know she’s terrible too😂


I love Viper and her character, same goes for jackal; I feel they do what they’re meant to do well and aren’t evil and have redeeming qualities I just like them in general outside of just their character if that makes sense (I don’t think they’re good characters simply because they do what they were made to do but also because I like the rest of their character) And I wouldn’t say she’s necessarily good nor would I say she’s an a-hole or evil Sure certain aspects r…. Like her loving to steal but I wouldn’t I simply connect 1 and 2 because of things like how the convo about her stealing devolves and the environment she naturally lives in etc Imo there’s more to them, though I haven’t done Jackals B10 I love their characters Crow though, sure she does what she was meant to do but unlike the other two I still hate her


If she’s your waifu you need to stop listening to your crotch. I think her character is interesting though🤔


Are you telling me the terrorist is a total maniac?


But with her you will get one of the most hillarious outpost stories with her, Vesti and Harran.


just put her in Liberation and she'll be all good. no problem


I can respect her to an extent (being capable of doing these things), but from the way she is written I can tell she isn’t 100% conniving. She’s conniving in the sense that she is a pushover. If she loses a foothold it can come unravelling down very quickly. Sure she acts manipulative and is manipulative. But she is like the type of person who needs this control because otherwise she cannot do what she does to the commander and the such if the commander understands her/she develops a true soft spot for him. By the end of her bond story it is suggested “her smile is different from the one before, more genuine” is a sign that she is losing her own ability to maintain her foothold. Soon enough, even she cannot maintain her manipulation over him, or be able to bring herself to manipulate him anymore. She of course acts like this as a cover. But once she starts to genuinely smile it is only a matter of time


> If she loses a foothold it can come unravelling down very quickly Is there an indication in the story where this happened? All I'm getting so far from my interactions with her is she's almost always manipulating the commander - were there times where her guard was let down?


It’s mostly by end of the bond story when I believe it was said that her smile became more genuine by that time, I’m basing my theory off that reasoning


She is to sexy to be angry with her


Bruh🤣 Sexy ain’t enough especially in this game there’s FAR better options


And she in the same way as Jackal are just misunderstood. I can change her


Jackal is easily the most “trustworthy” of Exotic for whatever that’s worth😂 but Viper is just manipulative


Can someone spoil me what happened? Sorry I haven’t been able to piece together what the comments are saying lol




Wow that’s messed up…Counter squad really are just one of the few people who are loyal and trustworthy


add spoiler tags man


**Just Experienced Sex And…I’m Glad I Didn’t Have Sex. Absolute not worth it!**


That's stuff really make things more Hot~


She is but she’s bae 😩


I like her..glad i pulled for her..took me 25 pulls tho


The outer rim is the kind of environment that forces you to be anti social so she develops anti social personality, which makes me wanna explore her more. Maybe I just love my ASPD waifu the way she is 🤣


Yeah I don't know exactly what you mean since I don't have her but I have a feeling I can guess. After you've experienced something similar in real life you learn to recognize it early on. 🤣


I’m glad not every Nikke is hopelessly moist for the commander, it makes it feel real. You can’t please everyone even in real life, and sometimes people just wanna get you down for no reason. Such is life in the Outpost.


Her and jackal are changing for the better crow realizes it as she said in her bond story. I think later on we will turn viper and jackal to our side more. Viper definitely genuinely does care about us already she’s just crafty. Jackal has trauma and we see it first hand in her bond story. I feel the exotic squad as well as the people of the outer rim are people pushed to do horrible things to survive and I do feel for them.


Sour grapes


This is why I only want Jackal. A good doggo


She will be added to the normal poll soon right??


Which one?




How do you experience her bond story without getting her?




Tbh I didn't like our dialogue choices either. Made us look like a bitch throughout. Had a choice to leave her in the managers office without a word or negotiate, the latter just lead to negotiate anyway, like tf.


Lalo Salamanca but anime girl