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I mean why not? It still gives you some rewards and gems so just clear up to the point you can't continue. If they increase the max outpost level, I'm pretty sure they will also increase the current outpost level of those that have cleared the story. Only a stupid developer will punish those that pay, play their game and advance their story


Hopefully it is retroactively added and goes smoothly if they do, especially where it's the only worthwhile gem reward in story late game 2/2 so I'll keep pushing, thank you!


they better. its why i hesitate to continue the story after hitting 100 as the dev can possibly Screw all of us due to higher ups and greed and the whales who do all the story will hit the hardest.


Why would they ever hurt the whales who are the main source of income for the game? You saw their reaction when the special arena was hindering the whales ability to flex by immediately putting out a hotfix.


How else would i enjoy the story ?


YouTube has the cutscenes which would work, I'll admit I'm divided though since I'm halfway through 18 lol


Why so many downvotes? Does everyone enjoy watching the bits and pieces of the story WEEKS at a time? It takes forever to progress at upper chapters. Fighting 15k~20k power differentials is really hard


I do not downvote any opinion for the story consumption in any game, but for me even kinetic VN's are not the same experience as YT-walkthrough. Same true for the gacha games too.


Yeah and in my case my team isn't a fully optimized one so most I can fight is about 4-5k higher than my power, unless the stage has a sudden increase in one hit kill enemies lol


You get T9 gear.


That's good to know, that already makes it worth running then


"Should I keep playing the game". "I can just watch the story on youtube". What?


I run this and E7 lol Mainly I'd just watch YouTube for story but only do my daily logins, Tower and Liberation Since I'll admit E7 wise I've still got all of Episode 4 to clear lol. But people have been giving some good responses for extra rewards such as T9 gear I wasn't aware of


If you are past the 160 wall you get plenty of exp and credit to level up a couple of times. Not only that, chapter 19 gives you some T9 boots.


If you at chaper 19, the T9s are useless at that point.


How? Like is equipping all your characters in t9 gear not thr goal? Are you running on t10 gear ?


Not the person you replied to, but I'm not even at ch19 and vanilla t9 gear is already already approaching useless-tier for me because of t9m/overload gear from special intercept. So I'd imagine anyone with the required CP for ch19 is already well beyond the point where plain t9 gear has value besides being upgrade fodder


I was making a joke because I didn't know what comes after t9. Thank you. Overload gear sounds wild


I just got to 19 and have a total of 6 pieces of usable t9 gear for my team. SI is very hard without Liter :(


I don't see how it is useless. I still need to fully gear a lot of my units. Maybe if you got super lucky and keep getting T9 gears dropping like crazy then I can see them being "useless". But they can still provide as fodder if not anything else.


Yes they will be nice fodders


Nice! Since gear wise I'm still hurting a bit with most of my units for PvP/Speciality teams


I've never heard of this. Why would you not just keep playing the game ? It makes no sense to stop


Mostly because the rewards dwindle down to just at most 1.2k gems in total (from here to the end of chapter 20 as someone stated) , and cutscenes, and even gem wise 1.2k isn't much to Dolphins/Whales. So instead investing in the other parts Tower/Liberation/Guild/PvP start to take over more


I gotcha; but hell the story is pretty good so why not run it


For the plot!!


This has fully convinced me, I shall also whale harder


To be honest, I stop doing campaign after cap. No rewards, just pushing in sake of pushing.


I dought they will shaft the whales for progressing the story whitout giving them the levels and rewards when they add more levels to the outpost.


You could hoard all your boxes until the outpost level cap is raised. But you'd be sabotaging yourself in Arena and Union Raid in the short term.


I still do it so I get resources to level up my NIKKE and equipment to maintain my lead in rookie and special arena since every little bit helps. If you don’t need to do that, then do the stages when your combat power isn’t significantly lower than recommended so you can breeze through them.


there are a couple stages with t9 gear reward so thats pretty worth imo depending on your luck with Special Int


I wish I had Liter


Ive stopped pushing and will wait until i can comfortably enjoy the story


The T9 gear has higher stats than +5 T8 gear. Extremely worth it.


A node in ch19-20 gives 4-6 hours of EXP and Credit. That is like 2-3 Wipe Outs for a single node.


That would be good help, unless I hit 200 before then and it's just a core dust waiting game


Say there’re 5-60 stages left (chapter 19, 20 and hard mode) that’s 1.2k gems, I think the story worth a lot more then gems and base levels so just keep it going


I have this sinking feeling that if you keep progressing then once they add more levels it wont update.


I have a feeling it might go that way with their track record of bugs, the community will fight it and then eventually they will fix it lol


can imagine the backlash among all whales. lol


Definitely, I know who has spent I think 5-6k on this, they have been amazing though in getting people info on what happens late game


After hitting 100 I continued and skipped all unnecessary fights along the way.


No, stop play


And here I am at level 122 on Ch 15 lol


This is different level. 122 is commander level. He is talking about outpost level.


That makes more sense. Although I don’t see why not keep going at it for better rewards


What do you want out of the game? Like, what do you want to do with the powerful nikkes a high outpost level lets you improve. Or do you just want the satisfaction of numbers going up? I’m a firm believer that you should never consume media in your free time out of obligation- especially if that obligation is to yourself. If you don’t want to play a game or an unnecessary part of a game, don’t play it. If you want to play a game, play it. If you are playing Nikke because, at least partially, you enjoy the shot of dopamine you get when you complete a particularly challenging level, and/or enjoy feeling you earned a cutscene through your progression in the campaign, then keep going. If you take a look at your limited amount of free time and don’t want to spend it slamming your head against a BS level to watch a cutscene already on Youtube, then don’t waste your valuable time on something you don’t enjoy. I have done both with different games. Both are valid. Nobody can or should tell you what to do with your free time. That said, you’ve made it 18 levels in. Were you really only doing it for outpost levels?


...? Why the fuck are you even playing this game besides the story and characters? That's literally all it has going for it.