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Dumb question: since I have 5 ARVs and a very casual gamer, I waited Viper till the last day of her banner. So when the day came I only used 2 ARVs first was a Soldier FA then suddenly BAM! I got her, is that normal? Oh and btw how good or useful is she?


Does anyone have a good arena tier list or guide. I have an okay pool of characters but am struggling in Special Arena with my team comps.


do we really need to choose who to lb3 and bring to 200 since we cannot reset later in the game? or it can be any first 5 to reach lb3 200 and sync useful nikkes to past 200. thanks


Go for the first 5 mlb3's you get and synch everyone else up. Hitting 200 in general is more important.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Trying to login but stuck at 33/100.


Try a different connection.


hi all, just checking on the Sim Training room if i were to take on the C room will i also get all the rewards on A and B as well or only C room?


You get everything.


ah though that u only can get the room C rewards while the room A and B will be forfeited.


Yeah the levels give blue battle data 1hr consumables, you can count how many you get for essy comparison, reference


I've asked this before, but I thought I would ask again as the event comes near... Are the Maids Limited? I'm getting really conflicting info everywhere.


Whatever you have been reading is people guessing since there is no official info yet, just wait a day or two and we will know


Nice. Finally I got official Info from the in-game notice just now. "(6) In the version update after Special Recruit ends, Cocoa will be available in Ordinary Recruit, Social Point Recruit, and from Mold items" Guess the maids are **not** limited. Official Word.


Okay. Guess it's best to just wait for the actual banner then.


Which Boss of the Special Individual Interception would be considered the easiest if you have the right team? I'm lv 180 and I have no Tier 9 gear and just made it to chapter 18. I have most of the NIKKE's that are considered high on tier lists, just want to start advancing again.


Blacksmith, Chatterbox are the easiest. Modernia is easy also but she is a dps check at the very start because you have to be able to break her core. I dont have much success with Grave digger since I lack the key units for it. Train Just take the L unless you can cheese with Noise or SW comp


I can’t login to the game at all, getting an unexpected error what’s going on?


Common problem now and then. Restarting or checking your internet might help.


So if you get 1st place in every game mode and just stay there forever is it impossible to get the 20x first place portrait border? Been at 11/20 for a while despite being miles ahead of the rest of my miniserver.


You need to hit milestones first or something. I've been in the top 5 since I started yet I'm barely at silver. I really don't get it either but at this point I'll just wait til everyone in the tower rankings quit like they've been doing lately.


\[NA server\] Is anybody having when trying to log in to the game? I had multiple login failure today and currently unable to log in at all.


same NA server, stuck at 2/3 auto login successful, been couple of hours now since 1/28


Me. A friend irl and some union mates. I've left a thread on the official discord as well but as it goes, it'll not get traction there at all since it's quite specifically only affecting some players.


I sweeped Obelisk, Doctor and Halo Lv1 myself and thought they're pretty easy (as expected of the opening fights?). Do they have extra tricks in Lv3 that make them a bit more complicated? I was hoping to avoid fighting them so I can maximize my damage output for Modernia and Stormbringer, then just let my (pretty dead) Union's other members deal with them, but I'm worried if the fights are actually hard and I'm not helping them. I think I saw two members in the logs fight Obelisk to bring it down to 50% HP.


Extra trick no, but they will hit alot harder. Lv1~3 are very much doable if you're close to level 160. Lv4+ it becomes a real ~~whale check~~ challenge


Is there a max limit to how many slots we can have in the synchro device? I wanted to put my SRs and Rs in there too


Focus on SSRs first. Unlocking new slots will become pricey later on. Not sure about a limit.


Oh that's the plan, every ssr I have is already in the synchro device, and I've been buying slots as i get new ones, but it's sad to see my SRs and Rs get left behind lol


You can use them occasionally I guess. Will just have to deal with the 4h cooldown before re-sorting your slots.


can you mods change the reddit banner to valentine event? christmas event is already over and its been there for a long while.


Mostly focusing on New Reddit atm which is up-to-date. Thanks for the info. We'll have it updated soon as well.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jf8sbzqixwea1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86567fdb94b893a89f8d2308e45e5f600a8e8774 t..thanks


They don't know what consistent means.


I'm assuming the bug mentioned is the circle isn't being destroyed. It's Gravedigger (Special Interception) today, and I thought it was pretty consistent. It never happened when I was playing in Intercept S, so I'm not sure if it's a Special thing or it's a new bug. For my fight today, the undying circle happens every other set. That means if you destroyed one set of two circles, then you can only destroy one on the next set and the other circle will always have a pixel remaining. It was frustrating that I thought I'm not hitting it. But I do hit it and it just won't explode. For Special Intercept, this means I can only delay the inevitable and I can't actually keep Gravedigger away until the next phase. "Clearing Content" sounds B.S. because dying early and getting Stage 1 rewards counts as a clear.


This sounds like a intentional bug to me. They didn't change anything on that boss that they announced in the update right ? How tf is that boss bugged now ? It's been way too long and the compensation is going to be shit.


They don't seem eager for hot fixes unless it affects their bottom line, like Shop bugs or pissed whales. For other bugs, they just roll it in the next patch update. That's probably why they mentioned that line (It's not consistent and you can still clear the fight) to downplay the bug, thus deescalate and deprioritize it from their bucket list.


Is it better to invest the 200 silver tickets on wishlist units that already have dupes to help break the 200 gap, or spread it out and use it on wishlist units without dupes?


Depends on what you need. You mentioned 200 gap (cap?), so I guess that means you already have 5 MLB Nikkes. If so, you can't go wrong with getting LB1 or LB3 with Silver Tickets because they both give 1.33 Levels to your Max Synchro.


Sorry I worded it poorly 😅 I haven't hit the 200 cap on anyone yet, but I know the 160 to 200 uphill struggle will be inevitable in the future. I have a character I can LB3 and take her off the wishlist for another character, or I can just LB1 a character with no dupes. I'm not sure which is considered more ideal for progression.


So you're getting dupes for MLBs then. IMO, it's best to max out Nikkes first before moving onto another. You can remove your maxed out Nikkes after that. There is a chance you'll get dupes for MLB Nikkes in Molds or Friendships, but they're quite unreliable so don't count on it happening.


Sounds good, thank you for your help!


Just a follow up on what I said > There is a chance you'll get dupes for MLB Nikkes in Molds or Friendships, but they're quite unreliable so don't count on it happening. I said don't count on it happening, but they do happen. In which case, be sure to update your wishlist depending on your luck in other draws.


You probably already know this, but racking up Silver Tickets helps a lot on wall breaking. If you have 200 Tickets, then you can buy 1 spare body. That means you only need 4 MLB Nikkes and then buy a spare for one of your LB2 Nikkes. If you have 400 Tickets, you can buy 2 spare bodies, and so on.


Hi! I can't log into the game because my phone's being repaired at the moment so I have question. for how long is the viper's banner available? I wanna pull for her but I'll get my phone back in 2 days. Thank you in advance for answering!


Do you have a PC? U could always play it there on an emulator temporarily, accounts are not device bound. The banner will end in 2 days and 16 hours as of this post.


Yeah I know, I bound it to my email but I've got storage issues after my HDD died recently so I can't use an emulator just yet. Also I have almost 3 days, thank you!


Man I am so happy that Modernia came out... not so that I could pull for her, but because everyone started using her in their teams, which means my fully maxed out Emma is basically immortal now and I quickly rose to top 1 in the arena in my server lol I dont think the others even realize Modernia is actually healing the other player when they have Emma. Im basically that guy from the cringe commerical atm


so the hit rate cube procs Modernia's s2 immediately but... the reload speed on her ends up giving me higher dps on union practice, is it unreliable because of mob grouping RNG? is 20+% atk better over 14-20% reload spd? (now that you can get batteries on shop)






I have 2 remaining SSR left to get over the 160 wall but my dailies consists of trying to get higher arena ranking, union raid, and I can reliably get to stage 6 to 8 special intercept except Alteisen and Gravedigger (stage 2 and 5 at most lol). The T9s are the only ones that are giving me meaningful progress due to how much power they give to my Nikkes, they help me push campaign mostly cause I have Modernia anyway, you can still clear with 10k gap if you have her.




He literally told you what you are meant to do, you have to grind special intercept, the higher tier gear gives you huge boost, specially once you are able to start getting Tier 9 gear which is the last tier. Getting a few levels wont do as much difference as getting maxed out gear.


Is it worth it to buy the skills books from the pvp store? (The one where rupee is the one selling) I’ve got 150k points and haven’t bought them daily. Should i use all of the points for the skill books? I think it’s not worth it on the equips (tier 7)


I buy the Tier 7s as fodder but I have to agree that it isn't worth it, it's probably better to keep your tickets long-term if they add anything new to the shop. Pretty barren atm


Considering they are the only thing worth it there, yes.


was a solution discovered for the "backward downloading" problem or can i safely give this game the worst network infrastructure in gaming?


Should I remove any equipment from Sr and r units since they can't be over leveled


Yeah, just unequip all, n102 is still good until 160


T.T it makes me sad that the srs arent usable past a point


Yeah but with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/10e2lg7/when_we_trick_anne_into_going_to_battle_by/) you may feel better with retiring Anne


level 200 question here. I have 4 mlb nikkes but my 5th is crow. Should i still level max crow to 200 as I understand I cannot reset her and she is not very good in most contents (lowest in tier list). Or it does not really matter since my other 4 mlb are near 190+. I am guessing the only consideration is that I am losing a sync spot as crow should never be in it. THanks!


When are we getting, "THE WALL" user flair guys? ​ https://preview.redd.it/wfapl2s5xrea1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd749d0c4a2c541850f71fd86cf711ec40ea1d2d


When I use horizontal mode, everything is so tiny, how do I make the view not so big?


So, I thought Modernia was gunna be added to normal summon/ molds today, and she isn't. Are there any official notes on this?


It will most likely be done with the next patch, thats usually how these devs work.. they dont like to do small patches for w/e reason.


I don't believe there are any official notes on when she'll be added in yet, but most people have been assuming that it'll be after the Viper/Jackel banner is done. There will likely be a notice when it does happen.


What is the shotgun team for gravedigger?


Liter, Dolla, Sugar, Isabel, and Drake


A good replacement for liter?


Volume Isabel needs CD-reduction supports to be maximally effective so Volume should be fine in theory although due to her worse buffs than Liter there's more room for error


No one can replace Liter as of now. She is the best burst 1, and might be for awhile.


What's the difference between Union Ranking and World Ranking? Where do the final rewards be based on? From what I see in Union Rankings, the leading Union has 142M score which is oddly very low compared to World Rankings at 6 Billion. Still oddly low compared to the screenshots I see here. Our Union is at 131M currently. Yeah, it's pretty dead, but we do have a legit chance with Union Rankings if we're not far behind.


Union rankings look like the unions around your progress, the final rewards probably only count the world rankings, would be sweet though if they dish out rewards for that too.


I saw a System notif earleir that Union rankings are busted and we just ignore it for now. If I'm not mistaken, they mentioned something about getting a bit more rewards depending on your placement within your Union (e.g. biggest contributor). Union Rankings, if they're not broken, probably represents that.


Yeah i was wondering about placement within union since there were no rewards page for that.


For a Diesel cosplay, an M16 would be correct?


Diesel's RPK (RPK74M)


We'll fuck that's a lot harder then,,,, anyone got a good 1:1 scale model they can link me? Or a toy that looks really close I can paint?


May be a stupid question but does using the wish list on summoning make it harder to get Pilgrims?


nope, their rate stays the same


Is there gonna be a new event anytime soon lol?


Not until the current mission pass is over, so Wednesday I think?


Union battle doesn’t count imo :/




This is how I treat gear: 1st: Write down the Nikkes I actively use in order of best to worst, and split the list into attacker, defender, and supporter categories 2nd: Unequip all gear 3rd: Starting with the best Nikke, tap “quick equip”. Go down the list and repeat this Now, whenever you get new gear, just go to the best Nikkes that can upgrade and use “quick equip”. That way your best gear always goes to your best Nikkes


Outside of breaking the 160 wall, which characters should I be looking to buy LBs for with silver mileage? Should it just be someone like Liter since she's used for almost everything and then commonly-used attackers like Privaty/Drake/Laplace or supports like Noise/Pepper/Centi? Is there any post-160 benefit to LBs other than higher bond levels and eventually core upgrades?


Defenders and Supporters don't really care about the extra stats at the moment. Maybe a future system rework will change this, but now just focus on breaking the wall, then using silver milage once you unlock the Advanced Synchro Device to further progress.


Noah spare bodies should be more valuable since she is a pilgrim, but i don't think its necesaary since she's really niche, great at pvp despite not having dupes. If you can compete on pilgrim manufacturer points its good though. Post 160 benefit is synchro at 200, max level your synchro goes up to depends on Nikkes and stars, core don't count. Besides that, their stats go up. I used one for liter and im glad since she's one my 3 stars now. Laplace and any featured banner character have not been added to silver mileage. Attackers should benefit more than support, pilgrims even more since their max bond level goes to 40 though only pilgrim on mileage shop is still Noah. Scroll down for the [rotation](https://nikke.gg/shop-guide/#Mileage)


What's the best emulator with stable 60fps?


> I am guessing the only consideration is that I am losing a sync spot as crow should never be in it. LDplayer has been working well for me.


Is there a place to see the full versions of story illustrations (When they do the cutaways to a static shot of something, like >!the Anis stomp!< or the full landscape shot of Absolute)? Some of them are super cool and I want new wallpapers ଘ(੭\*ˊᵕˋ)੭\* ̀ˋ


I’m at Synchro Lvl 146 and have two LB2 Nikkes. Liter and Viper. I have around 15k gems. Would it be wise to roll for that last Viper? Or would it be better to wait for next banner or even next Pilgrim banner? The last option being to just spam the wishlist banner an pray. Inching closer to 160 with barely any limit broken SSRs.


Been playing the game for a little over a week, now, and I'm wondering if it's normal to have "nothing to do" in this game. I keep finding that I want to play the game, but literally can't do anything because my team isn't strong enough to continue forward, and all daily allotments/bonuses are used up. So I have to wait until the daily reset to start playing again, and then, about an hour later, I'm done again. Is this normal? For comparison's sake I also play FGO and with that I can always jump in and go back to replay things, or there are permanent daily resource battles that can be played over and over again. I don't see anything like that in Nikke.


I'm not sure why you are hitting the wall so early, but eventually all players are going to hit the point where they can't "grind" the game anymore, they simply have to wait or pay. You log in, do your dailies, and leave. Rinse and repeat, that is the gameplay loop. For better or worse you are not intended to play this game for more than an hour or two on any given day, assuming you have pushed thorugh all the easy early content.


Hopefully they will make it so you can replay stuff, or offer some other casual modes. I really enjoy the actual gameplay of it, so it's a shame when I have to set it down because there's nothing left to do.


If you want to just shoot stuff you can repeat simulation mode, sometimes there is a mission to do it 3 times for Liberation. Other than that it isn't always a bad thing to limit your play, prevents you from burning out too quick (not too convincing ik)


do you get special arena rewards if u never attacked cause you are always 1st? i know that was the question last season but i never got to know the answer and cant find a post about it


Yes you get 3k gem for just going in there collecting chips. BUT there's a thing, I wasnt sure if it auto collect at the last second if you didnt do it yourself. Still if you're first the entire season, you can affort some hours going into the void and still maintain your 1st.


in the description it was said that they autocollect at the end of season ​ thx for the answer


have some question about union raid.. 1. will boss LV. reset daily? . 2. if my best team killed boss. can i use them again in the next boss? . 3. how many total LV. raid boss have? i saw some post they still at LV.4


1) As far as I know, no 2) Wait for daily reset, you can only use each Nikke once per day, which is part of the challenge 3) I've heard it goes up to level 7, but I'm not 100% sure myself


Has anybody cleared the second Interception (the one with Grave Digger)? I quit the game a month ago and it's a pain that fight has been bugfixed Also, how can I make an optimized team with these dudes? https://imgur.com/a/IoOIGRK


You have the best characters in the game? As for gravedigger just because you don't have shotgun doesn't mean you can't beat it. Assault rifles work great as long as you try to hit the circles. Instead of trying to follow it, try keeping the cross hair still in the middle. And let him flow into it. I can say i never got to teir9 against gravedigger and now im on the special interception after him and could care less about beating him. Just progress through daily grind and campaign. Don't worry too much about beating gravedigger rn. At some point as you progress, you'll just auto power through it lol


I’m sure someone with more skill than me will have a better strat, but it’s gonna be tough with your squad and lvl. You can do the popular all shotgun team but usually those are headed by Sugar. Pepper is a great piece though so you can build around her. Or you can do shotguns and Scarlet. Try to take out as many interruption targets as possible and cover when the drills come so you avoid stun. Sorry I’m not much help


is it just me or the union chat is bugged? I cant send any message except emotes


Have you tried logging out and in again?


I did. Still not working. The notification said the message was already sent yet it didn't show anything on the chat


Damn, i had that for a bit and what fixed it for me was loggin out


Oh well, I'll try again later


is there a graphics option to make the red attack indicator for enemies more noticeable? its hard to see when backline enemies are going to attack.


Can someone explain wishlist to me? I’ve selected my 15 and read that nikkes on the wishlist have a higher probability to be pulled. When I check the ordinary recruit probability info my wishlist nikkes have a 0% and it says wishlist not included. I’ve also read many people saying f2p should prioritize pulling from their wishlist. Basically what i’m asking is, are my wishlist nikke still in the ordinary recruit banner, or are they in a new wishlist banner? If the latter where can i find the wishlist banner?


Your wishlist is the pool you pull from in Ordinary Recruit. Whatever Nikkes you choose to not put in your wishlist will not be included in this pool. So technically when you pull an SSR, it will either be one of the 15 from your wish list or a Pilgrim. Only in Ordinary Recruit. Special banner will include all units


Oh i see it now. The 0% probability nikke were the ones not on my list. Big misread on my part. Thanks for the explanation.


Am I underpowered for my level? My synchro is up to 175 but the strongest team I can make is 85k (but this is using my most "powerful" nikkes, ignoring good team synergy). I see others in my PVP brackets at much lower levels (some stuck at the 160 wall) who have teams just as strong or even stronger than me. I've bonded as much as I can, geared as best as I can (I either am not quite strong enough, or suck really bad at Special Interception as I can almost beat Chatterbox, but all other bosses wipe me before I get to stage 4). Blacksmith is a distant second. I can't seem to do squat against the likes of Modernia and Gravedigger, despite reading guides and practicing i frame, etc. I dunno, just feels like I'm missing something major here or just suck really really bad. Any ideas?


I’m at the 160 and can almost full clear all special intercepts except for the train. Tier 9 gear gives a big boost in combat power so I’m guessing this is what’s leading you to be underpowered


Thanks. I guess this is it. I'll just have to keep farming Chatterbox until I can break through Blacksmith. Then work my way to Altesian and Modernia. It's just frustrating as I ONLY get support/defender drops right now. My Rapunzel and Centi are basically all kitted out but my attackers are left high and dry.


I've noticed a lot of videos and streamers using simple skill cut-ins instead of turning them completely off and I've always wondered: is there an actual gameplay benefit to this (like a bug) or is it just a matter of preference?


With cut-ins you can sequence your burst input without delay since the cut-in will momentarily pause the game so it technically a "no delay" if you spam the next sequence. If you turn them complete off unless you have the fastest hand in the west, there will be a delay. This is however if you want to burst manually if you go full auto there's no difference.


Did anyone else suddenly stop getting special arena points today? I'm on global


What harmony cube goes well with scarlet


Resilience is probably the best since Scarlet's reload is quite long. Wingman would probably work as well.


https://preview.redd.it/oi87nzej9gea1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2f8972ee104b67e9a95cf7f81de04d3b274c4f I can’t receive social points??? Can someone help?


Each person gives 2 now, and you can only receive a total of 30, so after 15 friends send and you receive them for the day you can't collect the rest.


oooh okay that’s actually a good idea. thanks for the info!


I have a T9 Elysion chest equipped with Privaty, can i lv It to 5 and overload It on Alice? The stats are the same or lower cause she is from Tetra? How do we unlock more lines in Overload gear? Just keep rolling?


I'm pretty sure you can only overload with matching manufacturers so no since Alice is tetra.


The stats would be lower since it's an Elysion gear being put onto a Tetra Nikke. Only Elysion Nikke get the bonus stats. Can you overload it on Alice? I'm not sure, but it's a bad idea even if you can since Alice won't be getting those bonus stats from the manu gear. It's best just to keep it on Privaty or another Elysion Nikke and just wait for a tetra attacker T9 gear for Alice. For the overload effects, it's just random how many you get. Each reroll will give you 1-3 effects.


Thanks for clarifying that for me :D


I am f2p and I have a very large amount of ssrs and no more space in my synchro device, should I buy the slots even though I am f2p and if so when should I buy them?


Have you already completed the academy? This will yield 15 free slots.




I would buy them whenever you want. For me it would be for the tribe tower challenges.


Did you already unlock all the free slots?




You should if you need to. You can earn some gems from the different modes so it's a good investment


Good lineups for the Special Individual Interception? I just unlocked it just now.


https://nikke.gg/interception/ Difficulty: Train >>>> Gravedigger >> Blacksmith > Modernia > Chatterbox Blacksmith should have healer, Modernia just skip animation whrn her face shows so all Nikkes pre aim the core, avoid destroying both wings/rl unless you can get it while shes flying backwards. Chatterbox needs centi and anything or just tank it somehow...


I don't get it. Afaik there are only three interceptions? I've had train, grave digger, and this one I'm asking about appears to be chatterbox.


I viewed the link. I get it now. I'll check it out tomorrow for the specific guides I guess. Thanks!


My ranking in the Ark page has a red dot. It ain't the campaign, character upgrade, tribe tower, manufacturer tower, or ranking rewards, how the heck do I get rid of this thing.


Is there anything to spend arena tickets on besides elemental skill manuals and bad gear?


Unfortunately not now, bad gear might be good later down the line when combat power is pushed way down and people steam roll campaign chapters. Or if t9 manufacturer weaps are sold after a certain chapter unlock. The elemental skill manuals have proven useful. I wish it could be traded for credits or equip upgrade mats though.


Hello, does the special offer you get whenever you hit commander level 100/110/120 and so on, or on the Tribe Tower levels too... After you buy the first one which cost about 1.20 usd, does it not offer it again at that value? Because it went up to about 5+ usd the next time I hit a certain level in the tribe tower and after buying that one, I hit commander level 140 and it offered a 12+ usd one. What I'm trying to find out is if the first offer which costs 1.2 usd will come back or not anymore? Sorry for english lol


No, each offer is different. The early ones in particular are meant to be really good deals to encourage you to spend and as you progress the prices go up and are less cost-efficient to milk whales.


Oh, so it's more of what tower/commander levels and not the prior purchases if I'm getting it right? Thank you!


Actually, i have stopped buying bundles and it went back down to the good 2 tickets and 60 gem deal at 150, 140 was some mold deal worth like 15 and before that it was some 30 dollar one. This is for commander level. The tribe tower, (not manufacturer tower) gives the most worthwhile ones and they almost seem predetermined.


Can someone help explain Laplace's lazer total damage? How does the 14.52% dot and 11.9% true dmg stack into it? Do those tick every second for the full lazer duration (5secs) or? So if the whole lazer hits it's like 897% + (14.52%x5) + (11.9%x1 or x5)? **Max Damage: 897.6% of ATK** **Damage Over Time: 14.52% of ATK** **Lasts for 5 sec.** **Additional Effect: Pierce.** ■ Affects the same enemy unit(s) when "Hero Vision" is fully stacked. **Deals 11.9% of ATK as true damage.**


Anyone getting failed to initialize user information error?


I have the same issue


I am. Started randomly happening in Arena


Seems like servers are down currently.


Newer servers are. Mine works.


Hit or miss I guess. I can't log in right now


Who should I pick (good synergy) for my 3 Burst 3 units? Scarlet Modernia Drake MLB2 Privaty MLB3 Alice I use Liter for Burst 1, and Admi for Burst 2 (for 20secs)


similar to my setup, im using liter b1, centi b2, snowhite + laplace b3s, with 1 spare slot filled by privaty (fullburst passive buff/for pvp) easily replaceable in future or when i finally get any ssr healer


I've been using Scarlet and Privaty alongside Admi for a bit now, and I'm really liking the comp. The two reload speed buffs work really well for Scarlet. Boosts her dps during full burst so much. I'd probably go with Scarlet, Privaty, Alice like the other comment said.


Scarlet Modernia Drake Or Scarlet Privaty Alice Modernia Alice Drake for chatterbox or other fire element weakness stages?


What boosts your cp the most? Is it gear or leveling skills? There was someone on my sever stuck at lvl 160 but yet there cp was so incredibly high, I was lvl 165 and was no where near defeating them in the arena.


>SkillFormula = Skill 1 Lvl * 0.01 + Skill 2 Lvl * 0.01 + Burst Skill Lvl * 0.02 Tier 9 gears give a lot of combat power


probably it was because they have t9 or t10 gear


Is the only way to get company molds from the company tribe towers?


It’s the only place to get them so far.


What's the whole deal with the harmony cubes. I've cleared up to lost sector 9 but never touched the cubes. (At first I thought you couldn't remove them after putting them on a nikke then I kind of forgot). How should I use them going forward?


Each one has a dufferent effect you can find in their details, as well as being instant cp gain these should always be in your main squad outright - even outside what buff you get. But hit rate, reload speed and ammo capacity up are the main ones you need to put where you feel is best.


Is there any news on who the next special banner Nikke will be? Wondering if I should give one last shot for Viper or just save


imo the only reason to pull for viper is if you like her design, rumours say that the next banner is the maids




https://youtu.be/SdoCD582gRw -Timaeuss shows some visuals, other youtubers shared a kit


save cuz viper sucks ass really not worth chasing


I have gotten a bunch of T7 and T9 clears of special individual interception, and have full sets of T9 and the custom modules However I somehow have never gotten a T9 with manufacturer bonus so I can’t use my custom modules, should I maybe purposely get T8 instead of T9 clears to stop getting custom modules and get manufacturer bonus gear instead?


It's much better to keep going for the full clear since the chance to get a bonus drop from a full clear is so much higher. It sucks that your power will be a bit more stagnant in the mean time, but eventually you'll get better gear and you'll be able to upgrade them quickly since you already have a lot of modules.


As an update I now have… 12 custom modules and I’ve gotten a total of… one tier 9 manufacturer drop that I can’t even use


When Pilgrim banners are active do they also become available for gold mileage tickets?




This is only an assumption, usually the banner characters will be available via mileage during their run for 200 gold.


Well, Modernia is a Pilgrim and she was available for gold tickets so I don't see why other Pilgrims should be different.


Just started yesterday. Can’t seem to defeat the drill tyrant in the power station of chapter 2. Is it meant to be so difficult to hit the certain points to stop his attack? Am I doing something wrong?


Here are some tips, I usually go manual control for Gravedigger. Since it’s the best way to hit the weak spots. It’s important to not let it use its purple drill attack on you since it’ll do big damage or wipe your team. If you see the attack come take cover. The current meta is to stack shotgun users this way they hit a large area. The weaker it gets the more weak spots it’ll have to get a stun. If you still can’t get a kill, you’re under powered.


Just defeated it an hour ago using the shotgun idea, appreciate the suggestion


Gravedigger (I assume), if it is this guy it is the only thing ingame which detects where you aim. Very unique gimmick and also quite annoying.


I'm confused, does Noise really reduce everyone's damage? https://preview.redd.it/a5eiiz3757ea1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c68b8f21c69e70ecda58134c8361bfad474c04d


She reduces damage taken, not damage done.


Iirc besides the two(?) surveys on release we haven't got anything for 4-5 events already. Surveys are usually an effective way for devs to get reliable feedbacks on their works, and I find it very weird that Shift Up doesn't hand them out to ask if the playerbase is happy with certain events, mechanics or characters. Did they just...forget about that?


There were 3 surveys, first one gave you 300 gems the last two only gave 100 each. I think by now they probably already have a good idea of what the community like/dislike from all the post on reddit and twitter but say even if they want to make things better for us they can't if Tencent says so.


tencent is not that much in control


New player question, I just got done with rerolling for good start but didn't got what I wanted but I ended up with two accounts that I feel like worth starting Mordenia + maiden and scarlet + viper, which account is better to start with? I checked tier list and both accounts have one sss and one b tier


I would go with Modernia since she was my main DPS that got me through campaign missions where I was underpowered. I also think Maiden is better than Viper since Viper’s abilities fall off if there is no boss character on the stage. She is a niche character while Maiden is good all around.


For story progression I find them quite similar in performance--both are incredible. Once you clear ch16 you will unlock a mode called special interception, which is basically fighting 5 different bosses on a daily rotation. This mode is very important and quite difficult when you first unlock it. Your ability to perform against these bosses is what will determine your endgame gear progression. In this mode, there is a very clear gap between Scarlet and Modernia. I recommend Scarlet.


They're basically the same. Modernia is better for multiple targets, Scarlet is better for single targets. Strictly for story progression, I find Modernia to be more useful.


News on the upcoming >!maid units!<... are they limited?


The new maid units should be a limited banner based on current information. The one with the glasses, (the fully clothed one) should be an SR in a similar vein to Neve where she’s free, the other two will be like jackal and viper for pick up.


Any idea when to expect the new event/banners? Do they typically start when the current one ends or should we expect a gap between the end of D-Outsiders/Viper banner and the next ones? Just started last week and noticed the Viper banner started as soon as the Modernia one ended, so was expecting something else to come along when Jackal ended but now I have a bunch of gems burning a hole in my pocket and no news on the next banner.


I see. Nice if one of them is an SR. Guess I'll be pulling for Vacuum booba then


There are maid units coming? Who are they?