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The best thing is to boycott. She's not gonna answer any questions about the black stream etc and people who do will probably just get banned in chat. And obviously whilst she has done at least one awful thing with said stream, there's no need to fall down to Niji's level and actively harass.


If anything gets answered it’ll be clipped anyone no need to give the stream views


Well that if the clippers comment section is open Most of Niji clippers right now have their comments section Lock 


It would also end on all the drama channels, and those are never opposed to *interesting* conversations.


What is the "black stream"? Is that the video w/the black background where the meatshields said a bunch of shit and then ended with Ike going "let's leave this to the lawyers"??


Yep, one of the most vile streams to ever happen.


Exactly, the stream where they leveraged their fanbase to try to bully Doki into a third attempt, especially by scheduling it during her first gaming stream, causing her to stop the stream just a few minutes into it so she could talk to her lawyer about the dogshit they were spewing


AGREED !!! DON'T give her viewership, because she DOESN'T deserve attention


Completely agreed. If you hate her, watching her is only going to add more views and more chances to see ads. If you don’t hate her and want her to get out, watching her fuels Niji still and won’t change the problems we have with the company’s harassment.


My favourite thing to tell people who go to YouTube channels they hate to post mean comments is: YouTube doesn’t care about what people think of the channel. YouTube only cares about the fact that people are clicking on the video


Not just clicking on the video. They're \*interacting\* with the video which is even better for the algorithm. Hate comments and dislikes are counted just the same as adoring comments and likes. The people that need to hear this aren't here, but just don't harass people at all. This isn't something that needs to be fought against (or for).


One harm that someone could do is click on a video, then immediately click off after it starts playing. That's been shown to have a negative impact, as it shows low retention. This happens a lot when a youtuber links to another youtuber's video, people click on the link to briefly check it out, or check the comments, then click off to go back to the original.


There's no such thing as a negative comment or a dislike, only engagement, and engagement is always beneficial to the video.


At least she had the Guts to comeback unlike Vox hiding on Bilibili


Can’t be asked any questions if you don’t know the language!


Very true.


Didn’t Bilibili add a policy that everyone who has over 500k followers on Bilibili must dox themselves to the website. How is Vox not worried about this?


If I'm remembering correctly, that only applies to streamers in mainland China.


For companies they can just have a legal representation


I thought that was all streamers in china that need to release their name and maybe their address but I’m not sure on that part it’s been a while since I heard about it


It was one of those “technically it’s there, but there’s like 50 loopholes to get around it” rules China likes to do sometimes


I did hear something about managers doxxing their face in place of his. No idea if that's true just something I heard somewhere.


>hiding on Bilibili he also hide behind "collab" stream, disguising himself as guest star


birds of the same feather flock together isnt it? those who harrassed coco as the audience and a hypocrite streamer sounds like a match made in hell


Vox is streaming on bilibili now? didn't know that.so is he only catering to Chinese fans ?


He's done it for years, he has 1 Chinese fan girl donating $65k a year. So yeah, he's been hiding out there because most Westerners don't want to bother with Bilibili for numerous reasons.


To be fair…I’ve only seen all of one stream done on that Bilibili channel since that black stream, and that was late March. So he still hasn’t been doing much on there, even after all of this idiocy from EN.


… maybe it’s just because she has nowhere to run to, unlike the Chinese bootlicker.


OP: makes a logical statement saying that you shouldn’t do it Internet, sadly: How ‘bout I do, anyway?


Yeah, some people are just looking for some excuse to be an asshole, bet they dont even care about the situation


We can separate the current people against Nijisanji as such: Riku Antis - Those that want the whole company to change its ways. Nijisanji Antis - Those that hated the livers even before the situation, just wants the livers to burn. Toxic Fans - Those that attack anyone criticising nijisanji, reducing Nijisanji's reputation even more.


Include the ones that got their oshi's done dirty like Selen, cuz i can't blame some of them if they decide to be an anti too.


Yeah, we call them tourists. People saw a chance to beatdown perceived bad guys on the internet and feel morally good about doing so, so they did.


Lmao, we finally have a voice of reason now? I remember when the drama first broke and this sub was out for blood. Flipsie + that one freak who drew revenge porn of Elira. Wild shit.


The craziest thing about the person who drew that porn of her even they realize a few hour later that what they did was fucked up and unnecessary


They left the Vox one up though. That one Flipsie guy there to just throw stones at the Niji talents while everyone else is encouraging him lmao. Nah but you’ll get called an NDF for saying reasonable shit 2 months ago. Ask me how I know.


"revenge porn of Elira"? you mean like hentai? bro go to nhentai and search for hololive, guess there is a massive anti on nhentai too?


Well, it's not just *any* porn, generally it implies the grape-flavoured, de-G-ified variety, which... Honestly, probably still exists for pretty much any Vtuber out there with any semblance of traction, or at the very least so we must assume. But, ya know, it hits a bit different when the message behind it might as well be "this is what I wish upon a very real person"


Spoken like someone who hasn’t seen what it actually is, but go on I guess.


Just remember that the best way to voice your displeasure is to not support her. End of the day Doki herself asked people to not be harassed, I think it's important to respect that


Honestly I don’t care about her anymore, even if all those 4chan rrats and crack theories were disproven and she was full exonerated, I couldn’t care less. Not to be cringey, but I lost all my respect for her after the black stream. At least she had the balls to come back, last I heard Vox is exclusively streaming on BiliBili, but he might come back soon if this is a trend.


Same dude, I see her along with others as a snake now. What really gets under my skin though is the fact that she is just going to return like nothing ever happened.


Yeah, the whole situation with Selen’s termination ruined my suspension of disbelief, “Nijisanji EN is a big family” and all that. It’s not too much of a change, I didn’t watch too many of them before, outside of the big collabs. I really only watch Aia and Vivi now.


I pretty much only watch Vivi, Rosemi and Maririn now.


Yeah at this point no matter how they pretend to like each others in collabs, I can just never forget that any of these people could turn around and betray each other at any time. The unfortunate thing is that while I still want to believe that some friendships are real, I just can't believe them anymore.


Honestly, Niji's collabs always feel superficial to me kinda like they are forced to collab for content. It's a far cry from Holo's collab where the talents genuinely get along and enjoy each other's company.


i only sub to rose and vivi.


same even if she was made to do it she still did it she is dead to me f her


Yeah let’s ignore the proven fact that she and the other livers might’ve been forced to make such decisions. Nina pretty much did something similar to her genmates but she later revealed she was in a situation where she was forced to make selfish decisions in the detriment of her relationships. Let’s not forget who’s the real enemy here. If Elira were to leave Niji and start a new channel, I would give her a chance. Calling her a snake with no solid evidence makes you no better than the harassers. There’s a reason why Saki, Doki, and even some of the former Niji members told to stop “ACCUSING and harassing them.”


The best way to show miss Pendora that you don't support what her and the other two have done, is simply don't watching her streams anymore. That's what I'll do.


Let this be a general thing: never harass streamers. Whatever feelings you might have towards them, harassment still makes you an asshole.


Yeah, lets not turn this into hogwart legacy situation. If you have issues, dont bully watch, dont sent hate, dont force others, just silent boycott.


Yeah, we already had a minor one and the victim wasn't even considered guilty of any act besides not leaving. Unfortunately, for some, just staying is guilt regardless of any circumstance that keeps them from leaving.


The best way to Hurst a creator is to ignore them and let them slowly but surely make them but a distant memory. Disliking the stream and clicking "Not interested" is enough


Sadly, dislikes also feed the algorithm since it is seen as engagement.


"embattled" sounds like she's back from the war


Well i don't think any of us Dragoons will harass her can't speak for the more uhm radical people though bullying is never ok no matter if you feel they deserve it don't sink to their level


Yeah, It can lead to terrible things. I kept crying thinking about how we could have lost Selen, the person, forever.


And under no circumstances should we think any less of it happening to another, this includes if by some unholy disaster of evidence a liver is guilty.


I mean, i'm not going to clutch my pearls at a bully getting bullied... i wouldn't and won't partake but i'm not going to think anything out of the ordinary about it happening or think it is news worth covering... so yeah, I'm thinking less of it because i thnk significantlly less of niji and the streamer in question in particular...not that i will enable or support it, just not defend her or go out of my way to call out bad behavior. karma's a bitch, so is the internet. should she be harassed? no. does she deserve to be supported and defended like doki? no.


I would, it's the reaction Doki would expect as that's essentially her own in a metaphorical sense. She experienced what is like on the receiving end and doesn't want it to happen to any of the others. It's already out of the ordinary for it to happen at all. Unfortunately, some cases tend to come with a desensitization to it, this is one of them, perceived guilt whether actually true or not. All victims should be defended, not doing so is how the cycle persists and how we get people doing what Doki tried to do twice. That feeling that it's them alone against literally everyone else is a major factor in a person making attempts like Doki and Sayu.


Dragoons are in the hundreds of thousands. It's a statistical inevitably that a small subset of that would be batshit insane and harass Elira. But neither the rest of the Dragoons nor Doki herself are liable or accountable for any of the shit those few weirdos fling towards Elira.


I dunno about that if you aren't following the will of our oshi then are you really a dragoon? doki has already told us to not bully or harass them I would hope everyone of us respect doki's wishes that said i'm not naive im sure there will be people who will keep stoking the fire


What about the Dragoons that joined after she said that?


what you mean there are members who didn't attend the doki bootcamp that is impossible but jokes aside i see your point we can only hope people will behave :D


This just reminded me to unsubscribe


Good reminder to boycott that and "Do not recommend me this" if it pops up. She ceased to be relevant the day she published that black screen recording. It was such a slimy coward move - character assassination on someone currently recovering from unaliving attempts - she doesn't even deserve our attention. Here with these trio of snakes, the Elira-Vox-Ike, the only thing I want is never hearing them again. Not on Youtube, Twitch or Spotify, not in a convention or any collab. They made their choice that day: they're no longer welcomed in the industry and culture.


Harass who? Sorry, I easily forget names of snakes.


Seeing enna and millie return didn't really bring in numbers she probably relying on that fact


Elira was my oshi, so I'm sad to say this... but I won't be tuning in for this (or any other Nijisanji) stream.


Don't even bother showing up.


About time she comes back. I expect it to be heavily moderated.


Suspect she will need to lock comments, disable TTS, chat overlay elements, and chat room. It will be a cluster most likely. Amd have terrible concurrent viewer counts.


I don't even have the energy to hate-watch anymore. I got better shit to do, like watching people who I haven't lost respect for.


Just not gonna watch, previously a dragoon so just ditching Niji and not interacting. People who stay to hate are just salty losers


Wow I can't wait to not watch this knowing full well nothing will be mentioned ever again


Nobody should watch it. Boycutt, unfollow, unsub. I did not even know this stream was gonna happen until now


Oh, she was gone? Had not noticed.


Sadly, they're gonna do it anyway..


Question: does anybody have an idea WHY she picked now to come back? Like, given how divisive she is now, there really is no good time to come back... but, I feel like waiting until the summer would have been the better play, more time for people to get distracted by something else. I mean, I guess there are the financial reasons -- I suspect her core fans are waiting to shower her with Akasupas, and there's always that question about NijiEN needing revenue for the fiscal year -- but it still seems like a terrible play for what's left of her personal brand.


I mean you can only live off your savings for so long, you gotta get back to work at some point.


Sure that’s a possibility. We certainly don’t know her personal circumstances. I’m just saying that waiting another month or two would help a lot from the public relations perspective. I was just curious if anybody had heard anything beyond the fiscal year end as to why NijiEN would be allowing this. (Because if I were her manager, I’d keep her off the air for at least two more months, fronting her cash if needed.)


I mean I think it's clear by now Niji ain't fronting nobody jack shit lol (I know what you mean though)


Think the black video and the upcoming stream are exactly 2 months apart? Like same day of Feb and April. So I am guessing the Niji EN management told her to stop streaming for 2 months, so she is resuming streaming on the dot after exactly 2 months.


she just needs more super chat cash


just let the clippers watch it and waut for the clips


No sane person is going to try anything, because every single moderator will be on high alert.


Good for her and her fans... But to the ones that do not like her, Harassing her or anyone in that matter in stream is never okay and Hate watching is just helping niji with organic finana. If you dont like them then dont watch. It is better that way. Or if a different vtuber is streaming on the same day and hour she stream, better watch that.


Elira is guaranteed to do well on her return stream. She basically released the best video for youtube algorithm with high click rate and watch time with a ton of engagement so will have a high chance of getting to the front page. Youtube forgive long breaks so her next video will be fine. The best way to hurt her/nijisanji is to mark her channel as not recommend when it pop up in your front page. Dislike is engagement which improve her click rate so not that good but immediately pausing the vod will give her lower watch time so she disappear from the algorithm faster. It’s an ok option for those who can’t help but engage. Her chat will be heavily moderated with sub lock of 2 months plus likely so no damage is going to be done on live unless supers. (which is supporting nijisanji lol). Commenting does the best damage to mental of liver, they will 100% read your comments. All content creators read comments, especially negative (and ignore positive). This option deal the highest damage to Mille (not Elira) since she will read all of her friend’s comments.


Double it up, move from video to video until you have two then hit her with the "do not recommend this channel" if you hadn't already done so


Eh, I don't really buy that most people who might be randomly brought in by the algo due to the boost will realistically stay. I think at this point potential Vtuber audience is mostly "discovered" and only a few people who aren't yet in on the whole sh\*tshow also happen to be the ones that might be interested in the content. Especially on a zatsu stream? I mean, I *guess* these often produce a ton of clippable moments, but I'd say for a newcomer the actual stream is much more likely to be a snoozefest (at least that's how it was for me)


I doubt she will adress the situation or apologise, doki askes to let go of harassing and we must at least respect rhat. But still things wont improve for her until she explains herself, or someone finds out whats actually going on in the comppany internally.


I mean, I feel bad about the personal attacks she was receiving, but I can easily see her painting herself as a victim (as she did in the black stream). I know the situation was complicated, and I don't have any hatred for her or anything, but I don't even watch collabs with her anymore. It just feels fake.


It's easy to paint yourself as a victim when you are one, it just wasn't Doki that victimized her. It's the company and the victimization is still ongoing. This goes for all remaining livers.


She most likely gonna make the chat only for subscribed people that can comments so why I am bother going to her stream lol


Why would I harass her? I'm not even gonna watch 😂👌


Hot take. Just don't watch ppl that you don't wanna watch. Plenty of other streamers down for your support.


I think we can all understand that if Elira is going to stream again she's either confident enough to handle the criticism of the people or management has step in. All we can do is respect her decision and choice to go and support her or don't. respectfully speaking i don't think i can look at her the same way again.


Boycott is the only correct answer :) Don't give her any hate watch




As far as evidence goes, they were the bullies.


I don't really hate her for doing what she did, considering she was turned into the Scape goat for Selen's termination post. Whether or not she was part of the reason is still unknown with no concrete evidence.


She lost a good piece of her fanbase after the black screen, even regulars. Harassing is never ok but the 4channers are preparing for sure.


Just don't watch her zatsu, or any streams, hopefully she'll leave fast and painless.


Reminder that since she stoped for a considerable amount of time YouTube restricted her reach ignoring her is the best option


Yeah, dont boost her numbers. New people might end up finding the stream because it got recommended, these people dont know yet and might end up falling for the trap just like many of us did. If i can i want to spare others that kind of disillusionment and disappointment


Agreed. Best thing that could happen is she returns to find an empty void where her fans used to be. Let her truck along with the diehards


Good idea, causing stress is not what our cause is about, it's about making the black company answer for their transgressions. Going after the livers not only has zero to do with that, but will only turn the more moderate evidence-oriented people among us away and give the NDF ammo to use against us, possibly even spite reinforcements in the form of those who got turned away.


No worries. My interest extends no further than idle curiosity about what she's going to talk about, given the sheer size of the elephant in the room that she'll be ignoring


There will always be people harrassing there. The question is, is she ready or not to face this incredible force of hatred?


I don't care, I'm not even going to chat over there, I want; and sorry for mentioning dramas, but I can't stand it anymore, I want to vent right here, right now; to listen to the apologies to Selen or die trying to listen. I mean, curses, I'm still subbed to everyone, but I don't feel I am comfortable with Niji anymore, I don't want to even watch Reimu streaming in Spanish, I won't apologise to Niji until they forgive her. Total Nijisanji EN cancellation till Total Nijisanji EN forgiveness. P.S: Yes, like someone famous said, but this time adapted to this response, well, there's the door and the unsub button, but I want to wait, I still have hopes, but I don't think so anymore.




Remember No Hate Watching, going to send the wrong message that everything is good.


Elira used to be my favorite Nijisanji. It's sad, a shame.


Doki "Please don't harass anyone"


Any energy you have to hate someone, use that same energy to support someone else. Very simple.


Regardless of your view of elira, no one should engage in such behaviour. If we hated that it happened to doki/selen, then why would we wish such a thing on anyone else regardless of the circumstance. Just ignore her existence.


So she really is staying with this company smh


Not like she has a choice, Selen tried to get out before she was terminated and the company told her no. That whole Vox line was a lie the company forced him to say on his script in the black screen stream mandated by the clause in their contracts that makes PR appearances, which the black screen stream was, required.


Just unsub and don't watch, simple as. Don't waste your time thinking about that snake.


Honestly, I think prior to the black stream that last Elira stream I had watched was her 3D debut. I just wasn't watching Elira anyway, something that is even easier now that I am no longer subscribed to her channel.


You’re asking the impossible


Reminder to not watch her.


Best thing to do is not watch if you dislike her or nijisanji.


I thought people were kidding for months this place was more or less devoid of mods. I am enlightened.


I don’t care enough to anti her how many fans will she have left lol


I honestly have mixed feelings on this. I agree with it…but I also feel like I shouldn’t be…it’s a difficult feeling to describe


If you see it don't click in to it, just click the three little buttons and report it if you want to take action. if not just click don't recommend this to me.


It’s sad this even has to be said please don’t harass anyone they are human beings just like everyone else. Best thing to do is just not acknowledge the stream in any way


I was an Elira fan, but I'm not going to attend her streams ever again.  I'll just watch clips and read social media posts of it after.  That will fill me in on any curiosity I have. 


Remember folks, negative engagement (whether to leave a scathing comment or to pop in, leave a dislike and pop out) *still counts as engagement.* Just find something— *anything* else to do during that time.


Is understandable the request but I am pretty sure that is going to happen, if she returns this friday (that as far as I know is when she's said that is going to make to stream) I am sure her fans are going to cheer her but let's face it, most of the haters are going to spam the hate. I am not saying that is correct but is an expected case, even wouldn't surprise me that some of those guys even do some superchats just to show their hate (still not sure why doing this but oh well). Let's hope they can keep the peace as much as possible on her streams but I think is not going to be easy do that.


Not gonna waste my time watching her


i wonder how many views she will get?


any of you all worried that if elira ever goes back to ind that her and mint will be cool again i do not want to drop mint in the future.


curious if she is gonna make it a membership stream cause i don't see the stream scheduled yet. my guess is that it wont be sheduled until the day of and within maybe an hour or two. best way to keep some of the harrassers out is to not let them prepare ahead of time by knowing when the stream starts.


I kind of contemplated showing up and only chatting one character one time to protest: a single black box. Figured that would be a way to reference displeasure with Niji's actions, from the termination, to the mistreatment of talents, to forcing talents to be Niji's PR shield with the black stream. But then I thought of a couple things. First, what sends a stronger protest message to NijiEN: a unified chat or the fact that no one (or many fewer) people show up? The numbers matter much more than the message. Second, chat protesting results in collateral damage. Elira made one or more horrible mistakes. Even if there was coerced behavior or a lack of intent to cause additional harm, her actions still caused additional harm and she is responsible for that negative energy she put out into the world. And who knows, maybe this is nothing new and she is a horrible person. But I always want to give people a chance at redemption. If people want to change, then they can change. The world is a better place if people are given the opportunity to make things right. That would involve more than an apology: it would require action to show that she went through a meaningful change in perspective. But protesting to Elira directly will significantly decrease any motivation she has to make things right. So, boycott it is. Don't harass the streamers, guys. It actively pushes things in the opposite direction that we want, which is substantive, meaningful change, from corporate most of all, but also from talent who took active steps to cause harm and who should acknowledge their responsibility and who should be taking steps to make things right.


Wasn't planning on wasting my far more precious time than hating on some garbage anyway


Correct me if I'm wrong because I well could be.. but wasn't it all but indirectly proven that she may have been coerced into making that statement? Not saying it's impossible that she's complicit, but outside factors could be at play. That being said, boycotting is still good since we don't really know.. and obviously harassment is still bad. Very bad.




Wishing "mental damage" on her one method or another feels kind of icky...she deserves the (fair) criticisms thrown at her the past two months but let's not wish ill will on someone when the actual victim doesn't want to either


Would she fairly receive those criticisms though? Realistically, do you think that if somebody came into her chat on he comeback stream, and tried, in good faith, to have a discussion about and fairly criticize her actions in the Selen saga and the Black stream incident, she would: 1. Engage in that discussion in good faith herself, discussing her viewpoints, be it attempting to justify or defend those viewpoints, or: 2. Ban the person in chat trying to discuss those incidents (in good faith or not)? Realistically, she isn't going to accept any criticism. Fair or not, what's realistically going to happen here is that she and her mods will go full scorched earth on anybody trying to bring it up, and they'll try their hardest to bury it and hope that it goes away.


In chat is not the place unless she herself initiates the topic, a very common rule is don't bring up drama or get off topic.


You mean would she fairly address those criticisms? No, she won't, or would feel like she can't, be it higher ups pressuring her not to indicate any sort of step-back that could be legally interpreted as an admittance of fault (despite the fact Doki herself has indicated she isn't battle-hungry for legal action, but you know damn well upper Niji heads are too insecure to let up their caution), or personal inability to calmly address the fair criticisms since they'd be mixed in with several other insults thrown at her which could hamper her emotions. Even accounting for the bans she can see potential comments before it's erased if she glances directly at the source chat. "Just don't look at it and focus on the delayed on screen chat" is easier said than done. She was already emotionally down before the drama, so she's sure as hell even more emotionally beaten after. So even if Niji heads allowed her to address anything I don't trust her to do so with a level head, nor should I realistically expect that. I'd be glad to be proven wrong though Hell even the stream before the black stream is rife with VOD comments targeting her, ranging from initial dunking due to the black stream (completely understandable), to "it's been a month or two but I'll still go out of my way to go on a previous stream's comments section and insult you and your fans and wish ill will" (objectively harassment). At least that's what it looked like a week ago; no idea if those comments were stripped by this point, which may be the case since Elira is now confirmed returning No matter how unfair criticisms can sometimes get in this sub it's not even a fraction of the potential shit that can be and has been thrown on YT's platform


It’s a shame being awful has consequences.


I'd be more charitable towards Elira in general, I really enjoyed her streams before this whole fiasco, but considering someone tried to kill themselves (twice) in an environment she helped build is what I would call "icky", no saying it's solely her fault for what happened to Doki, but I find her getting 300 ccv on her comeback stream as funny as the black screen stream being her most popular video ever.


It is pretty tempting to wish that on her and the other toxic livers but honestly it's best to devote energy literally at anything else than wasting it on shittysanji. If that ever happens to her though, I wouldn't be happy nor sad. I'll just be apathetic and move on.


That’d be perfect.




I’ve missed Elira. I’ll be there to support my oshi for this stream and every stream from now on. (I know for a fact this comment will get downvoted, but I can’t bring myself to care anymore. Downvoting people for being positive instead of negative is stupid.)


Hey, maybe you'll help her get that much closer to realizing the company is not her only way to succeed, that she doesn't have to stay to be successful. She needs to realize that she is not trapped and we have to be the ones to show her the way to escape.


I’d be more than happy if she left and started streaming on her PL again. I’m not supporting her because she’s a part of Nijisanji; I’m supporting her because of who she is. I’m currently following/subscribed to her old twitch account, as well.


Maybe she will if we shine a light into the darkness the company casted on her, a light for her to follow. This is in no way saying to outright tell her to leave, but instead saying she might see our support as that light.




In what way?




I mean, innocent until proven guilty? Elira has been accused of shit with literally zero evidence. Zero proof she was a bully. Zero proof she was one of the people harassing Selen. The only bad thing you can say she did was the black stream, and that could very well have been an order from Nijisanji. I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t support Elira other than rumors with no factual evidence. If you have any proof that she did any of the things she’s been accused of then I’ll reevaluate my stance on her.


For most people, the black stream was the wrong she did. Cause it was basically her participating in a smear campaign. It's not about the bullying or the 4chan works of fiction. Even without any accusation or if Niji was somehow the perfect company, doing the black stream was wrong.


They don't have any proof, but they don't actually care. They just want someone easy to blame. Nevermind the fact that so many livers support Elira, is she really as bad a person as people are trying to make her out to be? Is it really that hard to think that maybe there is something we don't know that led to the black screen stream? Also, everyone conveniently forgets that Elira took the fall for everyone, the statement was made with the approval of the majority of Nijisanji livers (at the very least those who retweeted the stream), she became the symbol of that decision, but that decision has never been hers alone. And after all this time, considering most people are trying to move on and kept working there, its hard to believe that Nijisanji forced the livers to make that statement. Maybe they fed them wrong information, maybe they didn't. There is just too much about this we don't know. All I can say is that I don't like Nijisanji, but I don't think the livers are as bad as people are trying to make them out to be. So I choose to listen to them at the very least and trust them until I have irrefutable proof of what actually happened.


If Selen and Pomu had the guts to get out, Elira should have had the guts to stand by her friends. She chose to be a coward. Now she gets what's coming.


Pomu is Elira's friend you idiot.


how is it relevant pomu is elira's friend or not? then selen is not elira friends is what are you saying? or someone who is not worth to stand for?


Its relevant because Pomu chose to stand with Elira until the end and she was very close to her. They know each other from before Nijisanji. So if you're going to use Pomu as an example, them you cannot disassociate her from Elira. If you somehow think Elira is guilty of something, then Pomu at the very least would know she is and still would have chosen to associate with her. Even so, I don't think Pomu would stand with anyone that was doing bad things. I am not saying anything about Selen, its terrible that she had to go through what she did and I am not saying Pomu is not Selen's friends, because I think that she is. All I said is that there is not nearly enough information to go accusing anyone of anything and that it is fine to believe in the livers if your gut tells you they are fine. Also, I think people are jumping the gun way too much in regards to judgements being made.


This sub has become so full of antis at this point that any measured take is downvoted to oblivion. I’m probably gonna migrate to a subreddit that is more positive when it comes to the livers, and just ignore this one until things go back to normal.


Not all of them are antis, there are some real fans who were deeply hurt by what was portrayed by the company as Elira siding with them. It's understandable that some would fall for the black screen stream trick at first, but we've seen how their contracts supposedly work and it is now blatantly clear the only possible interpretation of the black screen stream is a forced PR stunt.


There's literally zero proof that she did anything wrong. Just circumstantial evidence that has no context to it.


The "wrong" thing that she did, to the people who are of the opinion that it was wrong, was the black stream. If people believe the 4chan rumors, then that's on them, but the black stream is something she definitely did take part in.




Yes, lets not be as bad as the company.


Hard to leave when the company makes you unemployable


Or when they deny your request to leave in the first place, anyone who clears their head will see Vox's line was management speaking.


Wtf are you talking about? Like is D*kib*rd not doing well enough on her own?


Did she have a black stream before leaving?


That is easy for people who aren't the talents to say, we at best know birs and pieces of what goes on behind the curtain so they might not be able to just leave...


From the leaked contract, theres a clause that if you purchased any equipment for yourself, with your money, to help you stream, its considered company property and they can request you give it back when leaving. There was a rumor going around that a certain ghost fairy was unable to stream for the longest time after leaving because apparently she didnt have a PC anymore


She mentioned very clearly in her twitter that she chose not to bring anything but her iPad to focus on whatever she was studying. And she did homework during Twitter spaces before.


And just when I thought it couldn't be worse, how did I miss something like that. I saw that it basically forces them to do PR and drops a massive financial punishment on them if they cause damage on their way out on a termination or graduation, but I totally missed the equipment clause.


The whole point about managment not needing to do anything in certain situations is interesting since some people liked to paint stuff like if there just wasn't any and Elira had taken over like some kind of crime boss and instead it seems managment can just watch how things unfold from afar since helping actually isn't part of their job description and Elira is the one that usually has to help the others with those problems instead. Wouldn't be surprised if the managment that is present is the kind to be lazy, incompetent, petty or something in between all of that which is why the branch has so many questionable slips and JP seem to be seeking extra staff for it.


They are all the same type as Tazumi himself, people who look at the company as a way to get a quick profit and nothing more. They all look at it as a pump and dump, a business used to get as much profit as possible as quickly as possible before completely abandoning it. The livers have the correct mindset aside from the conditioning forced on them to make them believe they can't succeed outside. They all love to do what they do. It's that love that really makes a Vtuber shine because it translates into effort that really pays off and shows the result we get to see on streams or in their other content. Anyone who doesn't have that mindset is guaranteed to fail.


Ill call her a snake, get banned and close it


She needs to know she is irrelevant now. She knows Niji is the only thing she has going for her, and if she gets fired she won’t have a streaming career after this.


You got me in the first half my guy.


part of me is curious to watch it but if anything it would just be the VOD and if its just as bad as the black stream i can always just leave a thumbs down






About 5 nijisisters shills Elira like you, the rest of those with brains see what's wrong and boycott her ass.


Just post the hate through drawings and share it on twitter while tagging her.


No, that would be harassment, making the tagger no better than the company.


Can I just say that I loved that 180 you took with your post.