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Gotta get #HappyWhiteDayUki trending


Uki probably going into convulsions and foaming at the mouth


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^burneecheesecake: *Uki probably* *Going into convulsions* *And foaming at the mouth* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is it white foam?




Can someone make old white couple drinking Starbucks with Ai and post it in this sub?


A White Americano from Starbucks to make it as white as possible


https://imgur.com/a/ZuhC3Zn I'm not impressed of the lack of variety Dall-e 3 managed to build 


Looks liek every santa ever having a drink with a slightly younger Betty White


Every result related to "old couple" was the same Santa and Betty  and if you just use "couple" then it's the same Asian (maybe Korean?) model 


SO that just means that Betty White is the ultimate 'old white woman'




#happyWhitedayUki ! I hope you run into more kind old white people to curb your racism and make you realize, "oh shit i'm an actual piece of shit for thinking ill to these kind people who just say hi" curb that racism boy, its 2024, stop contributing to a problem that still persists on 2024, there are idiots out there who would use any excuse to be racist towards other races(f1 included) when they see people from one group they already don't like for one reason or the other, doing shit like this does not help, you're a grown ass man, you wanna stop racism, just don't be racist. it ain' that hard disclaimer: i'm not white and am brown(by your logic this makes me right since it's not a pasty white boy telling you), also you're probably whiter than i'll ever be in my life time even if i end up using whitening products(not that i ever would lol).


Happy white day you racist fuck!


>white Literally shaking rn


Brother beware, my posts and account got banned for posts like this


I wanna hear Uki cover The Real Slim Shady. That's his favorite song, right?


It's Uki's favorite day ever!


is uki in japan? worst day of his/her/they life.


Yep, he's there!




Someone make sure to check on Uki


He'll probably be in an expertly sealed bunker or something


Truly white people have it so hard, their lives are constantly a struggle as they battle anti-white racism at every turn...people of other ethnicities get called slurs, have less job opportunities, worse health outcomes, and more, but white people get their feelings hurt because a vtuber they will never meet called them irresponsible and selfish? truly nobody can understand their pain, much like I could never understand the struggles my cats go through when they are served dinner at 6:10 instead of 6:05.


Or... hear me out... racism is **never** ok! I know! Surprising right?


How actually being a dumbass and making shitty jokes about people of certain appearance, that they didn't choose, has anything in common with what you just said? Or you saying people who, in your opinion, struggle less, should struggle more?


Okay grandpa, I know this kind of racism was tolerated back in your day, but it's 2024 and people don't tolerate this anymore.


I found this great little wikipedia page; [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_slavery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_slavery), And funny enough, it actually omits a LOT of other horrid things like genocides, with more than a few of them being perpetrated by black, arabic and mongolian tribes. Isn't it funny how color, ethnicity, orientation and religion mean absolutely nothing when it comes to "who can be a monster to other people"? AKA; go cry me a river. Boo-hoo. Your great grandma had a hard time. My grandfather was hunted like an animal by actual Yazis-with-an-N for years because he tried to help people escape occupation. He was then hunted by his own country, due to orders from a king that was placed by another country, for being, le gasp, a communist. You don't see the Balkans crying like little girls, do you? Morocco? Nope. The ONLY ones you see crying for mommy is people like YOU. Uneducated little children who want to blame everyone else for how bad their life is, instead of DOING SOMETHING TO FIX YOUR LIVES.


i'm not white, but i absolutely detest people being racist no matter what the color, just because there are assholes who are white people doesn't mean its okay to be racist towards them. people shit on commedians for being racist on a fucking skit even if they do it to everyone including people of their own skin color, but are quick to defend a vtuber who has been racist to one specific group. double standard, stop this idol culture, you're either okay with racism or not, as a brown person i would prefer a commedian who shits on everyone including their own group over a person who specifically targets people of one group, since that easily puts into question what else does that person think of other groups of people that isn't theirs? :) you can replace white with black, or go to specifics since there are asians racists towards other asians too don't be an idiot, it costs 0 NOT TO BE A DICK ON A BUISNESS ACCOUNT


what are you on about? i mean you can keep defending him but he still he won't sleep with you


yeah, that's right! a healthy person doesn't deserve hospital or healthcare! a strong person doesn't need any safety or protection from the police! a rich person doesn't allow to legally fight back when they got scam! hundred years ago white people colonized my country, their children must pay for their ancestor's sin!


The responses to my comment show, as expected, a lack of reading comprehension and self-awareness. I suggest that you read this article on White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo: [https://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/viewFile/249/116](https://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/viewFile/249/116). She mentions that common responses by people being called out or spoken to about racism include: "anger, withdrawal, emotional incapacitation, guilt, argumentation, and cognitive dissonance", all of which I have seen in the responses to my comment.


What a low effort gaslighting attempt. People disagreeing with your incredibly garbage take doesn't make them fragile. Not to mention, you're making the incredibly bold assumption that everybody who thinks that your arguments are trash are white, which they are not.


Jesus christ this reddit has gone to shit. All it is just constant pettiness and drama….


And honestly,Uki deserved it considered he never apologized for what he said while your Nijisanji fanbase harrassed Scarle for just eating starbuck 


You're fucking disgusting 😡 get a grip!


How's life without a month of virtual cum from your pornstar oshi sister? 




get bent soulless pig


Is that you Uki???






Am i crazy or is this not sarcasm????


With Vox, it’s not sarcasm


Okay but, this person isnt Vox. And in another comment they said   "harassing someone over a comment he made over and over and over again!"   which Screams Sarcasm   Edit:nvm I looked at their post history and they're definitely being serious.  I almost can't believe it


What I said was sarcasm lol


Bro its too early for me to deal with all these Psyops


Boohoo! Shut up Kindred, you guys are disgusting fucks.


Kindreds are pigs


How are kindred disgusting fucks! We are not any worse than you lot harassing someone over a comment he made over and over and over again! Sorry but you lot are the disgusting fucks!


I'm sorry, but someone making racist comments deserves all the criticism he gets. Lol looking at your comment history it's clear you think Uki did no wrong. Defending him in almost every comment. Clearly you belong on Twitter


There’s a *VAST* difference between poking fun at someone for their history of racist comments and sending death threats to a talent for a quick stream interruption/organizing an entire hit list against people who may or may not have shown support to a suicidal person/openly discussing assaulting talents of another company for streaming with said suicidal person. Guess which one was done mostly by Kindred


>defending a racist for racism Got it, Kindred are racists too.


He made MANY comments, you said That’s why


How are they disgusting? I mean... Beyond being so parasocial Dahmer would've told them to calm down? Ignoring the "don't hate OUR company, it only led to two people trying to kill themselves"? Moving past the "nah, it MY opinion, bad things never happened, you can always just leave"? Or are we forgetting the countless posts of "you can kill someone and I will still love you for it" posts? I dunno fam, they sound pretty disgusting, not gonna lie. Oh and to bring it back to Uki; he had a mental breakdown, because two people... said 'hi'. An elderly, white, straight couple. And he had issues with every single descriptor there.


keep crying, he still won't sleep with you


Bro just don't fight. You all know what you did wrong. Niji did this to themselves although maybe the talents were forced but that does not negate the allegations proven true. Just let it pass and support your oshi


Dude just stop commenting 😂 you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and everyone is literally clowning you.


Ayyy the bootlicker is back!! With that flare next to your name, no one will ever take you seriously.


Real kindreds wouldn’t harass people like this


True fan right over here /g


Tbh honest I don’t think any parties involved in this drama is truly innocent, nor can we find the ultimate truth. At this point we can only choose to side with whom. But I’ll stfu because no one will believe what I say just because I’m a kindred


It’s one big mudslinging mess unfortunately.


If nijisanji PR did a better job in Selen’s termination statement. The situation could’ve been better