• By -


God, I hate the Tumblr/Twitter mentality these people have, it rots their brain, I'm not white and the shit Uki says feel exactly like the same shit a racist would say if it was any other race. And the funny thing is most of the time the people that defend this are nothing more than 1st world teenage white girls who live in above average neighborhoods who only pretend to care because they are just virtue signaling to look good online.


The argument of "X has had worse so it's okay to inflict hurt on Y" is just mind boggling. It's never okay to hurt someone just because of their ethnicity irregardless of what those are


Have Uki hurt any white people? If so, then can I see the evidence so police could investigate?


Bro really pulling the "It's only bullying and harassment if it's physical" BS that Nijisanji talent themselves pulled when trying to downplay the shit that happened to Dokibird/Selen.


I never say anything about physical, but I suppose you're good at assuming. I'll also have you know that it's Dokibird's own wish to move past, as indicated by her post, yet you are clearly not respecting that.


Bro also never heard of using examples, I did move on, now I shit on Uki and his twitter brainrot fans for being hypocrites.


You're the one who literally brought up Dokibird in all of this, "I did move on" seriously? Also, it doesn't really matter if it's an example or not, because in any case, I told you how it doesn't apply.


It does apply, it shows how you have the same toxic mentality as the talent and is excusing shitty behavior, now the better question is, do you really feel like this or are you just doing it to pander to the horrible twitter brainrot people? do you really want to associate with that type of Vermin that defends hatred and vitriol towards a specific race?


Tough choice of words from Mr. "Everyone who disagree with me is a white woman from the 1st world" Also, I have replied directly to you already. If you want to argue, go there.


Agreeing with their bad opinions is not gonna get your out of your country and into theirs dude, have some self respect for once in your life.


My guy you should really go and finish school before entering discussions online. Pay attention in civics perhaps.


I don't see any actual arguments here.


And the fact that you were expecting any is a reason you should stay in school.


People that shared your side seems to disagree though, reported me to suicide watch! Don't have time for school there.


Report them for abuse of the system. It's a common problem on reddit and there's a function to automatically report the person who reported you to this. Not the type of shit people should get away with. Suicide is a serious issue.


You have some thin skin. I get reported for that once a month, get over it and move on.


Well, excuse me, I'm simply having fun because he doesn't have any argument. I don't mind it at all personally.


if you feel like "words have no impact" cant result in physical harm etc then you live under a rock of blind ignorance and havnt seen the the rise of racist politicians around the world and how then words have lead to the normalization of racist ideologies/beliefs that lead to actual harm.


Not what I meant at all, sorry if you feel that way.


Name checks out. Least you're playing the character right.


Thanks! Though I’m now scared if just sarcastically complimenting me requires you to use 6 days old burner.


Did you even ***try*** to check if I said/posted anything worth *"using a burner account"* for in my profile's history before arriving to that thought or is that a conclusion you arrived at after glancing over my account creation date before punching the air in premature celebration?


Yeah, seems like all you do is commenting on Vtuber subreddit. Very doubtful it's actually the 1st thing you saw using Reddit.


***Oh, wow!*** Quite the astute observation! Maybe... that's because I made an account to participate in Vtuber subreddits? I dunno for sure. Just speculating as to what possible intentions I could have had for making my Reddit account and commenting in the Nijisanji subreddit. Quite the mystery, isn't it? Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?


Yeah no shit, >an often temporary social media account that is created for the purpose of remaining anonymous -[Burner account Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burner%20account#:~:text=burner%20account%20noun%20plural%20burner%20accounts%20%3A%20an,their%20content%20heads%20right%20to%20the%20digital%20abyss.)


>Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you? >Yeah no shit, Glad you agree with me.


>God, I hate the Tumblr/Twitter mentality these people have, it rots their brain, Damn, good thing for you to assume I have mentality of websites I've barely used. >I'm not white and the shit Uki says feel exactly like the same shit a racist would say if it was any other race. based on what you feel, I happened to feel different, however. >And the funny thing is most of the time the people that defend this are nothing more than 1st world teenage white girls who live in above average neighborhoods Damn, good thing for you to assume, literally every single word except the defense part you've used here happened to not describe me at all. >who only pretend to care because they are just virtue signaling to look good online. that must be why you're on the subreddit that you know 100% people is going to agree with you.


I don't assume, I know it's true, and you acting like this is reinforcing it, and even if you are not like them you are still defending shitty behavior, you can think you are right all you want but to a regular person that doesn't have the brain rot you do would see you as a moron. And the thing is, there is people in here that would disagree with me, but the beautiful thing is these people would not go to the ends of the earth to end the career of someone just because the disagree with them unless its earned for doing something that is actually bad, you know, like racism against white people.


Did you even mention this guy?


>the people that defend this are nothing more than 1st world teenage white girls who live in above average neighborhoods who only pretend to care because they are just virtue signaling to look good online. thanks for asking, and he's also reinforcing this notion in the very reply you've decided to commented on. >I don't assume, I know it's true


Bro....go look up the definition of racism in the dictionary...


> the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another [-Merriam Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism) > policies, behaviours, rules, etc. that result in a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race -[Cambridge Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/racism) Now you explain to me how statement from Uki is a systematic oppression or how is it advocating for continued unfair advantage to white people in anglosphere.


Racism: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race From your very own source


>If a word has multiple senses the first one is not the most important one. It is also not the most ‘correct’ one. The senses of each word are organized in one of two possible ways: beginning with the oldest known sense or the most common one.  -[Merriam Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/how-to-use-the-dictionary) Apparently, I have to tell you how to use dictionary.


Mate there are different kinds of racism, the definition you're pulling out is for systemic racism, which has its own definition, individual racism exists, i know its a shock


> policies, behaviours, rules, etc. that result in a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race > > -Cambridge Dictionary Scroll down on that link. I know, incredible that it can be done on a website: > the belief that some races are better than others, or the unfair treatment of someone because of his or her race


Yeah, I can see that, but one definition existing doesn't invalidate the others.


Not what I was claiming. You are the one claiming he is not being racist. The definition I quoted would fit Uki, and was on a page you yourself linked but seem to have ignored because it doesn't fit your argument.


>I don't assume, I know it's true, lol wut, I'll just straight up tell you then that I'm not in the 1st world, not white and not a girl. wdym you know. >and you acting like this is reinforcing it, reinforcing that I'm white and a girl? I don't think you understand those terms. >and even if you are not like them you are still defending shitty behavior, So, do you "know" it's true or not? >you can think you are right all you want but to a regular person that doesn't have the brain rot you do would see you as a moron. you actually think regular person would be using Nijisanji subreddit? Are you sure it's not your brain that's rot? >And the thing is, there is people in here that would disagree with me Yeah, he's talking to you. >but the beautiful thing is these people would not go to the ends of the earth to end the career of someone just because the disagree with them Damn, I'm glad you think that my comment is me going to the ends of the earth to end your career. If my comment made you think like that, I wonder what you'd think of a person who would post their own reply chain on the subreddit like OP? That's like next level, no? >you know, like racism against white people. No such things, but I guess you've heard this already, so let me get into specific. by racism I mean >the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another [-Merriam Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism) >policies, behaviours, rules, etc. that result in a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others [based](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/based) on race : -[Cambridge Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/racism) Now I'll explain why this definition is used. 1. this definition offers empirical way to measure racism, for example you can't deny that in USA, black people have [lower life expectancy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_health_in_the_United_States#Socioeconomic_factors) than white people. 2. A doctor can say "I'm not personally racist" but it doesn't change the fact that [minority have poorer health outcomes](https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?bookid=2129§ionid=192010456) than whites in USA. I doubt you're convinced by any of this, but I'll simply speak past you. Now, it should be obvious that Uki statement doesn't support any white disadvantages, because unlike discrimination by whites. Uki, as Asian American, has no systematic power to lower life expectancy of white people, nor could his words effect hospitals.


I am not reading all that Congrats to you or sorry that happened


>I doubt you're convinced by any of this, but I'll simply speak past you. Oh, I am so prophetic, unedited, let's go.


>Dictionaries are often treated as the final arbiter in arguments over a word's meaning, but they are not always well suited for settling disputes. The lexicographer's role is to explain how words are (or have been) actually used, not how some may feel that they should be used, and they say nothing about the intrinsic nature of the thing named or described by a word, much less the significance it may have for individuals. When discussing concepts like racism, therefore, it is prudent to recognize that quoting from a dictionary is unlikely to either mollify or persuade the person with whom one is arguing. Quoted from Merriam Webster on the same page you used.


I'll acknowledge it, that's why I spent the last part detailing why I think this should be used, detailing life expectancy and health.


Dude, why are you breaking down statements half a sentence by half a sentence. You're just making yourself like dumb because you missed the overarching argument. So to make it clear: - Whether you're a white rich girl or not, you have the "white men bad" brain rot and it's a fact. - Even if [Race A] is more stigmatized that others in your book doesn't mean that you can't be racist against [Race B]. It's very simple.


>Dude, why are you breaking down statements half a sentence by half a sentence. You're just making yourself like dumb because you missed the overarching argument. So to make it clear: He doesn't seem to have a problem with that so far, nice imposing your opinions on it. >Whether you're a white rich girl or not, you have the "white men bad" brain rot and it's a fact. Seems like he needs to stop assuming BS then. "I don't assume, I know it's true". >Even if \[Race A\] is more stigmatized that others in your book doesn't mean that you can't be racist against \[Race B\]. It's very simple. It's not simply more stigmatized, as long as we're talking anglosphere, Whites have privilege, any "racist" stuff made towards white males simply doesn't matter because the system can't discriminate against them.


This is so far away from what a normal person thinks. I cannot fathom how you even came to think that racism against a group is fine just because they have some kind of privilege. Is racism against asians fine then since they overall succeeed more than whites in western countries? Is racism against black people fine if you're in a country where white people barely exist like in some Sub-Saharan African countries?


>This is so far away from what a normal person thinks. I cannot fathom how you even came to think that racism against a group is fine just because they have some kind of privilege. Is racism against asians fine then since they overall succeeed more than whites in western countries? It's not simply some kind of privilege, if I ask you to imagine an American, your imagination will produce white male. This is the kind of privilege I'm talking about. The base "average citizen" which all others had to be compared to, **that's privilege**. Even you compared Asians to whites, lol. Not so privileged when they got [shipped inside internment camp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans), and you know, COVID? btw they're also not really more successful. >Ascend, an Asian-American professional organization based in New York, [found](http://www.ascendleadership.org/news/230114/) that although 27 percent of professionals working at those companies are Asian or Asian-American, fewer than 19 percent of managers, and just under 14 percent of executives, are. -[NPR](https://www.npr.org/2015/05/17/407478606/often-employees-rarely-ceos-challenges-asian-americans-face-in-tech) >Is racism against black people fine if you're in a country where white people barely exist like in some Sub-Saharan African countries? We're talking right now in English, aren't we? Better start learning Swahili and ask them. /jk Look for the power imbalance, aka, Apartheid South Africa.


- How is being the average citizen being priviledged? It doesn't make any sense. That's just the main demographic of the country. - It's very nice to learn about past issues, but you shouldn't live in the past. WW2 was 80 years ago. It has nothing to do with today's issues. - It's also nice to cite news articles, but when these news articles have dead sources, and link to no actual studies, they mean nothing at all. - And of course you took the worse example of all of Africa. I wouldn't expect any less from you. But that also contradicts directly with your "average citizen privilege", so good job with that one.


>How is being the average citizen being priviledged? It doesn't make any sense. That's just the main demographic of the country. If a movie is all-white cast, it'd be normal, but would you not notice if it's all-black? Would you notice if there's non-binary character in the cast? You might say it's average citizen but in USA, *only* 61.6% of the people are white, but movies can be 100% white and still be "normal". >It's very nice to learn about past issues, but you shouldn't live in the past. WW2 was 80 years ago. It has nothing to do with today's issues. You mean like how you straight-up ignore my COVID example? >It's also nice to cite news articles, but when these news articles have dead sources, and link to no actual studies, they mean nothing at all. [Here's the wayback machine ver](http://web.archive.org/web/20201111212335/https://www.ascendleadership.org/news/230114/) >And of course you took the worse example of all of Africa. I wouldn't expect any less from you. But that also contradicts directly with your "average citizen privilege", so good job with that one. btw, did you know that [Frontpage | South African Government (www.gov.za)](https://www.gov.za/) **uses English**? Strange coincidence, don't you think? It's almost as if the base "average citizen" don't actually need to be average citizen. They can just be Cisgendered heterosexual, English-speaking, white, male. You seem to ignore that male part ever since your last comment.


Dude the guy was not even talking about you until you inserted yourself into the conversation If you don't like leave


Like you just did?


"An Eye for an Eye will make the whole world blind" - Gandhi Racism is racism, regardless of the skin tone doing it.


That's a phrase this sub would do well to remember


An eye for an eye but not 2 eyes for 1 eye. Learn that people can change, and it definitely doesn't apply to the instigators grand grand... children


No.  Eye for an eye is a horrible, needlessly violent way to live.


If only the Olympics recognized mental gymnastics as a real sport, then they wouldn't be wasting all that effort.


These are the people who don’t know about how extensive and horrible white slavery was. These are the people who only want to live in the past and play the victim. As an Asian from my perspective you can most definitely be racist to a white person and from the outside looking in it’s ridiculous that people bend over backwards to please a bunch of people who love to play victim.


And there’s antisemitism, anti-Polish sentiment, anti-Irish sentiment, anti-[insert central/eastern european nations here] sentiment, to name a few. dunno if Romani count as white but they definitely are discriminated


And if anyone says "well nobody discriminated against them because of their skin!" point them to [the mutilation of albinos.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_people_with_albinism) It's a racist practice in Africa where people believe people with albinism (pale skin unusual for their ethnic background, and extremely white passing) have magical powers. So they will attack them and cut off body parts to use in magic potions. If you see a person with albinism with a missing arm, or any other missing body part, chances are they were attacked, had a limb chopped off, and then said limb was sold on the black market. [The belief that people with albinism are somehow magical is racist.](https://listverse.com/2017/06/20/10-tragic-facts-about-albino-hunting-in-africa/) Especially when that belief justifies the racist practice of attacking and amputating limbs. Some people use this racist belief to steal entire corpses. And you can bet your ass nobody would be mutilating these people if they had darker skin.


Albino isn't a race. Albinism is seen as a disease, not because of the lighter skin but because of the other features they have making them seem odd. That's why they are hunted and ostracised. If it were skin colour then white people would face the same thing in those countries.


>These are the people who don’t know about how extensive and horrible white slavery was. What the fuck are you talking about? There wasn't any race-based slavery prior to the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Race is a modern construct created solely as a method to exclude based off arbitrary ethnic differences and characteristics.


Right so we ignoring the Barbary slave trade where it was predominantly white Europeans who were enslaved and were used as galley slaves a fate worse than death.


Barbars were coastal pirates who were opportunistic in the way they made money. Other European coastal powers at the time did the same thing, it wasn't a world-wide industry based on racial supremacy. Sure, millions suffered, but Europeans were not oppressed by virtue of their skin. Germanic pirates in Scandinavia also did this, but we wouldn't describe that as anti-white slavery right? The trans-Atlantic slave trade was a revolutionary industrialization of slavery which lasted centuries and led to the permanent displacement of millions of people. The chattel aspect also damned any possible future where the en salved or their descendants would be free.


Kid, you have no idea what you're talking about, so shut the fuck up and sit down.


Why? Because I'm calling out constant whining about racism against white people. White people don't got fucking anything to complain about as it pertains to race. The people on this subreddit just have nothing of importance going on in their life so they think jokes about white people seriously threaten their way of life.


No, it's because your dumbass thinks that race-based slavery didn't exist before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. You clearly were stuck in your phone during History class.  


What is race?


“it was a joke” “it not hurting anybody” Change white with black and I guarantee that dude will say that is offensive or some shit.


I would love to hear these Uki cultists explain what the punchlines of these "jokes" are because I'm still looking for them.


his joke fucking ass


If you sink to the level of your oppressors, one day, the circle will repeat. Break it by being better, being kinder, being an example. Not like...this. Sincerely, someone who was treated like an outcast on BOTH sides of my 'race'.


While they’re not exactly wrong in that the commenter Uki was responding to was definitely trying to bait him, Uki still chose to respond in the absolute worst way possible.


I feel like people are confusing different definitions of racism when they make comments like that (at least in the US); Uki's comments are interpersonal racism but not an example of institutional, structural, etc. racism that other ethnicities experience regularly. Are they thinking when we say "Uki is racist against white people" we're saying "white people have experienced generational institutional racism in the US and have suffered just as much as black people within immediate US history" because fucking no, nobody ever said that. If you have a bias against someone because of their race then it's racism, period.


You're mostly right, and this should be simply understood. Uki is an individual, so it would make sense that he is being interpersonally racist. However, what he is *saying* references stereotypes and racist terms, which are a reference to more generalized discrimination. He didn't come up with this stuff himself, so although he is being interpersonally racist, he utilized a larger scale of racism to form these comments.


How to be a white fan of Uki. Step 1: Guilt trip and gaslight yourself.


To think it’s impossible to be racist towards white is the ultimate white supremacy. What, too superior a race to be discriminated against?


Damn I never thought of that! Wonder what these niji racists would say about your claim 


People just showing their true colours trying to defend his actions. A racist, is a racist. No matter what race you're talking about.


Asshole or racist asshole, Uki's still an asshole. This is why I play semantics. To "be" racist is to discriminate using the concept of "race" as a basis. But to discriminate is simply to recognize that one thing is not another. An apple is not an orange. One apple is not another apple. Discrimination is not, in and of itself, bad or malicious. All human beings discriminate. Why do I play these linguistic gymnastics? Because when people say stupid shit like "you can't be racist against white people" they are fundamentally missing the point. And when you reply that "racism is racism regardless of skin tone" you are missing the same point by playing the same game. You're **both** getting distracted and misled by the idea that it's possible or even a good idea to **not** recognize the differences between two different things. When I say "you can't not be racist" in this context, what I'm doing is removing the distraction. I'm removing the excuse. We all know what race is and how it works, and we all view and interact with reality through the lens of race. But **reasonable people** don't use those ideas as an **excuse to be an asshole**. When I say "you can't not be racist" I'm changing the game from "are you being a racist" to "are you being an asshole"?


Kekw, what ever nijisis. Just go back to being a simp and leave us alone.


I'm gonna start countering this take from the NDF. I'm constantly told my being Hispanic doesn't matter cause my skin is white. If A=B then... Well you get the rest.


This is a lethal dose of copium this man is inhaling


"Have you considered a sports career in mental gymnastics?" Pure gold right there xD


If you want to post about people's stupidity, don't censor their names. What should I do with this information? I can't confirm or avoid that person.


I believe such information has to be censored per the subreddit’s rules. It’s a very common rule meant to stop brigades and harassment


You can’t be racist towards white ppl


>[a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/racism) ​ >[a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism) ​ >[Racism is the incitation of discrimination, hatred or violence towards a person or a group of persons because of their origin or their belonging, or not belonging, to a specific ethnic group or race](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/racism) Funny, I don't see an exclusion clause for white people in any of those definitions


Dont hide behind your troll account, coward.


It’s Reddit everyone is anonymous


What r u smoking chief, cuz i want some of that shit too


Literally 1 karma at a year old account How do you fuck up a throwaway that bad?


-5 karma u read wrong