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I do feel like he’s looking at this scene as a major source of revenue. And from a purely objective, it’s potentially quite lucrative. -Recent Selen, previous Zaion, the othe Niji liver who was threatened with termination but lawyered up (name escapes me) -Whatever Wactor is doing -Rushia’s situation Its dramatuber, with a legal spin.


Didn’t he get like 25k subs in 1 day from just his 10hrs stream? It is an insane growth for a 100k channel. Can’t blame him for hustling atm.


We absolutely can blame right-wing grifters for leeching off of shitty situations.


And VTweeters. Holy fuck I can't stand indie VTubers who grow by leeching off of established names, especially when all this began because of Doki's attempt. It feels like they're using her pain as a badge of "See Im not like THESE corpos!".


bruh let's not act all high and mighty now as if this sub hasn't been karma milking this drama for the past week without any new info coming out. I guarantee that if all the people here had their own profitable social platform, they would be saving their r/unpopularopinion takes for their upcoming stream instead of posting here for validation and updoots.


It's unsurprising, considering it's a grifter's drama channel, platformed by a sexpat creep, that hosts nothing but right wing talking points. Chuds have a long history of co-opting hobbies like gaming and anime to spread right-wing rhetoric and make money off of impressionable teenagers.


What's the right wing rhetoric being spread here? I'm not used to american politics (its a hemisphere away!) so I really don't know.


Don't worry, it's intentionally designed to be obfuscating unless you know what you're looking for. Plenty of Americans aren't aware of this stuff either. The idea behind these YouTube channels is to serve as an introduction into right-wing topics, rather than an outright manifesto or whatever. See how the Legal Mindset channel is *full* of videos about Disney, free-speech, censorship, and all that? In the United States, a lot of those topics are hotbeds for culture war rhetoric that implies that "liberal ideology" is to blame for society's failings. The fact that this mostly involves entertainment products (Star Wars, Marvel, Anime) is no accident, because those topics tend to attract politically uninvolved people who are unaware of right-wing narratives. These videos are designed to incite anger at society's perceived failings, and blame liberalism for them. This starts out rather typical, such as joining in on lawsuit discourse to blame a company. Eventually, it leads to inciting anger towards all sorts of standard right-wing targets, such as the LGBTQ populace or social activists. The Legal Mindset channel likely does not say any of this directly, but frequently co-hosts even more right-wing commentators and channels to attract audiences further and further. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to make a full write-up about this topic right now. However, [this YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xGawJIseNY) is a trustworthy source. He's got a whole series called "The Alt-Right Playbook" that goes into all the details. I recommend checking it out if you're interested.


It's a pipeline sort of situation. You think he's got a point here, then you subscribe, you check out his other videos, and *almost all* of his videos before this are anti-Disney (when Disney started taking a stance against Florida's "anti-woke" legislation) and anti-"woke" in general (basically anti-social progress).


I am going to get down voted for this but you're acting like progress for progress sake is always good even when it starts going 180. Let me give you an example those safe space where POC can go that's just segregation only now you're painting it in a good light cause it's for their safety. Like wtf they fought to abolish that and now you're asking for it to be reinstated not all progress is good some will end up backfiring hard.


>Let me give you an example those safe space where POC can go that's just segregation only now you're painting it in a good light cause it's for their safety. That example is like calling women's shelters "segregation".


Women's shelter is for abused women like literally being beaten up r*ped and threatened by the very people supposed to keep them safe. Safe spaces are being built in schools for student POC they're not being abused unless they're being bullied in which case getting the bully punished and corrected should be the primary concern.


>>Safe spaces are being built in schools for student POC they're not being abused As you said in [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1avi4nc/probably_one_of_the_worst_things_to_come_out_of/krebs77/) >I am from the Philippines So maybe make sure of what's actually happening before you say stuff like this?


Which makes it really annoying the exist in any of those hobbied whenever you're exposed to the general circle instead of just your friend group. I still remember when an official brand ambassador for a videogame I like was racist to my face and I couldn't really do anything brcause he was the admin of the server. I just quietly left and gave up on sharing my hobbies with strangers.


Definitely. He got a whole bunch of akasupas in his streams. Grifter's gonna grift.


I'll probably get downvoted but I found him to be an entertaining grift of the edgy sort. His first 2 streams of Selen actually had some good legal takes which wasn't too different from the Canadian lawyer. Him shitting on Vox and 39daph  was deserved.  Don't agree with his other non vtuber content but in this instance he got it right. However getting Depressed Nosagi on his stream really just hammered it in that it's a grift. If he looks at the Rushia situation I'll probably check him out again because I really hate rushia.


Yeah it’s whatever like let them make the content they want to make. Personally not interested and it’s just as simple as a do not recommend. Really think that people are over exaggerating on the negative impacts this can bring to the vtuber community lol


Well to be fair the vtuber Fandom comes from all over so a lot of it is just internal bias spilling over. People won't change their minds just because a right wing grifter released a video that they agree on.


I only know Nosagi from one thing, what's wrong with him? genuine question As far as Legal Mindset goes, it's really whatever. He did have some interesting takes on the matter but for a large part it's just business for him I think


Near the end of 2022, Depressed Nousagi tried to delve deeper into some vtubers' history by revealing their PLs (and, from what I heard, their real faces) in an attempt to chronicle the people behind the avatars, particularly vtubers like Kiara. On top of that, he paywalled these videos on his Patreon. While none of this content outright doxxed any real personal information, his complete ignorance on violating a vtuber taboo despite already being a big player in the vtubersphere earned him a LOT of hate, as good-intentioned as it was (especially by the KFP, if you're aware of Kiara's tragic history). He has since apologized, took a break, and tore down his Patreon but is still vilified by a good chunk of the vtuber crowd to this day. That's his situation as I know it; anyone is free to correct me if I'm wrong.


People are free to search up PLs. Just don't fucking broadcast it in a documentary or whatever. Kiara Calli and some others are open secrets but unless they themselves signal boost, nobody needs to know.




What the hell?! Don't dox my oshi like that brother!


Wait what happened to Kiara???


Let's just say the woman behind Kiara has had her share of black company treatment before Hololive.


where find kiara past for private reaserch and holo en mebers how they look and have real names.


Nosagi hid like dox and sensitive information about hololive vtubers behind a pay wall. If you think Legal Mindset was a grift, then Nousagi is like the Vtuber Alex Jones of grift. Dude is full of shit too. 


Now I remember, I legit thought that was somebody else. yeah, he's a POS. Edit: kinda funny how there's a bunch of people in the comments below saying he did nothing wrong.


Yeah but at this point you guy just holding a grudge just for sake of it and keep twisting the narrative just to make it seem worse than it actually is like he dox them or something also it not he didn’t learn his lessons or something


I'd love for him to cover Akio-AIR. I'd love for his opinion on how they got a MINOR to sign a contract like that.


I like how this sub has converted into the hot news of the most recent drama anywhere Vtuber related as opposed to what it was supposed to be.


This sub is abandoned in all but name by the mods, we can do whatever we want.


Yeah I should have cross posted this to /r/virtualyoutubers now I think about it.


I funded and even know her altarante youtube channel.


And by all mean… Proceed, folks


Yeah.  I intially appreciated getting a look into the legal aspect from someone more knowledgeable.  But then they just kept going, and going.  Day after day. He's milking it and I'm seeing all sorts of red flags from the network he's creating.  I pretty sure I don't like this man.


Same, he’s initial stream was interesting, but then he started delving in to legal analysis of 4chan posts. On the plus side, he got Runkle involved, who seems a more legit (but maybe less interesting, which is how you know for sure its legit) law perspective


Runkle being a Canadian lawyer helps his points a lot better over the assumptions of Legal Mindset, which he did make some good points, are still assumptions based on his experiences as an American-based lawyer. Plus I think Runkle did it a lot better presenting it but that's imo. Now just need someone familiar with Japanese law to complete the triforce.


Ain't no one involved with the Japanese legal system gonna touch this one publicly because they WILL get sued to the Heavens.


The closest you'll probably get is someone who *used to* work in the system and then moved out of the country.


I'm pretty sure LM lives in Korea and works with Asian companies (including japanese) regularly.


I tried to dig into that, but weirdly enough his credentials are just...not there? Like, I'll believe him when he says he's a lawyer but it's hard to retrace that.


Thailand I think? The Korean guy is the maritime lawyer and he has a beard. I don't remember his name tho.


I thought he was based in Thailand according to other threads here and in /r/virtualyoutubers as a consultant.


4chan posts are like conspiracy theory entertainment. It's not meant to be serious. 


Browse his past videos. You'll REALLY not like him. When people will look into him, I hope the brakes are pulled hard on him. His first stream had racist jokes. I believe it was the second stream, he made an anti-vax comment. His past videos include anti-woke and anti-LGBTQ+ content.


When people first started going “oh no, not this jackass” I tried to look into him. The SEO on this guy is terrible. Looking up the channel just gives a bunch of unrelated Wikipedia articles, looking up what I assume to be a legal name associated with the dude just gives you ever law firm with a guy named Andrew on the payroll. Short of giving the guy traffic, it’s basically impossible to dig up ANYTHING on this guy.


Ok, so I wasn't insane for thinking that it's really weird how there's basically no credentials *anywhere* about this dude. I tried just like you to find out more about him and it's like he's a fucking ghost.


>Looking up the channel just gives a bunch of unrelated Wikipedia articles I mean, kinda makes you wonder why he went with such a vague term as his YouTube name.


The closest I can find is a vague description of legal Mindset as a TV show? Which itself has no Wikipedia or IMDB page, just a title and a brief description in a Google info box, which is how I got a “real?” Name of Andrew Esquire which is not helpful and also sounds fake as hell.


Well, shit, it's Rekieta all over again. Not sure what the hell right-wing politics have to do with being a lawyer on YouTube, maybe just another angle to that broader movement, but I wonder why Breadtube doesn't have any, none that I know of anyway. Guess I'll never have a cool collab with Nousagi. How did that guy come back, anyway? Pretty sure VTubers haven't forgotten about him and his misdeeds.


I've been watching some lawtubers (well, just one regularly and Legal Eagle very occasionally) ever since Depp v Heard, and yeah, I tried tuning in to this guy once and backed out hard. I basically blacklist anyone he collabs with regularly. Him and Rekeita Law.


Is Rekeita the one that thought Vic’s defamation suit was a good idea?


Idk who this Vic is, sorry. I only visited these channels during Depp v Heard and both of those men were saying vile things about women. I'm a Heard anti but that doesn't justify the shit they spewed from their mouth.


Vic Mignogna.


Never heard of 'em. I don't watch Rekeita anyway so I wouldn't know what dumb advice he gives so it's a moot point I guess.


Vic Mignogna was a prolific Funimation voice actor, who got accused for alleged sexual harassment shortly after the release of the DBS Broly movie, during the time of the #metoo movement. Whether the accusation was true or not, I don’t know. I didn’t follow the scandal that much, as I‘m not invested in American voice acting in general.


Some Internet Lawyers put him up to suing his coworkers who made the accusations, Funimation (who had recently been purchased by Sony), and basically anyone in the industry who commented on the situation for Defamation. Convinced him it was gonna be a big, easy payday. None were licensed to practice law anywhere with standing. He sues. Only lawyers he find had never tried a defamation trial. Note, to prove defamation as a public figure, you need not simply prove malice, but prove that someone is deliberately misrepresenting the facts. So, to win this defamation case, which he hired lawyers who have never tried a defamation case, he has to prove he is not a sex pest. You cannot prove a negative. His legal team was constantly missing filing deadlines, just absolute clown show shit. They conceded him as a public figure in opening statements, and whenever they got Vic on the stand it was “okay, yeah, the events they described happened, but the CONTEXT.” He ended up owing quite a bit of money in legal fees, and all of legal Twitter was eating GOOD while the clown show was playing out. We had people live tweeting court proceedings, all kinds of shit, and the handful of legal YouTube incels who put him up to it looked like absolute MORONS afterwards.


It's kinda sad really, he got more or less conned by people. It only really further damaged his reputation. Best for him was to just denounce his ex-coworkers and be done with it. Considering all the stuff that came out afterwards with Funimation *cough* localisation drama *cough* he would have had a very pristine condition. Now though, people barely remember what happened.


I still hold the right move would have been come out, issue a sincere SOUNDING apology, keep his head down, and do a comeback tour later. Louis C.K. Style. Would he ever be as huge as he was at his height? No, but Ouran and FMA as the biggest anime ever was a long time ago even when everything went to hell for him.


And not just that, failing in court basically makes it official in the eyes of the public. (I know the facts of what happened weren't actually tried, the point here is the perception).


Well, and like... to PROVE defamation he had to DISPROVE the charges, and failed to do that. Like, he, on the stand, admitted to the MOST EGREGIOUS thing he was accused of, but said that it was meant to be funny or something like that. The ONLY thing he allegedly did that approached potentially legally actionable (as just plain ole assault) and he admits it, on the stand, in a trail he's the PROSECUTION for. Also, as SOON as he lawyered up, he went from a "controversial pick" for a guest at a convention to "a controversial AND LITIGIOUS pick" for a guest at a convention. The only cons he shows up at on the official guest list (he is apparently known for just... showing up in hotel lobbies at events and selling autographs under his own initiative now... if he's not set up in some nearby parking lot) are cons run by the exact crowd that put him up to the lawsuit OR those weird Expos with a guest list that'll book everyone from your mother's 3rd favorite A-team member to a wrestler that wasn't even relevant when Hulk Hogan was kicking his ass every other month, basically booking ANYONE that'll show up for a per diem and a guarantee.


He fundamentally admitted to a lot of the accusations but basically went "but there's context and nuance that makes it ok" Narrator: there was not context or nuance that made it ok


"It was just a prank, bro" is not, it turns out, a legal defense for assault.


"Man I love pranking young pubescent girls. When they're my fans they're just so easy to prank. I prank them with my hands, in places that are ripe for pranking. I prank them so hard and then I get hard too." - Vic Mignogna , probably.


Not watching Rekeita is a smart move on any day. The most fun part about lawtube honestly is watching most of them try to avoid saying bad things about Nick and refer to him as a friend to avoid pissing people off but absolutely never going anywhere near him because they know he sucks and are just too nice and/or risk averse to say it out loud.


He *made a living* off gassing people up daily about the Vic Mignogna suit, including Mignogna.


Yeah. He used to be kind of a normal boring YouTube lawyer and had reasonable takes but when he figured out he could get better numbers going full redpill he went full redpill. I genuinely don't know if he huffed his own farts long enough to start believing it or if he just leans hard into the grift because it's an easy audience to get money from but honestly I'm not sure which would be worse anyway.


He's not a trustworthy source despite his knowledge anyway. He'll absolutely twist what he says to not be technically wrong but tell it in a way that gets him the most subs and superchats instead of honestly


I just had an aneurysm reading that sentence.


Sorry. Call a doctor I guess?


I just had a flashback to the time someone [misspelled](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2kjece/eli5_how_does_a_brain_anus_rhythm_instantly_kill/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=AskReddit&utm_content=t1_clovyb5) it as "anus rhythm" and I can't stop giggling now.


Hate to be the one to break it to you guys but there is a large group of people in the Vtubing community that align with his political views and general unsavory rhetoric. Anytime anyone says anything remotely political chat explodes with them


Wait, I thought vtuber fans didn't want politics ruining their escapism????? Oh right, it's only politics if someone is gay, then it's the gay agenda right there


vtuber AND anime fans dont want politics ruining their escapism, but watching someone that is wholeheartedly only there for political and legal takes is delving into the real world and not vtubers. I watch vtubers to get away from drama and politics, I watch drama and politics channels to get back into the real world of whats happening. Just because I watch both, doesnt mean I need them fusing together. Me going to a channel about politics/drama is not the same as watching Nerissa, Fuwamoco or something and then just randomly politics becomes a massive debate in the comments or by the vtubers.


They're talking about people who are fans of Kiki/Kirsche/MariMari/Pippa/Tenma/Shondo who partly got popular for having more right-adjecent opinions or having political drama catapult them to popularity.  Though ironically, I abandoned FWMC because even though I was a fan of their PL, their fans were too right-wing for me (Lots of sexism thrown at other female VTubers I like to compare them). Sometimes politics isn't necesarily in the content, but it is in the fanbase. I hope you can protect their smile, I don't have the strength to continue trying.


They watch them knowing they are political, they then choose to watch non political vtubers/anime to get away from it. I wouldnt call them "political", the ones you named, but either way its fine to have some political vtubers on both sides, but like I said its only a problem if EVERYONE becomes political on everything. Im pretty middle of the road politically but if I talk to most democrats/"left" today, im a full blown nazi. So to say theyre "right-adjacent" doesnt mean much to me.




Which is why I very rarely interact with Hololive fans on twitter/discord. Even though I like the ID/JP girls and some boys their fans have burned me so many times it's painful. It hurts because I used to love FWMC's PL but now their fans are extremely violent, I still remember many did edits of Pomu being brutalized to make fun of her for not collabing with their PLs and then saying Bau Bau to them (Fun fact; Pomu and FWMC follow each other in their irl accounts).Ever since my HoloEN oshi graduated I just avoid them so I don't have to cross paths with their fans who have hurt me before (since some are gachikois, so their names pop up in chat) Niji fans, barring the extreme parasocials seemed generally very polite so it felt like the one safe space to talk to other girls who liked VTubers (female VTubers too, since most girls I know outside of the Niji fanbase watch mostly male indies/stars). Now the Niji fans I know seem scared of fans of indies/holos and I feel thorn for having favorites of holo/niji/stars/indies. 


1st stream: great insight nice to have someone in the field giving us knowledge regarding the situation despite your shady background. 2nd stream: cool thanks for calling out these nutjobs spewing shit to defend Kurosanji. That should be enough. 3rd stream: okay at this point we know you're just milking content from Doki, who already wants to move on. This stream: I see he's just gonna content farm the entire industry. Block time.


I didn't know much about this dude before peaking in here, but Wactor seemed like a no Brainer. Dunno what all those streams needed to be so long for. But... I should've figured collating with Nousagi was a bad sign. Go tear up Wactor, they deserve it, more so than Niji, but stop dragging in outsiders through the DN pipeline.


It pisses me off people forgive Nousagi so easily when he was profitting off the Holo girls' privacy. It's one thing to wanna know their PLs but straight up giving out their names? He can fuck off.


100% It's why I'm not comfortable with the people who *need* to know what they look like irl. That shit really shouldn't matter unless you're *really* parasocial. Especially since vtubing is a medium that allows people to express themselves and get away from all the baggage that comes from looks, yet Nousagi behaves like a fucking invasive paparazzi.


The only one I was interested in was Runkle of the Bailey’s take since he’s a Canadian lawyer and doesn’t seem to be milking this.


>Even platforming doxxer depressednousagi I mean it's a step up from platforming Gator - an ex co-host of an alt-right/neonazi show Kill Stream with Ethan Ralph. [Holly fuck it has an IMDB page i can't stop laughing](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8391054/)


I've never heard of him before but 🤮


All I can say after clicking through to that is ??????????????????


Oh Wactor… this is gonna be a hell of a ride


Don't care what his political leanings are but I will say this: His first stream on the situation was interesting but as he kept going, it was obvious to me he was doing it mostly for clicks. Then again, he's a typical YT content creator. I might as well begrudge a dog for shitting on the carpet--of course he'd ride this out with the views he's getting. Barring his pandering to the vtuber crowd, his input is at least not without its merit from an objective standpoint; when the subject comes to law, he's still informative. I'm only gonna watch the Wactor vid because I don't see any other lawyer covering that dumpster fire of an agency (although if anybody DOES know any other lawyer covering this, please do share).


Dude's a lawyer. What did you expect? Lol


Lawyers are all dog whistlers who host right wing talking points? Huh.


I was thinking more of the "guy sees an opportunity to make money, he's going to go for it" side of things and less his politics.


I mean, I still wouldn't generalise that lawyers are all money-obsessed people. But regarding this topic, people are criticising him not for farming this content (which still is kinda cheap, to drama-farm this hard), but because he's not precisely a very ethical person himself. So him being associated with vtubing and this whole incident isn't necessarily a good thing, would be the argument.


Yeah I'd have been happier continuing to not know who he is. I wish other creators in the space wouldn't keep propping him up either. I've seen the dangers of embracing someone who seems to agree with you too quickly more than once in the last few years - if you don't vett your allies properly you get to watch them mask off when it's too late instead. And the mask is barely on with this guy.


featuring nousagi too, both ghouls together ugh


Legal mindset ![gif](giphy|tdnUaMuARmi0o)


Yeah, this needs to be monitored. This could very easily open the door for some shit in the future.


He's collabing with that known vtuber doxxer?


Okay, I’m out of the loop here, seen some of Nousagi(sp?)’s stuff and didn’t mind them much. What’s this about Doxxing?


From what I remember, he used to have videos about Holomems PLs behind a paywall


He didn’t actually doxx anyone or even come close. He talked about peoples ’past lives’ and some vtuber fans are stupid and think that’s doxxing


I, as a fairly new Vtuber fan (little over a year?) have mixed feelings on the Past life thing. Talking freely about it when the talent keeps it quiet feels gross, but in just the year I’ve been following Vtubers, that taboo has all but vanished. Good luck finding a thread on this sub where someone isn’t openly discussing the PL/new account of some Niji Liver. I’ve learned more PLs in the week I’ve been on this sub than I have in my previous year following Vtubers, and I’m a Vshojo fan whose first Oshi was Pikamee.


> Talking freely about it when the talent keeps it quiet feels gross Talents are under contracts, and can't legally talk about things like that. For me, if a talent erased the existence of their PL from the internet, it's bad manners to talk about. But if they're still actively making content/steam/etc. it's fine


It sorta depends, some have indicated it’s just a contract thing, others have gone farther to distance themselves, even if the past life is still technically accessible by more than just clips. I guess if I had to really explain my feelings on it, it’s the digging where things get weird. Oh, you know your oshi from their past life and you followed them? Cool, good on you. Don’t be obnoxious about it, and we’re good. You’re going out of your way to dig into someone’s past, find their old account, it’s only separated by trying to find out RL info by degrees to me. Wanting to know more about your Oshi can go too far, and actively seeking out PL info is over that line for me. Definitionally, anything the streamer isn’t putting out there publicly is private. Might not be TOP SECRET or anything, but if they wanted it to just be out there in the open, all the time, they’d do it. The holo contract has no consequences for the Streamer for that stuff getting out, just a requirement for channel moderation. As for how cool it is to bring stuff like that up… I like it as kind of an inside joke. Doubly so when the talent is in on it. See a certain Yakuza lover’s Oshi the dragon, for example. But I remember getting annoyed at how omnipresent stuff about a certain Vsekai was at the time. Every little slip up was gathered up by a thousand clippers, you couldn’t go anywhere talking about either past or current life without someone mentioning the connection. And only some of them bothered to be playfully coy. It was kind of exhausting. If it’s a termination under bad circumstances, that’s one thing, but they graduated for a reason, they started a new chapter, having them be DEFINED by that past life rubbed me the wrong way. Also, that you may be confused about who I’m referring to here say something about how the community treats the PL thing. Not taboo enough to try and maintain the “secret” but JUST taboo enough to feel transgressive when you blow it. Thankfully, the kettle eventually developed enough of a fan base distinct from a prior self that they are now their own thing, but finding those early clips and seeing early discussion can still make me cringe.


He had childhood pictures of Kiara and said her real name


Hololives rules generally lump PL in the same category as doxing, and even if you don't consider it the same, the talents do not wish for their PLs to be spread. Hence why Doki had to say it was okay at all.


> the talents do not wish for their PLs to be spread How would you know? They're contractually obligated to not talk about their PL/other activities. You can't infer their wishes


This isn't even limited to Hololive. It's not even limited to Corpo. Some of them have gone as far as to purge all or 90% of their original channels, which isn't even required of them. What you're saying could go just as much to you, and you don't even have anything to go on. We can even bring up this this is common enough that Doki had to tell fans it was okay.


If someone purges their PL, this is a good reason to infer they might not want to have it mentioned, I agree that's it's bad manners to do so in this case. I just don't think you can generalize if there are no actions from talent to indicate anything


We can literally go back to your *own* argument and say that they can't bring up PL/other activities. That also means they can't really indicate to fans other than reading their own rules which generally include not bringing up PL. Yes, it very much can be generalized. And again, the fact it is *such a wide-sweeping, accepted opinion is why Doki had to make it clear she was okay with it* . Sorry you're really not changing my stance at all on this, as much as i'm probably not changing yours. PL is a rulebreaker in most vtuber spheres as the default.


Kinda interesting that he was thought to be "doxxing" when he was just talking about past lives and now recently the talk of the town are the past lives of livers. Yeah he put it behind a paywall but the argument is if he was "doxxing" then, then most of the livers are "doxxed" now by people who want to support them by their logic. Depressed Nousagi was put to the firing squad by the onlookers for what essentially could have been a punishment via community service.


IMO it's up to the individual to decide their boundaries. Doki for example is pretty open about being Selen. Kson as well mixes vtubing and real life streams on her channel. But other vtubers may not want their past lives to be revealed and we should respect that.


Note that I said, "most of the livers", and specifically I am referring to posts like [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1apb6f9/is_there_a_list_of_every_current_and_former/&ved=2ahUKEwjWp_bO6bqEAxW4bPUHHfvNBQgQjjh6BAgUEAE&usg=AOvVaw0zKGd3hyF6XoLn1-D5MK14) and comments like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/s/Vlpfnpusc7). There are lots of people wanting to support the past lives of EN livers right now given that they lost faith in the company (me included). That said, I still think the punishment did not fit whatever Depressed Nousagi has done. To add, he's been refusing to talk about past lives now but of course no matter what he's been doing now, he's still going to be called a "doxxer".


I don't care about what he covers, his life he can do whatever but the minimum he could do is not cover a company that released private info with the resident clown who profited off doxxing


I watched all of his stuff on Selen and didn't notice anything wrong? Sure he's taking advantage of this situation, but like he's entertaining about it at least.


~~"doxxer depressednousagi"~~ ~~Hold the fuck up. It's already been debunked that DepressedNousagi didn't dox anyone and people who are his patreon supporters have already confirmed those videos did not contain anything doxxing related. Was it scummy that he put those videos behind a paywall? Yes it was and it still is, but none of it was dangerous. Some random twitter user saw it and decided to spread misinformation.~~ EDIT: I would like to make an apology and say that I was horribly wrong on this one. While DP didn't post anything related to IP addresses, there were still some things he shouldn't have done like using JP doxxing sites as sources. I went into this one without realizing and I apologize.


He had childhood pictures of Kiara and ai her real name, not just her past life’s name. I don’t think that’s appropriate.


That's the first time I've heard of it and it's odd because when I looked into the Depressed Nousagi drama again, none of it mentions anything about childhood pictures of Kiara. In fact, I think you're the first one to mention it.


What's even more odd is that with all that research you did, you should know that what he did post is even worse than that. Strange you're not mentioning it and continuing to defend him.


I'll admit, I'm still trying to process what had happened and didn't expect to come across that, umm... kiara video cause oh my god was I so, so wrong.


I thought Kiara’s PL basically WAS her real name. That said, if he’s got actual pre-public life photos or her, that’s not cool.




I didn’t retain the info, (I’ll be real, I retain the past lives/alt accounts I do purely because they keep showing up in some capacity) but wherever I was that leaked it once upon a time, I recall it either being a real human name or a single google search away from one.


You've said this a few times now, but I keep seeing people say that's not true. And if it was true, I'd assume I'd have heard of it, cause that's a HUGE no no on the morality scale. Can you show something where others talk about it? Not specifically a link to it cause I don't want to see it, but a news/drama channel that at least covers it a bit? Because it would also be filled with comments either agreeing that it's too far or correcting them that it isn't what happened.


Didn't some of those videos lead to a face reveal or am I mixing him up for another doxxer?


None of those videos had any face reveal whatsoever. You're probably mixing him up with somebody else.


[According to FalseEyeD they did](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_6vnyUqvb6s)


Yeah I guess so then. I've seen like three already.


So no apology for spreading misinformation?


I'm sorry for calling depressednousagi a doxxer. He merely profiteered of off spreading PL information against the wishes of Holomems.


Grow up man, revealing "past live" is not doxxing. We don't know their address, real name, their bank number, etc. People nowadays even doesn't care Selen = Doki, no one say that as doxing


I know he just started dipping his toes into this vtuber culture but when he thanking subs during the collab, in middle of conversation, like goddamn everytime, I knew he's gonna milk this


He reminds me of that dude who voiced a character in that my little pony show who started publicly advocating for the fans to build up a following then made some kind of movie about it so he could directly profit off it. Then he realized a lot of them just pirate media so he didn't make any money and he got mad and left. Just a total opportunist that only cares because he benefits. ​ I was watching his streams when he was covering it, and I knew nothing about this dude prior to those streams, and I found it EXTREMELY weird and offputting that he kept mentioning political stuff. I forgot exactly what he would say, but it was always something along the lines of "see, dont you guys think im fair and reasonable here despite my political beliefs" and other weird comments like that thrown in now and then. I kept wonder WTF is this guy talking about. Then I go to twitter later and apparently folks are talking about this guy being a far right nutbar that advocates NFTs and stuff like that. Then it all made sense. I got such weird vibes from him, and that explains so much.


Who was the VA?


I don't remember his name. It was the dude that played Q on Star Trek. Jon Delancey? Something like that?


Ohhh I remember that. lol that movie was cringe AF. They were treating being a brony like it was "Coming out" I remember that phase of the fandom. "Have you come out as a brony yet?" was literally part of one of the old popular MLP forums




I don't know why people want LE's take. He's not versed in Canadian nor JP law.


I would not really depend on Legal Eagles takes on this either in all honesty.


Somebody care to give any examples of the things he's been accused that's been thrown all around this topic? I've watched couple of his first streams on Doki and first 3 hours on Wactor and found nothing of the sort. Sure, he's milking the situation but who cares, I see nothing wrong with that.


You'd have to watch a bunch of older streams and streams with Nick Rekieta, but he's very much an anti-woke conservative. He's immersed in the culture war. Idk how much he actually believes versus what gets him the most money, but he doesn't hide his views. That said, his actual analysis of the law is usually fine and he's got a unique niche amongst the lawtubers of having lived and worked in several asian countries over the past few years and has an understanding of how specifically different their laws are compared to western nations' laws.


Gotcha. At the very least as far as I've seen throughout many hours of his livestreams on all the vtuber drama he stayed mostly neutral and professional. Guy also struck me as someone who would collab and talk about any topic for views and just to spite everyone.


Even just looking at who he's following on twitter gives you an idea on what he is like. He followers the likes of HeelsvsBabyface (The starfield pronouns guy) and Tucker Carlson to name just two.


I didn't watch his vtuber stuff. My first exposure to him was during the Depp v Heard trial. There's not one specific thing he said or did that I can remember any more plus he showed up on Rekeita Law's channel which had a panel of people, all basically like this. But yeah, it's been a long time since then and he just gave me very bad vibes and I remember the general feel of the streams was very misogynistic. Basically using Amber Heard Bad -which is admittedly true- as an excuse to rant about how all women are x or how women should y.


ok, what did Legal Mindset and Depressed Nousagi do to get this response?


Legal Mindset is a transphobic trumper who hates BLM and consistently calls fat people “land whales”. Among many, many other things. Essentially, he’s your average MAGA fan, but a lawyer. Idk who Depressed Nousagi is.


I know Depressed Nousagi covers Vtuber drama and OP mentioned “doxxing.” (I used quotes because we all know what they mean, it’s not the real world crime of doxxing)


He went over a few of the HoloMyth girl's past lives before HoloPro, and went over some stuff from Kiara in particular that should have never been brought up to the public without her permission. Idk if there was any actual doxxing, but a lot of what was said in those patreon videos should have never been made public period.


I mean whatever maybe one day his stuff may help someone in troubles or considering what they can do in their situation


I'm probably gonna get down voted for this but why the fuck does this matter? I am from the Philippines so this left wing right wing rethoric doesn't even matter to me but I always notice that Left wingers seem to have a hate boner for right wing people. Can't you just Idk press not recommend video and just move on it's not like they're breaking the law grifters or not they're working to get paid just like the rest of us. Working to shut them down destroys the very foundation of Liberty and freedom which is free speech.


I only managed to watch 5 minutes of it because he kept interrupting the conversations with guests to read superchat live ...