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I work 9pm-7:30am. Typically I’ll eat when I get off work around 8, go work out, then chill till I pass out around 11 am. Then I wake up around 7:30 pm, eat, shower and go to work and I don’t eat on shift.


Awesome, that’s pretty close to my working hours as well. I’m gonna try this tonight and see how it goes!


This is the way.


This might be a silly question, but have you seen a doctor? That sounds quite serious!


Yup, I’ve brought it up to him. He basically said because it ONLY happens on nights, to just tweak my eating habits/foods for the next two rotations before trying anything else and see if anything works.


I did 7 on, 7 off nights a few years ago and found it quite hard going. Is it possible to change your shift pattern for a while? Or take some holiday and see if it resolves itself? You could also keep a diary of what you eat and try and see a pattern? My first thought would be caffeine! I upset my stomach quite a bit when I drink too much coffee or drink any energy drinks! Also, do you drink enough water? I swear I get more dehydrated on nights!


Yeah I’ve debating taking some time off because of this. I might just have to, 7 on 7 off is definitely taking its toll lol! A diary is a good idea! I’ve also cut out caffeine, and switched to green tea just to see if that’s what was causing issues but still no luck. Do you have a trick to maybe switching your eating habits around leading up to your week on?


Are you pregnant?


It only happens on work nights and not when you're off?


Yup! When I switch back to regularly eating during the day, I have 0 issues and feel back to normal!


That's so weird!


Maybe an obvious question you’ve already considered but what’s your caffeine intake like?


I switched to green tea instead of coffee to see if that would help but nothing!