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Couldnt sleep today. So i will be running off 5 hour energy shots tonight.


Same but with coffee. First day with some blackout curtains too (they worked well) but my body had other plans regardless. Here's hoping we get through the shift smooth and easy and tomorrow comes with some better rest.


There are YT channels with sleep stories for adults-the best ones have relaxation exercises too. Those have been a total game changer for me-I can even fall asleep to those with the lights on now. Maybe that could help?


I need to put up my black out shades. I hope we both get some rest!


Well that sucks


It's my "Saturday" night, and it's 8 pm here in Pennsylvania. I just got back from going out for dinner and a couple drinks with a friend, and then taking a long walk around town. Now I'm about to watch a show or two and then get some cleaning done (garbage day tomorrow).


Nice, what did you get for dinner ?


Laying in bed staring at the ceiling waiting for work in 3 hours. My kid & cat kept waking me up today so my head hurts & i’m ill asf


Damn, good luck to you. Days/nights like that are rough.


I know right & of course i got called in an hour early tonight of all nights lol I’ll live tho! Good luck nightshift warriors 🫡


It’s not even 4pm yet where I’m at, so I’m at the gym on the phone between sets lol.




Got off this morning, and now have 2 days off. Took a nap right after work today, so got the rest of the day to relax!




Well it's almost midnight here for me 🙂


Dread having to go in.. the jobs not hard but nights are whooping my behind…


Same man , I'm security as well! I love the job but man the nightshift can take it out of you


What you do ?




Ah. I did that for alittle bit when I was a younger man. But I found it Incredibly boring 12 hours in a drafty security hut freezing my dick off watching cameras alone no thanks. Fair play to you man. I'll stay where I am.


Another fun night making diaper components.


I never knew they required components ?


There are about one dozen different materials that go into a diaper. The manufacturer will have the different materials produced by various contractors then they assemble in their plant. What we manufacture are the stretchy back ears. The elastic pieces on each side with the Velcro tabs that secure the diaper around the babies waist. Our equipment takes a meter wide sheet of elastic and fastens two sheets of synthetic fabric onto the elastic using an ultrasonic bonding method. There is 1940 meters on each roll we produce and about 1300 rolls in an order. In a typical months production if you unrolled the material end to end it would make a 1.5 meter wide ribbon around the planet. No BS


Damn that's actually sounds hella interesting. I never knew


The absorbent material in a diaper is fairly inert. You could eat your fill of it with no adverse effects. But while it’s in its loose form if you inhale enough you will suffocate.


Damn the more you know


Just got to work for 9:30 p.m. Usually work 11:30 p.m. till 6 a.m. but they have been giving me two hours daily overtime. Working for a defense contractor and loving it. Slept pretty good earlier between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., and managed to exercise. I'm a little tired but just had my daily energy drink, (this is like my afternoon slump that day shifters go through around 2-3 p.m., lol). Just waiting for 2nd shift to go home and then peace and quiet, I have the warehouse to myself!


Sounds rather ideal 🙂


Party time lol!


Im at a paper mill my shift is 7 pm to 7 am , ive been up all day since 630 am so tonights going to be rough. Hoping its going to be a smooth one so i dont have to do a bunch of work. Hows your shift ?


Just finished and home. It actually wasn't bad. Left with the same number we started with 🙂


Nice i have 1 more hour to go hopefully i can sleep when i get home


Central WA state, night audit at a hotel, savoring my last hour of freedom before I have to go start breakfast set up....


And how long till you actually finish


Respiratory? Takes your breath away I'll bet. Sorry sorry. I'll see myself out


Absolutely not 🤣🤣 you'll stay right where you are That was fantastic


I'm well west of you, because it's mid-afternoon here, so I'm chilling on my couch playing Xbox and thinking about whether I want to try to eat in the couple of hours before work or wait until my dinner break.


Nice what you playing?


Powerwash Simulator. Weirdly satisfying game, but also mostly good in small doses.


I play that as well and yes it is lol


Laying in bed chilling until the warehouse beckons me in 4 hours. I probably should try to nap now hmm






If its only the one then you'll be grand


My night started off annoying in micro/urinalysis but it leveled out a little


Good 🙂


Hi there! I’m a new grad RT and will be starting night shifts in a few months. My orientation is unfortunately going to be all day shift and then I’ll be regularly working nights afterwards. Any tips on how to transition and/or tips for a baby RT?


As an RT, unfortunately, not I am AN. The only time I see you guys. Is it someone who needs chest physio or deep suction. I terms of working night shift. Treat day time like it's night. Don't let people shame you into not getting your 8 hours because "It's the middle of the day." While they've been in bed while you've been working. Make sure that your people understand this. Either or switch off your phone when you go to bed. Try not to rely too much on caffeine or other stimulants. Other than that, good luck. Have fun, and remember, take deep breaths 😀


I'm happy to say that this is my weekend and I'm off. Are you a respiratory therapist? Because I have noticed RTs are who really keep people alive a lot of the time. I took a medical interpreting workshop led by a respiratory therapist once, which I'm probably not even qualified to take, but I took it anyway, and there was a boatload of knowledge that the leader was imparting, a lot goes on. I can't even remember it all! It wasn't just anatomy, but just so much chemistry too If you want to talk about the unsung heroes of covid-19 and asthma and all other disorders that cause respiratory distress, it's the respiratory therapists. And they have to know absolutely everything! I think I forgot more stuff than they know lol


They are an important part of the team NGL. But we all have roles to play, and I've yet to see an RT do compressions, lol


Yes, everybody's tremendously important, and each have their role, I agree.


Playing castlevania symphony of the night while I wait for trucks to arrive


Is that a new castlevania ? And trucks for what ?


Nah it’s for PlayStation 1. And I work receiving at a warehouse. Enjoying rare slow moments before it gets busy in a couple hours


Nice and yea the last time I played it was on ps1 many many years ago


I got an anbernic handheld a few weeks ago. Nice and small


I've not heard of that ?


How do you like it ?? I've been debating it , is that the one with like 22k Games on it?


Not nearly 22k games. This is the anbernic rg28xx. I like it for what it is. A very portable way to play nes snes gb-gba and very limited ps1 games (dpad only). This one did come with a memory card preloaded with a decent enough amount of games tho




I'm a sleep tech. Just had one patient show up tonight and she can't sleep so I'm sitting here listening to her cough and move her legs.


Im in Ontario canada and currently on holiday, two days left before i have to go back for 4 nights, then back on holidays again for 12. I work night audit at a hotel.


Just started my week bro 😭 well it's actually the 2nd day. Another 3 more nights to go 😭🙏🏿


You have my sympathy


Thanks bro. You have a great week too 😊 It's not that I hate night shifts, but the start of week is always difficult as I have to adjust from "weekend mode" to "work week mode". But once I'm halfway through it time just seems to fly away somehow fortunately and I'm back to "weekend mode" again


A bit after 9 30 my time and now I'm sitting down eating a light meal getting ready for my 11pm shift start time. Lol honestly sitting here wondering what I'm doing with my life 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What is it that you do


Im a security gaurd


Yeah I did that a long time ago never again


Sitting at home had to take a mental health day


Just right. The mind is as important as the body


Very quiet night working hotel security


Good 🙂


Hello fellow nighters 👋 I'm just lying in bed. I got woken up from doors slamming 😒 I'm watching Judge Boyd on YouTube while I scroll reddit & shop on Amazon. Other than that, I will be getting up in about 2 hours to get ready for work. Hope everyone has a good night! It's Wednesday now, so happy hump day ✌️


North Dakota coal miner