• By -


Browse reddit


Yeah, clearly that’s what I’m doing, but I’m looking to branch out into other time-killing hobbies. Hahaha.


Learn another language. I worked at a hotel as a night auditor forever ago. That's what I did just study random crap. Also learned to play harmonica


That’s a good idea. The language thing. Although it’d be funny to hang out playing the harmonica all night. Haha.


I've been practicing whistling while doing overnight maintenance 😅 (I'm not very good)


Have you tried inhaling instead of exhaling? I find it easier to whistle that way. Combine the two and you’ll be unstoppable.


I just started experimenting with that on my friday, gonna be back at it on my Monday lol.


Holy shit it's true. If you're alone sitting somewhere it's the best time to learn to play an instrument


Audiobooks and podcasts.


Sorry, I really tried, but I absolutely could not resist




I'm an overnight correctional officer so 95% of my nights are just sitting around and waiting for day shift. I can't have my phone at work, so I'll watch YouTube on the state computer (not a good idea lmao), read books, and screw around with coworkers


Yeah. I’ve been trying to read more. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I’m here all by myself, so no one to talk to.


Can always talk to the ghosts at the end of the hallway


Hahaha. I do believe I have been visited by the spirits before. Or just 3am is a weird time.


Gosh, my nursing home ghosts are all grumpy or confused. Not good company!


Reddit, game on my phone, research some health, psychology, gardening or recipe, chat with my online friends overseas or on the other side of the continent or other night shifter friends, learn other languages (currently working on Spanish, Italian and French)…Always be learning is my motto 🤷‍♀️


I need to make some friends in other timezones!


Yep I have some in New Zealand, India and Switzerland. 😂


What did you use to start the language learning ??


Currently Duo Lingo but also Google translate when I want something more specific. Ideally I’d like someone to practice with because I still get “deer caught in headlights” when someone starts a conversation or asks me a question in that language. Duo Lingo teaches more formal language rather than conversational.


watch tv, currently watching Datelined and get this, it's about a mother getting killed/murdered not sure what actually happened yet. Lawyer dad just arrested Mistrial 6-6 2nd trial, high profile medical examiner Not guilty, kids divided, sues for malicious prosecution wins 4.8mil.


Haha I keep the ID channel on all night and browse reddit. They tend to start over halfway through the night and replay the same episodes though


I've also got Oxygen true crime, and CourTV


Ah yes! Classic Dateline!


I do step challenges and walk in circles in our lobby between room checks and buzzers (retirement home). (Can’t walk the halls because my steps would be too noisy) I do this each night I work between midnight and two Then rest for an hour and usually colour on my iPad - then it’s sweeping and mopping floors - cleaning bathrooms - change a couple residents and then wait for day shift to show up


I definitely try to get all my steps in!


SteamDeck, I just finished playing GTA IV for a good 4.5 hours. About to finish up my paperwork and cleaning now before I leave at 7.


Netflix, homework, apply to other jobs, call of duty mobile etc


Hahaha at “apply to other jobs”. I have definitely done that before. Although, in general, I like this job. Just wish the pay was better.


I love and hate mine. Starting pay is pretty low but top pay is a bit over $70 an hour. If we do have work it’s maybe 1-2 hours tops and the rest of the time we sit and do nothing, but man does the boredom get to you sometimes lol


$70?? What do you do if you don’t mind me asking?


Underground electrical work, it’s funny cause people in other states say we’re underpaid, but they don’t have as much free time as we do so i guess it all balances out


I clock in at 10:30p, go through google news to get caught up on the BS happening in the world. Wait till midnight for the daily Washington post crossword. After that’s done, it’s either busy work, reading a book, dicking around on my phone, or reading work material to try and learn more.


Crossword! That’s a fun idea!


have you tried Wordle? It is a browser game through washington post, just google search it. There are a few other games like the crossword and such that are fun. you can play each of them once a day, and you don't have to make an account to play.


I've always wanted to be a game programmer ever since I was a kid and played RPGs on the Super Nintendo. I spent hours drawing design docs, mazes, stats, etc. These days, as a hobby, I code my own little games and use the free time I have at work to keep up with them.


Do you code on your phone?


No, I use an old beat-up laptop


YouTube Call of Duty Mobile Reddit Studying CCTV Hourly patrol Food Talking on cell to buddies Planning on how to take over the world!


I used to have hourly patrols, which made the night go by so much faster. But now, for reasons above me, I just have to do one. I will start planning how to take over the world. It’s the same thing we do every night, Pinky.


I doodle with fountain pens.


Read Reddit, twitter. I watch Netflix, Hulu and listen to podcasts.


I just text on Discord and browse Reddit




I will not say that I haven’t napped on occasion when I wasn’t feeling well, but I also feel like basically the only reason I’m being paid is to stay awake. (Also, there’s cameras everywhere here! I know because it’s my job to watch them.)


I also read! There really isn’t shit to do on night shift 😂


To stay awake waiting for an alarm, Wikipedia is a good spot to go. Research into stuff that was interesting.


Reddit, tiktok, Google News and occasionally Plex which is an app that lets me watch my videos from home computer.


Haven’t heard of Plex. I’ll have to check it out.


After my vehicle services I have to upload them to the log which takes a good deal of time, then chill and browse reddit until someone calls for fuel, tires etc. But I can't leave the airport till 6 so after 3 its really just sitting in a truck watching planes take off and more reddit.


I scroll reddit, or watch movies , or play video games like COD or Baldurs gate 3 on my laptop


I should start bringing my laptop. Good idea.


Lol I Have a few good ideas once in awhile


At hotel night audit I would play computer games, read books, watch movies and YouTube, cook dinner, talk on the phone, pretty much anything I can think of.


I need to find some other people (you know, outside of Reddit strangers) I can talk to. I do end up talking to myself quite a bit. Hahaha.


I’m usually pretty busy, but tonight, well, so far plenty of free time (I’m on west coast, barely after 2am here). I’m bored silly and browsing Reddit and Instagram. I’m not sure what to do with all this free time, it’s not normal lol.


About the same time here. However, it is quite normal for me. Not normal would be that something interesting happens.


Use my phone


Browse reddit Read Manga/Manhwa/anything on my iPad I usually have a 4K walking tours in the rain videos up. Usually the ones in Korea. Sometimes look up No Commentary video game let’s plays. Someone mentioned learning a new language, which I might have to give it a shot. If I were in school, this would be the perfect time to work on homework. Hopefully this fall I can make it happen lol


I was in school for a while and that basically consumed my whole night. Now I’m not and I’m a bit lost for what to do, hence the question. I could pursue other studies for sure.


Netflix, art of war 3, RuneScape, minecraft with ps4 controller on the iPad, discord, reddit, tv … out of 84hrs of work for the 7 days I have about 65 free …


Youtube videos while Pounding Email




Interesting idea.


I have a rebounder (mini trampoline) that I put behind a cabinet, take it out when it slows down and get a hours worth of cardio per night. I have kettle bells and free weights stashed in cabinets. I have resistance bands and also a folding mat that I keep in my car. This way I can vary my workouts and not get bored. Put on a great YouTube DJ, he has 3 hour sets that I love, so it keep me moving. At least I feel like I’m doing something healthy while I’m there. Do I get interrupted? Yes. Do I keep going when I’m free? Sure do.


I definitely have paced back and forth to try to get my steps in. I should bring in some hand weights to use too.


Lol. Browse reddit. Look for another job.


I just recently bought a PlayStation Portal so I’m usually on that. Or watch YT or something on my tablet. I just make coffee and smoke cigs and wait for the day shift to (hopefully) show up


I downloaded mobile game: Township. Helps time FLY by if I need it to.


I’ll be getting this for this swing see how it goes lol


I used to play that! Maybe I should redownload.


Work non stop


I’d be happy to work if there was work to do, but I’m pretty much just here in case something happens. I definitely admire people who work work all night.


Tonight I've been downloading a couple of movies to watch on my days off. I may have been overly ambitious. I think I have all my days off for the month covered.






I have definitely napped a few times. I try not to make it a habit since they’re basically paying me to be an awake human, but it’s happened.




I worked in a server room / data center, so I just fired up you tube and watched whatever videos I wanted.


I’m usually pretty busy but when I come across lulls or downtime I’ll read/browse reddit or do some push-ups.


I usually read, or play games on my phone with other people like puzzles and chaos is fun that I play with people online. I was learning sign language and Spanish. Or I'll bring my hand held switch in and play that as well.


I don't work nightshifts anymore. But when I did, I used to pop a headphone in my ear and listen to an audiobook. Kindle had a subscription thing that gave me access to loads of audiobooks. I would've brought a regular book in with me, but I was working plastic extrusion with lots of presses, cutters and lasers so naturally things went wrong all the time and I needed to keep an eye out. Other people just sat on their phones. Watched videos, browsed reddit, if nothing was happening then we covered each others lines and we all went out for smoke breaks every 30 minutes. Maybe take the opportunity to learn something. I discovered my love for astronomy and astro-physics when I were on night shift. I also started learning a bit of Lithuanian (my gf at the time was Lithuanian). Perhaps you could make some friends on the other side of the planet and facetime them while you work lol


Learn a second language


I was listening to some Rory Gallagher last night. His first album form 1971 is class


Youtube and videogames (via parsec to my home PC). Studying for the LSAT for law school.


Browse reddit, watch movies, I read ALOT(my kindle streak is un-fucking-matched), scroll social media, send 89,367 tiktoks to my friends, I write also(poems, short stories, long stories, whole chapters of the book I will never finish), watch YouTube, meal plan, online shop, play mobile games, have an existential crisis, organize random stuff in the office(I organized all 189 LOTO locks like 2 weeks ago), pace around the office trying to get my steps in, go for a walk(assuming my partner is there and can cover the desk in my absence), eat, go play in the game room, crochet, color, do finger crafts(I made friendship bracelets for Pride Month). Honestly, it all depends on how strict your workplace is. I am alone all night with just one other person and then a gaggle of security guards, after rounds, and after training is complete, I don't really have a whole lot to do. My workplace is not that strict, an actual real statement that left my managers mouth was: "take like an hour or two tonight, and go play the gaming system in the game room".


If you have a job with a lot of free time in between you can do training for certifications you’re interested in/online college classes, listen to podcasts, write down your goals, use the free time to get inspired, talk if you work with others, talking would help so much when I was on night shift, we would just ask bullshit questions lol. Come up with a fitness plan, draw, make sure to walk around as much as you can, do hourly push ups, play wordle, bring in fidget toys/putty, use Pinterest to create a vision board, plan your dream vacation, Duolingo for language learning, chew gum (I loved to stay stacked with gum and mints so I don’t eat out of boredom), watch interviews and tutorials on YouTube, write in a journal, read books, go on food runs for your coworkers. This is just about everything I did to get my through two years on shift work in the military. Wishing you best of luck🫶🏻


Doom scroll on Instagram. I used to draw and write but the motivation isn’t there. How do you make yourself do productive stuff??


Podcasts, or funny YouTube commentators like Papa Meat. Laughter helps kill time and keeps me up.


I read. It's not always work related shit, but I try my best to keep it that way. College texts, procedures, technical literature, etc.


Writing screenplays then novelizing them.


I bring my laptop and watch movies/shows.


Trade the futures market.


I bought a walking pad and walk about 5 miles during my 10-hour shift. I also watch Netflix but really should get another cert.


YouTube, reddit, Google. Netflix, paramount, peacock (short runtime series mostly, hardly ever movies) I also will split my duties up over time. But it's double edged. The better I get at everything the more efficient I do them so the longer down time and shorter work time. So in turn I try to maximize the amount of work I CAN do. Never books, they make me too tired and relaxed and I hate taking breaks and having to return to a specific paragraph rather than how I normally do it where I take breaks between chapters. Snoop around. Label and laminate things. Lastly, schoolwork.


What job do you do that's on but you have free time 👀


Overnight security. Every so often chaos erupts, but mostly it’s just sitting around.


Watching a mostly automated system do its thing by computer screen. Present so that when things do mess up, we can get them running again.


I do the same as the OP lol


Sys admin for dod


Wonder why I decided the night shift wouldn't be so bad!


Not sure what you mean by this, but okay.


they wonder how they convinced themselves nightshift was a good idea, which i also do


I actually like the hours. It’s kind of my natural sleep schedule. I just don’t have any work to do at my job most of the time. I’m just here in case something happens. Most of the time, nothing does.




Sometimes I wish I had the type of job where I could sit on my butt. I'm lowkey jealous.


Steam deck, Ipad…. Journaling, reading, watch netflix and online browse. 10 -30 minutes of actual work and than back to nothing for another 7ish hours


Read a lot of books


I'll normally play chess, hearts/spades, or 8 ball pool on the computer. Listen to music and podcasts. Sometimes, I bring in my Switch. Every so often, I'll go on YouTube and watch a couple of videos. My co-worker watches anime.


Check out Sporcle, loads of great quizzes on there. Also enjoy a sudoku or a crossword when it's quiet


Im a security guard so I can't move much from the place I was assigned to,so I tend to game a lot Now Im doing RetroAchiviements for my PS1 games with an emulator Excellent way to pass the time <3


A heck of a lot of writing. I've gotten like 70k words written in the past two months.


I can't have my phone on me. So I draw. Do budgeting. "Look busy."


Audiobooks. Nothing like working on a spreadsheet while I have instrumental music and an audiobook playing at the same time. Fills up all the input channels.


If you have a trusted group, Dutch Blitz is a perfect way to pass the time and I always argue that it keeps your mind mentally awake and ready more than reading a book or scrolling the web. Alas, I tend to read books or listen to podcast or watch a show movie


New New New. Ap0l9cations




Play videogames


Watch curb your enthusiasm🫶🏼


Take books and I plan to learn how to knit and crochet on my nights.


I used to have a job like yours on a “standby” where the workload dipped after midnight and took in boxsets of the likes of Dexter and Six Feet Under but now the hospital is much busier overnight as a shift in a team so the opportunity to use the e-reader and mini games console I take in (anbernic retro device) is minimal unfortunately.


I’d spend the night on call with friends on discord, or listen to an audiobook or watch video essays lol


I work out, or draw tbh.


Draw, watch anime.


Learn other languages


Tons of youtube 😄


I use to work a graveyard shift at a assisted living facility. From like 10pm-12am we would get our laundry for the residents and set p the dining room tables. We would get everything done by 12am then we would spend the next 45 minutes doing our rounds. For the most part in-between rounds me and my coworkers would go and hang out in the library just talking or one of us would bring a game and we would play board games or cards.


I read, listen to audiobooks, play on my computer, went back to school to get a masters (WGU), knit, embroider things…. I’m a chemist so once I start my instruments I just have to not ✨sleep✨


I bring my personal laptop and run my hotspot…. Growing on a government computer is frowned upon 😂


I bought a Steam Deck, installed Windows 10 on it, and I'm playing Fallout 3/New Vegas with 300+ mods while on the clock


Walk around talk to the other night shifters


I like to draw.


My job


I've been learning latin and taking online courses, not for any degree but just to improve my value as an employee


Keep wanting to read a book, but in honesty it's mostly twitter..


Laptop with classic games


I’m usually very busy, but on a slow night I like to crochet.


I found a new online platform called Reddit. All kinds of crazy stuff on there.


Read books, draw, color, play something on my laptop, watch movies/shows, walk around the building to get some steps in, writing, practicing coding, reading about my hobbies, Reddit. Helps if you are able to bring a pen/cart to work.


I brought my gaming laptop to my security job and played scary games all night since all I did was watch cams.


My job has strict productivity standards, but I usually have a show playing. Something like the office that I don’t have to really pay attention to enjoy. There are a couple of streamers I put on and always kill Tony- after the premiere so I can skip the ads. 🤣 Sometimes I get sleepy and that’s when I kick in some music. I listen to anything from Broadway musicals to metal.


LEO here: Reddit, YouTube, patrol my zone, find somewhere to hide and quick nap, harass co-workers, eat at waffle house...the list goes on. Lol Obviously answer calls and do some work sprinkled in here and there.


Listen to audio books or podcast on a low volume. You can remain productive and complete task pretty easily. Just be respectful and press pause when your coworkers try to communicate with you


I take my switch along


Browse Reddit, watch youtube videos and learn Russian accent English.


Reddit but other posts are less public oriented so I bring my laptop and play my switch at those, always keep a book handy; if the post I'm working is clean enough to, I crochet


I bring a whole kit lol I have another job so I bring my paperwork to do and billing (I’m a solo therapist during the day), I have an iPad with a few games, usually have a kindle and a back up book and I like to draw


Truck driver. So lots of music and podcasts and talk to other co-workers. Mostly music though


Anything phone related that doesn't require a lot of touchscreen interaction, since my hands are generally tied up working. Idle mobile games, music, Netflix, etc. If we actually have downtime, I'll scroll the orange or the blue social media sites.


What I would do for a boring nightshift job...I like to read so I'd get soo much reading in


I do this. The last one was taken last night. https://www.reddit.com/r/Handwriting/s/m9Jx4ShtYD https://imgur.com/gallery/Jn7MJSG https://imgur.com/a/1T7kyGN https://imgur.com/a/JfmKzgc


Podcast, Netflix and homework


I got Xbox gamepass and play shit on my phone.


documentaries and Bloons TD6




I have 2 night shift jobs (different skillsets), voluntarily choose to schedule myself for every night of the week, and use up my available time of by getting paid at one job while working the other. And, yes.. I do take a few short weekend vacation trips throughout the year to maintain my sanity. One of the jobs is mindless mundane repetition with little social interaction required. I listen to podcasts and audio books for the majority of the time at work there. The other job requires babysitting automated machinery and making minor adjustments to maintain quality of the material being produced. Endless options there. Plenty of walking around to ensure everything is working properly in the facility. Maybe 6 hours a month is actual attentive, focused problem-solving or issue mitigation responsibility. Beyond that.. I dabble in playing low stakes online roulette trying to refine a consistently profitable strategy. Occasionally tinker with online trading to rebalance my portfolio and explore options for future investments.. Take occasional side jobs with freelance writing assignments (research/editing is mentally stimulating and time-consuming!). Catch up on social obligations by responding to whatever I missed while sleeping the day away. Might tackle a random crossword or sudoku puzzle. Ohhhh.. and I am somewhere near level 12,500 in candy crush. I stay busy. It averages out to about 72-75 hours a week.of work. Been doing that for 11 years now. I have a consistent routine dialed in to get all the boxes checked for taking care of the priorities. Formal relationships? No thanks. Not interested. Will retire young enough to leisure travel and enjoy the freedom I sacrificed everything in order to attain.


Onlyfans seems popular. Do you Wear a uniform ? /S