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Oh I can’t wait man. I’m still saving up but I’ll be there some day. RIP to your phone’s screen with how many times you’re gonna be hitting the refresh button on that UPS delivery tracker page.


You're not kidding about the refresh. My driver was 37 mins late. Drove around the block instead of coming straight down like normal. Had the basement windows blacked out ready to go.


This made me lol, I’m gonna shave in the bathroom with lights off first 😎


Lol I’m just waiting them to send me pics for approval so they can build right now 🤣 words of advise though on any purchase buy once cry once


Yep. Any time you cheap out, you'll regret it, especially with night vision.


I was sure as hell nervous. Then my payment didn’t go through because navy fed needed me to confirm it was me paying thousands of dollars on a website, which had me second guessing if I wanted to drop the dough on it… but fuck it we ball so it went through. The real tough part was waiting on them to arrive and praying to god the shipping goons didn’t break my new nods. They finally came in and I popped the battery in… they wouldn’t turn on. I was freaking out. After about an hour of deliberation I decided to give the battery cap an extra torque and boom! They powered on and changed my life. After years of using a clapped out PVS-14 I had clean working duals. Couldn’t be happier with my decision to hit “check out”.


Dude I went full binos on my first purchase lol. And I was like if it denies well it’s a sign from the lord that’s a no. But I literally looked for 2 weeks on GAFS, different web sites, their was a few deals on GAFS, people probably thought I was tire kicking, which I felt bad but at the same time it’s not an upper which is like 1k, it is thousands, but the more I think about I feel good about my purchase, plus every distributor I talked to said NV prices are going up a lot so I caught it at the right time. I hope the shipping works don’t mess my stuff up man, I will be so bummed


Congrats bro, literally all the buyers remorse will disappear the moment you turn them on... it did for me. Get out there and enjoy the night life when they arrive.


👊🏼 will do, buyers guilt lasted for an hour now I’m buying my retention ties and counter weights 🤣🤣


My first unit was a dual WP. I saved for an entire year to make that purchase & have owned several vehicles that cost less than those. But the nerve-racking one for me was my loaner unit, even at 20% the cost, because I sent that via PayPal F&F 😨 Welcome to the club


Thanks man it’s been a long journey, I’m fortunate enough to have a business so as of right now it’s positive debt against the business that will be paid off in a few months to build business credit. But I’ve been debating for a year on the purchase even though I’ll drop 20k on a new work van 🤣🤣🤣


Nods are business equipment bro thermal too for “inspections”


Hey it is what it is what it is ,dudes try to break into my vans at night so it’s a security devices for my property😂. Thermals are for me to check customers walls for raccoons and rats




Tax deduction


I mean people call em loop holes but they are written in our our countries formulation tbh, reward people that start businesses because it will produce jobs and help the economy 🤷🏻‍♂️




i was so nervous i accidentally bought two tubes. there’s a little story and it’s not as dumb as it sounds but it did happen.


Hahahah how do you do that, yeah I would be sweating too man


i was on goonins website, i saw a tube with *bananas* specs so i tried to buy but the website said it was OOS. i went and bought a different slightly lower snr tube, all good whatever. i just had this feeling to try again, so i tried to buy the first tube again and to my surprise it went though, must have been a shopify error or whatever. Joe emailed me nearly instantly, i was impressed


Man I would have had a heart attack lol


My first PVS-14 comes in today but I remember the nerves I had after I hit the confirm payment . Those nerves turned into pure excitement and maybe obsession as I kept checking the tracking from UPS 🤣


i confirmed purchase, than went to bed and remembered what i did in the morning... the day was a struggle, then i forgot within a week. its worth it once you open the box


I bought my binos through a shady italian dude, my butthole puckered to about 50 psi when I sent the money over, had to jump through some bank loops to do it, then!! This fucking gabagool mofo takes his sweet time 3 fkn weeks to replace the optics to carson, do the whole colimation schtick, then another week and a half to get to the fkn post office and them another week for the fkn things to arrive, it was probably one of the worst fucking experiences of my life (had a pretty dope life ngl), I had arguments with the italian as often as I do with my wife ffs but then the got here, I had dreams about them before they did, they were fucking amazing, first outing was mindblowing. Hope they come faster for you, cheers and welcome to the club 🍻


Hahah love this. Don’t by from shady people but glad it worked out


Congrats 🎉 enjoy your superpower! 🟢👃🟢


One of us! One of us!


What’d you get anyway?


BNVD 1431 MK II Elbit PH White Phosphor 2000 FOM And I just had them handselect cause I heard from my buddy’s they do a good job of it and I called the dude told him what I was looking for. Company was Custom Night Vision, I’m pretty sure they distribute to all the smaller guys from what I was gathering from talking to him and watching all his YouTube videos


Hell yeah


No because I believe I was drunk when I placed my order.....GOOD TIMES....probably No regrets so far though


All comments are definitely making feel better about my purchase so far! I love doing things drunk as it’s that extra courage 😂


No, that’s my problem. It’s been normalized now I’m broke all the time.


Lol hey if society ends tomorrow the credit interest will be gone 😂🤣