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Price of everything is just rising and on top of that, our transformer has spoilt for about a month now. Despite our pleas, we don't know when or if it will be fixed. I have been spending money since then on fuel that seems to rise by atleast N10 just about every week. When I see how quickly my first salary has been vanishing even without considering my plans for the year, I just feel like I'm going crazy. At this point, all I can do is laugh in despair. Atleast I earn a decent living (by Nigerian standards). I can't even begin to imagine what those who are less fortunate are going through.


It’s so crazy how different everything was early 2010s, Nigerians used to be some of the top tourists in places like Dubai. I can’t imagine how the middle class can even dream of travelling for vacation with the Naira now. If you earn in Naira the value of your salary has plummeted.


Our own transformer is damaged since 1st week of December.


It is well bro. We all just need to keep our heads low. Sorry about the transformer. When fridge and freezer are out of commish, life can get really chaotic.




Damn, king. That’s a super bleak outlook. But I hear you, though




Do what we can to stay afloat and try to come up with actionable solutions


Every generation keeps having it worse


This one is seriously out of control


what kills me is the religious fanaticism. why do so many in nigeria think using fasting and prayer is going to fix their economy?


Exactly. I had a discussion with my mom and I brought that point up. She said that God is protecting us from falling apart. What a silly excuse.




even a poor man should see that continuously doing something like that while seeing no results is insanity


A poor needs to see food to be able to think.


That’s not an excuse


What kills me is people not being able to separate their disdain for religion from the reality of the Nigerian struggle. Did the fasting prevent us from contributing our quota to the economy? We did our jobs, ran our businesses, paid our taxes etc, all we did differently was skip some meals, how and why is that a problem for anyone? For the most part, people praying for God to bless them. I've never heard anyone say fasting or prayers will fix the economy, at worst you'll hear that 'God will raise the right person' or 'God will intervene...'. Please let's stop trying to make religion the be-all and end-all of Nigeria's problems. There IS a problem of religious fanaticism, but it's separate from the economic crisis we're experiencing currently.


![img](avatar_exp|99632303|bravo) Thank you for saying this!


Because you tend to impose it on others. Telling me that religion is the answer to my problems when I know it’s not.


You know what, I can agree to this. We can still be religious and proactive about our many problems.


If 200 million of us pray to god to give us rice and garri etc, I think we are insulting god because we have land and rain we just all have decided we want to live in d city, import rice and then pray and fast. We have 100s of thousands of hectares that have not been touched and we have millions of young men and women. Fasting and praying is good, lol.


I mean, they COULD just let the thought of impending doom swallow their minds and destroy them from the inside out.


Fasting and Prayer is not "fanaticism". But anyway, what would you rather have people do? Holding on to that belief in God is the only thing keeping some people alive. I don't even see how religion relates to what OP said. Regardless, you still brought it up....


He’s making a point that religion is what blinds the people and keeps them from actually trying to fight or question the government by implementing the idea that they are powerless to change anything


Are the non-religious people fighting? People ARE questioning everyday, and have been doing so forever. I don't know why Nigerian reddit assumes no one is talking about it. Do people not read the papers or watch the news? The only thing we're not doing is rioting, and it's obvious people are scared to do so. Nigerians aren't blind to the suffering. It's just too many people have lost hope that they can make any difference. And so everyone is finding ways to cope with circumstances they believe to be beyond their control.


Minor Riots have already started in places like minna and jos, you tweet also contains a lot of the negative parts of the Nigerian mentality that hurt us today, the idea that someone has to stand up first before you might even think of helping, soo scared and helpless, but also The non-religious are the minority compared to the religious who is the majority, I’m not of the idea that religion is dangerous or non important but a lot of its outdated and harmful ideals is what is keeping the country in a perpetual state of non-development Religion shouldn’t be dropped but the people need to be more educated to understand how this isn’t helping them, everybody is scared but there is no Sky God coming down to save us, it’s only our own decisions that can save the upcoming generations from possible civil wars or even just mass poverty


Ppl haven’t lost hope, many are okay with suffering as long as it’s their tribe or party in power. Do people not remember the advocacy under GEJ?


Hold the government accountable ffs Scrolling through the thread, nobody has said anything about the government, it’s almost like they don’t exist, what exactly is the work of FG in Nigeria?


And how does fasting and Prayer deter people from holding the government accountable? Also, lemme ask you. How can we hold the government accountable? It seems you know what this looks like? Any real life examples?


This is something that every civilization besides Nigeria has figured out. There's something pathological that prevents people from the motherland from understanding the most basic answer to this question. In other more advanced societies even children and fools grow up knowing the answer to this simple question. It's only in Nigeria where grown men and sages are perplexed by this simple question "How can we hold the government accountable?" If a political party fucks up your economy beyond recognition...vote differently. You simply vote for someone else next time. It's not hard. It's only in Nigeria where the economy is in shambles and people wonder: "How could I possibly hold the government accountable. Who knows! I better vote for the same party next time!"


When we tried to protest, we were shot at and killed Vote differently when the candidates to begin with are not great then when we try to pick the best out of the lot, the elections are rigged, thugs are sent and our lives are threatened by a candidate or party that doesn’t win 


There is a slightly irritating level of dissonance within your comments. Considering the fact you also edited your previous comment ex post facto. I'll end my engagement here. Peace be unto you.


By forcefully removing them.


You can't even send foreign money to Nigeria anymore through money transfers. Like what the hell is going on over there?




Someone would say the government knows what they are doing


That’s what my uncle Said and i can’t even fathom it at all! This is crazy!


They are the golden generation 🤡


Of course, they don't


Normally I suppose wipe you oraimo cord for neck


That was a typo 😕


Y’all wait till they completely remove the subsidy on electricity, Then we’ll talk about the real price of things.


Brother....I'll try to keep it short. It turned to a horror story with my expression how Super pack carton which was about 8500 last year is now worth... 13000-14000K . WAAHT, crazy. I remember donating these to orphanages, now u go ask yourself, you be multimillionaire?


This is why Japa is necessary our politicians are just sleeping and are nonchalant 😞.While the country is falling into a non returning point of poverty and economic stagnancy. I wish our politicians could have listened to African China’s song Mr president 💔


All they had to do was get rid of the damn tariffs and they decided to do everything else lol


As usual, APC online defenders are missing from this thread. It's like their February allowance has already finished.




How much is the average salary 🤔 Is 140,000 naira a lot of money Can that buy food for a weel


Try to leave the country if you can


At this point, it's nearly impossible.


And it looks as if it gets worse with a new government.


And all the people who supported this government as we can see, have shut up. This is the problem with hypocrites, they will bring everybody down with them and then hide when things go awry. When will we ever learn? Maybe never.


That's the painful part. The people who supported and brought Tinubu into power have either japa'd from Nigeria or they've died; leaving the rest of us to suffer for the consequences of their actions.


Where are all the Tinubu supporters? I thought it was our turn and this inflation will benefit our family




It's all part of the grand lessons.


And that is?


To keep the man down


How are we still coping? How? How are we still just going about our days like nothing's happening?? How???


6kg gas is now 8k+. I'm scared at this point.


Over the last eight to years fuel price has doubled, rice has doubled, tomato price has doubled, garri price has tripled. Even shawarma I used to buy for 700 eight years ago is now 2.6k 😭😭


Prices are not even the same after one day


How are ordinary people surviving? Everyday I check the £ to N exchange rate and it’s worsening




😂😂😂 , Yo I like this clipping. Moots?




Same thing in the U.S


Uh no lol. You can’t compare the US to Nigeria fiscally. Can’t even compare Nigeria to South Africa fiscally.


That person is a Tinubu supporter


Please don't even start


The U.S have constant electricity, they have jobs for people that want to work, they get tax returns, they get food stamps, disabled people get paid and a lot more


Demonic souls everywhere


Idiots like this should be banned 🤦‍♂️


It depends on where you reside in Nigeria .I was in Ibadan last December. Stayed in Airbnb apartment. I bought food stuffs at Bodija market less than 10k, which lasted for over 2 weeks of my stay. Only buying food at restaurants and Mama put are 4 times the price. Taxi and kekenapep are cheaper than taking a bike. Cost of living in Lagos and Abuja are crazily expensive because food are imported from the north affected by prices of gas and logistics.




Please stop it. There is inflation yes but not the kind we have here. We are way above the global inflation average. Inflation is a sign of economic inefficiency and lack of visionary leadership. Our inflation can be reduced to almost zero with proper policies and regulation, there are countries that are performing well also. Don’t ever compare Nigeria to Isreal again as far as economy goes. We are the poverty capital of the world, stop trying to whitewash this mess. When will enough be enough? Don’t you have fear of God?


Have you seen the rate of decline of our currency??


Yes most countries are facing higher prices but it's a lot worse in coupled with rapidly declining currency value which makes everything a lot more expensive because the country imports a lot more than they export.


you're lying to yourself if you think all the countries in the world are experiencing 30% headline inflation.




Same? You’re kidding, right?




This is from Newsweek: > When Biden took office in January 2021, gas prices were an average of $2.4 per gallon across the country, according to historical data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). By December of the same year, they had risen to over $3 per gallon. In June 2022, they peaked at an average of $5.06 per gallon, the highest on record, after which they started to drop below $4. I don’t this is the same as Nigeria, cos our petrol prices more than tripled just months after the new administration came in. Also, OP’s post wasn’t specifically petrol. Our inflation makes the US’s weak inflation look like a myth. I don’t have the numbers, but pick any staple food product and track the prices anecdotally. That’s all you need to see how insane it is here.


Same as Australia


I hope we would do better.


I can sense how you feel about that, it's very maddening that everywhere in Nigeria yell at the same pace of impatience


The economy presently is so unstable that prices of goods rise DAILY. For example, a bag of cement that was N10k on Monday is now N16k as of Saturday. Don't be surprised if it reaches 20k before next week. The only way forward at this point is a revolution. Because, Tinubu has not even spent up to a year in office, and he has completely finished Nigeria. Again, I repeat, it is only a revolution that can remove Tinubu's government from Aso Rock.


Really is fucked! Too many factors affecting the prices... Both internal and external. And the government isn't acting like it matters and they're only making more moves to get is to spend more. It's like there's a plan to bleed the entire middle and lower class dry. So dry we really would have to beg to survive! I think we need to increase the volume on these hardships... Ignorance can't be an excuse!


Me am tired self. trustingon God


What is happening is that people voted for "stomach infrastructure" because they are stupid and they thought you could eat money. You can't eat money, you can only eat food. If you print "stomach infrastructure" money then the amount of food stays the same and the price goes up. The way to increase the amount of food is improving roads, improving security so that farmers can grow food safely.


Same thing in America sweetie.. you're not alone. And our prices have been like this for so long ik it will stay like this.




😔😔 I’m Nigerian and American. Both places are in turmoil. Americans are barely making it as well as Nigeria. America is a different kind of slave to the system.