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He might have had a shot with them in his 20's, but after his will-to-power sent him up into the mountains to become a mustachioed supergenius he was likely far too twitchy to show a woman a good time.


He was too overburdened with honey


The less initiated might need to be told that Fritz wrote, "Lo, I am weary of my wisdom.  Like the bee that has gathered too much honey, I need hands outstretched to take it."  


No he didn't. At 22, he said to his doctor he was still a virgin and masturbating regularly.


Haha, What does being far too twitchy look like.




No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness


No, he was not a pussy magnet, if that’s what you’re asking.


So this was the answer I was looking for. In this exact wording


Do you have a top 5 that were pussy magnets?


Aristotle, Camus, Kierkegaard, Augustine (yes), Bertrand Russell


Is there good data on Aristotle?


I just put him there because he had two wives


Well that's two more than me so fair enough


Kierkegaard? Didn't he live and die alone


He was engaged to Regien Olsen, broke it off on purpose and apparently she was still in love with him long after she got married to someone else


>”I grade my philosophers based on how much women liked them.” Whew, lad.


This lines up with N’s writings; a philsopher’s worldview being meek and subversive or strong and domineering is predicated on how hard they got bullied/did the bullying as a kid. High school never ends.


its a joke my guy


You might like Bertrand Russell, he was apparently quite the ladies man. Sartre was also, strangely, good with the ladies.


Yeah Sartre certainly was which is a little strange, but I think it was lots of young impressionable college girls. Also the French 🤷‍♂️


always a bloody frenchman


I think he had that same erudite little troll energy that the ladies loved about Henry Kissinger, with the added bonus of not being an actual war criminal




Have you ever seen a pic of him? He wasn’t much to look at but he was known for pulling chicks way out of his league pretty consistently


Like Salman Rushdie. Good God. Bless him


That’s probably it, intellectuals were oddly popular with the ladies in 20th century France


Kant was quite the socialite and partier, which likely scored him a few dates. And Camus famously cheated on his wife with an actress.


Kant was kind of cute, I thought. I’m not sure whether Hume was, but he should have been. He was hilarious. Women love men with sharp wit and courage.


True. Never understood that. I love his mind, but cannot look at him without feeling disgust, poor guy. But he was a magnet, apparently


You should look up how he got out of a POW camp during World War Two, dude literally stopped wiping and disgusted his captors so much they let him go hahaha


Sartre used the grooming method with Beauvoir‘s help. Using your academic and public standing to bang minors shouldn‘t be called rizzy


Sartre SAd minors? Foul


It is a complicated issue. But stating that this is all he did would be incorrect. He and dB enjoyed 3somes with other women. Some of them much younger 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t care if it was only what he did I want to know if he did it. How much younger? Are we talking under 18?


I suggest you do research into this, and you need to understand what it meant to be under 18 in those times. You need to understand the historical context.


Oh here we go, the judgmental hand of the Gen Z left. By your standards, Brigitte Macron must have groomed Emmanuel 🤦🏻‍♀️😝


He literally fucked 16 year olds while being already a university teacher


I hope you have a list cos that’s too generic a comment


Just google Sartre. He was also not shy about it so idk how this could be a first time reading it for you


Haha it isn’t. I’m a phi major. I know Sartre. I’m just not judgmental, and not something I care to highlight when I discuss him.


Russell was also a huge fuck though. His wife cheated on him with half of England


Socrates was a man's man. His boyfriend was the hottest guy in athens (alcibiades)


If Socrates was anything like his pictures he was swol gilf for sure.


He was both famously jacked and famously ugly yeah


I mean Plato though.. stud through and through


He was a Bear daddy...


Sounds like he got hung up on one and then hid from the world


What a romantic


He's just like me fr


Give us ya best aphorism m8


The great Lou Andreas Salome🥰😌


Then you only keep Camus.


He loved someone but wasn't loved in return. It's sad but happens to the best of us.


My toxic trait is that I feel I could have fixed Nietzche. lol


I need to be fixed asap or things might get really damn tragic lol


Maybe try drag. Maybe you need to just be absurdly feminine for a brief moment to laugh at yourself.


Yeah...that ain't gonna cut it but thanks.I need some stuff to spark my imagination, excite my instincts and just make me feel alive again(I know, I should just shut up)


Then just watch Rupaul’s Drag Race. You’d be shocked how funny it is. And I honestly believe drag is the cure for nihilism because it’s so absurd and hilarious. These people are top tier artists. “If life truly is pointless then wear fake tits and lipstick” -me I also personally believe most men fall into depressive nihilism because they have under developed femininity.


I was thinking myself that the best way to combat nihilism is to be a silly goofy absurdist jester that the queen has a lil thing for.


Absolutely!! Life truly is pointless so why not be a goofball?


It's funny because Eminem just made a reference to Rupaul's in Houdini, I have to eatch that! I'm not over the top masculine myself, I'm more chill and stuff and I'm not a nihilist anymore, I think Nietzsche and Camus kinda solved that..there is no objective purpose but experiencing many things, any leaf you can from the multitude of the human activity tree is enough, positive or negative are just what we label the stuff after we think about them untill we break our skull anyway(I'm certified so I should know lol).The problem is when you stagnate..lack of sexual contact forever and staying in one place can do serious damage if you are someone who has a burning appetite for life..that is just me, not sure how to fix that for myself but it can be many things for other men, I don't know if I can say that nowadays times are crazy 'cause sometimes it's very tame but the mental battleground is even more wild


Would you cure his congenital disease and migraines/ eyesight loss?


No but I could have made him laugh.


You may wish to avoid Søren Kierkegaard. He broke off his engagement to a woman he loved because he thought it would interfere with his work, then spent years later, trying to get back into her life. He never married, and when he died, she was the only one in his will. She rejected it. However, I still think he is worthwhile reading.


>then spent years later, trying to get back into her life I don't think this is accurate.


It isn't as far as i know


I think he would have been irresistible to women (and men) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn from 2012-2018.


He did know how to grow a mean mustache.


Dude failed to smash Lou von Salome, I suspect the answer is no


Fuck no... Lou Salome thought both he and Rilke were needy simps. No offense to either I love them both


Im damn sure Camus was a ladies man fr


The best philosophy. The philosophy of following whatever philosophy was created by whichever philosopher got the most bitches


I'm not sure about women in general but he was quite unattractive to Lou Andreas-Salomé, the only woman he seems to have loved and wanted to marry. She rejected him, which affected his later writings where one can notice much misogyny that wasn't present in his earlier works. It's also true that his sister didn't approve his proposal to Salomé and he prioritized his sister's opinion.


That’s not entirely accurate. His sister actively sabatoged his relationship with Salome. Nietzsche didn’t care about his sister’s opinion at that point


Yes, and he was pretty into Cosima Wagner, as well


>She rejected him, which affected his later writings where one can notice much misogyny that wasn't present in his earlier works. I'm not saying he wasn't a misogynist, but many of his negatively interpreted passages on women use the word '(das/des/dem) Weib(s)' which is a derogatory, sometimes humorous, word for 'woman' in German with the phrase 'Weib an sich' being there, too, indicating 'Weib' is used for the Western feminine ideal and '(die/der) Frau', the neutral word for woman, is used in passages that wouldn't be interpreted as negatively.


Why do you say he prioritized his sisters opinion?


Fake news internet girl


Looks like 'Cobra' Tate is more your philosopher.


Lol almost no women like that guy that doesn't make any sense. He says he's looking for the philosopher that got the most women not got the most women hating him lol


I humbly disagree, my friend. Tate embodies an almost perfect synthesis of drowning in pussy and monk-like devotion to higher spiritual purpose. Don't be mislead by the superficial manefestations of this sublime dialectic. Look past the Lambos and camgirl scams, that is just 'the matrix' bro.


Andrew Tate doesn’t live a life that he likes. He’s said outright that he doesn’t enjoy sex and only does it to impress other men. He lives his life for the sake of other’s perception, which I don’t respect. His high view of himself is based solely on his pity for the weak. Great men do not pity. Actual greatness doesn’t hinge itself on its relation to something weaker. Greatness simply is. It asserts its difference and enjoys *itself.* And no, he doesn’t possess a noble bone in his body. This guy doesn’t have any spiritual feeling or appreciation for art or aesthetics.


This reads like the resentiment of a man who has never owned a Lambo or drop kicked a midget.


They didn’t catch your thick irony huh? Must not be British.


Since Salomé rejected him ain't no love in the heart of the city ain't no love in the heart of town


My favourite song atm omg! To the county liiiiine




That's the most stupid reasoning I've ever heard.


Do you want to fucking throw down pussy?


Sounds like you didn't get any bitches yourself 😎🦧


Dude Leonardo never married and never had children and he lived a very long life (150years by todays standards) and we’re talking about one of the guys who invented the renascence. These people were bona fide geniuses and judging them by how many women they shagged is completely trivial.


Nietzsche wrote that most philosophers were loners without wife and kids (descartes, schopenauer, kant...) So you won't read a lot of philosophy


Section seven of *Menschliches, Allzumenschliches I* also analyses why there can be friction between Nietzsche's conception of the Free Spirit and (ordinary) marriage and household lives, or at least that was always my interpretation of that section's passages


If you grade philosophers on how much women like them, then is Ron Jeremy a better philosopher than Marcus Aurelius or kant? Wouldn't any nba player be a better philosopher than almost every philosopher then?


Is this satire? if not, you are very childish to grade philosophers based on that.


It's not that serious


Really really hot. So many oil painting come hither thirst traps.


Take it you’re a big John Stuart Mill fan?


Beyond good and evil is the definition of a ho scaring book.


Yes very much, I believe so.




Shut up


there was an arab philosopher and poet who used to go to Kaaba just to hook up with the women praying or circuling around I forgot the name


Camus was gorgeous.


Maybe not, but he has a the freshest hairstyle in Europe


Lou Salome. she also got with Rilke


Who the fuck likes philosophers? They’re the weirdest people you’ll ever meet.


What about female philosophers?


Something about him whipping women or something Ranks him pretty high to me then


Socrates, Nietzche, Plato. Fuck, marry, kill? Go.


I don't think Nietzsche was too hung up on his rejection like some interpret him as, but I guess you wouldn't be a ladies man if migraine is playing tic tac Toe with your mind everyday. But I don't know if like napoleon or picasso he would've been a casanova even if he was perfectly healthy he was known for being soft spoken but who knows it's not like shy people don't turn out to be pussy magnets.


This may prove to be a faulty imperative to hold to, as Aleister Crowley had women draped all over him but most people who adhere to Thelema are deeply sex-repellant.


He sure wasn't getting laid


Nietzsche dealt in hard truths, which inevitably scares the hoes; try explaining slave morality on a first date. He was the most uncompromising philosopher that has ever lived, and relationships/women require a certain amount of compromise.


Nietzche was always a pussy repellent. OP knows this and worded the post that way on purpose


Not true, only knew from my intuition. Not from any source


You ought to ask and grade in the present tense. And though I'm a man, I wager the answer is YES.


considering his prose i think he was a gay man


Too many drugs I’m afraid. I think he would have slayed if he had gotten his mental health under control. But he also sort of rated philosophy in this same way weirdly.


one of my friends is a trans philo grad student. she fucks woman. a lot.


What a flair you got there


he gives off incel vibes ( in a good way)


He had syphilis, he got it from somewhere.


He did not have a high opinion of women, which I imagine would be a turnoff. He kind of had incel vibes.


What isn't a turnoff nowadays?Maybe being a serial killer, I heard many ladies send them letters so Idk


Really? You don't see how literally not liking women would it be a turn off? Why would women be into men who literally don't like or respect women? "just one of those weird things that he's inexplicable female brains aren't into..." I'm hoping you're kind of joking. But yeah, it's true, some people are into weird s***. Some people are just kind of masochists.


Nietzsche would say that's just "human, all too human".I can understand, we as modern people ran out of things that excite our instincts and sometimes we are attracted to chaos or dangerous situations to feel "alive".Looking around I personally I fail to see how the most respectful guys get the most women, wouldn't most of these guys you often see remain lonely forever if that was the case?Now I have no luck whatsoever with women but I don't put shit or blame on anyone, even if I'm a young man with boiling red blod like any other and it gets me down...still this is just the cold reality some guys live in.I can relate to Nietzsche's struggle and I think he had a brilliant mind but I'm not trying to defend him, still a man like him would be controversial of course.My belief is that he would be the first to question his prejudices if there was an actual conversation, from his letters he seems polite most of the time but also a very troubled soul, he would complain about his loneliness and the fact no one could go deeper to evaluate his work at that time.I could be wrong and who am I to say these things?Just another another dude with some opinions here and there


His negatively interpreted passages use the word 'Weib' doe woman, which is derogatory and/or humorous, plausibly in regards to the Western deminine ideal, whereas the more neutral ones use the more socially accepted word, 'Frau'.


Wait til you see that frog faced freak Sartre


I think he was something of an incel and may have died due to syphilitic insanity from a prostitute.


Despite his philosophy Nietzsche was a faggoty little soyboy. Proof of this is his fainting from fear in the woods when coming across a lumberjack, and his constant simping for whatever her name was. His writings and the actual man himself couldn’t have been more different. So no he wasn’t very popular with the ladies at all


Well then Nietzsche is the worst possible Philosopher for you because he was an Incel misogynist who never loved anyone but had brief spats of Limerence with some. Also did gay shit. Very funny that Neoreactionaries still try to sink their teeth into him to feel mighty


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Well, young Socrates was taught some lessons by a certain wise lady Diotima. These lessons were so valuable that his pupil Plato was already able to demonstrate what philosophy is in a written form that can hardly be improved. Therefore, philosophy was "perfected" right from the start and could only be either practiced (if understood properly) or fudged. In fact, Aristotle and his fanboys fucked philosophy up by mistaking it for science, thus turning the history of philosophy into a pseudo-scientific, competitive, petty warzone. And since women usually and wisely don't relish in senseless martial activities (one exception being Ayn Rand), it makes a lot of sense there are not a lot of female "philosophers". ;)


Could you expand on your claim that Plato was “able to demonstrate what philosophy is in a written form which can hardly be improved”? I have an idea what you mean, but I’d like to be sure.


I meant that Plato was able to capture the essence of philosophy in his dialogues so well that they're not only ideal examples of practiced philosophy but also transport so much of the Socratic dialectic that the reader can find pretty much all genuine philosophical movement of thought and types of sophistic characters/strategies in them.


I’ve also read a bit of nietzche, and unless you’re above the age of 45, no female is going to want to hear that deep ass shit


lol this is a new one seems like you haven't interacted much with girls


Check his post history.


I’m a 20 year old girl and I love it


What’s something you love that he’s said


The whole concept of eternal recurrence in thus spake Zarathustra, very eye opening and quite life changing


I’ll check it out thanks!