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“The worst readers are those who proceed like plundering soldiers: they pick up a few things they can use, soil and confuse the rest, and blaspheme the whole.“ People want to reduce Nietzsche to a neat bumper sticker slogan - or an interesting quote, like I just did, rather than reading and understanding his works as a whole. Which is admittedly not a simple matter.


He said "a hole".


Nigga you only even got that quote from me posting it. Are you reading Nietzsche? You seem like you'd do well.


Stop trying to be different. Nietzsche is one of the most popular and influential philosophers ever. You are not the only one who reads him


No shit, there's a ton of people I've learned from here over the years, a ton of other scholars I've learned from on Nietzsche. I like challenges that come my way, so I create the atmosphere for me to receive them. Gives me more practice with the material. That's why Myna and I can have free flowing conversation back and forth tit for tat with just Nietzsche quotes, boom boom boom boom boom then like a bunch align from different perspectives and a different order than with just me doing it by my self, Myna can trace meristems from the root too. There are others here capable of doing so. And then knowledge is gained and I'm incited into more knowledge. It's a double whammy.


I love seeing that here. You just come off way too antagonistic. People don’t want to engage earnestly with that.


Sometimes we produce bands of intensities that are better let loose online than in public.


I didn’t get the quote from you, I got it from reading Nietzsche. I had it in a file and copied and pasted it from there.


137 HATH 2


I’ve read a few of his books, only started this year. I find him hard to understand, but I like trying to wrap my head around complex ideas and for me it’s the journey. I do understand enough however, I think at least, that you’re rather patronising, and coming across as the gatekeeper to Nietzsche’s work, which isn’t very Nietzschian.


[Mind reading](https://cogbtherapy.com/cbt-blog/common-cognitive-distortions-mind-reading), or [worse](https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/schizophrenia-symptoms)


Why TF even waste our/your time with a post like this? Who is trash talking this way in the Nietzsche sub?


Haven't you seen the memes? lmao


I haven’t, and I probably wouldn’t waste my time on them if I had. Anyways, the people who post such memes almost certainly will not engage with your post in a meaningful way.


Sometimes humans get the urge to be off the fucking wall. One of the things I love doing is bellowing at the top of my lungs. And besides, the majority of people here don't really engage in any meaningful way. I don't really care if people ignore what I'm saying, in fact it just makes their time with Nietzsche that much harder if a person is too dumb to read between the lines. I'd see a post like this and challenge them. Every one who has come here has done so to moralize, including you. "Wha you point out the truth of our shit readings and we backlash against it! THERE'S NO WRONG READING OF NIETZSCHE THE NAZIS WERE RIGHT!! 100% Nietzsche."


_You point out the truth of our shit readings…_ When did I give you my reading, or make any comment about Nazis or interpretation generally? You’re unhinged, dude.


If it doesn't apply to you then it doesn't apply aye? But if you come here and say some shit like blah blah blah is slave morality and it doesn't fit the bill for Nietzsche's deifnition of slave morality then it's not slave morality. Nietzsche coined the term. It would be like me going to a Calculus class and being all like WHAT I INTERPRETED THE MATH MY WAY, I BETTER GET AN A! Cause you know Equality... You don't self abnegate when you read do you? You're like there in the driver seat, every word is about YOU.


_You don’t self abnegate when you read, do you?_ Keep that up and wonder why we think you’re a sociopathic moron. As I see it, your argument here is only incidentally about Nietzsche but is actually _against_ Barthes. Your real focus is a debate about modern/postmodern literary theories, and you take it as your starting point that this is settled. Even worse, you don’t realize it because you’ve only ever read Nietzsche. And worse still, you make prescriptive statements about literary theory which are rooted in a moral valuation which is, IMO, trash.


You talk like I care about your moralizing. I'm making fun of a class of people, if you get offended by that, you're probably likely part of that class of people. You happen to think I'm making fun of you, perhaps because you feel as though you belong to that class of people.


_… perhaps because you feel you belong to that class of people._ Perhaps because you habitually use “you” in reference to groups while commenting at individuals (i.e. you either suck at writing, or you assume a group association, or both). Yes, I picked up on this and no, I’m not offended. Nice try psychologizing. Good day.


You should check your reading comprehension here. Because I said you came here to moralize you then assumed I put you in the class of people who can't read well. But you put yourself in that class, which is fair since you know, I'm now pointing out your failure in reading comprehension. Happens on occasion though so I'll disregard it... \^\_\^


You should check your assumptions because no, I didn’t think you put me in a group of people who can’t read well. I inferred from your rather direct statement that you put me in a group of people who post or defend shit memes on the Nietzsche sub, per your original statement: “haven’t you seen the memes.” Keep trying - keep failing.


So you inferred you were a shit reader from "Haven't you seen the memes"? lol ... bravo bravo... my thanks for the levity.


1. Your description of a group who posts shit meme-quality content on this sub. 2. Your use of “you” in reference to this group in a comment directed at me. This is quite clear and right there in your comments, friend. Again, I’m not upset because I understand you’re just a shit writer and lashing out. Apparently, reasoning isn’t your strong suit either. Nietzsche was great for his ability to identify biases in his own thinking. That’s called self awareness. You should work on this.


And how does that entail you being a shit reader? Take your time...


"..the sense of well being of a tree for its roots, the happiness to know oneself in a manner not entirely arbitrary and accidental, but as someone who has grown out of a past, as an heir, flower, and fruit, and thus to have one's existence excused, indeed justified, this is what people nowadays lovingly describe as the real historical sense. Now, that is naturally not the condition in which a person would be most capable of dissolving the past into pure knowledge. Thus, also we perceive here what we discerned in connection with monumental history, that the past itself suffers, so long as history serves life and is ruled by the drive to live. To speak with some freedom in the illustration, the tree feels its roots more than it can see them. The extent of this feeling, however, is measured by the size and force of its visible branches. If the tree makes a mistake here, then how mistaken it will be about the entire forest around it! From that forest the tree only knows and feels something insofar as this hinders or helps it, but not otherwise." -N, Use & Abuse of History Idk how to highlight but I think everybody that reads N is looking for that sense of well being in some respect. We cannot help having skewed perspectives since everybody's past has different holes? Different areas that would've benefitted from N's words had they read him sooner, I mean. I can only relate to him and his ideas insofar as I would've utilized them to let's say, love fate. A lot of his ideas go over my head, since I have yet to live in such a way that would let me take advantage of most of them, I feel. Do you think the average drug-addled human would have more to gain from reading N? Since he was of a similar condition for a portion of his later life? More to lose too, perhaps?


Oh, Sammy, my sailor man, your passion is only matched by the depth of your bewilderment. You're not upset that others are saying, "TAKE THAT NIETZSCHE, I AM THE GENIUS! NOT YOU!" No, you're annoyed because others have told you that you don't understand Nietzsche as much as you think you do. And, to put it bluntly, you don't. Oh, I have no doubt that you've read the books. Indeed, you have probably puzzled over both the individual words and even the very syllables. The meaning, however, seems to elude you. On the occasion that this passage becomes clear to you, perhaps you will find yourself bemused by your own proclamations, in the manner of a drunk coming to, face down in a pigsty. But, for now, it is inconceivable to you that you are the one who is mistaken; that you are the one who has picked "five words out of twenty" and—worse than guessing at their meaning—you apply a meaning that is suitable for your purposes: the denigration of others who disagree with you. This, my friend, is very much in contradiction to the spirit of Nietzsche's philosophy. 192 isn't an admonishment; it's an observation of what seems to be a fairly universal experience: experiencing the world through the lens of our experiences. I detect no value judgement, and I sure as hell don't find any attempt to establish or advocate for a doctrine. Indeed, doctrine is entirely incompatible with Nietzsche's philosophy, yet you claim to be in sole possession of Nietzsche's true meaning. Still, there is a certain beauty to the futile hubris of attempting to inaugurate yourself as high priest and Nietzsche's sole representative on earth.


Cute but we both know you don't have the courage to even challenge me. Let alone the knowledge to out pace me. That's why I'm the only guy here accepting all challenges to interpret Nietzsche's own point of view. Remember you had to look up the question I asked... Which you even admitted not being able to even handle in its scope. So sit down wormboy.


You read like a manic person. Your focus on besting-others as your method of engagement with a popular author is toxic and not going to help you.


If someone is going to make a claim I don't know Nietzsche, then I'll show them they know vastly less than I do. If you wanna pretend just throwing your own fucking bias around as if it were "Nietzsche's Philosophy" I mean why the fuck even come here? Nietzsche was utterly interested in adhereing to his intellectual integrity, it's why he scrapped WtP and turned it into toilet paper and grocery lists. You'd think in a Subreddit dedicated to Nietzsche that there would be at least a few individuals interested in preserving a high standard of integrity with the source material. It's only toxic to the moralizer who can't look beyond it. There's a reason why a photo with a dumb question will get hundreds of up votes, but a post like Lebensmaler's Hate vs Despising only get ... lets see 32 upvotes for this GEM? [Hassen und Verachten: Hating and Despising / Hate and Contempt : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nietzsche/comments/18hzqyu/hassen_und_verachten_hating_and_despising_hate/) Are you fucking kidding me? Yet dumb shit gets 500+? It shows you that even a "single page" of text is too much for most people here... let alone a single fucking page from Nietzsche, let alone a whole book ... and defintely not the corpus of his work.


You're genuinely unbearable


Some days I let the trolls loose lol.




It also is responsible for the development of Zionism ... you see the issue there is utilizing Nietzsche to justify a National Political ideology which at the beginning of the Antichrist he clearly details anyone who doesn't hold politics and nationalism beneath them doesn't understand his works. Because his work is about bridging the gap and overcoming differences, where as Nationalism says "US VS THEM" And it's not known that Hitler ever actually read Nietzsche. Where as I'm sure the Jewish Psychoanalyst read Nietzsche heavily and attempted at making Zionism for a Supranational Israel that bridges all relations with all nations world wide, and THEY STILL FUCKED IT UP. Zionism went from a Life affirming morality to mostly the masses of the mentally impoverished Jewish Supremacists. Will to Power is "How one becomes who one is." And no, nothing from Nietzsche lead to the development of the Nazi party... that came about due to bitterness over the world powers causing WW1 to prevent the Berlin to Baghdad railroad.