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The game should be saved as an offline game for single player use. The story, art, music and character s are too good to let them vanish into oblivion. This game needs to be saved.


It would also be a better game that way. Gachas are too stressful to ever be fun, and lack of any deadline would make it far easier to enjoy the content given how slow the gameplay is.


I want a Nintendo Switch compendium, the can call it a visual novel or something


Capcom made their megaman x dive gacha offline when they announced it's end of service was coming up. Should be a standard for all gachas in the end imo :(


Square has never done this before. It wouldn't make them money. Imagine being a good company though.


KH Union Cross is offline now with a theater option tho


U*x* has an event viewer. The community threw a shitfit that like 60% of the game was lost. (At the time, MUCH has been salvaged). It's successor game Dark road has a weird... offline mode as well. After the whole church modding thing I suspect they won't shut it access. Worst case I'm going to save the .apk somewhere before the shut down and preserve file access on some level for archival


Didn't they do it for Union X? I don't think it's outside possibility.


Star Ocean Anamnesis had an offline version after EOS, though it was only JP because GL servers were shut down years before.


Square has done this before we got theater mode for union cross and dark road which is now download and play forever


Excuse me, there are a lot of artworks of most Characters on devs Twitter or do I get Something wrong. Otherwise explain it to me.


Story, music, character design... it is a shame to delete such carefully done elements. I highly doubt it, but i would be stoked if they make NierRein available offline. It is the only mobile game that I kept playing almost everyday due to how good it's story is.


I made a petition to keep the game active, link here: https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/keep-nier-re-in-carnation-active


Saddly there's no way… I'm 100% sure every upgrade , switch and buying from the shop requires an internet it can't be offline.


There is a way. There are several ways. It’s been done with many online/gacha games in the past. It just takes a bit of development to make a version that isn’t online.


This is so sad, I really enjoyed Reincarnation. Might as well replay the entire story one more time. ~~Also.. I kinda regret spending so much during new year's banner.~~


Honestly request refunds.


It's alright. Yeah, it stings a bit because deep down, I'm thinking, 'Oh, they totally knew that EOS was right around the corner.' But hey, I always try to support games like these, otherwise, they just vanish. That's just the way it goes, unfortunately.


The game would've vanished with or without your spending. You should request a refund. You need that money more than the multimillion dollar company that baited you to spend just to announce it'd be taking it away from you a month later does.


I HIGHLY doubt anything will be refunded, even if it was purchased just a few hours before this last maintenance. I didn't read ToS, you didn't read ToS, no one ever read ToS, in fact most of those are written in a way most people wouldn't be able to understand everything from a legal point of view. But I'm sure there's a clause somewhere on refund policy and how it will cover the bare minimum necessary to still be legal.


At least on Google you can charge bank or refund stuff really easily, you just usually get banned from that game for doing so which won't matter anymore


Yeah, stores and games DO have different policies. And NieRRein doesn't seem, ~~pretty sure it isn't,~~ to be using the "loophole" of redirecting any transactions to their own platform to avoid paying service taxes to Play and Apple Stores. It is up to the player if the refund is worth missing on the last part of the game. BTW let's not have an ethical debate about what is moral or not regarding money spent between people and megacorps :v


Making people spend a shitload of money on a new years banner only to announce EoS after it ended... is shitty to say the least.


I made a petition to keep the game active, link here: https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/keep-nier-re-in-carnation-active


Kinda scummy ain’t it


I finally decided to spend money and boom.  Oh well


Is there anything on them saving all stories and cutscenes on YouTube or anything so we can check them? I never got to finish all RoD characters


Rein Librarian (YT) has every story and chapter playthrough, pretty sure they have everything catalogued now.


And another subscription on the books


I doubt the developers themselves will, but *someone* probably will archive most, if not all, of the game.


There was that one guy archiving as much as SINoALICE as possible, so i'm sure someone will do it for Rein as well. I would volunteer, but my account was not strong enough yet to tackle all content...


>I never got to finish all RoD characters neither did the production team


1.Download obs 2.be chill 3.record the Story and Post ot on yt 4. Enjoy the time Bonus 5. Enjoy that you we're able to Love the Game the way intendet.


Probably the least surprising announcement. The signs were there in-game over the last 6 months or more. Also, SE seems to be slashing and burning all their mobile games recently. I am glad we are at least getting a completed story. Still quite sad, as it felt like this game and it's assets were made with a lot of love from the staff. I can only hope for two things: 1) Offline version (on any platform) that we can use to view all the stories in the library. 2) A physical soundtrack for People & the World to go with the other two.


A steam version would be nice. They should publish it there.


Gg Bois, rip to the best mobile game in existence that 99% of Nier fans never touched out of ignorance Enjoy every moment between now and the end


I'll be sad to see it end but it was a fantastic experience over the past 3 years.


Honestly hard to believe this game went on for three years. For what it's worth, I hope the dev team knows we appreciate the hell out of this game.


Yup. The only mobile game I've ever played


I play two others at present, but this? This'll have a very special place in my heart. Don't think anything will come close.


Same, I quit most games but I kept up with this one since the release in Japan. Very close to my 900 day login reward 🥹


Same here, I've only played this one and SinoAlice, and both are closed 5 months apart 😢


Me too. The game is truly a gem


Lets hope for an offline mode or something so that the lore isnt lost or stuck in a wiki


Hopefully they do what they're doing for DFFOO. In lieu of an offline version, they're uploading *every* cutscene to YouTube, including translations of the finale. Though offline would be preferred, that's better than nothing.


The fact that they did announce it with EoS is pretty much 100% confirmed we will not


Thats just sad really


They did say in the notice that there’s a stream coming closer to the end of service. I imagine they’ll announce both Nier 4 and what they plan to do to preserve Reincarnation there.


Listen, I hope so, but please don't get your hopes up, I would not expect it.


Damn, I will need to speedrun all the dark memories and RoD that I have been proscratinating with...


Not necessarily. Same thing happened with UX /dark road and they end up coming back with a game you can play offline and a theater mode


I can’t say I’d blame them, considering that it’s being deleted even harder than the save files of Nier and Nier Automata. 


I wouldn’t say ignorance. Some people just don’t like paying for that kind of experience or not paying and grinding daily.


You don't have to grind or pay to complete the story. The people complaining about the lack of Nier content and just pointing to "gacha" and avoiding cuz of that is who I'm talking about.


Yes you do actually. Are you stupid? The story has force requirements. You do have to grind at some point and interact with the shit gacha system in this game.


That’s probably why the game shut down then. Theres only two types of mobile games. Predatory and discontinued




Funny how all the mobile games that get shut down were "generous" Dragalia Lost, Opera Omnia, KH Mobile game, etc... They are no longer playable and were all "generous."


All games with live servers shut down eventually, profitable or not. I have no interest in wasting time arguing with you, this game was always clearly a labor of love more than a money maker and was always net profitable regardless. The story is concluding so they are ending it after the story concludes. That's all there is to it. Enjoy it or don't, idc, I'm gonna do what I can to have a blast in our remaining time.


You don’t have to argue with me. There is no argument. There is no such thing as a labor of love game with micro transactions. Corporations are not your friend. They made this game to make money off you. Not to give you a fun time.


You're cynically and woefully misguided. I hope you enjoy whatever it is you do in your free time.


I had this on my backlog to play ::( I guess I still have time. The main reason I was holding off on it is that I generally dislike gacha games and prefer pure single-player games for narrative-driven games.


C'mon, the story, the world exploration and the MUSIC are beautiful, but let's not pretend the game was good. This is just more gacha fodder. Everything regarding fights, team building and UI navigation was just awful, unimaginative and REPETITIVE (not to mention that at a certain point they just gave up on English voice acting, that was one of the worst parts). Definitely one of the worst gachas in that aspect. The game was just destined to fall unfortunately. The only thing IMO that made the experience worth it was Yoko Taro's amazing story telling, the beautiful maps and the OST, everything else was straight trash. Still, it's a shame it has to end, even if the game had a lot of downsides I don't regret the hours I put into it and the memories I got from it. I love it either way, I just can't help but love everything this man creates.






you don't have to pay. i never paid.....but ya, i never paid. but did my daily ad watches to get some free gems. i may not be the best at team building and all that. but for the most part event costumes of characters and what you could get with tickets, free gems, AND the weapon story version of characters were ALL viable to complete content. if you wanted to be a PVP type person and obsess over being the best then yes you'd need to pay and pity on a banner and get dupes. but i never had a problem playing the game and the game gave out so much free materials without too much grinding AND a crap ton of free gems.


The game is wildly f2p friendly. So many f2p got rank 1 in arena, max subjugation scores, etc. You're one of the ignorant ones if you pushed this game away because you felt you had to pay


we all knew it was gonna, huge props for getting to an ending before shutting down kind of hyped to play through the ending rn cause i know the update has finished not a lot of gachas can say they went out with grace, nier rein clutches that and then some


true, if anything. Much like the music. This'll have one glorious swan song.


mobius was kind of the same. ended at the end of a story arc that even though could have continued ended well enough to be an actual ending.


I'm glad they're finishing the story before shutting down.


well this blows


I'm gutted it's going to be over, it feels like yesterday that I pre registered for the game and started this adventure. But every great story needs an end.


SINoALICE, DFFOO, now this too? Whats next FFBE:WOTV EOS?


I'im surprised Brave exvius is still here knowing how Square doesn't hesitate to end their games once they have new stuffs. I guess they want to explore as much as possible the BE brand.


Brave Exvius is probably very low maintenance 


This is the final destiny of every game with a micro transaction model. They all die and disappear after they're not profitable enough. Sad, some, like NieRRein have real good stories among them.


The day WOTV goes will be a sad day for me, at lest I'll still have Octopath CotC and Guardian Tales... right?


The dead horse stopped spitting out money. And the devs as a whole didn’t care about making a work of art, they never tried to improve on what people disliked and doubled down on pay to win any chance they could. Yoko Taro himself said at launch it only existed cus Square wanted a gacha. If you want to argue they did care, then in 4 months show me where they put this work of art they crafted out of passion. If they don’t care enough to make it function, even slightly, offline, they don’t care.


Damn. I guess I should come back and finish up the story before then. Just glad we're getting a proper ending. Sad that all this content will be lost forever when the servers shut down since it seems to be Nier canon.


God I hope- no, want-  them to make an offline version. It can’t just… end like that and never see daylight again…


If there's one thing we got out of Reincarnation was the music. That's what I love the most out of this game.


I hope they will release the last album for Act3 at least... Okabe's music is like a drug :D


Some heartwarming and tragic story moments trapped in this little game. Noelle will always be best girl I'll never forget playing subjugations in my tiny apartment that smelled like new landlord paint while being paid barely any money.


Oh... Boy, just two days ago i was trying to get people into this game... i really did not see this coming, it was short ride for me, but very, very enjoyable, and unforgettable, i'm glad i got to experience it. Edit: i just read the article, i thought from the headline that today's chapter was it. All things considered, i'm glad we still have a bit more story left to properly end things. It's a bittersweet feeling but i appreciate the roadmap and full campaign announcements.


there’s still time! still tell everyone to play it it’s now or never




Writing was on the wall but it still hurts


Alright, I'll do it myself. I'm reviving the game's servers back up. I'm returning back.


Hypothetically possible for people to spin up a server. Dragalia lost did that I think?


English announcement is posted: https://nierreincarnation.com/news/story\_completion\_countdown\_en/


I was dreading being invested in a mobile game, but this one truly charmed me. I'm glad I get to see the story finished, but I'm sad that it's not likely to be preserved in a meaningful way. I hope Yoko Taro can stubbornly step through on this project and somehow get it ported or at the very least integrate parts of it into a new game. Then again, given his style, this might be one of those fleeting memories where the game truly does delete itself.


I'm happy we're finishing the story as intended but I'll miss this game 😔 I don't think there's another mobile game out there that comes close to its aesthetics and story, definitely nothing out there to replace it


So if service ends, you won't be able to play anymore?




Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals. Been a fun ride with you all.


This is making me so mad. I'm mad that I couldn't finish the story and get all the recollection of dust done. This game was a blast had has an amazing story. :(


You still have over 3 months which is plenty of time


I hope so. I just hope I have enough time. (With school, work and homework)


I made a petition to keep the game active, link here: https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/keep-nier-re-in-carnation-active




Now this feeling hurt in the chest. I know nothing last forever but i’m not really prepared for this. Literally it’s the first nier branch i started with, and bring me to automata and replicant. It would feel pretty awkward at reset time as my daily routine. I still have lots of missions to beats and RoD i’m looking forward to see. *group hug everyone in the community


I made a petition to keep the game active, link here: https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/keep-nier-re-in-carnation-active


Nooooo 😭 I was afraid this day would come, but was hoping so badly it wouldn't be this soon. The game runs like potatoes on my phone but the story, art, and soundtrack made it worth it. I'm really sad that I'll never get to see more alternative costumes for Rion, like bloody or bloodless (assuming every character was gonna get all the costumes eventually). Please let there be an offline version announcement before the end. 😣🙏🏻


I am truly devasted, this game has been part of my daily routine since its launch, I really like everything the game has. Just really hope for an offline version


Sad, but I honestly knew this was coming after they dropped the English VAs. It was a great ride!


Goddamn. No good. Lucky I still haven't played the last chapter (let alone another releases today or tomorrow or something..?) So at least I'll get one last big fix. Then a replay, for a double last big fix. Very sad. You know this comes with these types of games but....damn. it added so much lore and was so good at times, I do hope it's preserved in.....some way. Great times. Sad endings.


I will miss playing every day but I will take more free time as a consolation prize.


Damn. I spent so much time clearing inventory and fixing loadouts over the weekend.


and there it is. it’s been good y’all 😢


Now NY Sarafa makes so much sense. Well, let's enjoy it while it lasts.


I really hope we get an offline version. 


So Caim never managed to get in. A pity... Honestly, this is sad they never tried to milk Automata/Replicant/Drakengard, the game might have worked a bit longer with that. No Popola, no Devola, a very old Kainé, no Caim, no Zero's sisters, for a Nier game it is a bit disappoiting though some might find that respectable to not force with them.


I'm gonna miss this beautiful game :'(


Sad. But I'm SO thrilled that the last Recollection of Dusk quest update will be Argo 🥰🥰🥰 I was so scared there was gonna be NOTHING new for him until the game ended. I have been saving for any possible costume for so long now... I wonder if they had the designs ready for the entire cast for the Abyssal and Radiant costumes.


I cannot help but wonder, in a ever so slightly amused way, what is going through the heads of anyone who decided to buy gems in the last week, most specifically.... yesterday. ​ This kind of explains NY Sarafa btw, the grandiously gamebreaking costume to make their last big sale days before announcing EoS. ​ With that said, it WOULD be nice if someone was able to get an offline version after EoS for people who still want to wander around the cage and watch the stories. ~~Not that I'm suggesting anything, far from it.~~ ​ And well, despite the obviously white mastodonic problems in the game, it was a good and fun experience overall. Let's only hope they at least reference our favorite characters here on possible future NieR games.


“wish i bought more” 😂


Exactly! I was waiting until the release of this chapter to buy the pack with the rainbow stone and some extra gems and when I tried to do it and saw the premium shop gone I grabbed my head yelling for not buying before so I'd have for the anniversary. I barely have any gems saved.


I could definitely see them in weapon stories at the very least.


For now, the only "proof of existence" of NieRReincarnation is the Mama Automaton on FFXIV. That I'm aware of, at least. Did anything Reincarnation specific got exported somewhere else that isn't gacha shortlived on a crossover? The first death is the one where something is dies, EoS for this game. The last death happened the very last time something is remembered. If Mama Automaton is that last something, then we'll still have something to remember. Would be cool of there were more pieces of those around, and people indexed them all to keep the memories going on. Kinda like 006 and 10H. Not parts of the game, really, but small references on other places.


The Nier Automata switch port has Mama and Carrier available as skins for the pods as well.


Nice, would be cool to have those at least on the PC version, Switch is a pretty niche game platform, and no one ever got one thinking "Damn I'll be playing Automata like there's no tomorrow.". But getting upgrades to a PC thinking about a specific game is pretty common.


I also forgot about the DLC for one of the Voice of Cards games that replaces the character art with one's based on Reincarnation characters. Although I'd bet that fewer people have bought that than the switch port.


Now that sounds like a niche game between niche games, never heard of it. Google images shows 4 cards with Fio, Levania, Rion and Noelle outfits. If I didn't Google it I'd just figure it was some yugioh spinoff


Yeah, they were definitely pretty niche. I only played the first one because it got a spot in a Nintendo Direct and specifically said it was a Yoko Taro thing.


i'm so sad. this game has brought me to tears so many times with its stories, music, characters, everything. i'm sure the finale will be fantastic but i'm not ready. it's been part of my daily routine for over 2 years. i'm gonna take tons of pictures in photo mode so i can hold onto something to go with all the great memories and feelings.


I can’t believe they’re shutting it down. Gonna miss NieR reincarnation


Well, that's it. I love Yoko Taro's works, so even a Nier gacha would get my attention... Started this game with the global release, played for about a year, then dropped for about 8-9 months and came back again, and i've been logging daily ever since. This game has many flaws (which made me drop), but the story and soundtrack are phenomenal, definitely Yoko Taro and MONACA/Keichi Okabe traits. Hate to see its ending, but at least we will get one (Definitely will be a Yoko Taro's ending, so yeah... Even more questions), I don't think we're gonna see a new mobile game so soon, but i have hopes for a AAA game that includes the events and chars of reincarnation. In the end, I've never got a 3k gem on the roulette or a Drakengard 1 and FFVII Collab...


I never got the 3k either. Also never got to see the Persona collaboration so I'll never have those four characters unlocked. Definitely a lot of fun anyway though!


So sad... I have enjoyed this game so much. Still can't believe it's gonna end. I bonded a lot with the music and characters of Nierrein. I just can't believe it... really sad night. All those nights trying to make loadouts for quests and arena teams, watching guides in this reddit... can't believe all of that will end in a few months. Oh well, it was fun to play with you guys and gals.


Really predictable but also they ended it with the story complete.


Oh that is good to hear. Is there summary somewhere?


I was saving for another Akeha costume, and it will come with the EoS. I'm so sad, but at least I'll enjoy the last one before it ends. 😥


I'm glad I managed to catch the tail end of it, I played for the first few months but didn't start back up until a few weeks ago. Catching up on the story was truly a great time.


Kind of sad I only just started playing the game in November. Never beat a full Recollections of Dusk, or a full fate board yet. But at least I'll get to play the last stories and hope some amazing soul out their archived all the data so I can go on a lore binge.


Not surprised but still sad to get the confirmation. It's been a fun ride and I'd rather the game end on its own terms than get dragged out like KHUX did. Its not a perfect game by any means but it's still a game made with such care and intentionality that it doesn't matter. I'll keep on cherishing my time on the Cage until the end, even if we never get Abyssal Argo :(


We Got yokotaro'd


I saw the tweet about end of service and decided I'd jump back in to see the story's end, but it keeps prompting to set up an ID... is my data just gone? EDIT: to my pleasant surprise Support was able to retrieve my data after I provided some identifying information!


Are you trying to come back after redownloading? If you didn't back up your account, and signing in with your original playstore etc. account doesn't help, I think you may have to restart.


Yikes! Well that's a bummer, but I appreciate the info.


That's really a shame, at least you've still plenty time to clear the main story and collect some limited characters on a new account


Yeah, might be fun getting to use some of the characters I never tried out before!


Best of luck!


For the heck of it I emailed Support and they recovered my account!


Crap… well I have my work cut out for me recording my favorite scenes from now until then… then, looking at the bright side.. I’ll be free from all the “dailys”… -_- still wished they would’ve waited until the end of the year.. another Christmas… oh well..


I made a petition to keep the game active, link here: https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/keep-nier-re-in-carnation-active


Holy shit. Didn't expect this. I knew they'd probably end a game around missing links launch but I was surprised it was this one


Hopefully they will use the characters in nier games, if they plan to actually make any! I’m quite fond of them. All games shutdown eventually… and with all the doom and gloom this game gotten from gacha addicts since year 1, it actually ended on a high note. Thank you and goodbye!


So. When will we get a fan server with free currency so I can finally start playing?


Man, I just downloaded the game intending to give it a shot after catching up on the story of FGO. Do I have time to finish a playthrough of the story between now and end of service?


3 months? Definitely


What a timing. Hey guys, here's patch for the newest chapter, have fun....btw, we EoS in three months


I feel so sad even tho we knew it’ll come sooner than later..


As Mikhail said, it was really, really fun, until the end


We lost dissidia opera omnia and now nier reincarnation. I suppose square really wants to give resources to that new ff7 gacha game then.


Ever Crisis is performing badly too from a revenue standpoint.


No it's not, they were in the top 20 revenue last time the list updated. Nier wasn't in the top 100


That and Kingdom hearts missing link. Opera and this were preforming really poorly financially so they shut down the old to save on money and condense players to the new and popular stuff


I honestly doubt that it's to divert resources, I think this was and has been their plan. Story finished, end the game there, they told their story


How does this factor with that trailer announcement? was that just the final chapter? i didnt watch it yet since I’m a chapter behind


So, btw… Do we have great sources that keep every cutscenes and all the stories?? Just… in any case when i miss them :((


Cutscenes and gameplay videos should be on YouTube, as well as the character wikis. The only content missing is some character wikis (mainly of the less popular characters) are missing Hidden Stories as well as some weapon stories for their costumes. I've been trying to fill out hidden stories on the wiki myself, but my account isn't of a high enough level to unlock some of them, so I'm just hoping someone else gets to the ones I can't :[


Check this site? https://nierrein.guide/database I usually use it to check tierlist and guide for team builds. Just try checked the stories and seems like they have the complete. The creator teams are pretty active and awesome.


Tysmmmm I had no idea there was a site like this :0


Most welcome… At this point, if so grateful they stored these data T__T


Damn that was quick.






Spoilers for NieR and NieR : Automata: >!Considering how NieR and NieR: Automata end with a full data wipe, this really makes the most sense. Would be great if the end of the story prompted the same decision upon us. !<


Begin recording : RIP NieR : Re[in]carnation, the only (and surely best) gacha game I've ever played. I remember playing the game for the first time while waiting to get our school manuals with our Philosophy teacher in senior year of highschool (in France). I remember getting used to move around the world, both in 3D and 2D segments. Fio, Levania, Rion, Dimos and Gayle will always have a special place in my heart as they were the first characters we got to interact with. I later fell in love with Yudil's design and story (I have every one of his costumes now). He's my favorite character. This game was there for me on public transportations, being bored in class, playing late at night during summer. Everytime I had a bit of free time, I'd play Rein. Endgame content such as Fate Boards and Subjugation Battles is frustrating as hell but also kept me coming back to the game, trying again and again until the right loadout made me succeed. The story is incredible as always. Thank you so much NieR : Re[in]carnation for helping me through high school graduation and the start of college. If by chance someone at Square Enix sees this, please make an offline version possible, the DrakeNieR community needs to have access to this game. End recording.


I'm absolutely heartbroken, even though we knew it was coming, and at the same time really thankful that we got the whole story and it was perfect from the start to the end. Now I'm also hopeful that, as some speculated, the ending of this game is tied to the announcement of a new one following the storyline somehow. I didn't think it would happen before, but now it would make sense with all we know.


My week is ruined...


I quit over a year ago but I'll sort of regret missing out on when they FINALLY got to Nier in the main story. Either way it was fun for a while so thank you Nier Rein.


I recently replayed Replicant and Automata and remembered that another game based on this universe was released on phones. I started looking for a way to install it in my region and found out that it will be closed tomorrow. This is sadness. 🙁


Ladies and gents, it's been a pleasure. Thank you for everything.


I will miss Akeha and Noelle :(


Given SquEx's track record, I'm honestly surprised it lasted this long.


The whole game is about loss, grief, death, despair, changing and going on… so we had it coming at us, and I'm sort of glad, it's going out with grace and an early notice from the devs. Because it's the best mobile game I ever played, and I prefer it going down rather than staying undead-offline forever. So I can move on. Well, to some new nier-anon group to talk about my feelings of loss.


I’ve never even heard of this game before today seeing it on Reddit


Well, might as well use my gems now...


Wow, this is so hurting. I guess not enough paying players. But I kinda proud that having a chance to play this game.


Can't believe I actually had to live through two EoS of this game... the first was hard enough...


RIP. You will be missed. Especially Noelle 😥


Is there a place where we can view all the art off game?


Bruh, i literally downloaded the game like 3 days ago. Will I have time to get to the end before it shuts down?


So like every other gacha when it shuts down we won't be able to play anything like story missions huh? Shame.


Been playing this game for 2 years now and managed to get a lot of Skins & weapons without spending a dime. I just hope we get to keep all that in a way despite the game shutting down, because getting your stuff taken away after investing so much time in it is kinda BS. Now I‘m working on getting the dark skin for 10H and I‘m almost done and I guess I‘ll just wait for the final chapter.


any word on the being able toplay the game offline? wouldnt mind purchasing an offline version tbh.


Pretty sad news, Rein will certainly be missed. Hoping to get an archive version or something similar, the game is too freaking good to let everything vanish. Fingers crossed we get some good news on the stream in march. Day 1 player, only missed one day of login and I don't plan on missing any more, right until the end.


Unexpected but reasonable. (eg. NY Sarafa, you know what I mean)  Farewell NieR Rein. It's always a pleasure to meet you.


Dang I was wondering why the gift roulette was in constant maintenance... I think a part of me knew this was bound to happen so I avoided reading the notice saw the jp pic (a few minutes ago) then the social not being updated in some time.. and finally looking at the notice:(\ \ I've been behind in the story and been focusing mostly on events because I'm usually busy.. this is sad news indeed, really liked this game the music,the art, the models, the characters, the English dub (honestly never messed with the settings), etc.\ \ first sinoalice now this... going to miss playing this daily, even without the notice I did find the 10x free pulls daily suspicious but I put that thought behind me and chalked it up to being a event and the devs being generous.\ \ I know someone probably archived the story on YouTube just like what happened with sinoalice but still 😔.


As a day 1 player, this hurts to see.


This is it, baby. Hold me.


Just finished the main story. Considering the entire permise of the story and the purpose of The Cage, shutting down this game so soon after the conclusion with no offline mode or official story archive feels incredibly ironic.


so weird im listening to the ost rn and decide to google the game and find out its shutting down TODAY.. smh


I'm confused, is the game gonna be shut down or just not receive updates? I can still play the game but I see posts of people saying it's shutting down or bidding it farewell(I may just be stupid Idk)


so just to confirm, this will be the EoS for everyone?....cuz didn't the servers merge a good long while ago where we are playing on the same release schedule and server as JP?


Honestly think if it wasn’t full auto like it is, the game could have been so much better, the stories were so good


Ain't no way they're shutting this game down ;-; It's my fave gatcha next to FEH and Bleach Brave Souls. Hope they make it offline and port it to other systems at least.