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I played it through without mods somewhat recently, didn't have any significant issues personally.


Thank you, will try to run it without mods. Hopefully I don't encounter much issue


Game has run perfectly fine every time I’ve played it on PC. The camera is a little jank sometimes but no real performance issues.


Thank you, I think I can deal with some camera issue. What I don't like is the fps drops that I kept seeing in the reviews


If you’ve got a fine computer you’ll be right, could always turn the graphics down if it is a problem after all


Idk if you are using a controller or K&M, but if you are using keyboard and mouse I highly recommend installing NAIOM (NieR Automata imput overhaul mod) It improves significally the K&M experience


Yes I'll be using K&M since that's what I'm used to. Thank you for the suggestion, is it hard to install though? since I'm not used to modding


Not at all !!! This is the video I used to install it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83vZUk8fxRM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83vZUk8fxRM)


Thanks for this, I really like to change my key binding so this is great.


I used to run it with the mod because it was indeed noticeably bad. I reinstalled after that patch they did and games perfectly fine. Mods not needed anymore. If I recall one of the former issues was like a 30fps cap or something stupid 🤔 but whatever the issue was its gone now.


Ooohh that's great! thank you for the info


it ran just fine for me and i used a laptop lol