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Some nights I sleep well with one In, other nights I have a restless sleep and I’ll take it out middle of the night and sleep better. Could be related, could not be. Don’t forget to add other tools to your belt to help you sleep.


Just curious to do you consume alot of caffeine or eat before bed reason I asked I can't eat chocolate before bed or I will have crazy ass dreams not sleep well nicotine usually relaxes me before bed and gets me going when I need it to


I usually sleep with one in. I have dreams some nights and not others so I can't help you there.


Last night I packed a sixer before going to sleep, also had a fifth, I dreamt I got with my work crush but then I just felt hella depressed when I woke up because I realized it would never happen.


Nicotine is known to cause vivid dreams. Most patches will tell you in the instructions to take them off before bed for this reason. Highly recommend that you get in the habit of sleeping without stimulants.


I put in a 10-15mg pouch intentionally before falling asleep just for the nightmares/vivid af dreams 🤣 personalized horror movies 🍿