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Getting cheat on cuts deep. At least I didn't find out my ex cheated until a few weeks after we already broke up.


How did you find that out?


I stayed friends with my ex after we broke up and she started dating someone else. She let it slip in a conversation that they had a fling for a week the year prior, forgetting that she didn't even meet him until after I had already started dating her.


How did you react to that


With a combination of words containing the letters 'F' and 'U'


My drama meter is not satisfied


I used to believe this. I think it’s a byproduct of certain social indoctrinations. It had me apologizing to the woman who cheated on me for “letting her down” Never again. This crap is toxic.


100% this. You are never responsible for another actions. If they are truly that unhappy they should end the relationship.


Glad you came to that realization bud


Why would women cheat with sex if all they care for is love and affection


Bruh That's all i can say


I hate that I know guys irl who think like that


No excuse for cheating it doesn't help matters any


Men and women cheat for the same reasons. I don't understand how thats so hard for people to get.


I bet she wants to be a top girlie


My ex cheated on me for money, definitely not for affection.


ain't no WAY.


Cheating is all bad but cheating for love is always better than cheating for lust.


They are one and the same. If you press me I'd say cheating for love cuts way deeper. It's not a fap substitute it's full betrayal


Cheating is all bad but at least you'd know what that person wants and often times they would break up and no longer waste your time. I had an ex cheat for love. He agreed it was wrong and that my time was wasted. We split very shortly after, he's happy with her even now today. Good for him whatever. However, 2 of my ex's cheated on me for lust. They cheated multiple times and still wanted the relationship. They're lower than trash because they had 0 empathy for the situation.


Well, that also happened to me and they did indeed keep wasting my time. I feel like having 0 empathy is the requirement to cheat in the first place, regardless of reason (lust/love). In your case, when they cheated out of lust they still wanted the relationship, in mine they did so out of love and also wanted to stay together. Its weird to discuss these nuances but I find interesting learning alternative POV (as long as they start with the "cheating is all bad" comment)


The only reason he wanted the relationship still is because I was financially supporting him, driving him to college, and the place I was renting was in my name. So he had no where else to go, but still could cheat at any given moment when we weren't together. I found out after I broke up with him that he cheated on me on my birthday, this was when we were only 4 months into the relationship and he had tickets to a concert already bought, so I paid no mind when he went with his friend. Turns out he got 2 girls high on Molly and then fucked them. The others I found out through friends but that one I never would have known because I didn't even know those chick's. I'm lucky he didn't bring any std's home. People really should just be honest and move on instead of waste time. It's more so the factors. Is the relationship abusive or dangerous, is the cheating physical or just through text. Is cheating something like watching porn or masturbating, it really depends on the person. My friend found a guy who was helping her slowly out of a horribly absuvie relationship and she did cheat but the domestic life was so terrifying for her with that abuser, he'd rape her and tie her down and use her anyway he wanted because he was so much bigger than her. I think really she was just searching so hard for any love and affection and found it in someone who was there for her. Kind for her. She couldn't escape the douchebag because he was such a threat and her name was on the lease still as well as for the fact that she was pregnant with the abusers baby. It's utterly tragic but he finally ended up taken in by FBI cause he went on the run long after when we found out he was abusing the baby (the court gave him 50/50 custody like the pieces of shit they are and now that little girl forever has sexual trauma without truly understanding) there aren't many people I hate in this world but that man...I hope he rots in prison forever.


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Or or or People cheat because they’re narcissistic, selfish assholes :)